DXperience 7.3.3 released on 16 Nov 2007 and What'a New

.NET v.7.3.3 released on 16 Nov 2007

Release Notes


To learn about our new ASPxScheduler Suite, as well as get acquainted with other major improvements introduced in this version, please check the following page: http://www.devexpress.com/Products/NET/DXperience/WhatsNew2007v3/index.xml


To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following article: http://community.devexpress.com/blogs/ctodx/archive/2007/10/18/breaking-changes-for-dxperience-v2007-vol-3-aka-7-3.aspx


Additionally, the following breaking changes should be mentioned:
  • ASPxperience: The font size used for ASPxperience controls in the Default appearance has been changed from 8pt to 9pt. This has been done to enable visual consistency among our different ASP.NET Libraries.
  • XtraCharts: Null values (DBNull) are now treated as empty (missing) points, while in previous versions they were simply skipped.
  • XtraPivotGrid: The order of PivotSummaryDataSource columns was changed. Now the first are Column Area fields, then Row Area fields, and then Data fields.
  • XtraPivotGrid: The names of PivotSummaryDataSource columns were changed. Instead of the "UnboundColumn0", "UnboundColumn1" and so on, they will be the PivotGridFieldBase.FieldName or PivotGridFieldBase.Name property value (this depends on the OptionsDataField.FieldNaming property value).
  • XtraPivotGrid: Now the PivotSummaryDataSource.GetValue(int rowIndex, string fieldName) and PivotSummaryDataSource.GetIsOthersValue methods can't accept field names. They accept the PivotSummaryDataSource column name.
  • XtraReports: When the ChartControl component is dropped from the Visual Studio toolbox on a report at design time, the XRChart control is added instead.
  • XtraReports: The XtraReport.ShrinkSubreportIconArea property is now obsolete and is ignored. Instead, the XRSubreport.CanShrink property is introduced. Note that the XRSubreport.CanShrink is false by default.



The following sections list all minor and major changes, as well as issue fixes in DXperience v2007 vol 3. Note that this list covers all issues fixed in 7.3.0 (Release Candidate 1), 7.3.1 (Release Candidate 2) and 7.3.2 (Final Release) versions of the Suite.



New Features/Changes
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: CS66616 - Ability to always show a pager
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS17271 - Ability to set time to wait for the auto filter
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16493 - Add a method to obtain a particular row object shown in the ASPxGridView
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS17083 - Add CustomColumnGroup and CustomColumnSort events
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: CS66427 - Add the PopupEditForm edit mode
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS15928 - ASPxButton is required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16107 - ASPxComboBox - autocomplete and incremental search required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: CS58470 - ASPxComboBox - Provide keyboard support for item navigation
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S18144 - ASPxDateEdit - MinValue and MaxValue properties are required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S18350 - ASPxDateEdit - publish a client side method to dropdown the calendar
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16575 - ASPxDateEdit should support time edit in textbox
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16136 - ASPxGridView - Sorting by DisplayText value
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS17289 - ASPxLabel - Add Office autoformats
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: CS46639 - ASPxLabel - Allow the ability to set HTML content to its Text property
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S18143 - ASPxSpinEdit - MinValue and MaxValue properties are required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S18141 - ASPxSpinEdit - Provide keyboard support to manipulate the editor's value
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S18148 - ASPxSpinEdit - the DecimalPlaces property is required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS15718 - ASPxSpinEdit is required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S18403 - Compile the ASPxGridView with the CLSCompliant attribute
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS17460 - Documentation - Change the description of the ASPxGridView CustomUnboundColumnData event
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS17274 - Export - Add events to allow generating a content different from default exporting
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS15802 - Export - Preserve the expansion state of grid rows in the resulting document
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: CS62079 - Export to PDF - Add the ability to export data in Landscape, and to customize a report's margins
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16209 - Group footer total summary is required
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS15762 - Implement the Group Interval feature
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16651 - Introduce a GridViewDataDateTimeColumn to the ASPxGridView and a ASPxDateTimeEdit to the editor library
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: S20176 - More export options are needed
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS17531 - Publish the ASPxClientGridView.GetRow method
