Three.js typescript definitely typed 文件

最近学习three.js,想用typescript编写代码,去找了一圈没有发现three.js的definitely typed文件.


declare module THREE {
    export class BoxHelper extends Line {
        constructor(object: Object3D);
        public update(object: Object3D);
    export class DrawTextResult {
        public paths: any[];
        public offset: number;
    export class FontUtils {
        public static divisions: number;
        public static style: string;
        public static weight: string;
        public static face: string;
        public static faces: any;
        public static size: number;
        public static drawText(text: string): DrawTextResult;
        public static Triangulate(contour: Vector2[], indices: boolean): any[];
        public static extractGlyphPoints(c: string, face: string, scale: number, offset: number, path: Path);
    export class Curve {
        public getPoint(t: number): any;
        public getPointAt(u: number): any;
        public getPoints(divisions: number[]): any[];
        public getSpacedPoints(divisions: number): any[];
        public getLength(): number;
        public getLengths(divisions: number): number[];
        public updateArcLengths(): void;
        public getTangent(t: number): any;
        public getTangentAt(u: number): any;
    export class CurvePath extends Curve {
        public curves: Curve[];
        public bends: Curve[];
        public autoClose: boolean;
        public getWrapPoints(vertices: Vector2[], curve: Curve[]):Vector2[];
        public addWrapPath(curve: Curve): void;
        public createGeometry(points: Vector3[]): Geometry;
        public createPointsGeometry(divisions: number): Geometry;
        public createSpacedPointsGeometry(divisions: number): Geometry;
        public add(curve: Curve): void;
        public closePath(): void;
        public getBoundingBox(): any;
        public getCurveLengths(): number;
        public getTransformedPoints(segments: number, bends?: Curve[]): Vector2[];

    export class GeometryUtils {
        public static merge(geometry1: Geometry, geometry2: Geometry, materialIndexOffset: number);
        public static randomPointInTriangle(vectorA: Vector3, vectorB: Vector3, vectorC: Vector3): Vector3;
    export class ImageUtils {
        public static crossOrigin: string;
        public static generateDataTexture(width: number, height: number, color: number): DataTexture;
        public static parseDDS(buffer: string, loadMipmpas: boolean): CompressedTexture;
        public static loadTexture(url: string, mapping?: number, onLoad?: (any) => any, onError?: (any) => any): Texture;
        public static getNormalMap(image: HTMLImageElement, depth: number): HTMLCanvasElement;
        public static loadTextureCube(array: any[], mapping: number, onLoad: (any) => any, onError: (any) => any): CubeTexture;

    export class SceneUtils {
        public static createMultiMaterialObject(geometry: Geometry, materials: Material[]): Object3D;
        public static attach(child: Object3D, scene: Scene, parent: Object3D): void;
        public static detach(child: Object3D, scene: Scene,parent:Object3D): void;

    export class Gyroscope extends Object3D {
    export class Path extends CurvePath {
        constructor(points?: Vector2[]);
        public actions: any[];
        public fromPoints(vector2s: Vector2[]): void;
        public moveTo(x: number, y: number): void;
        public lineTo(x: number, y: number): void;
        public quadratiCurveTo(cpX: number, cpY: number, x: number, y: number): void;
        public bezierCurveTo(cp1X: number, cp1Y: number, cp2X: number, cp2Y: number, x: number,y: number): void;
        public splineThru(points: Vector2[]): void;
        public arc(x: number, y: number, radius: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, clockwise: boolean): void;
        public absarc(x: number, y: number, radius: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, clockwise: boolean): void;
        public ellipse(x: number, y: number, xRadius: number, yRadius: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, clockwise: boolean, rotation: number): void;
        public absellipse(x: number, y: number, xRadius: number, yRadius: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, clockwise: boolean, rotation: number): void;
        public toShapes(isCCW: boolean, noHoles: boolean): Shape[];
    export class Shape extends Path {
        public holes: Path[];
        public makeGeometry(options: any): ShapeGeometry;
        public extractAllPoints(divisions: number): Vector3[];
        public extrude(options: any): ExtrudeGeometry;
        public extractPoints(divisions: number): any;
        public getPointsHoles(divisions: number): Vector2[] | Vector3[];
        public getSpacedPointsHoles(divisions: number): Vector2[] | Vector3[];
    export class ShapeGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(shapes: Shape[], options?: any);
        public addShapeList(shapes: Shape[], options?: any): this;
        public addShape(shape: Shape, options?: any): void;
    export class ExtrudeGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(shapes: Shape[]|Shape, options?: any);
        public addShapList(shapes: Shape[], options?: any): void;
        public addShape(shape: Shape, options?: any): void;
    export class TextGeometry extends ExtrudeGeometry {
        constructor(text: string, parameters: any);
    export class TorusGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(radius: number, tube: number, radialSegments: number, tubularSegments: number, arc: number);
    export class TorusKnotGeometry extends Geometry {
            radius: number,
            tube: number,
            radialSegments: number,
            tubularSegments: number,
            p: number,
            q: number,
            heightScale: number
    export class TubeGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(path: Curve, segments: number, radius: number, radiusSegments: number, closed: boolean);
        public parameters: any;
        public tangents: Vector3[];
        public normals: Vector3[];
        public binormals: Vector3[];
        public static FrenetFrames(path: Curve, segments: number, closed: boolean): void;
    export class Vector2 {
        constructor(x: number, y: number);
        public x: number;
        public y: number;
        public set(x: number, y: number): this;
        public copy(v: this): this;
        public add(v: this): this;
        public addVectors(a: this, b: this): this;
        public addScaledVector(v: this, s: number): this;
        public sub(v: this): this;
        public subVectors(a: this, b: this): this;
        public multiplyScalar(s: number): this;
        public divideScalar(s: number): this;
        public negate(): this;
        public dot(v: this): number;
        public lengthSq(): number;
        public length(): number;
        public lengthManhattan(): number;
        public normalize(): this;
        public distanceTo(v: this): number;
        public distanceToSquared(v: this): number;
        public setLength(l: number): this;
        public eqauls(v: this): boolean;
        public clone(): this;
        public clamp(min: this, max: this): this;
        public clampScalar(min: number, max: number): this;
        public floor(): this;
        public ceil(): this;
        public round(): this;
        public roundToZero(): this;
        public lerp(v: this, alpha: number): this;
        public lerpVectors(v1: this, v2: this, alpha: number): this;
        public setComponent(index: number, value: number);
        public addScalar(s: number): this;
        public getComponent(index: number): number;
        public fromArray(array: number[]): this;
        public toArray(array: number[]): number[];
        public min(v: this): this;
        public max(v: this): this;
        public setX(x: number): this;
        public setY(y: number): this;
    export class Vector3 {
        constructor(x: number, y: number,z:number)
        public x: number
        public y: number
        public z:number
        public set(x: number, y: number,z:number): this
        public copy(v: this): this
        public add(v: this): this
        public addVectors(a: this, b: this): this
        public addScaledVector(v: this, s: number): this
        public sub(v: this): this
        public subVectors(a: this, b: this): this
        public multiplyScalar(s: number): this;
        public divideScalar(s: number): this;
        public negate(): this;
        public dot(v: this): number;
        public lengthSq(): number;
        public length(): number;
        public lengthManhattan(): number;
        public normalize(): this;
        public distanceTo(v: this): number;
        public distanceToSquared(v: this): number;
        public setLength(l: number): this;
        public cross(v: this): this;
        public crossVectors(a: Vector3, b: Vector3): this;
        public setFromMatrixPosition(m: Matrix4): this;
        public setFromMatrixScale(m: Matrix4): this;
        public equals(v: this): boolean;
        public clone(): this;
        public clamp(min: Vector3, max: Vector3): this;
        public clampScalar(min: number, max: number): this;
        public floor(): this;
        public ceil(): this;
        public round(): this;
        public roundToZero(): this;
        public applyMatrix3(m: Matrix3): this;
        public applyMatrix4(m: Matrix4): this;
        public projectOnPlane(planeNormal: this): this;
        public projectOnVector(vector: this): this;
        public addScalar(s: number): this;
        public divide(v: this): this;
        public min(v: this): this;
        public max(v: this): this;
        public setComponent(index: number, value: number): this;
        public transformDirection(m: Matrix4): this;
        public multiplyVectors(a: this, b: this): this;
        public getComponent(index: number): number;
        public applyAxisAngle(axis: this, angle: number): this;
        public lerp(v: Vector3, alpha: number): this;
        public lerpVectors(v1: this, v2: this, alpha: number): this;
        public angleTo(v: Vector3): number;
        public setFromMatrixColumn(index: number, matrix: Matrix4): this;
        public reflect(normal: this): this;
        public fromArray(array: number[]): this;
        public multiply(v: this): this;
        public applyProjection(m: Matrix4): this;
        public toArray(array?: number[]): number[];
        public applyEuler(euler: Euler): this;
        public applyQuaternion(quaterion: Quaternion): this;
        public project(camera: Camera): this;
        public unproject(camear: Camera): this;

