

⒛19年秋季学期 (Unit11-12) 注意事项 : 1.考试时间120分 钟,满 分120分 成绩 : 2.试 卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,答案一律填写在答题卡上 , 3.答题前,漳衤皋闰哮令秤卡△的注意事项。 4.考试结束后,将 本体颦眷积脊郏卡t矛 寒甲° 第 I卷 (共90分 ) 一 、听力测试 (共30小题 ,每小题1分 ,共 30分 ) (-)听句子 ,选 图片。 (共 5犭、题 ,每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 你将听到五个句子 ,请在下列六幅图中,选 出与所听句子内容相符的图片 , 题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。每个句子读一遍。 九年级英语科质量检测题 (六 ) 豉 犒 鳎 B C D 1. 2. 3· 4· 5 (二 )听句子,选答语。 (共5小题,每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 你将听到五个句子,请根据句子内容 ,选择恰当的答语 ,并在答题卡上将选定答案 的字母标号涂黑。每个句子读两遍。 ( )6。 A。 A11Ⅱ ght. B.That’ sa11right. C。 I hope so. ( )7.A。 Thank you a11the same。 B.It’ s nice ofyou. C。 Thank you. ( )8. A.Yes,of course. B。 I don’ t have one。 C.环厂here is your book. ( )9。 A.Iam so亻 yto he旱 r that。 B.Take it easy. C.、 ¢h甜 a pit〉 .? ( )10.A. No,thanks. B.It’ s not dehcious. C. Bread and milk. (三 )听对话,选择最佳答案。 (共 10小题 ,每小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 你将听到三段对话 ,请根据对话内容 ,选出每个问题的最佳答案 ,并在答题卡上将 选定答案的字母标号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 请听第一段对话 ,回答第11-13小题。 ( )11。 What dub does Jim join? A。 Ⅴo1unteer C1tib。 B. Hea1thy Lifesty1eC1ub。 C。 Exercise C1ub. ( )12.Where doesJim onen goto ex∝ cise? A. The park. B. The school p1ayground。 C。 The sports ha11. ( )13.Whattime d。 es Jim meet his c1ub members every Sund呷 ? A.At7:30‘ B.At⒏ 30. C,At9∶ 30。 效 · 无 · 答 · 作 · 上 · 卷 · 题 · 试 · 在 · 并在答 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 1页 请听第二段对话,回 答第14— 16小 题。 ( )14。 Who di-n’ t watch TⅤ yesterday? A. Linda s son. B。 Linda. C。 Linda s husband。 ( )15。 What TⅤ program was on CCTⅤ -3at half past seven? A。 A soccer match. B。 An action movie. C∶ A wonderful concert. ( )16. what wⅡ 1Linda buy next week? A。 A radio. B。 A TⅤ set。 C. A new dress. 请 听 第三 段 对 话 ,回 答 第17-⒛小题。 ( )17,WhaL does the womall walltto buy? A.Seafood. B. Fast food. C。 Drinks. ( )18,H。 w faristhe market分om here? A. About an hour on foot. B, 〃⒋bout an hour by taxi. C. About an hour by bus. ( )19,Why doesthe man advise tlle woman to take a busthere? A. Because itis$20cheaperthan taking a taxi. B。 Because itis$18cheaperthan taking a taxi. C. Because itis$2cheaperthan taking a taxⅡ ( )20,How d。 es the woman getto the bus stop? 2气 , 硒厂alk aCross the road and turn left. B。 Cross the road atthe traffic light. C。 环厂alk overthe footbridge and turn1eft. (四 )听短文 ,选择最佳答案。 (共 5犭、题 ,每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 你将听到一篇短文 ,请根据短文内容 ,选出每个问题的最佳答案 ,并在答题卡上将 选定答案的字母标号涂黑。短文读两遍。 ( )21.Where Ⅲay Sd盱 work? 丿廴。 In a factory. B. At a radio station。 C.In a bank. ( )22。 How。 ld is Mike? A。 15. B. 14. C。 11. ( )23。 What’ s Mike’ s hobby? A。 Listening to some programs. B, Collecting postcards. c.Ⅲ厂atChing TⅤ 。 ( )24。 Whatdo Ⅳ1ike’ s parents think of his hobby? A, Impo⒒ ant. B, Usefu1. C. Boring. ( )25。 Wh扯 d。 Mike’志parents ask him to do in his free time? A。 To p1ay the viohn. B. To co11ect postcard. C. To play with his friends. (五 )听短文 ,填信息。 (共 5犭、题 ,每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 你将听到一篇短文 ,请根据短文内容 ,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上 ,每空 一词。短文读两遍。 玑厂hatthe kids found in Japan speakers 环厂hat Japanese do Li Ping Buy products made 26 recycled ma1eria1s, Zhang Qi Use things as long as 27 .Th。 