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16589 - SelectionChanged, FocusedRowChanged client side events - add the e.ProcessOnServer parameter
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: AS16784 - Sorting by display text is required
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS12721 - Ability to disable/enable items via client code (for a menu, navbar, tab control)
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS15222 - Ability to set an ASPxClientNavBarItem image on the client side
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS12726 - Ability to specify an image for an item's disabled state (menu, navbar, tab control)
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS16926 - ASPxCallbackPanel - new control is needed
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS11602 - ASPxPopupControl - Ability to change header and footer texts on the client side
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS12547 - ASPxPopupControl - Ability to show it as a modal dialog
  • ASPxperience Suite: S20273 - Office 2007 Themes support
  • ASPxperience Suite: AS3410 - Provide all DX ASP.NET controls with support for Microsoft Atlas framework
  • ASPxperience Suite: CS49757 - Provide an ability to access and change an active tab's text via a client script
  • ASPxperience Suite: S50025 - Provide an ability to define images for different item states (e.g. disabled, checked, selected, hot-tracked)
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS16936 - Ability to add a WHERE clause to the OLAP query at runtime
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS8008 - Add methods to save /load the control's layout
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS13475 - Add the ability to scroll fields within the fields customization window
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS14722 - Add the FieldAreaChanged event
  • ASPxPivotGrid: CS48809 - Context Menu - Ability to disable specific menu items
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS8819 - Create a CustomCellStyle event to allow a developer to customize cell styles
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS16772 - Localization - Provide ASPxPivotGrid localization
  • ASPxPivotGrid: AS15837 - OLAPConnectionString - Do not ignore custom parameters (e.g. Timeout)
  • DXperience Suite: B121 - New Controls - Create a new ASP.NET Scheduler control (ASPxScheduler, Scheduler for Web)
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: S20220 - Correct examples in Tutorial 3
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: S18452 - Data layers must automatically dispose of auto-created objects (connections, dictionaries, etc.)
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: S20291 - Documentation - How to Connect to a Datastore - Using Data Access Layer Objects - Add a reference to Devexpress.Xpo
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: S20221 - Include all the necessary namespaces into code samples (XPO - Tutorial 4)
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: AS16208 - SQL Server 2005 - the image's persistent properties should create a varbinary database type
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: S18059 - Throw an exception if a non-persistent property has an Association attribute
  • XtraBars Suite: AS7503 - Add methods to simulate a click on a menu item
  • XtraBars Suite: AS9813 - Add the ability to merge ribbon groups and StatusBar items
  • XtraBars Suite: AS8035 - Add the Help button to the RibbonControl (like in Office2007)
  • XtraBars Suite: DS51699 - Add the RibbonGroupByName method
  • XtraBars Suite: AS6000 - Allow the MarqueeProgressBar to be embedded within bars
  • XtraBars Suite: DS52923 - BarCheckItem - Support a paint style as in Word 2007
  • XtraBars Suite: AS10811 - Docking - HiddenPanels[Name] overload is needed
  • XtraBars Suite: AS10540 - Implement a property to set the animation speed for the buttons hover effect
  • XtraBars Suite: DS18526 - PopupMenu - Add the ability to cancel the BeforePopup event
  • XtraBars Suite: AS6843 - Ribbon - Add the ability to scroll pages when they don't fit into the control's content
  • XtraBars Suite: AS10303 - Ribbon - Add a MinimizedChanged event fired when a Ribbon is minimized/restored
  • XtraBars Suite: AS11820 - Ribbon - add the ability to change the BarEditItem's height
  • XtraBars Suite: AS11959 - Ribbon - Add the ability to change the height of in-place editors (e.g. MemoEdit)
  • XtraBars Suite: AS15107 - Ribbon - Improve editors alignment to the right of a group
  • XtraBars Suite: CS7815 - Ribbon fade effects too slow
  • XtraBars Suite: CS1185 - Ribbon scroll through pages with mouse wheel
  • XtraBars Suite: AS8669 - RibbonControl - Display a child MDI form's buttons (Restore, Minimize) when the form is maximized
  • XtraBars Suite: AS11657 - RibbonControl - provide the ability to add bar items to the right side of the tabs area
  • XtraBars Suite: AS8006 - RibbonForm - When the form is maximized, clicking on top left and right corners of the screen has no effect
  • XtraBars Suite: S50033 - RibbonQuickAccessToolbar doesn't know its Ribbon owner (a problem with CAB)
  • XtraBars Suite: A2337 - Stand-alone BarDockControl - a docksite for a toolbar
  • XtraBars Suite: AS16827 - Support transparent background for check edit controls used in bars and Ribbon
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS2545 - Axis X - Support empty points (missing values) for all possible series views (line, point, bar, etc.)
