memcached 基于libevent的事件处理

1. libevent
在 memcached 中 libevent 被用来处理网络事件(连接请求,读和写) 或者被用来实现定时器。 使用 libevent 需要包含头文件 event.h, 并且在 GCC 链接时需要使用选项 -levent


/* before using any of the functions in the library, 
 * you must call event_init() or event_base_new() to 
 * perform one-time initialization of the libevent library. 
struct event_base* event_init();

在所有其他库函数调用之前需要调用 event_init() 来初始化一个 event_base 结构。


// Associate a event with a callback (event handler)
void event_set(struct event *event, evutil_socket_t fd, short what /* the event flags */,
        void(*callback)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg);
    The event flags used in memcached 

 *    EV_TIMEOUT (0)
        This flag indicates an event that becomes active after a timeout elapses.

        The EV_TIMEOUT flag is ignored when constructing an event: you
        can either set a timeout when you add the event, or not.  It is
        set in the 'what' argument to the callback function when a timeout
        has occurred.

 *    EV_READ
        This flag indicates an event that becomes active when the provided file descriptor is ready for reading.

 *    EV_WRITE
        This flag indicates an event that becomes active when the provided file descriptor is ready for writing.

        Indicates that the event is persistent. See "About Event Persistence" below.

 调用 event_set() 来初始化一个 event 结构,并为其设置一个回调函数.


// Associate a different event base with an event. 
// The event to be associated must not be currently active or pending.
// The return value is 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int event_base_set(struct event_base *eb, struct event *ev) 

调用 event_base_set() 将一个事件 与 一个 event_base 关联。


 *  Add an event to the set of pending events
 *  @param ev      : an event struct initialized via event_set()
 *  @param timeout : the maximum amount of time to wait for the event, or NULL to wait forever.
 *  @return         : 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int event_add(struct event *ev, struct timeval *timeout);



 *  Delete a event.
 *  @param ev : the event struct to be disabled
 *  @return   : 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int event_del(struct event *ev);



/*  Loop to process events. In order to process events, 
 *  an application needs to call event_dispatch(). 
 *  event_base_dispatch() is threadsafe event dispatching loop.
 *  event_base_loop() is a more flexible version of event_base_dispatch(). 

 * @param eb    : the event_base structure returned by event_base_new() or event_base_new_with_config()
 * @param flags :    any combination of EVLOOP_ONCE | EVLOOP_NONBLOCK
 * @return      : 0 on success, -1 on failure, or 1 if we exited because no events were pending or active
int event_base_loop(struct event_base* eb, int flags);
    flags for event_base_loop :

 *    0
        run the event base until either there are no more pending or active events, 
        or until something calls event_base_loopbreak() or event_base_loopexit()

 *    EVLOOP_ONCE(1)
        Block until we have an active event, then exit once all active events have had their callbacks run. 

         Do not block: see which events are ready now, run the callbacks of the highest-priority ones, then exit. 



// functions for libevent timers
#define evtimer_set(ev, cb, arg)    event_set((ev), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
#define evtimer_add(ev, tv)        event_add((ev), (tv))
#define evtimer_del(ev)            event_del(ev)


References :


2. libevent timer

libevent can also be used to create timers that invoke a callback after a certain amount of time has expired.
The evtimer_set() function prepares an event struct to be used as a timer. To activate the timer, call evtimer_add().
Timers can be deactivated by calling evtimer_del(). (From

大意是: libevent也能被用来创建定时器,当时间到期时,能够调用一个回调函数。调用 evtimer_set() 函数初始化 timer,调用 evtimer_add() 函数激活 timer,
调用 evtimer_del() 函数删除 timer。这三个函数的定义见第1小节。

下面源代码是从 memcached.c 中抽取出来的利用 libevent timer 来更新进程运行时间的代码。


#include <event.h>        // libevent header
#include <sys/time.h>        // for gettimeofday 
#include <stdbool.h>        // for bool
#include <stdlib.h>        // for time(), EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE

/** the code below is from memcached source **/

typedef unsigned int rel_time_t; /** in memcached.h **/

// ...
time_t process_started;     /* when the process was started */
// ...
static struct event_base * main_base;
// ...

 * We keep the current time of day in a global variable that's updated by a
 * timer event. This saves us a bunch of time() system calls (we really only
 * need to get the time once a second, whereas there can be tens of thousands
 * of requests a second) and allows us to use server-start-relative timestamps
 * rather than absolute UNIX timestamps, a space savings on systems where
 * sizeof(time_t) > sizeof(unsigned int).
volatile rel_time_t current_time; 
static struct event clockevent;

static void clock_handler(const int fd, const short which, void *arg) {
    struct timeval t = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_usec = 0};
    static bool initialized = false;

    if (initialized) {
        /* only delete the event if it's actually there. */
    } else {
        initialized = true;

    evtimer_set(&clockevent, clock_handler, 0);
    event_base_set(main_base, &clockevent);
    evtimer_add(&clockevent, &t);

    struct timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    current_time = (rel_time_t) (tv.tv_sec - process_started);

// ...

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // ...
    int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    // ...

    main_base = event_init();

    #define ITEM_UPDATE_INTERVAL 60 /** originally in memcached.h **/
    process_started = time(0) - ITEM_UPDATE_INTERVAL - 2;  /** originally in stats_init() **/

    // ...
    clock_handler(0, 0, 0);
    // ...

    /* enter the event loop */
    if (event_base_loop(main_base, 0) != 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    // ...
    return retval;

memcached 实现中还利用 libevent timer 处理网络连接,具体在memcached网络通信(TODO: add a link here)中会有描述。






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