    export class Camera extends Object3D {
        public matrixWorldInverse: Matrix4;
        public projectionMatrix: Matrix4;
        public getWorldDirection(vector?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public lookAt(vector: Vector3);
        public clone(camera: this): this;

    export class Color {
        constructor(r: number | string, g?: number, b?: number)
        public r: number
        public g: number
        public b: number

        public copy(color: this): this;
        public copyGammaToLinear(color: this): this;
        public copyLinearToGamma(color: this): this;
        public convertGammaToLinear(): this;
        public convertLinearToGamma(): this;
        public setRGB(r: number, g: number, b: number): this;
        public getHex(): number;
        public getHexString(): string;
        public setHex(hex: number): this;
        public setStyle(style: string): this;
        public getStyle(): string;
        public setHSL(h: number, s: number, l: number): this;
        public offsetHSL(h: number, s: number, l: number): this;
        public add(color: this): this;
        public addColors(color1: this, color2: this): this;
        public addScalar(s: number): this;
        public multiply(color: this): this;
        public lerp(color: this, alpha: number): this;
        public toArray(array: number[]): number[];
        public equals(c: this): boolean;
        public clone(): this;
        public set(value: number|this|string): this;

    export class Frustum {
        constructor(p0: Plane, p1: Plane, p2: Plane, p3: Plane, p4: Plane, p5: Plane);
        public planes: Plane[];
        public setFromaMatrix(matrix: Matrix4);
        public intersectsObject(object: Object3D): boolean;
        public clone(): this;
        public set(p0: Plane, p1: Plane, p2: Plane, p3: Plane, p4: Plane, p5: Plane):this;
        public copy(frustum: this): this;
        public containsPoint(point: Vector3): boolean;
        public intersectsSphere(sphere: Sphere): boolean;

    export class Face3 {
        constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number, normal: Vector3, color: Color, materialIndex: number)
        public a: number
        public b: number
        public c: number
        public normal: Vector3
        public color: Color
        public vertexNormals: Vector3[];
        public materialIndex: number;
        public vertexColors: Color[];
        public clone(): Face3;

    export class Quaternion {
        constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number);
        public x: number;
        public y: number;
        public z: number;
        public w: number;
        public set(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number);
        public copy(q: this);
        public setFromEuler(euler: Euler);
        public setFromAxisAngle(axis: Vector3, angle: number);
        public setFromRotationMatrix(m: Matrix4);
        public setFromUnitVectors(vFrom: Vector3, vTo: Vector3);
        public inverse();
        public length();
        public normalize();
        public multiply(b: any);
        public multiplyQuaternions(a: any, b: any);
        public multiplyVector3(vector: Vector3, dest?: Vector3);
        public clone(): this;
        public toArray(array: number[]);
        public equals(v: this): boolean;
        public lengthSq(): number;
        public fromArray(array: number[]);
        public conjugate(): this;
        public slerp(quaternionB: this, t: number);
        public static slerp(qStart: Quaternion, qEnd: Quaternion, qTarget: Quaternion, t: number);

