Semantic Search 2008 Workshop

Semantic Search 2008 Workshop






SemSearch 2008

Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Search (SemSearch 2008) at the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008)
Tenerife, Spain, June 2nd, 2008.

Edited by

Stephan Bloehdorn, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain
Thanh Tran Douc, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany


You can also access individual papers below or access the complete workshop proceedings including title pages, preface, and table of contents.

Table of Contents

Resolving Lexical Ambiguities in Folksonomy Based Search Systems through Common Sense and Personalization
Mohammad Nauman, Shahbaz Khan, Muhammad Amin, Fida Hussain , pages 2-13

Integration of Semantic, Metadata and Image Search Engines with a Text Search Engine for Patent Retrieval
Joan Codina, Emanuele Pianta, Stefanos Vrochidis, Symeon Papadopoulos, pages 14-28

Enhancing Semantic Search using N-Levels Document Representation
Pierpaolo Basile, Annalina Caputo, Anna Lisa Gentile, Marco de Gemmis, Pasquale Lops and Giovanni Semeraro, pages 29-43

The Interaction Between Automatic Annotation and Query Expansion: a Retrieval Experiment on a Large Cultural Heritage Archive
Veronique Malaise, Laura Hollink and Luit Gazendam, pages 44-58

Wikipedia Link Structure and Text Mining for Semantic Relation Extraction
Kotaro Nakayama, Takahiro Hara and Shojiro Nishio, pages 59-73

Heiko Haller, pages 74-78

Microsearch: An Interface for Semantic Search
Peter Mika, pages 79-88

Exploring the Knowledge in Semi Structured Data Sets with Rich Queries
Juergen Umbrich and Sebastian Blohm, pages 89-101

Search, Natural Language Generation and Record Display Configuration: Research Directions Stemming From a Digital Library Application Development Experience (Discussion Paper)
Andrew Russell Green and Jose Antonio Villarreal Martinez, pages 102-108

Concept Search: Semantics Enabled Syntactic Search
Fausto Giunchiglia, Uladzimir Kharkevich and Ilya Zaihrayeu, pages 109-123





In recent years we have witnessed tremendous interest and substantial economic exploitation of search technologies. However, the representation of user queries and resource content in existing search appliances is still almost exclusively achieved by simple syntax-based descriptions of the resource content and the information need such as in the predominant keyword-centric paradigm.

On the other hand, recent advances in the field of semantic technologies have resulted in tools and standards that allow for the articulation of domain knowledge in a formal manner at a high level of expressiveness. At the same time, semantic repositories and reasoning engines have advanced to a state where querying and processing of this knowledge can scale to realistic IR scenarios.

As such, semantic technologies are now in a state to provide significant contributions to IR problems.

In this context, several challenges arise for Semantic Search systems. These include, among others:
How can semantic technologies be exploited to capture the information need of the user?
How can the information need of the user be translated to expressive formal queries without enforcing the user to be capable of handling the difficult query syntax?
How can expressive resource descriptions be extracted (acquired) from documents (users)?
How can expressive resource descriptions be stored and queried efficiently on a large scale?
How can vague information needs and incomplete resource descriptions be handled?
How can semantic search systems be evaluated and compared with standard IR systems?
09:00 - 10:30 - Session 1
Workshop Organization Team

Enhancing Semantic Search using N-Levels Document Representation
Pierpaolo Basile, Annalina Caputo, Anna Lisa Gentile, Marco de Gemmis, Pasquale Lops and Giovanni Semeraro

The Interaction Between Automatic Annotation and Query Expansion: a retrieval experiment on a large cultural heritage archive
Veronique Malaise, Laura Hollink and Luit Gazendam

10:30 - 11:00 - Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 - Session 2
Search, Natural Language Generation and Record Display Configuration: Research Directions Stemming From a Digital Library Application Development Experience
Andrew Russell Green and Jose Antonio Villarreal Martinez

