Windows Xp, Personal Web Service


Creating a root folder (Windows)
After the server software is installed, create a root folder for your web application on the sy

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stem running Microsoft PWS or IIS, and make sure the folder has the necessary permissions.

To create a root folder for your web application:
  1. Create a folder called MySampleApp on the system running PWS or IIS.

    Note: Write down this folder name for later use. When you type it later, be sure to use exactly the same capitalization that you used when you created it.

    A good place to create the folder is in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\. By default, your IIS or PWS web server is set up to serve pages from the Inetpub\wwwroot folder. The web server will serve any page in this folder or in any of its subfolders in response to an HTTP request from a web browser.

  2. Make sure the Read and Scripts permissions are enabled for the folder by doing one of the following:
    • If you're using PWS, start Personal Web Manager by double-clicking the web server icon in the system tray. (The icon depicts a hand holding a web page.) In Personal Web Manager, click the Advanced icon. The Advanced Options dialog box appears. Select Home and click Edit Properties. The Edit Directory dialog box appears. Make sure the Read and Scripts options are selected. For security reasons, you should not select the Execute option.
    • If you're using IIS, start the IIS administrative tool (in Windows XP, select Start > Control Panel or Start > Settings Control Panel, then double-click Administrative Tools, then double-click Internet Information Services). Expand the "local computer" list, then the Web Sites folder, then the Default Web Site folder. Right-click your MySampleApp folder and select Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Execute Permissions pop-up menu, make sure the Scripts Only option is selected. (For security reasons, do not select the Scripts and Executables option.) Then click OK.

The web server is now configured to serve web pages in your root folder in response to HTTP requests from web browsers.

After configuring your system, you must define a Dreamweaver site. (See Defining a Dreamweaver site (PHP).)


ColdFusion & on Windows XP

(July '05)

So I finally got around to installing Windows XP. Why the wait? 'Cause Windows 2000 did the job, and I'm not one to fix that which ain't broke. Personally, I'd still be using Windows 3.1 or DOS if not for all the incompatibility problems with everyone else. For some reason, I have to be like everyone else since they won't be like me. And since I'm really a "website guy" rather than a "server guy," I prefer to spend my time designing and programming, rather than peering into new operating system and setup issues.

Anyway, I set things up, installed IIS and the latest ColdFusion MX, and immediately discovered "problems" with things like "". First, there's no "Personal Web Manager" (PWM) as part of the XP thing, so instead of using PWM to set up an alias, I did this:

On the website folder, right-click to "properties", select the "Web Sharing" tab, activate web sharing and enter the desired name (alias).

Past experience suggested that things should now work. But they didn't. Instead, "" got me a little pop-up asking for my username and password. This little pop-up was very persistent and wouldn't go away. After a bunch more twiddling and geeking, I discovered 2 more steps that solved the problem

On the website folder, right-click to "properties", select the "Sharing" tab, and check the "share this folder" box. Any share name is fine.

Go to: Start > control panel > administrative tools. Then

  • Open "Internet Information Services"
  • Click down through the directory thing until you find your alias (entered above in "Web Sharing").
  • right-click the alias, select Properties, "Directory Security" tab, then click "Edit" beside "Enable Anonymous...", and then check the "Anonymous Access" box.

Experience suggests that different installs behave differently; however, this was the most complicated of the various installs. (Other installs require a subset of the above.) In addition, WHERE you put "mywebsite" on your system affects the hoops through which you must jump. For example, putting "mywebsite" in C:\InetPub\wwwRoot\" can makes things simpler than if "mywebsite" is on your desktop.


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