    export class Euler {
        constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number, order?: string);
        public x: number;
        public y: number;
        public z: number;
        public order: string;
        public set(x: number, y: number, z: number, order?: string): this;
        public copy(euler: this): this;
        public setFromRotationMatrix(m: Matrix4, order?: string): this;
        public setFromQuaternion(q: Quaternion, order?: string): this;
        public reorder(newOrder: string): this;
        public setFromVector3(vector: Vector3, order?: string): this;
        public toVector3(): Vector3;
        public fromArray(array: any[]): this;
        public toArray(array: any[]): any[];
        public equals(euler: this): boolean;
        public clone(): this;

    export class Matrix4 {
        public elements: number[];
        public set(n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n14: number,
            n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n24: number,
            n31: number, n32: number, n33: number, n34: number,
            n41: number, n42: number, n43: number, n44: number): this;
        public identity(): this;
        public copy(m: this): this;
        public copyPosition(m: this): this;
        public makeBasis(xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3, zAxis: Vector3): this;
        public extractBasis(xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3, zAxis: Vector3): this;
        public extractRotation(m: this): this;
        public lookAt(eye: Vector3, center: Vector3, up: Vector3): this;
        public multiply(m: this): this;
        public multiplyMatrices(a: this, b: this): this;
        public multiplyToArray(a: this, b: this, r: number[]): this;
        public multiplyScalar(s: number): this;
        public determinant();
        public transpose(): this;
        public flatternToArrayOffset(flat: number[], offset: Vector3);
        public setPosition(v: Vector3): this;
        public getInverse(m: this): this;
        public makeRotationFromEuler(euler: Euler): this;
        public makeRotationFromQuaternion(q: Quaternion): this;
        public scale(v: Vector3): this;
        public compose(translation: Matrix4, quaternion: Quaternion, scale: Vector3): this;
        public decompose(translation: Matrix4, quaternion: Quaternion, scale: Vector3);
        public makeTranslation(x: number, y: number, z: number): this;
        public makeRotationX(theta: number): this;
        public makeRotationY(theta: number): this;
        public makeRotationZ(theta: number): this;
        public makeRotationAxis(axis: Vector3, theta: number): this;
        public makeScale(x: number, y: number, z: number): this;
        public makeFrustum(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, near: number, far: number): this;
        public makePerspective(fov: number, aspect: number, near: number, far: number): this;
        public makeOrthographic(left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number, near: number, far: number): this;
        public clone(): this;
        public applyToVector3Array(a: Vector3);
        public getMaxScaleOnAxis(): number;

    export class Object3D {
        public id: number;
        public uuid: number;
        public name: string;
        public parent: Object3D;
        public children: Object3D[];
        public position: Vector3;
        public rotation: Vector3;
        public scale: number;
        public up: Vector3;
        public matrix: Matrix4;
        public quaternion: Quaternion;
        public visible: boolean;
        public castShadow: boolean;
        public receiveShadow: boolean;
        public frustumCulled: boolean;
        public matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
        public matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: boolean;
        public rotationAutoUpdate: boolean;
        public userData: any;
        public matrixWorld: Matrix4;

        public applyMatrix(matrix: Matrix4);
        public translateX(distance: number);
        public translateY(distance: number);
        public translateZ(distance: number);
        public localToWorld(vector: Vector3):Vector3;
        public worldToLocal(vector: Vector3): Vector3;
        public lookAt(vector: Vector3);
        public add(object?: any,p1?:any,p2?:any,p3?:any,p4?:any);
        public remove(object: Object3D);
        public traverse(callback: (Object3D) => void);
        public traverseVisible(callback: (Object3D) => void);
        public traverseAncestors(callback: (Object3D) => void);
        public updateMatrix();
        public updateMatrixWorld(force: boolean);
        public clone(object?:any): this;
        public getObjectByName(name: string): this;
        public getObjectById(id: number): this;
        public translateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, distance: number);
        public rotateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number);
        public raycast(raycaster, intersects);

    export class raycasterIntersectObjectResult {
        public distance: number;
        public point: Vector3;
        public face: Face3;
        public faceIndex: number;
        public indice: Vector3[];
        public object: Object3D;
    export class Raycaster {
        constructor(origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3, near: number, far: number);
        public ray: Ray;
        public near: number;
        public far: number;
        public linePrecision: number;
        public set(origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3);
        public setFromCamera(coords: Vector2, camera: Camera);
        public intersectObject(object: Object3D, recursive: boolean): raycasterIntersectObjectResult[];
        public intersectObjects(objects: Object3D[], recursive: boolean): raycasterIntersectObjectResult[];
    export class Ray {
        constructor(origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3);
        public origin: Vector3;
        public direction: Vector3;
        public applyMatrix4(matrix4: Matrix4);
        public at(t: number, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public clone(): this;
        public copy(ray: this): this;
        public distanceSqToSegment(v0: Vector3, v1: Vector3, optionalPointOnRay?: Vector3, optionalPointOnSegment?: Vector3): number;
        public distanceToPlane(plane:Plane): number;
        public distanceToPoint(point: Vector3): number;
        public distanceSqToPoint(point: Vector3): number;
        public equals(ray: this): boolean;
        public intersectBox(box: Box3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public intersectPlane(plane: Plane, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public intersectTriangle(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, backfaceCulling: boolean, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public isIntersectionBox(box: Box3): boolean;
        public isIntersectionPlane(plane: Plane): boolean;
        public isIntersectionSphere(sphere: Sphere): boolean;
        public recast(t: number): this;
        public set(origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3): this;