  • XtraCharts Suite: CS40844 - Data - Add the ability to obtain an underlying DataRow from a SeriesPoint
  • XtraCharts Suite: DS6270 - Data - Add the Tag property to Series and SeriesPoint classes
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS5780 - Design Time - An empty chart should show useful text at design time
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS5531 - Legend - Ability to completely customize the legend's text
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS3587 - Legend - Ability to specify different options for series point labels and legend items at the same time (e.g. to show values in point labels and their arguments in a legend)
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS6405 - Series Label - Ability to customize its text via the CustomDraw event
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS5163 - Series View - Add 3D Side-by-side Bar series
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS5167 - Series View - Add 3D Stacked and Full-Stacked Bar Series
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS6988 - Series View - Add the Doughnut series view
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS4215 - WebChartControl - New event - It should be triggered when a certain series is clicked and should pass the clicked point value to the event handler
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS15001 - Wizard - Simplify the way the title text is entered
  • XtraCharts Suite: AS6346 - XYDiagram - Ability to convert pixel coordinates to diagram coordinates
  • XtraEditors Library: AS16543 - "Preview:" must be localizable in print designer for PivotGrid
  • XtraEditors Library: AS8652 - Add the ability to validate all the controls in a form by using DXErrorProvider
  • XtraEditors Library: AS11997 - Add the CheckEdit.AutoWidth property
  • XtraEditors Library: S18215 - Autocreate default DateEdit and CheckBox editors for Nullable DateTime and Boolean (bool) types
  • XtraEditors Library: DS10492 - CheckEdit - Add the AutoWidth property
  • XtraEditors Library: AS10383 - CheckEdit must have blue text in the Blue skin
  • XtraEditors Library: S18319 - Documentation - DateEdit Min/MaxValue properties' descriptions should explicitly note that an invalid value can be entered via the keyboard and it will be automatically corrected when the editor loses focus
  • XtraEditors Library: S18497 - Documentation - the Localization help topic should explicitly note that specific strings cannot be localized in the standard manner
  • XtraEditors Library: S18418 - Documentation: EditValueChanging event - there should be an explicit note that the developer shouldn't show modal dialogs, or switch the focus within this event
  • XtraEditors Library: CS21542 - Make the SimpleButton have the Down state, so it can work as a 'check' button
  • XtraEditors Library: S18261 - ProgressBarControl - support decimal values
  • XtraEditors Library: AS17697 - Publish the MaskBox property of TextEdit
  • XtraEditors Library: A1979 - SimpleButton - DropDown menu support needed
  • XtraGrid Suite: CS57923 - Column chooser needs hint to help end-users understand its purpose
  • XtraGrid Suite: S18211 - Help - add a note to documentation that the UseAdvVertNavigation option is ignored for New Item Row and Auto Filter Row
  • XtraGrid Suite: S18456 - Help - Redistributable Assemblies - add XPO to the Additional Libraries list
  • XtraGrid Suite: AS7839 - LayoutView - Add a property to allow card borders to be hidden
  • XtraGrid Suite: AS2901 - LayoutView - Add the ability to display vertical and horizontal lines within a card
  • XtraGrid Suite: AS14414 - LayoutView - CTRL-A must select all cards in multi-select mode
  • XtraGrid Suite: A228 - LayoutView - Fully functional vertical scrolling needed
  • XtraGrid Suite: AS6878 - LayoutView - Implement the horizontal-then-vertical card arrangement
  • XtraGrid Suite: A1776 - LayoutView - Implement the multiple column layout
  • XtraLayout Suite: A1489 - Add drag-and-drop capability to the Tree in the customization window
  • XtraLayout Suite: AS16082 - Documentation - Describe the IXtraResizableControl interface
  • XtraLayout Suite: AS16073 - Documentation - Describe the LayoutVisibility enumerator
  • XtraNavBar: AS8576 - Add an item to the Navbar's Items collection when it is being linked to a group
  • XtraNavBar: AS9521 - Add options to hide the Overflow button and splitter in the NavigationPane view
  • XtraNavBar: AS4081 - Implement expand/collapse buttons as in Office 2007
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AS13941 - Add a PivotSummaryDataSource.ExportToXml method
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: A2343 - Add the ability to select several cell ranges simultaneously via the mouse by holding down the Control key
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AS3334 - Add the GetFieldValue method to the FieldValueDisplayText event
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: CS52733 - Change the summary type of data fields at runtime
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AS17591 - Fields - PivotGrid should use the PropertyDescriptor.DisplayName value for field captions when calling the RetrieveFields method