y ropair things instead of~28~them away. Li Y11 Use cups lnade of china.Never use a paper cup or~ˉ 29 .It can makea~30~tc the environment. 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 2页 二 、单项选择 (共 10小题 ,每小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 从下列每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项 ,并 在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 ( )31。 My hairis1ong.I will ha氵 e it t。morrow morning. A. cuts B. cut c. cutting D. to cut ( )32∷。 -ˉ D。 you hkethe_____ˉ ? — No,it’ s too sour.My favorite fruitis the watermelon。 A. bread B. rice C。 ohickeh D。 1emon ( ) 33. C。 1。rs can change ourfeelings and lnake us~ˉ ~?ˉ__happy orsad, energetic or s1eepy. A。 to feel B. feehng c. felt D. feel ( )34. -—Do you know how muchthe box ? ——Its~ˉ___ˉ i?s about100kg. A. weighs; weigh B。 weighs; weight C. weights; weight D. weights; weigh ( ) 35. seeing the burning bui1ding, I feltlucky to be~_ˉ ˉ?_—J A, a1ive B. living C. live1y D。 1ive ( )36。 —I can’ t犰d my Eng1ish textbook.-Is it possib1e that you it at home? A。 1ost B。 saw c。 left D。 forgot ( )37, The postman wasjust about the be11when the door opened. A。 ring B。 ringing C。 to ring D, rung ( )38. It’ slny honorto st查nd here f。 rthe specch~ˉ___— ’ I’ d like to introduce myse1f。 A。 To be honest B. To lny surprise C。 To start with D. T。 te11you the truth ( )39.— I’ m goingto take a p⒒ ysics exam this afternoon.— ! A, Good luck B. Have a good time C. Thank you D.环 厂hat a pity ( )40. —环厂hatlanguage do you a1so speak~Enghsh? —French.Butjust a httle。 A。 besides B。 except C. beside D. b讧 t 三、完形填空 (共10小题 ,每小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 阅读下面短文 ,掌握其大意 ,然后从各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选 项 ,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 Are you nervous、fhen you stand in front ofthe public?y廴 re you afraid tO【 nake a speech? Li Jun, a middle school bo∮ , felt shy when he was making a speech the other day.Li had thoughtit quite easy to speak in front of 41 classmates. “ I was wrong.It was very different and lnuch~_42_than talkingto my c1assmates during p1aytime, ” Li said.“ I tried,butit was real1y difficuh to speak.I felt hke a血 ute(叫匝巴 ) and wanted to1cave the classro。 n1 43 .” Liis not alone.Manylniddle ζchoolstudents now have the same 44 :They can talk about their i-eas f1· ee1y 45 their best f【 ·iends after c1ass, but can’ tspeak in pubhc.According to Zhou1△ ong,a teacher frolll a university, the1nain reason is that schools in China pay more attention to writihg instead of~ˉ 46_. Zhou hopes schoo1s can give students more chances to open their 47 , such as speech 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 3页 competitionζ ,Eng1ish corners and class disFussi° ns.Students can join in any one they want to. 48 he also gives some adVice to students. “ During your free tilme you shou1d~49 more.环 /hen you’ re speaking in public,take it easy.Just imagine you’ re talking to nobody ahd speak up your ideas clear1y, ” Zhou said. “ That 50 a sne oubhc speech and you’ ll feel confident。 ” ( )41。 A。 her B.my C.your D.his ( )42.A.harder B. eas豆 er C.better D。 later ( )43.A.slowly B. quick1y C.sad1y D. happi1y ( )44.A. answer B. subject C。 prob1em D. question ( )45.A.except B.beside C。 from D. with ( )46. A. hstening B.speaking C.reading D。 