    export class Plane {
        constructor(normal: Vector3, constant: number);
        public normal: Vector3;
        public constant: number;
        public normalize(): this;
        public set(normal: Vector3, constant: number): this;
        public copy(plane: this): this;
        public applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4, optionalNormalMatrix?: Matrix3): this;
        public orthoPoint(point: Vector3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public isIntersectionLine(line: Line3): boolean;
        public intersectLine(line: Line3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint(normal: Vector3, point: Vector3): this;
        public clone(): this;
        public distanceToPoint(point: Vector3): number;
        public equals(plane: this): boolean;
        public setComponents(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): this;
        public distanceToSphere(sphere: Sphere): number;
        public setFromCoplanarPoints(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3): this;
        public projectPoint(point: Vector3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public negate(): this;
        public translate(offset: Vector3): this;
        public coplanarPoint(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;


    export class Sphere extends Object3D {
        constructor(center: Vector3, radius: number);
        public center: Vector3;
        public radius: number;
        public set(center: Vector3, radius: number);
        public applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4): this;
        public clampPoint(point: Vector3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public translate(offset: Vector3): this;
        public clone(): this;
        public equals(sphere: this): boolean;
        public setFromPoints(points: Vector3[], optionalCenter?: Vector3): this;
        public distanceToPoint(point: Vector3): number;
        public getBoundingBox(optionalTarget: Box3): Box3;
        public containsPoint(point: Vector3): boolean;
        public copy(sphere: this): this;
        public intersectsSphere(sphere: this): boolean;
        public empty(): boolean;

    export class Box2 {
        constructor(min: Vector2, max: Vector3);
        public min: Vector2;
        public max: Vector2;
        public set(min: Vector3, max: Vector2): this;
        public expandByPoint(point: Vector2): this;
        public clampPoint(point: Vector2, optionalTarget?: Vector2): Vector2;
        public isIntersectionBox(box: this): boolean;
        public setFromPoints(points: Vector2[]): this;
        public size(optionalTarget?: Vector2): Vector2;
        public union(box: this): this;
        public getParameter(point: Vector2, optionalTarget?: Vector2): Vector2;
        public expandByScalar(scalar: number): this;
        public intersect(box: this): this;
        public containsBox(box: this): boolean;
        public translate(offset: Vector2): this;
        public empty(): boolean;
        public clone(): this;
        public equals(box: this): boolean;
        public expandByVector(vector: Vector2): this;
        public copy(box: this): this;
        public makeEmpty(): this;
        public center(optionalTarget?: Vector2): Vector2;
        public distanceToPoint(point: Vector2): number;
        public containsPoint(point: Vector2): boolean;
        public setFromCenterAndSize(center: Vector2, size: Vector2): this;
    export class Box3 {
        constructor(min: Vector3, max: Vector3);
        public min: Vector3;
        public max: Vector3;
        public set(min: Vector3, max: Vector3): this;
        public applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4): this;
        public clampPoint(point: Vector3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public isIntersectionBox(box: this): boolean;
        public setFromPoints(points: Vector3[]): this;
        public setFromObject(object: Object3D): this;
        public size(optionalTarget?:Vector3): Vector3;
        public union(box: this): this;
        public getParameter(point: Vector3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public intersect(box: this): this;
        public containsBox(box: this): boolean;
        public containsPoint(point: Vector3): boolean;
        public translate(offset: Vector3): this;
        public empty(): boolean;
        public clone(): this;
        public equals(box: this): boolean;
        public expandByPoint(point: Vector3): this;
        public expandByScalar(scalar: number): this;
        public expandByVector(vector: Vector3): this;
        public copy(box: this): this;
        public makeEmpty(): this;
        public center(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public getBoundingSphere(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Sphere;
        public distanceToPoint(point: Vector3): number;
        public setFromCenterAndSize(center: Vector3, size: Vector3): this;


    export class Math {
        public static clamp(value: number, min: number, max: number): number;
        public static mapLinear(x: number, a1: number, a2: number, b1: number, b2: number);
        public static random16(): number;
        public static randInt(low: number, high: number): number;
        public static raindFloat(low: number, high: number): number;
        public static randFloatSpread(range: number): number;
        public static sign(x: number): number;
        public static degToRad(degress: number): number;
        public static radToDeg(radians: number): number;
        public static smoothstep(x: number, min: number, max: number): number;
        public static smoothersttep(x: number, min: number, max: number): number;
    export class Spline {
        constructor(points: Vector3[]);
        public points: Vector3[];
        public initFromArray(a: number[][]): void;
        public getPoint(k: number): Vector3;
        public getControlPointsArray(): number[];
        public getLength(nSubDivisions: number): any;
        public reparametrizeByArcLength(samplingCoef: number): void;
    export class Triangle {
        constructor(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3);
        public a: Vector3;
        public b: Vector3;
        public c: Vector3;
        public setFromPointsAndIndices(points: Vector3[], i0: number, i1: number, i2: number): this;
        public set(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3): this;
        public normal(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public barycoordFromPoint(point: Vector3, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public clone(): this;
        public area(): number;
        public midpoint(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public equals(triangle: this): boolean;
        public plane(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Plane;
        public containsPoint(point: Vector3): boolean;
        public copy(triangle: this): this;

    export class Bone extends Object3D {
        constructor(skin?: SkinnedMesh);
        public skin: SkinnedMesh;
        public clone(object: this): this;
    export class LensFlare extends Object3D {
        constructor(texture: Texture, size: number, distance: number, blending: number, color: Color);
        public lensFlare: any[];
        public positionScreen: Vector3;
        public customUpdateCallback: (any) => any;
        public add(texture: Texture, size: number, distance: number, blending: number, color: Color);
        public updateLensFlares(): void;
        public clone(object: this): this;