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: CS47011 - Improve the OLAP feature support
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: S18411 - OLAP - add the ability to visually distinguish between dimensions and measures within the field list
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: S18120 - OLAP - PivotGrid should support ragged data hierarchies
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AS16788 - OLAP: Filters should be included into the mdx query
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AS16670 - Print dialog - Add a splitter to allow panels to be resized
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AS8734 - Usability - BestFit should take into account all assigned appearances
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: DS2926 - XtraPivotGrid custom filtering (like in XtraGrid) is needed
  • XtraPrinting Library: AS16523 - Export to HTML - Don't create the Files folder, if there are no images in a report
  • XtraPrinting Library: AS9032 - Export to Image - Ability to export by pages (to get the same result as that found in preview)
  • XtraPrinting Library: A2160 - Export to Image - Ability to specify image resolution
  • XtraPrinting Library: AS9034 - Export to RTF - Ability to export by pages with absolute positioning (to get the same result as in that found preview)
  • XtraPrinting Library: D1239 - Export to RTF - Export watermarks to this format
  • XtraPrinting Library: S18313 - Export to XLS - Add the ability to specify the name of the created sheet
  • XtraPrinting Library: AS16951 - Preview - Add the ability to customize the default export mode
  • XtraPrinting Library: A1892 - Serialization - Ability to save a created document to a file and then to load it to the preview window or use in a Session
  • XtraReports Suite: AS2752 - Filtering - Add the FilterString property to the XtraReportBase class to enable data filtering at design time and in the End-User Designer via the FilterControl
  • XtraReports Suite: S18105 - Localization - The " Tasks" postfix in the smart tag window must be localizable
  • XtraReports Suite: AS13473 - Multicolumn - Support the multicolumn feature for Detail Reports
  • XtraReports Suite: B440 - Page Builder - Add cross-band controls to draw lines spanning pages and page borders
  • XtraReports Suite: S20072 - Page Builder - Add the ability to print any report control on the side of subreports
  • XtraReports Suite: AS4543 - Page Builder - Implement vertical anchoring for all controls (Add the XRControl.AnchorVertical property)
  • XtraReports Suite: A2265 - Web - Ability to show the Table of Contents (like the Document Map in the Preview Form) for a web report
  • XtraReports Suite: S18194 - Web - Add the ability to refresh a report from the client side
  • XtraReports Suite: DS45346 - Web - Add the ability to replace a standard toolbar with a custom one (split code from a .JS file onto two separate files)
  • XtraReports Suite: S18081 - Web - Provide an ability to cache a report to disk while it is generated (to reduce memory consumption on the server)
  • XtraReports Suite: AS9357 - Web - Publish the client-side API
  • XtraReports Suite: S18102 - Web - ReportToolbar - Add CSV export option
  • XtraReports Suite: AS7837 - Web - Show a progress bar in place of the ReportViewer control while a report is being generated
  • XtraReports Suite: AS5849 - Web - Show the "Loading" message when switching between report pages displayed within a ReportViewer
  • XtraReports Suite: AS8804 - Web - Support the "Medium trust" permission level
  • XtraReports Suite: AS8082 - Web - Support the AJAX technology
  • XtraReports Suite: AS7450 - XRRichText - Support subscript and superscript characters
  • XtraReports Suite: AS16213 - XRSubreport - Ability to render any XRControl to the right or to the left of it
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS17141 - Ability to hide a date-time scrollbar
  • XtraScheduler Suite: A1697 - Ability to hide a scrollbar
  • XtraScheduler Suite: CS65010 - Ability to hide a scrollbar in the Timeline view
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS11909 - Add a method which returns a collection of appointments within the current view's range
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS11910 - Add a method which returns a collection of visible resources for the current view
  • XtraScheduler Suite: S18005 - Data - Add the ability to maintain custom field data after refreshing the storage in unbound mode
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS15717 - DayView - Add the ability to modify the row height
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS15783 - Export (Import) to Outlook - Add the ability to determine the number of appointments to be exported (imported)
  • XtraScheduler Suite: CS37190 - Printing - Make the three extra lines optional in the Daily Print Style
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS7089 - Resources - Ability to set individual work time interval for each resource for the Day and Work-Week views
  • XtraScheduler Suite: AS16689 - SchedulerStorage - Implement the IResourceFactory interface (similar to the IAppointmentFactory)
  • XtraScheduler Suite: CS52754 - Week View - Support multiple work time settings