singing ( )47.A.m。 uths B。 eyes C, minds D.hea⒒ s ( )48.A。 But B.So C。 And D. 0r ( )49. A. play B.practice C. write D。 watch ( )50.A. reports B。 keeps C。 hears D。 makes 四、阅读理解 (共20小题 ,51—55每小题1分 ,“ —70每小题2分 ,共35分 ) A 0nce upon a tin1e,there was a tree which wanted to become a treasure boX. 0ne day,a farmer cut it down and sold it to a carpenter(木 匠 ).The tree was happy because he thoughtthe carpenter wou1d nlake itinto a treasure box. To its surprise, the carpenter madρ it into a feed box for anilnals. The tree felt very disappointed because that、Vas notits dream.Severa1years later,the feed box wasthroWn a马 vay. Someone pickedit up and p1aced itinto an o1dtemp1e.The tree forgotits dream1itt1e by1ittle. 0ne day,a coup1e came to the temp1e。 The woman gave birth to a baby boy.There wasn’ ta bed in the temp1e。 Sothey p1aced the baby in the feed box.They1oved hiln and regarded hiln as their treasure.The tree sudden1y rea1ized that it became a rea1 “ treasure box” at that tilne. sometimes you lnay think your dream wi11not come true。 Don’ t forget your dream.It may be rea1ized in another new way. 根据上述内容 ,判 断下列句子正误 ,正确的在答题卡上将 卡上将 “ F” 涂黑。 叮 ” 涂黑 ,错误的在答题 ( ( ( ( ( )51.The tree feh very sad when the farmer so1d itto a carpenter. )52.The carpenter made the tree into a tieasure box. )53.To b。 a feed box wasthe tree’ s dream. )54。 The c。 uple used the feed box as their baby’ s bed。 )55.Never give up your dream.It may be realized in another new way. B Lots of kids hate schoo1, a ne、v study found.Usua11y this kind offee1ing doesn’ t1ast1ong, But what happens if you feel this xoay too much? schoo1is a fact of life and getting a good education can he1p you bui1d the kind offuture life you want.So1et’ s talk about school and lvhat to do when you don’ t1ike⊥ If you don’ t1ike school, the伍 rst step is to snd out why.You might notlike schoo1because you don’ t have enough friends, or lnaybe you don’ t get a1ong well with your teacher.Sometin△ es it’ s a big prob1em with your c1asses and schoo1work.You may be getting farther and farther behind, 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 4页 and it may seem1ike you’ 11never catch up. Ⅲ厂hen you knolhJ lvhy you don’ t like schoo1, you can start taking steps to make things better.It’ s a good idea to ta1k to someone about your problems with schoo1.Your m。 m,dad or teacher wi11be ab1e to help you。 Another good idea is to write down your fcelings aboutschoolin a notebook.It’ s a great way to let out emotions(情 绪 )。Remcmber,you don’ t have to sh盯 e what you’ ve written with others. 根据短文内容 ,选择最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 ( )56。 Lots of kids according to a new study. )57. )58. )59. What does tlle under1ined word“ it” refer to(指 的是)h tlle first par吒 raph? A。 A good education B。 Schoo1. C。 Future l主 fe. D, Fricnd Ifyou don’ tlike school,the first step is to A。 J[∶ind outthe reason C. ask your parents for help IIo、v many reasons why you don’ tlike schoo1are given by thc△ friter? A. Two. B.Three. C. Four B.Denmark C.Switzerland A。 like school very lnuch C。 don’ tlike doing homework A. By painting their houses. C. By burning candles. B。 are good at reading and lvriting D, have thc thought of hating schoo1 B. go to see a doctor D. 1eave school for a short tillle B。 