    export class Line3 {
        constructor(start: Vector3, end: Vector3);
        public start: Vector3;
        public end: Vector3;
        public set(start: Vector3, end: Vector3);
        public copy(line: this);
        public clone(): this;
        public eqauls(line: this): boolean;
        public distance(): number;
        public distanceSq(): number;
        public applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4): this;
        public at(t: number, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public center(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public delta(optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public closestPointToPoint(point: Vector3, clmapToLine: boolean, optionalTarget?: Vector3): Vector3;
        public closestPointToPointParameter(point: Vector3, clampToLine: boolean): Vector3;
    export class Line extends Object3D {
        constructor(geometry: Geometry, material: Material);
        public geometry: Geometry;
        public material: Material;
        public raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Object3D[]): raycasterIntersectObjectResult[];
        public clone(object: this): this;
    export class LOD extends Object3D {
        public objects: Object3D[];
        public addLevel(mesh: Mesh, distance: number): void;
        public getObjectForDistance(distance: number): Object3D;
        public update(camera: Camera): void;
        public clone(object?: Object3D): this;
    export class LineSegments extends Line {
        constructor(geometry: Geometry, material: Material);
        public geometry: Geometry;
        public material: Material;
        public raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Object3D[]): raycasterIntersectObjectResult[];
        public clone(object: this): this;

    export class Matrix3 {
        public elements: number[];
        public transpose();
        public transposeIntoArray(array: number[]): this;
        public determinant(): number;
        public set(n11: number, n12: number, n13: number,
            n21: number, n22: number, n23: number,
            n31: number, n32: number, n33: number): this;
        public multiplyScalar(s: number): this;
        public applyToVector3Array(array: number[]);
        public getNormalMatrix(m: Matrix4): this;
        public getInverse(m: Matrix4, throwOnInertible: boolean): this;
        public copy(m: Matrix4): this;
        public clone(): this;
        public identity(): this;


    export class MorphTarget {
        public name: string;
        public vertices: Vector3[];
    export class BoundingBox {
        public min: Vector3;
        public max: Vector3;
    export class BoundingSphere {
        public radius: number;
    export class Geometry {
        public id: number
        public name: string
        public vertices: Vector3[]
        public colors: Color[]
        public faces: Face3[];
        public faceVertexUvs: any[];
        public morphTargets: MorphTarget[];
        public morphNormals: MorphTarget[];
        public skinWeights: Vector4[];
        public skinIndices: Vector4[];
        public boundingBox: BoundingBox;
        public boundingSphere: BoundingSphere;
        public dynamic: boolean;
        public verticesNeedUpdate: boolean;
        public elementsNeedUpdate: boolean;
        public uvsNeedUpdate: boolean;
        public normalsNeedUpdate: boolean;
        public colorsNeedUpdate: boolean;
        public lineDistancesNeedUpdate: boolean;
        public lineDistances: number[];
        public applyMatrix(matrix: Matrix4):void;
        public center():void;
        public rotateX(radians: number): this;
        public rotateY(radians: number): this;
        public rotateZ(radians: number): this;
        public translate(x: number, y: number, z: number): this;
        public scale(x: number, y: number, z: number): this;
        public lookAt(vector: Vector3): this;
        public computeFaceNormals(): void;
        public computeVertexNormals(): void;
        public computeBoundingBox(): void;
        public computeBoundingSphere(): void;
        public merge(geometry: this, matrix: Matrix4, materialINdexOffset: number): void;
        public mergeVertices(): void;
        public normalize();
        public clone(): this;
        public dispose(): void;
        public computeLineDistances(): void;
    export class BoxGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(width: number, height: number, depth: number,
            widthSegments?: number, heightSegments?: number, depthSegments?: number);
        public parameters: any;
    export class CircleGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(radius: number, segments: number, thetaStart: number, thetaLength: number);
    export class AxisHelper extends Line {
        constructor(size: number);
    export class CylinderGeometry extends Geometry {
            radiusTop: number,
            radiusBottom: number,
            height: number,
            radiusSegments?: number,
            heightSegments?: number,
            openEnded?: boolean,
            thetaStart?: number,
            thetaLength?: number);
        public radiusTop: number;
        public radiusBottom: number;
        public height: number;
        public radiusSegments: number;
        public heightSegments: number;
        public openEnded: boolean;
        public thetaStart: number;
        public thetaLength: number;

    export class PolyhedronGeometry extends Geometry{
        constructor(vertices: number[], faces: number[], radius: number, detail: number);
        public parameters: any;
    export class DodecahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {
        constructor(radius: number, detail: number);
    export class IcosahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {
        constructor(radius: number, detail: number);
    export class OctahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {
        constructor(radius: number, detail: number);
    export class LatheGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(points: Vector3[], segments: number, phiStart: number, phiLength: number);
    export class ParametricGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(func: (u: number, v: number) => Vector3, slices: number, stacks: number);
    export class PlaneGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(width: number, height: number, widthSegments: number, heightSegments: number);
        public width: number;
        public height: number;
        public widthSegments: number;
        public heightSegments: number;
    export class RingGeometry extends Geometry {
        constructor(innerRaidus: number, outerRadius: number,
            thetaSegments: number, phiSegments: number, thetaStart: number, thetaLength: number);
    export class TetrahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {
        constructor(radius: number, detail: number);

    export class SphereGeometry extends Geometry {
            radius?: number,
            widthSegments?: number,
            heightSegments?: number,
            phiStart?: number,
            phiLength?: number,
            thetaStart?: number,
            thetaLength?: number);
        public radius: number;
        public widthSegments: number;
        public heightSegments: number;
        public phiStart: number;
        public phiLength: number;
        public thetaStart: number;
        public thetaLength: number;

    export class Vector4 {
        constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number);
        public x: number;
        public y: number;
        public z: number;
        public w: number;
        public copy(v: this): this;
        public add(v: this): this;
        public addVectors(a: this, b: this): this;
        public addScaledVector(v: this, s: number): this;
        public sub(v: this): this;
        public subVectors(a: this, b: this): this;
        public multiplyScalar(s: number): this;
        public divideScalar(s: number): this;
        public negate(): this;
        public lengthSq(): number;
        public length(): number;
        public normalize(): this;
        public setLength(l: number): this;
        public lerp(v: this, alpha: number): this;
        public lerpVectors(v1: this, v2: this, alpha): this;
        public clone(): this;
        public clamp(min: this, max: this): this;
        public clampScalar(min: number, max: number): this;
        public floor(): this;
        public ceil(): this;
        public round(): this;
        public roundToZero(): this;
        public applyMatrix4(m: Matrix4): this;
        public min(v: this): this;
        public max(v: this): this;
        public addScalar(s: number): this;
        public equals(v: this): boolean;
        public setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix(m: Matrix4): this;
        public setAxisAngleFromQuaterion(q: Quaternion): this;
        public getComponent(index: number): number;
        public setComponent(index: number, value: number);
        public fromArray(array: number[]): this;
        public toArray(array: number[]): number[];
        public lengthManhattan(): number;
        public setX(x: number): this;
        public setY(y: number): this;
        public setZ(z: number): this;
        public setW(w: number): this;