  • XtraSpellChecker: AS15734 - Add a new mode when SpellCheck dialogs do not appear in the CheckAsYouType mode
  • XtraSpellChecker: AS15978 - Add API, which will allow you to handle the check as you type errors in the standard controls
  • XtraSpellChecker: AS12267 - Create a new event which would allow a developer to track the end-user activity
  • XtraSpellChecker: AS15741 - Support checking the standard RichTextBox control in the CheckAsYouType mode
  • XtraSpellChecker: AS17183 - Support for checking the LargeText in the AsYouType Mode
  • XtraSpellChecker: CS36441 - Support the standard RichTextBox control (ability to check RTF text)
  • XtraTreeList Suite: CS25020 - Add 'Contains' and 'Begins With' filter types
  • XtraTreeList Suite: A2319 - AppendNode - add an overload method, which will contain the Tag parameter to initialize the Node's Tag property
  • XtraVerticalGrid Suite: AS17357 - Do not merge cells when exporting data to Excel



Resolved Issues
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18862 - ASPxCalendar - DayRender event is not called within a callback
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18775 - ASPxCallbackPanel - BlackGlass autoformat - dropdown items with a link have a wrong text color
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18699 - ASPxClientGridView - The SelectRowOnPage client method doesn't work
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18757 - ASPxClientRadioButtonList - The SetSelectedIndex client method doesn't work if -1 is passed as a parameter
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18644 - ASPxComboBox - dropdown window position is wrong if the ASPxComboBox is positioned inside a vid with a relative positioning
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50109 - ASPxComboBox - Setting the Enable property to false causes the Object Required error in IE
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50310 - ASPxComboBox - The client KeyUp event never fires
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18780 - ASPxComboBox drop-down list is shown in a different location (invalid popup element position in 'fixed'-div)
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50137 - ASPxComboBox is handling string "AT&T" not correctly
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50066 - ASPxComboBox loses a Text Value when enabling and disabling a control
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B20790 - ASPxComboBox pressedstyle not always applied
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50204 - ASPxComboBox returns the Text value, rather than the actual value, when accessing an ASPxComboBox.Value in the SelectedIndexChangedEvent
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18837 - ASPxComboBox's SelectedValue is null if a selected item contains the "&" symbol
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50022 - ASPxDateEdit - If the selected style is defined using css, picking a new date doesn't remove selection from a previously chosen date
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50050 - ASPxGridView - A GridViewDataDateColumn's inplace date editor doesn't work properly if the gird is placed within an ASPxPageControl's page
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B19003 - ASPxGridView - A JavaScript error occurs when fetching a Boolean field value using the GetRowValues client method
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18771 - ASPxGridView - If Inline editing mode is used, and a predefined grouping is applied to the grid, column values are not updated correctly
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18937 - ASPxGridView - Images assigned for the Update and Cancel command buttons are not displayed within the EditForm if the command column is hidden
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B19015 - ASPxGridView - PlasticBlueAutoFormat - it's impossible to change the row's color within the HtmlRowPrepared event
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50245 - ASPxGridView in the Detail View does not load ClientLayout info
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B20922 - AspxGridView Pager "Next" button enabled even when there is no data
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18792 - ASPxHyperLink - Add a new htmlEvent event argument to the client Click event
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B20720 - ASPxImage in UserControl loses its ImageURL property value if the EnableClientSideAPI property is true
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B19052 - ASPxPageControl - EnableCallbacks = true - ASPxComboBox in the ASPxGridView's EditForm does not work
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18825 - ASPxSpinEdit - The SetNumber client method incorrectly assigns a float value to the editor, if the NumberType property is set to Integer
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18863 - Editor's state is not restored within a callback
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B50241 - Rows of a child grid can't be expanded
  • ASPxGridView and Editors Suite: B18806 - ValidationGroup property isn't present on the client if custom validation is not enabled.
