[翻译] FastReport Class Hierarchy (FastReport 组件类层次结构)


"TfrxComponent" is the base class for all FastReport components. Objects of this type have attributes such as “coordinates”, “size”, “font” and “visibility” and have lists of subordinate objects. The class also has methods which allow for the saving and restoration of the object state to or from a stream.

"TfrxComponent" 是所有FastReport组件的基类。该类型的对象具有属性如"coordinates","size","font" 和"visibility" 并且有从属的对象列表。该类同



- Clear    clears object contents and deletes all its child objects  //清除对象内容并删除所有包含的子对象

- CreateUniqueName    creates unique name for object placed into report  //为对象放置在报表中创建唯一的名称

- LoadFromStream    loads object and all its child objects from stream     //从流中加载对象和所有子对象

- SaveToStream    saves object to stream   //对象保存到流中

- SetBounds    sets object coordinates and size  //设置对象的坐标和大小

- FindObject    searches for object with specified name among child objects  //按名字在子对象列表中查找对象

- GetDescription    returns object’s description   //返回对象的描述


The following methods are called when modifying the corresponding properties. If additional handling is needed, you can override them:


- SetParent

- SetLeft

- SetTop

- SetWidth

- SetHeight

- SetFont

- SetParentFont

- SetVisible

- FontChanged


The following properties are defined in the “TfrxComponent” class:

下面的属性被定义在"TfrxComponent" 类中:

- Objects    list of child objects  //子类对象列表

- AllObjects    list of all subordinate objects //所有下属对象列表

- Parent    link to parent object    //父对象

- Page    link to report page on which object resides  //链接到该对象所在的报表页

- Report    link to report in which object appears  //链接到对象所在的的报表

- IsDesigning    “True” if designer is running

- IsLoading    “True” if object is being loaded from stream

- IsPrinting    “True” if object is being printed out

- BaseName    object base name; this value is used in “CreateUniqueName” method   //组件的唯一名字

- Left    object X-coordinate (relative to parent)   // 对象的x坐标(相对于父容器)

- Top    object Y-coordinate (relative to parent)   // 对象的y坐标(相对于父容器)

- Width   object width 

- Height    object height

- AbsLeft    object absolute X-coordinate   //对象的绝对x坐标

- AbsTop    object absolute Y-coordinate

- Font    object font

- ParentFont    if “True” then uses parent object font settings

- Restrictions    set of flags which restricts one or more object operations //限制一个或多个对象操作的标志集

- Visible    object visibility   //对象的可见性


The next base class is “TfrxReportComponent”. Objects of this type can be placed into a report design. This class has the “Draw” method for drawing the object and also the “BeforePrint/GetData/AfterPrint” methods, which are called when the report is running.


TfrxReportComponent = class(TfrxComponent)


procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas;ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); virtual; abstract;

procedure BeforePrint; virtual;

procedure GetData; virtual;

procedure AfterPrint; virtual;

function GetComponentText: String; virtual;

property OnAfterPrint: TfrxNotifyEvent;

property OnBeforePrint: TfrxNotifyEvent;


The "Draw" method is called to draw the object, with parameters:


- Canvas    on canvas

- Scale    scaling along the X- and Y-axes    //沿X轴和Y轴的缩放

- Offset    offset relative to canvas edges    //相对于画布边缘的偏移


The "BeforePrint" method is called immediately before object handling (during the report building process). This method saves the object state.   //处理前调用,保存对象状态

The "GetData" method is called to load data into the object.   //将数据加载到对象

The "AfterPrint" method is called after object handling. This method restores the object state.  //对象处理完成后调用,恢复对象状态。


"TfrxDialogComponent" is the base class for writing non-visual components that can be used in dialogue forms in a report.


TfrxDialogComponent = class(TfrxReportComponent)


property Bitmap: TBitmap;

property Component: TComponent;


property Left;

property Top;



“TfrxDialogControl” is the base class for writing common controls that can be used in dialogue forms in a report. This class has a large number of general properties and events shared by most of the common controls.