    export enum Side {
        FrontSide = 0,
        BackSide = 1,
        DoubleSide = 2
    export enum Blending {
        NoBlending = 0,
        NormalBlending = 1,
        AdditiveBlending = 2,
        SubtractiveBlending = 3,
        MultiplyBlending = 4,
        CustomBlending = 5
    export class Material {
        public id: number;
        public name: string;
        public opacity: number;
        public transparent: boolean;
        public blending: Blending;
        public blendSrc: number;
        public blendDst: number;
        public blendEquation: number;
        public depthTest: boolean;
        public depthWrite: boolean;
        public polygonOffset: boolean;
        public polygonOffsetFactor: number;
        public polygonOffsetUnits: number;
        public alphaTest: number;
        public overdraw: number;
        public visible: boolean;
        public side: Side;
        public needUpdate: boolean;

        public clone(material: this): this;
        public dispose();
        public setValues(values: any);


    export class MeshPhongMaterialParameters {
        public color: number;
        public map: Texture;
        public lightMap: Texture;
        public aoMap: Texture;
        public emissiveMap: Texture;
        public specularMap: Texture;
        public alphaMap: Texture;
        public envMap: Texture;
        public fog: boolean;
        public shading: any;
        public wireframe: boolean;
        public wireframeLinewidth: number;
        public wireframeLinecap: string;
        public wireframeLinejoin: string;
        public vertexColors: any;
        public skining: boolean;
        public morphTargets: boolean;
    export class LineBasicMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
        public color: number;
        public linewidth: number;
        public linecap: string;
        public linejoin: string;
        public vertexColors: VertexColor;
        public fog: boolean;
    export class LineDashedMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
        public color: number;
        public linewidth: number;
        public scale: number;
        public dashSize: number;
        public gapSize: number;
        public vertexColors: VertexColor;
        public fog: boolean;
    export class MeshBasicMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
        public color: number;
        public map: Texture;
        public aoMap: Texture;
        public specularMap: Texture;
        public alphaMap: Texture;
        public envMap: Texture;
        public fog: boolean;
        public shading: Shading;
        public wireframe: boolean;
        public wireframeLinewidth: number;
        public wireframeLinecap: string;
        public wireframeLinejoin: string;
        public vertexColors: VertexColor;
        public skinning: boolean;
        public morphTargets: boolean;
        public combine: number;
        public reflectivity: number;
        public refractionRatio: number;
    export class MeshDepthMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
        public morthTargets: boolean;
        public wireframe: boolean;
        public wireframeLinewidth: number;
    export class MeshFaceMaterial {
        constructor(materials: Material[]);
        public materials: Material[];
    export class MeshLambertMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
    export class MeshNormalMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
    export class PointsMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
    export class SpriteCanvasMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
    export class SpriteMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters: any);
    export class MeshPhongMaterial extends Material {
        constructor(parameters?: any);
        public color: Color;
        public emissive: Color;
        public specular: Color;
        public skininess: number;
        public metal: boolean;
        public map: Texture;
        public lightMap: Texture;
        public aoMap: Texture;
        public emissiveMap: Texture;
        public bumpMap: Texture;
        public bumpScale: number;
        public normalMap: Texture;
        public normalScale: number;
        public specularMap: Texture;
        public alphaMap: Texture;
        public envMap: Texture;
        public combine: Operation;
        public reflectivity: number;
        public refractionRatio: number;
        public fog: boolean;
        public shading: Shading;
        public wireframe: boolean;
        public wireframeLineWidth: number;
        public wireframeLinecap: string;
        public wireframeLinejoin: string;
        public vertexColors: VertexColor;
        public skining: boolean;
        public morphTargets: boolean;
        public morphNormals: boolean;


    export class DataTexture extends Texture {
            data: number[],
            width: number,
            height: number,
            format: Format,
            type: Type,
            mapping: Mapping,
            wrapS: Wrapping,
            wrapT: Wrapping,
            magFilter: Filter,
            minFilter: Filter,
            anisotropy: number);
        public image: HTMLImageElement;

    export class CompressedTexture extends Texture {
            mipmaps: any[],
            width: number,
            height: number,
            format: Format,
            type: Type,
            mapping: Mapping,
            wrapS: Wrapping,
            wrapT: Wrapping,
            magFilter: Filter,
            minFilter: Filter,
            anisotropy: number);
        public flipY: boolean;
        public generateMipmaps: boolean;
    export class CubeTexture extends Texture {
            image: HTMLImageElement[] | HTMLVideoElement[] | HTMLCanvasElement[],
            mapping: Mapping,
            wrapS: Wrapping,
            wrapT: Wrapping,
            magFilter: Filter,
            minFilter: Filter,
            formate: Format,
            type: Type,
            anisotropy: number);
    export class Texture {
            image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement|HTMLCanvasElement,
            mapping: Mapping,
            wrapS: Wrapping,
            wrapT: Wrapping,
            magFilter: Filter,
            minFilter: Filter,
            formate: Format,
            type: Type,
            anisotropy: number);
        public id: number;
        public image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement|HTMLCanvasElement;
        public mapping: Mapping;
        public wrapS: number;
        public wrapT: number;
        public magFilter: Filter;
        public format: Format;
        public type: Type;
        public anisotropy: number;
        public needsUpdate: boolean;
        public repeat: number;
        public offset: number;
        public name: string;
        public generateMipmaps: boolean;
        public flipY: boolean;
        public mipmaps: any[];
        public unpackAlignment: number;
        public premultiplyAlpha: boolean;
        public onUpdate: (any) => any;
        public clone(texture: this): this;
        public dispose(): void;