  • ASPxperience Suite: B20909 - ASPxCallbackPanel - Hidden controls contained within the panel doesn't preserve their values after page round trips
  • ASPxperience Suite: B18448 - ASPxNewsControl - wrong vertically aligned items in IE
  • ASPxperience Suite: AB16679 - ASPxPageControl - A hyperlink placed inside a page control loses its hyperlink appearance, and is displayed as plain text
  • ASPxperience Suite: B18650 - ASPxPopupControl height is wrong in firefox
  • ASPxperience Suite: B50170 - NavBar and its contents loose their style after the Gridview.DataBind method is executed
  • ASPxperience Suite: B50096 - Round panel appearance is not correct with Glass
  • ASPxperience Suite: B50326 - The Glass AutoFormat's content background issue occurs in the ASPxRoundPanel control
  • ASPxPivotGrid: CB61385 - Columns in the Data area make the Row area grow too wide
  • ASPxScheduler: B18748 - Demo - Can't run the ASPxScheduler demo in 7.3 RC
  • DXperience Suite: B18758 - Project Converter - The ASPxGridView references are not patched in the web.config
  • DXperience Suite: B20525 - Skin Editor - The Skin Editor removes custom images after a project update
  • DXperience Suite: B50268 - The "ambiguous call" error when opening a form containing a ButtonEdit
  • eXpress Persistent Objects: B18217 - One-to-many: Changes made within an associated collection may be not transfered from the NestedUnitOfWork to the parent session when the GetPropertyValue method is used in the associated property's getter
  • XtraBars Suite: B20883 - A click on a toolbar to exit an application throws an exception in 2007.3 RC
  • XtraBars Suite: B20829 - BarItemLink CanShowSuperTip property typo
  • XtraBars Suite: B50114 - Bars on StandAloneBarDockCont... are not properly resized
  • XtraBars Suite: B20503 - Docking - A floating dock panel can be moved to the Windows taskbar
  • XtraBars Suite: B50167 - Docking - Collapsed dock panels are painted incorrectly
  • XtraBars Suite: B18611 - DockManager.EndDocking event inconsistency
  • XtraBars Suite: B20916 - In Windows Vista Thai Language menu bars are not correctly displayed
  • XtraBars Suite: B50166 - It's impossible to resize the dockManager Customize dialog
  • XtraBars Suite: B50227 - MDI - Child form overlaps the main Ribbon Form's header
  • XtraBars Suite: B50065 - Object reference not set to an object instance in BarLinkViewInfo.CalcLinkState when barbutton is used near the current form
  • XtraBars Suite: B50312 - Ribbon - Visibility of the Ribbon group isn't correct after merging
  • XtraBars Suite: B50242 - Ribbon - When selecting an option from the Gallery drop-down list while the Ribbon is minimized, an error occurs
  • XtraBars Suite: B20884 - Ribbon Application Menu has incorrect vertical alignment and font
  • XtraBars Suite: B50074 - Stand-alone Toolbar - A problem while adding bar items to a bar at design time
  • XtraBars Suite: B50098 - Stand-alone Toolbar - A toolbar with "UseWholeRow = true" isn't resized when the StandaloneBarDockControl is resized
  • XtraBars Suite: B20895 - Stand-alone Toolbar - It's not possible to drag bar items to a bar at design time
  • XtraBars Suite: B50057 - The Ribbon.SelectedPage property is reset when activating an editor
  • XtraBars Suite: B50218 - XtraBars scroll buttons are misplaced
  • XtraCharts Suite: B50154 - Data - XtraCharts doesn't correctly work with Nullable types
  • XtraEditors Library: B19001 - ButtonEdit - Button.Appearance.TextOptions isn't working correctly if Button.Width is defined
  • XtraEditors Library: B19000 - CheckEdit is clipping an image even if the AutoHeight property is set to true
  • XtraEditors Library: B50311 - ComboBoxEdit - When closing its popup window the "Cannot access a disposed object" exception is raised
  • XtraEditors Library: B50056 - DropDownButton's TextOptions don't work in the beta
  • XtraEditors Library: B50095 - SimpleButton - DoubleClick event doesn't work
  • XtraGrid Suite: B20681 - A RepositoryItemCheckEdit control in a GridControl on an XRReport displays a border when it shouldn't
  • XtraGrid Suite: B50243 - CustomColumnSort and CustomColumnGroup events - the e.ListSourceRowIndex1 and e.ListSourceRowIndex2 parameters are always equal