By cleaning up bedroonls D. By shopping on1ine D. Fi、 c ) 60. When you stan taking steps to1nake things better,one ofthe good ideas is to________. A. kcep silent about your prob1ems B。 share what you’ ve written with others q. write d。 wn yourfeehngs a-out school D. get along we11with your classmates C According to the World Happiness RepoⅡ ,pcop1e who hve in Denmark(笋 ⒈多:)are the happiestin the wor1d.埚 厂hy?Because thcy know thc secretto happiness—— “ hygge” But what is “ hygge” ? The Danishσ乎麦 自勺) word “ hygge” (pron。unced “ hoo-ga” ) is often translated in Eng1ish as “ coziness” 。But coziness paints on1y part of the picture It’ sa1so about spending peacefu1tilne in a quiet environment With no calendar.It’ s about spending time alone or spending ti1ne with fan1ily。 Danish people are very good at “ hygge” .For example, they create a “ hygge” environment by burning candles in classrooms,kitchens。 bedrooms, etc.2廴 ccording to some reports,Danish people burn lnorc cand1es every year than people from any other European country. However, ‘11ygge” isn’ t just ab。 ut creatihg a nice and warm environment∶ it is best e而 oyed with famⅡy members and f1·iends.With up to17hours of darkness evcry da〉 in winter, Danish people spend luore time indoors as a resu1L,and they often gettogether for a lnca1or hot drinks,、vithotlt the distractic,n(使 人分心的事物)oftechn。 logy clr the stress of dail】 li⒈ Still can’ t understand Ⅵ严hat “ hygge” is?If you’ re reading this in a comfortable chair, with a few candles around you,that sense。f coziness you’ re feehng mightjust be “ hygge” . 根据短文内容 ,选择最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑 : ( )61 Pe。 ple who hvein A。 Amenca are the happiestin the wor1d. D France ( )62 How do Danish people create a “hygge” environment? ( )63.Ⅲ△th up to17hours of darkncss cvcry day in winter,Danish peopl⒐ _____. (∶ )p1ay computer gamesti11midnight ② spend m。 re umeind。。rs as a resu1t ③stay up late№ wo钛 in the打 c,wn rooms ④oftell驴 ttogdl△ erfor a mealor h⒍ drinks A.①② B.② ④ C.① ③ D ⒊④ 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 5页 ( ) 64. In the last paragraph,the underlined word “ coziness” means “_____¨ ” in Chinese。 A.舒适 B。 友善 C.奢 侈 D。 密切 ( )65。 The a⒒ ic1e mainl,,t。 11s us____. A.when Danish people hketo stay at home B。 why Danish people burn so1nany candles C. how Danish people spend their winter D. whatthe Danish peop1e’ s secretto happiness is D ⅣΙany peop1c say dolphins are inte11igent.They seem to be ab1e to think,understa11d and lcarn things quickly.But are they as smart as humans,or are they1more1ike cats and dogs? Dolphins use their brains quite different1y from the、 vay humans do.But scientists say do1phins and humans are very similar in some ways. How? Like humans,eVery do1phin has its own “ name” .The name is a special whist1e(哨 声 ).Each dolphin chooses a speCiⅡ c(特 有 的 ) 、vhistle for itse1f,usua11y by its first birthday.Dolphins are like peop1e in other飞 vays,too.They “ ta1k” to each other about a lot ofthingsˉ s?uch as their age,their feelings,and finding food. They a1so use a system of sounds and body1anguage to con1municate.Understanding dolphin conVersation is not easy for humans.No one “ speaks dolphin” yet,but some scientists are trying to learn. Dolphins are also socia1anima1s。 