    export class Intersection {
        public distance: number;
        public point: Vector3;
        public object: Object3D;
    export class Mesh extends Object3D {
        constructor(geometry: Geometry, material: Material);
        public geometry: Geometry;
        public material: Material;
        public morphTargetInfluences: number[];
        public morphTargetDictionary: any[];
        public morphTargetBase: number;
        public getMorphTargetIndexByName(name: string): number;
        public updateMorphTargets();
        public raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Intersection[]): raycasterIntersectObjectResult[];
        public clone(object?: any): this;
    export enum Direction {
        Forward = 1,
        Backwards = -1
    export class MorphAnimMesh extends Object3D {
        constructor(geometry: Geometry, material: Material);
        public directionBackwards: boolean;
        public direction: Direction;
        public startKeyframe: number;
        public endKeyframe: number;
        public mirroredLoop: boolean;
        public lastKeyframe: number;
        public currentKeyframe: number;
        public length: number;
        public time: number;
        public duration: number;
        public setDirectionForward();
        public setDirectionBackward();
        public playAnimation(label: string, fps: number);
        public setFrameRange(start: number, end: number);
        public parseAnimations();
        public updateAnimation(delta: number);
        public setAnimationLabel(label: string, start: number, end: number);
        public clone(object?: Object3D);
    export class Points extends Object3D {
        constructor(geometry: Geometry, material: Material);
        public geometry: Geometry;
        public material: Material;
        public clone(): this;
        public raycast(raycaster:Raycaster, intersects:Object3D[]):raycasterIntersectObjectResult[];
        public clone(object?: any): this;
    export class Skeleton {
        constructor(bones: Bone[], boneInverses?: Matrix4[], useVertexTexture?: boolean);
        public bones: Bone[];
        public useVertexTexture: boolean;
        public boneInverses: Matrix4[];
        public boneTextureWidth: number;
        public boneTextureHeight: number;
        public boneTexture: DataTexture;
        public calculateInverse(): void;
        public pose(): void;
        public update(): void;
        public clone(): this;
    export class Sprite extends Object3D {
        constructor(material?: Material);
        public material: Material;
        public clone(): this;
        public clone(object?: Object3D): this;

    export class SkinnedMesh extends Object3D {
        constructor(geometry: Geometry, material: Material, useVertexTexture?: boolean);
        public bones: any[];


    export class Scene extends Object3D {
        public fog: Fog;
        public overrideMaterial: Material;
        public autoUpdate: boolean;
    export class TrackballControls {
        constructor(camera: Camera);
        public update(): void;
    export class PerspectiveCamera extends Camera {
        constructor(fov: number, aspect: number, near: number, far: number);
        public zoom: number;
        public fov: number;
        public aspect: number;
        public near: number;
        public far: number;
        public setLens(focalLength: number, frameSize: number);
        public setViewOffset(fullWidth: number, fullHeight: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number);
        public updateProjectionMatrix();
        public clone(): this;
        public toJSON(): any;
    export class Fog {
        constructor(color: number, near: number, far: number);
        public name: string;
        public color: number;
        public near: number;
        public far: number;
        public clone(): this;

    export class FogExp2 {
        constructor(hex: Color | string, density: number);
        public name: string;
        public color: Color;
        //Default is 0.00025
        public density: number;
        public clone(): this;

    export class WebGLRenderer {
        constructor(parameters: any);

    export class Group extends Object3D {
    export class Light extends Object3D {
        constructor(hex: number);
        public color: Color;
        public clone(): this;

    export class AmbientLight extends Light {
        constructor(hex: number)
        public clone(): this
        toJSON(): any
    export class DirectionalLight extends Light {
        public intensity: number
        public onlyShadow: boolean;
        public castShadow: boolean;
        public shadowCameraNear: number;
        public shadowCameraFar: number;
        public shadowCameraLeft: number;
        public shadowCamearRight: number;
        public shadowCameraTop: number;
        public shadowCameraBottom: number;
        public shadowCameraVisible: boolean;
        public shadowBias: number;
        public shadowMapWidth: number;
        public shadowMapHeight: number;
        public shadowMapSize: number;
        public shadowCamera: number;
        public position: Vector3;
        constructor(color: number, intensity?: number)
    export class PointLight extends Light {
        constructor(hex: number, intensity: number, distance: number, decay: number);
        public intensity: number;
        public distance: number;
        public decay: number;
        public clone(): this;
        public toJSON():any;

    export class SpotLight extends Light {
        constructor(hex: number, intensity: number, distance: number, angle: number, exponent: number, decay: number);
        public target: Object3D;
        public intensity: number;
        public distance: number;
        public angle: number;
        public exponent: number;
        public decay: number;
        public onlyShadow: number;
        public shadowCameraNear: number;
        public shadowCameraFar: number;
        public shadowCameraFov: number;
        public shadowCameraVisible: number;
        public shadowBias: number;
        public shadowMapWidth: number;
        public shadowMapSize: Vector2;
        public shadowCamera: PerspectiveCamera;
        public shadowMatrix: Matrix4;
        public shadowMap: any;
        public clone(): this;
    export class HemisphereLight extends Light {
        constructor(skyColorHex: number, groundColorHex: number, intensity: number);
        public groundColor: number;
        public intensity: number;
        public clone(): this;
        public toJSON(): any;