  • XtraGrid Suite: B18516 - If the FocusLeaveOnTab property is set to true, and the grid is empty, it's impossible to leave the tab
  • XtraGrid Suite: B20908 - LayoutView - An error after setting the view mode to Carousel
  • XtraGrid Suite: B20278 - Printing - Group headers are not printed, although they are visible in the print preview
  • XtraLayout Suite: B50163 - After v7.3 Beta upgrade, the form crashes Visual Studio
  • XtraLayout Suite: B18778 - If you call the RetrieveFields method twice, you'll see a strange behavior
  • XtraLayout Suite: B18744 - Layout Control on an inherited form produces warnings on compilation
  • XtraLayout Suite: B20181 - Memory leaks after removing layout items
  • XtraNavBar: B50162 - NavigationPane - bottom border is not displayed when OptionsNavPane.ShowOverflowPanel = True
  • XtraNavBar: B18781 - The collapsed NavBar is drawn incorrectly using two different skins
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: B20759 - Column 'LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_HIERARCHY_NAME' does not belong to the table {c8b522db-5cf3-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d)
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: B20885 - InvalidCastException in PivotGridData.GetCellValuePercentOf
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AB16489 - OLAP - Summary is calculated incorrectly (aggregated) when using OLAP
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: B18321 - Selection Appearance - transparent selection does not work
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite: AB16364 - The CreateSummaryDataSource method incorrectly populates columns corresponding to data fields whose SummaryDisplayType properties have been modified
  • XtraPrinting Library: B20861 - Export to XLS - Exporting a GridControl with unbound columns produces incorrect results
  • XtraPrinting Library: B18730 - Preview - The progress reflector runs when the Watermark editor is invoked
  • XtraPrinting Library: B50108 - Print Preview - Ribbon - The drop-down menu is empty for drop-down Ribbon buttons
  • XtraPrinting Library: B18842 - TextBrick - It's impossible to set custom string format tab stops
  • XtraReports Suite: B18762 - Design Time - Moving a band into the Bands Collection dialog freezes the application
  • XtraReports Suite: CB66378 - Design Time - Report controls are still assigned to old styles, even if these styles have been previously removed
  • XtraReports Suite: CB56178 - End-User Designer - Memory leaks
  • XtraReports Suite: B18319 - Field List - Dragging a table with the right mouse button clicked (or shift+left mouse button) doesn't create a "header table"
  • XtraReports Suite: B18163 - Import from ActiveReports - Null grouping fields are generated for GroupHeader bands, if the GroupHeader.DataField is blank in the original report
  • XtraReports Suite: B18823 - Localization - FormatString dialog's caption, OK and Cancel buttons can't be localized
  • XtraReports Suite: B50135 - Print Preview - Sometimes an exception is raised when trying to create a report in a separate thread
  • XtraReports Suite: B50220 - Printing - The PrintDialog sometimes can freeze the application, if there are Windows Forms controls in a report
  • XtraReports Suite: B18608 - Summary - Report summary isn't calculated correctly, if a label belongs to a master report, and is bound to a value from a detail report data table
  • XtraReports Suite: B18688 - Web - The NavigateUrl isn't correctly generated, if it points to a file in the net
  • XtraReports Suite: B18459 - Wizard - An exception when fetching tables from a database using the Oracle DB provider
  • XtraReports Suite: B50179 - XRRichText - Decimal tab stop is not rendered correctly
  • XtraScheduler Suite: B50271 - Date Navigator - Dragging a control over a DateNavigator at design time freezes Visual Studio
  • XtraScheduler Suite: B50210 - Date Navigator - When a form with an associated SchedulerControl is closed, an exception is raised
  • XtraTreeList Suite: B18911 - The InvalidNodeException event isn't properly raised when changing a selected row
  • XtraVerticalGrid Suite: B18560 - Row header panel - The RowHeaderWidth property is discarded when the ScaleRowHeaderPanel is true






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