They1ive in groups ca11ed pods,and they often join others f1·om different pods to play games and have ft1n一 勹ust1ike peop1e.Scien1ists beheve playing togetheris something only inte11igent ani1nals d° . Do1phins and humans are silnilar in another飞 a?y: both species make p1ans for getting things they want.In the seas of southern Brazi1,for examp1e,do1phins use an inte11igent p1an to boet food.Wllen tlaere are fish ncar a boat,do1曲 inb sign斑 (发信 号 )to th fishermen№ put tllek ncts in the water.Using this Fllethod,the men can catch a lot offish.Why do do1phins he1p the men?TheⅡ k all acl1· antage for them:lh叮 。get to eat some ofthe fish tll碱 cscape(逃脱)打om tlle r1et. 根据短文内容 ,选择最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 ( )66.Whatis a dolphin’ s“ name” ? 丿 `. Itis a kind of gam。 . B. Itis a body sign. C. Itis a do1phin’ s age。 D. Itis a specific sound. ( )67。 What doesthe underlined word~‘ ‘ others’ ’ refer to? A.0ther丘 shes. B。 0ther people.C.0ther dolphins. D. 0ther games。 ( )68.Wh甜 can we learn from the passage? A。 Somc scientists can understand dolphins’ systena of sounds. B.Do1phins probab1y he1p Ⅱshermen by usingtheir bo-y1anguage。 C。 Hulnansjoin do1phins’ groups to ge1things we want. D. Do1phins can1a1k to humans abouttheir age and theirfee1ings. ( )69.Why do do1phins help the Ⅱshermen? A. They snd itinteresting。 B. They wantto p1ay a game. C。 Thcy wantto escape from the net. D。 They are hungry and they`vantLO eat some丘 sh。 ’ 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 6页 ( )70.What’ sthe m碰 n idea ofthe passage? A. Dolphins can conllnunicate with each other at birth. B. Do1phins are social ani1ma1s because they p1ay together. C. Do1phins are smart and are like humansin some ways. D. Do1phins help humans do lnany things liko catching nsh. 五 、情景交际 (共5犭、题 ,每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 根据对话内容 ,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话 ,并在答题卡上将选定答案 的字母标号涂黑。 A: 71 B:γ 厂 。u are right,Peop1e usuaIly chat with friends and listen to soft music in this bar. A:It makes me re斑 1y re1axed.72 B:Yes,I do.You can goto bars and re1ax after work。 A:I agree with you. 73 B:Yes, there are.环厂e haVe a lot of choices. 74 A:Mm.Sounds good,but I pre托 rthis bar which is quiα er and more peacefu1.75 B:Me,tOQ.狃so in this bar,some popu1ar茁n钾rs urform cll△ hg occasions(在重点场合 ). 丿⒋. It’ s quiet here. B. Do you often go to bars? C. Disco music is too noisy for me. D. Are there any differenttypes of bars here in this street? E,some are di∷sco(迪斯科 ) ba珥 which βre very popu1ar among young people. 第Ⅱ卷 (共30分 ) 六、综合填空 (共20小题 ,每小题1分 ,共20分 ) (-)单词拼写 (每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 根据括号内所给的中文提示 ,正确拼写单词 ,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线 」土。 76. 0ur___屹夂谊)wi11hve1。 nger. 77. Don’ t o易 )the ba11heavⅡ y?or you’ 11faⅡ to the Ⅱoor. 78.The boy’ s bedroom Ⅱ just~___∈⒈?? ·L屋Othe supermarket. 79.The room兔ces~l向西),so访 e can’ t getthe mc,rning sun. 80.The chairs made us fee1__~(不 舒服的 )and we a11wantto leaVe quickly. (二 )词形变换 (每小题1分 ,共5分 ) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线 L。 81. Histeamma妃 s all nodded in____(agreel. 82.Co1umbus__ェ __ldiscoverl America in1492. 83. D° n’ t give up,boys.Life is fu11of~lexpected). 84. Neither you nor h⒐______ˉ (have)been tothe Great Wa11. 