DefinitelyTyped 包含大量的高质量的 TypeScript 类型定义。 包括: Ace Cloud9 Editor (by Diullei Gomes) AmCharts (by Covobonomo) AngularJS (by Diego Vilar) (wiki) Arbiter (by Arash Shakery) async (by Boris Yankov) Backbone.js (by Boris Yankov) Backbone Relational (by Eirik Hoem) Bootbox (by Vincent Bortone) Bootstrap (by Boris Yankov) bootstrap-notify (by Blake Niemyjski) bootstrap.datepicker (by Boris Yankov) Box2DWeb (by Josh Baldwin) Breeze (by Boris Yankov) CasperJS (by Jed Hunsaker) Cheerio (by Bret Little) Chosen (by Boris Yankov) Chrome (by Matthew Kimber) CodeMirror (by François de Campredon) Commander (by Marcelo Dezem) d3.js (from TypeScript samples) domo (by Steve Fenton) dust (by Marcelo Dezem) EaselJS (by Pedro Ferreira) ember.js (by Boris Yankov) EpicEditor (by Boris Yankov) expect.js (by Teppei Sato) Express (by Boris Yankov) Ext JS (by Brian Kotek) Fabric.js (by Oliver Klemencic) Fancybox (by Boris Yankov) File API: Directories and System (by Kon) File API: Writer (by Kon) Finite State Machine (by Boris Yankov) Firebase (by Vincent Bortone) FlexSlider (by Diullei Gomes) Foundation (by Boris Yankov) FPSMeter (by Aaron Lampros) FullCalendar (by Neil Stalker) Gamepad (by Kon) glDatePicker (by Dániel Tar) GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) (by Robert S.) Grunt JS (by Basarat Ali Syed) Google API Client (by Frank M) Google App Engine Channel API (by vvakame) GoogleMaps (by Esben Nepper) Google Geolocation (by Vincent Bortone) Google Page Speed Online API (by Frank M) Google Translate API (by Frank M) Google Url Shortener (by Frank M) Hammer.js (by Boris Yankov) Handlebars (by Boris Yankov) Highcharts (by damianog) History.js (by Boris Yankov) Humane.js (by John Vrbanac) i18next (by Maarten Docter) iCheck (by Dániel Tar) Impress.js (by Boris Yankov) iScroll (by Boris Yankov) jake (by Kon) Jasmine (by Boris Yankov) jQRangeSlider (by Dániel Tar) jQuery (from TypeScript samples) jQuery Mobile (by Boris Yankov) jQuery UI (by Boris Yankov) jQuery.autosize (by Jack Moore) jQuery.BBQ (by Adam R. Smith) jQuery.contextMenu (by Natan Vivo) jQuery.clientSideLogging (by Diullei Gomes) jQuery.Colorbox (by Gidon Junge) jQuery.Cookie (by Roy Goode) jQuery.Cycle (by François Guillot) jQuery.dataTables (by Armin Sander) jQuery.dynatree (by François de Campredon) jQuery.Flot (by Matt Burland) jQuery.form (by François Guillot) jQuery.Globalize (by Boris Yankov) jQuery.jNotify (by James Curran) jQuery.noty (by Aaron King) jQuery.pickadate (by Theodore Brown) jQuery.scrollTo (by Neil Stalker) jQuery.simplePagination (by Natan Vivo) jQuery.timeago (by François Guillot) jQuery.Timepicker (by Anwar Javed) jQuery.TinyCarousel (by Christiaan Rakowski) jQuery.TinyScrollbar (by Christiaan Rakowski) jQuery.Transit (by MrBigDog2U) jQuery.Validation (by Boris Yankov) jQuery.Watermark (by Anwar Javed) jScrollPane (by Dániel Tar) JSDeferred (by Daisuke Mino) JSONEditorOnline (by Vincent Bortone) jStorage (by Danil Flores) JWPlayer (by Martin Duparc) KeyboardJS (by Vincent Bortone) Knockback (by Marcel Binot) Knockout.js (by Boris Yankov) Knockout.Mapping (by Boris Yankov) Knockout.Postbox (by Judah Gabriel) Knockout.Validation (by Dan Ludwig) Knockout.Viewmodel (by Oisin Grehan) ko.editables (by Oisin Grehan) KoLite (by Boris Yankov) Leaflet (by Vladimir) Libxmljs (by François de Campredon) ladda (by Danil Flores) linq.js (by Marcin Najder) Livestamp.js (by Vincent Bortone) Marked (by William Orr) Modernizr (by Boris Yankov and Theodore Brown) Moment.js (by Michael Lakerveld) Mousetrap (by Dániel Tar) Mustache.js (by Boris Yankov) Node.js (from TypeScript samples) node_redis (by Boris Yankov) node_zeromq (by Dave McKeown) node-sqlserver (by Boris Yankov) Numeral.js (by Vincent Bortone) PhantomJS (by Jed Hunsaker) PhoneGap (by Boris Yankov) Platform (by Jake Hickman) PouchDB (by Bill Sears) PreloadJS (by Pedro Ferreira) QUnit (by Diullei Gomes) Restify (by Bret Little) Rx.js (by gsino) Raphael (by CheCoxshall) Restangular (by Boris Yankov) require.js (by Josh Baldwin) Sammy.js (by Boris Yankov) Select2 (by Boris Yankov) Sencha Touch (by Brian Kotek) SharePoint (by Stanislav Vyshchepan and Andrey Markeev) SignalR (by Boris Yankov) Sinon (by William Sears) (by William Orr) SockJS (by Emil Ivanov) SoundJS (by Pedro Ferreira) Spin (by Boris Yankov) Store.js (by Vincent Bortone) Sugar (by Josh Baldwin) SwipeView (by Boris Yankov) Tags Manager (by Vincent Bortone) Teechart (by Steema) three.js (by Kon) Toastr (by Boris Yankov) trunk8 (by Blake Niemyjski) TweenJS (by Pedro Ferreira) tween.js (by Adam R. Smith) twitter-bootstrap-wizard (by Blake Niemyjski) Ubuntu Unity Web API (by John Vrbanac) Underscore.js (by Boris Yankov) Underscore.js (Typed) (by Josh Baldwin) Underscore-ko.js (by Maurits Elbers) Viewporter (by Boris Yankov) Vimeo (by Daz Wilkin) WebRTC (by Ken Smith) YouTube (by Daz Wilkin) YouTube Analytics API (by Frank M) YouTube Data API (by Frank M) Zepto.js (by Josh Baldwin) Zynga Scroller (by Boris Yankov) ZeroClipboard (by Eric J. Smith)




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