#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> //实现从源字符串string到目的字符串str的复制函数 char* stringCpy(char* str,const char* string) { char* s=str; while(*string) { *s++=*string++; } *s='\0'; //返回目的字符串的首地址 return str; } //函数将字符串string链接到字符串str的尾部 char* stringCat(char* str,const char* string) { char* s=str; //找到字符串str的尾部 while(*s) { s++; } while(*string) { *s++=*string++; } *s='\0'; //返回目的字符串的首地址 return str; } //比较大小的函数 //实现两个字符串str和string的比较 //如果str小于string返回负值,如果str大于string返回正直,如果str等于string返回0 int stringCmp(const char* str,const char* string) { while((*str)&&(*string)&&(*str==*string)) { str++; string++; } return (int)(*str-*string); } int main() { char s1[20]; const char* s2="abc"; const char* s3="def"; char* pc; int cmp; puts("**************************************"); puts("| The program will complish: |"); puts("| strcpy,strcat,strcmp |"); puts("**************************************"); printf("The string s2 is:%s\n",s2); printf("The string s3 is:%s\n",s3); pc=stringCpy(s1,s2); printf("This is stringcpy s2 to s1,s1 is :\n"); puts(pc); pc=stringCat(s1,s3); printf("This is stringcat s1 to s3,s1 is :\n"); puts(pc); cmp=stringCmp(s2,s3); if(cmp==0) printf("\nThe string s2 is equal to s3\n"); else if(cmp<0) printf("\nThe string s2 is smaller to s3\n"); else printf("\nThe string s2 is larger to s3\n"); getch();//从控制台读取一个字符,但不显示在屏幕上,实现在该位置暂停一下,按任意键继续 return 0; }