Integration of Semantic, Metadata and Image Search Engines with a Text Search Engine for Patent Retrieval
Joan Codina, Emanuele Pianta, Stefanos Vrochidis, Symeon Papadopoulos

Heiko Haller

12:30 - 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 - Session 3
Invited Talk
Large Scale Search Improvement needs Large Scale Knowledge
Michael Witbrock, Vice President of Research Cycorp Inc. &

Concept Search: Semantics Enabled Syntactic Search
Fausto Giunchiglia, Uladzimir Kharkevich and Ilya Zaihrayeu

Microsearch: An Interface for Semantic Search
Peter Mika

16:00 - 16:30 - Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00 - Session 4
Wikipedia Link Structure and Text Mining for Semantic Relation Extraction
Kotaro Nakayama, Takahiro Hara and Shojiro Nishio

(talk cancelled)

Exploring the Knowledge in Semi Structured Data Sets with Rich Queries
Juergen Umbrich and Sebastian Blohm

Resolving Lexical Ambiguities in Folksonomy Based Search Systems through Common Sense and Personalization
Mohammad Nauman, Shahbaz Khan, Muhammad Amin, Fida Hussain

18:00 - End
Topics of Interest
Main topics of interest in the areas of Semantic Search include but are not limited to:

Tasks and Interaction Paradigms for Semantic Search
Information Retrieval Tasks on the Semantic Web
Interaction Paradigms for Expressive Resource Annotation
Interaction Paradigms for Semantic Search
Collaborative Aspects of Semantic Search (Wikis, Social Networks)
Query Construction and Resource Modelling for Semantic Search
Semantic Technologies for Query Interpretation, Refinement and Routing
Natural Language Interfaces for Semantic Web Repositories
Modelling Expressive Resource Descriptions
Ontology and Metadata Standards for Expressive Resource Descriptions
Natural Language Processing and Information Extractions for the Acquisition of Resource Descriptions
Semantic Web Mining and Semantic Network Analysis
Algorithms and Infrastructures for Semantic Search
Scalable Reasoners, Repositories and Infrastructures for Semantic Search
Crawling, Indexing and Storage of Expressive Resource Descriptions
Fusion of semantic search results on the semantic web
Algorithms for Matching Expressive Queries and Resource Descriptions
Algorithms and Reasoning procedure to deal with Vagueness in Semantic Search
Evaluation of Semantic Search
Evaluation Methodologies for Semantic Search
Standard Datasets and Benchmarks for Semantic Search
Stephan Bloehdorn, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Marko Grobelnik, Jo瀍f Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain
Thanh Tran Duc, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Program Committee
Bettina Berendt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Paul Buitelaar, DFKI Saarbr點ken, Germany
Wray Buntine, NICTA Canberra, Australia
Pablo Castells, Universidad Aut髇onoma de Madrid, Spain
Fabio Ciravegna, University of Sheffield, UK
Alistair Duke, British Telecom, UK
Blaz Fortuna, Jo瀍f Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Norbert Fuhr, Universit鋞 Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Lise Getoor, University Maryland, USA
Rayid Ghani, Accenture Labs, USA
Peter Haase, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Andreas Hotho, University of Kassel, Germany
Esther Kaufmann, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Christoph Kiefer, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
Alexander L鰏er, SAP Research, CEC Dresden, Germany
Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Sergej Sizov, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Nenad Stojanovic, FZI Karlsruhe, Germany
Rudi Studer, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Raphael Volz, FZI Karlsruhe, Germany
Haofen Wang, Apex Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Michael Witbrock, Cycorp, USA and Cycorp Europe, Slovenia
Yong Yu, Apex Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Ilya Zaihrayeu, University of Trento, Italy
Hugo Zaragoza, Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain
Submission and Proceedings
Proceedings for the workshop are published as part of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, ISSN 1613-0073). The proceedings are now online at

We will consider a journal special issue with the topics after the workshop.

The organization committee can be reached via





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