85.The Greens wou1d rather~______(stay)at h。 methan go to the movie. 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 7页 (三 )选词填空 (共 10小题 ,每小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 根据短文内容 ,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空 ,并将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线 上。每个单词只能用-次 ,每空一词。 a11o、 e?d farther angrily 1ake were f1shing slo、 l?y themse1ves decided into Linda and Betty were both nineteen years old.In June, after a school year was over, they 86 to take a vacation in the countrys贲 de。 They wentto severa1to1ons and vi11ages, visited some p1aces ofihterest, saw and heard a lot ofinteresting things,They enjoyed 87 very lnuch. 0ne afternoon, they 88 going to stay oVernightin a sma11town.It wastoo hotto go 89 and they wished they cou1d find a river nearby and sⅥ 严im in the coo1、″ater.They wcre driving the car 90 while they were1ooking around.sudden1y Linda saw alake notfar away.They drove there fast and stopped the car by the 91 .They looked around and found a woman sitting on a stone and 92 there.Afterthey took offtheir clothes and were going to jump 93 _the water,the woman came up tothem and shouted, “ Sorry,Madams.Swimmingis not94in the lake! ” ‘ Why didn’ t you te11us aboutit before we took off our c1othes? ” Betty said 95 。 “ But it isnlt fo1·bidden(禁 止 )totah of d"阮 s脚 the1ake,” s崩 dthe woman. 七 、书面表达 (10分 ) 为了增强中学生的安全意识 ,提高自我保护能力 ,学校开展以 “ 安全 ” 的主题演讲比 赛。请根据以下提示写一篇英语演讲稿。 1.慎重交友;2.遇险报警;3.安全饮食 ;4.其他 (卜 2点 ) 写作要求 : 1.演讲稿必须包括以上要点 ,可适当发挥 ; 2.语句通顺 ,意思连贯 ,语法芷确 ,书写规范 ; 3.词数80个左右 ,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数 ; 4.文 中不能出现除题目以外的人名、校名或地名 ,否则不予评分。 参考词组 :be careftll,。 a11· ?for,bad,on1ine,dan护 r How To Keep Safe ^s a teenager,we should keep safety in mind.How to keep safe?HeFe are some suggestiohs. ∷J 勹 〓胪 九年级英语科质量检测题六 (共 8页 )第 8页 ˇ 〓攒 2019年秋季学期九年级爽浯科质蠹榆涮邋 (六 ) 参考餮案 《渊卜馄冫 一、昕力测试 (— )听句子,逸图片。 你将昕到五个句子,请在下列六幅图中,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,并在答题卡上将逸定答 案的字母标号涂黑。每个句子读一遍。 1.Look attbc sign,⒒ sa。ys“No smoking.’ ’ 2.1∶he king and queen live in a beautif⒍ l palaGe。 3.Hes缸 d tlle sad movie made him feel unhappy。 4.They We趾 to the斑叩ortto meet their unc1e. 5.When J⒒⒒got to the bus stop yest0rday,the bus had already Iea. (二 )听句子,选答语。 你将听到五个句子,请根据句子内容氵选择恰当的笞语,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标译涂 黑。每个句子读两遍。 6.【 think I have to leave.I扛 ope we cm elettdgether agah。 7.Happy unhday to you. ∷ 8‘ 【left my book at home.Can you lend me?艹 9.I’m so wo¤匚ed abouttomorrow’ s English exa1n. 10.What did you havc for breakn廴 进this m。 rning? (三)昕对话 ,选择最佳答案。 你将昕到三段对话 ,请根据对话 内容 ,选出每个问题的最佳答案 9并在答题卡上将选定笞案的字母 标号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 请听第-段对话,田答第 11— 13小题。 W∶ Ⅲ,Jim.Whch schoolcIub have youjone洳 M∶ Hea1tlly Lifestyle Chb. W∶ So,△vhat do you often do? M∶ We onen got。 the park to exercisc and tcll pOop1e tllc importance ofheaIthy lifestvrlc. W∶ sounds good。 How o盘en do you rneet? M:Once a week.We1neet at9∶ 30eve〃 sund钭y moming. 请昕第二段对话`回答第 1每 —16小题。 M∶ Lhda,dd you e蝴 oy ye哎erday’ s TV program? W∶ No,I meanI曲 drt watch tⅤ y∞terday. M∶ W贽 ?You c咄 oy mus汜 .Dmrt you know thcre was a wOnderfuI cOnce⒒ on CCTVˉ 3汪 ha1fpast scven? W∶ of course I Φd.卩 ut theFe was all impo⒒ a口吱sOGGer match on CC肭 厂“5,aXld both my husband and my son arc soCcer£alls,What could1do? 