TfrxDialogControl = class(TfrxReportComponent)


procedure InitControl(AControl: TControl);


property Caption: String;

property Color: TColor;

property Control: TControl;

property OnClick: TfrxNotifyEvent;

property OnDblClick: TfrxNotifyEvent;

property OnEnter: TfrxNotifyEvent;

property OnExit: TfrxNotifyEvent;

property OnKeyDown: TfrxKeyEvent;

property OnKeyPress: TfrxKeyPressEvent;

property OnKeyUp: TfrxKeyEvent;

property OnMouseDown: TfrxMouseEvent;

property OnMouseMove: TfrxMouseMoveEvent;

property OnMouseUp: TfrxMouseEvent;


property Left;

property Top;

property Width;

property Height;

property Font;

property ParentFont;

property Enabled: Boolean;

property Visible;


When writing your own custom control, you should inherit from this class, move the required properties to the “published” section, and then add new properties for your common control. The writing of custom controls will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.



"TfrxView" is the base class for most components that can be placed on the report design page. Objects of this class have attributes such as “Frame” and “Filling” and can also be connected to a data source. Most FastReport standard objects inherit from this class.

类"TfrxView"是大多在报表设计页上放置的组件的基类。此类对象有属性如Frame ,Filling,并且可以连接到一个数据源。多数FastReport标准对象继承自该类。

TfrxView = class(TfrxReportComponent)


FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX, FDY, FFrameWidth: Integer;

FScaleX, FScaleY: Extended;

FCanvas: TCanvas;

procedure BeginDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); virtual;

procedure DrawBackground;

procedure DrawFrame;

procedure DrawLine(x, y, x1, y1, w: Integer);


function IsDataField: Boolean;

property BrushStyle: TBrushStyle;

property Color: TColor;

property DataField: String;

property DataSet: TfrxDataSet;

property Frame: TfrxFrame;


property Align: TfrxAlign;

property Printable: Boolean;

property ShiftMode: TfrxShiftMode;

property TagStr: String;

property Left;

property Top;

property Width;

property Height;

property Restrictions;

property Visible;

property OnAfterPrint;

property OnBeforePrint;


The following methods are defined in this class:

- BeginDraw    called by the “Draw” method; calculates integer-valued coordinates and size of drawing area.

Calculated values are exposed as FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX and FDY variables. Frame width (exposed as FFrameWidth) is also calculated


- DrawBackground    draws object background  //绘制对象背景

- DrawFrame    draws object frame   //绘制对象边框

- DrawLine    draws line with specified coordinates and width   //绘制具有指定坐标和宽度的行

- IsDataField    returns “True” if DataSet and DataField properties contain non-empty values

One can refer to the following properties after calling the “BeginDraw” method:

- FX, FY, FX1, FY1,FDX, FDY,

FFrameWidth    the object frame coordinates, sizes and width calculated using the Scale and Offset parameters

- FscaleX,FScaleY    X & Y-scaling, which are copies of the ScaleX and ScaleY parameters from the Draw method

- FCanvas    the canvas, which is a copy of the Canvas parameter from the Draw method

The class defines the following properties, which are found in most report objects:


- BrushStyle    object fill style

- Color    object fill color

- DataField    name of data field to which object is connected

- DataSet    data source

- Frame    object frame

- Align    object alignment relative to its parent

- Printable    defines whether given object can be printed out  //定义给定的对象是否可以打印出来

- ShiftMode    shift mode of object in cases when a stretchable object is placed above it  //换档模式对象的情况时,可延伸的对象放在上面

- TagStr    field for storing user information  //存储用户信息的字段(用户可以自己使用,类似Tag)


"TfrxStretcheable" is the base class for writing components which modify their height depending on the data placed in them.


TfrxStretcheable = class(TfrxView)


function CalcHeight: Extended; virtual;

function DrawPart: Extended; virtual;

procedure InitPart; virtual;


property StretchMode: TfrxStretchMode;


Objects of this class can be stretched vertically and also split into smaller pieces when the objects don't have sufficient width on the output page. The objects are split enough times to fit all of their data into the available space.


The following methods are defined in this class:

- CalcHeight    calculates and returns object height according to the data placed in it  //根据所放置的数据计算并返回对象高度

- InitPart    called before object splitting  //对象分割前调用

- DrawPart    draws next data chunk placed in object “Return value” is the amount of unused space where it was impossible to display data










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