卜⒋What a sha【△1e∶ You’ d be钆 er buy another TⅤ set. w∶ rm aⅡ茁d you’re rigllt,I’11buy one next巾 eek, M∶ I hope you Ga~【 enJoy your£avoF加e TV program in the near mture. W∶ Tbank yOu, 请 听第 三段对 话 ,回答第 17—⒛ 小题 。 W∶ Wllere can1buy some seafood? M∶ Go to the market at Grecn s廿 eet。 You Call丘 nd a1ot ofgood seafood tllerc。 W∶ Is the Fnarket far from here? M∶ Yes,Ittakes about an hourto wa1k there, VV∶ Ho、v Fnuch does it costto go therc by taxi? M∶ About20dollars.I advise you to take a bus there.Irs only2do11舀 玎s。 九年级英语赝士检测 (六》参考答案 《第 1页 》共 2页 W∶ Wh⒗h bus蛀nⅡ I切吹e? Ⅱ M∶ YOu can take the No.5bus. W∶ V¢herc sha11I takc thc bus? M∶ Walk over the footbrⅡ ge alad钮m Ie盘.You will see饶 e bus stop. W∶ t冱anks a lot (四)听短文,选择最佳答案。 你将昕到一篇短文,请根据短文 内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号 涂黑。短文读两遍。 Dear Sally, I’ m a fan of your progra1n。 I Ⅱstcn to your program every evening.【 9maⅡ盘eeR-yearˉ old boy.I【lave some problems w汪 h my pare“ s now。 Il童ke oolleG钅ing postoards h唧 free铱 me。 FFO【n them,【 can le敌诹 a lot.B吼 rny parcults think it’ s a boring11obby.I’ rr】 good酣 a11my1cssons,but】】1cy don’ t1磁 me Gollect postκ 冫Eur(is.η ey d0n’ t let Fl△ e go outto play xv妣h my friends in my frcc t加ne9e⒒ her。 They a1ways ask me to p1ay the violin,butI do⒔ ’ t 1ike it.I fee1very lone1y.I tellthem how I fecl,butthey don’ t Iisten to Fne。 Wlaat should I do? Yours Mike (五)昕短文 ,填信启、。 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读两遍。 During their stay in Japan,the kids spent tllree da∶ ⒌?sw讯h Japanρse famⅡics.They found J。 pa【lese f"milies vcry envirO【 lmentallyJ fr忆 ndI∶》严. Li Ping said, “In Japan, most 殳unilies take Part 三n recycling programs. 1】1ey buy products madc frolIl recyc1ed materia1s,suGh as reGycled paper.They think this can save rnoney and save trees.” ZharIg Qi s疝 d,叮apanese use things as long as possibtc.They rcp碰 r曲cm if they caR inste睨 Of tbrowing theFn al氵 飞 'ay and buying new ones.’ ’ Li Yu said,“ The cups thc usc arc made of china。 I have ncⅤ cr scen thcm u§ c a paper cup or a paper bag,It Gan Fnake a difference to thc cnvironment.” It’ s not diff1cult to protect our cnviroFl【 nen1is it?Let’ s beg宝 nw扯h shnple activi喊cs from now on. 1-ˉ5DAFCE 6-ˉ10CCABC 11-△ 3BAC 14-16BCB 1⒎ -⒓O AABC 2⒈—25BABCA 26.fron1 27.possible 28. thro、 ving 29.bag 30~di∏orence 31-J5BDDBA 3⒍ 一饵0CCCAA 41— 彳5DABCD 46-50BACBD 51— 5?5FFFTT 5⒍ —60DBABC 6茛 一‘5BCBAD 6⒍ -70DCBDC 7I-75ABDEC 76。 §oendship 77,kiGk 78。 above 79。 west 80.uncOmfOrtable 81.agreement 82.discover 83.uncⅩ pected 84。 has 85。 stay 86,decided 87,tllemselVes 88.were 89.n"丸 her 90.s1ow1y 91.lake 92.Ⅱshing 93,into 94。 allo、Ⅴed 95,allgrily 七 、书面表达 (共 10分 ) How To Keep sa秕 Ie弼 狱e some su煅 cstions。 First1y,、 vc should be Gare扎 l whcn we rnake£吐ends,cspccia11y on1i贸 1e.secondly,don’ t go out1ate at n盂 ght.【t’ s dangerous.lf We are h danger,we must ca11the po1icc for hclp。 IΓ漫|ird【 y9don’t eattoo much junk fo° d,i饣’s not gOod fOr our healtll。 And eating somcthing goes bad is haΙ ⅡⅠftIl is to our bot1ies.Fourth1y,wc can9t go to sⅥ 泅m alone.Wc can go sw妇 羽旺ning w"h our parents。 Last but not least,咖 e can9t ode electric bikes to sGhool1 h a short,safety must come Ⅱrst! 九年缀英语质蚤检测 《六冫参考答案 (第 2页 冫共 2页






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