MicroStation VBA 操作提示

Sub TestShowCommand()

ShowCommand "画条线"

ShowPrompt "选择第一个点"

ShowStatus "选择第二个点"

End Sub

Sub TestShowTempMessage()

ShowTempMessage msdStatusBarAreaLeft, "消息左侧"

ShowTempMessage msdStatusBarAreaMiddle, "消息中部"

End Sub

Sub TestShowTempMessageCenter()

ShowTempMessage msdStatusBarAreaMiddle, "修改文件:", "奔跑吧兄弟"

End Sub

Sub TestShowError()

ShowError "Selection of Cell Failed"

End Sub

Sub TestSelectionSetA()

Dim myElement As Element

Dim myElemEnum As ElementEnumerator

Set myElemEnum = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements

While myElemEnum.MoveNext

Set myElement = myElemEnum.Current

myElement.Level = ActiveModelReference.Levels("Default")



End Sub

Sub TestSelectionSetC()

Dim mySettings As Settings

Set mySettings = Application.ActiveSettings

If MsgBox("Change Selection to Color " & mySettings.Color & "?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

Dim myElement As Element

Dim myElemEnum As ElementEnumerator

Set myElemEnum = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements

While myElemEnum.MoveNext

Set myElement = myElemEnum.Current

myElement.Color = mySettings.Color



End If

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputA()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim I As Long

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

For I = 1 To 10

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput

Debug.Print myCIM.InputType

Next I

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputB()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim I As Long

Dim pt3Selection As Point3d

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

For I = 1 To 10

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint)

pt3Selection = myCIM.point

Debug.Print pt3Selection.X & ", " & pt3Selection.Y

Next I

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputC()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim I As Long

Dim pt3Selection As Point3d

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

For I = 1 To 10

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

pt3Selection = myCIM.point

Debug.Print pt3Selection.X & ", "; pt3Selection.Y

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Exit For

End Select

Next I

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputD()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim I As Long

Dim pt3Selection As Point3d

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

For I = 1 To 10

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeCommand

Debug.Print "Command" & vbTab & myCIM.CommandKeyin

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Exit For

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

pt3Selection = myCIM.point

Debug.Print "Point" & vbTab & pt3Selection.X & vbTab & pt3Selection.Y & vbTab & _

pt3Selection.Z & vbTab & myCIM.View.Index & vbTab & myCIM.ScreenPoint.X & _

vbTab & myCIM.ScreenPoint.Y & vbTab & myCIM.ScreenPoint.Z

Case msdCadInputTypeKeyin

Debug.Print "Keyin" & vbTab & myCIM.Keyin

Case msdCadInputTypeAny

Debug.Print "Any"

Case msdCadInputTypeUnassignedCB

Debug.Print "UnassignedCB" & vbTab & myCIM.CursorButton

End Select

Next I

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputF()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim StPt As Point3d

Dim EnPt As Point3d

Dim myLine As LineElement

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

ShowCommand "Two-Point Line"

ShowPrompt "Select First Point"

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

ShowPrompt ""

ShowCommand ""

ShowStatus "Two-Point Line Reset"

Exit Sub

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

StPt = myCIM.point

End Select

ShowPrompt "Select Second Point:"

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

ShowPrompt ""

ShowCommand ""

ShowStatus "Two-Point Line Reset"

Exit Sub

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

EnPt = myCIM.point

End Select

Set myLine = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, StPt, EnPt)

ActiveModelReference.AddElement myLine


ShowPrompt ""

ShowCommand ""

ShowStatus "Two-Point Line Drawn"

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputH()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim StPt As Point3d

Dim EnPt As Point3d

Dim myLine As LineElement

Dim SelElems() As Element

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Exit Sub

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

StPt = myCIM.point

End Select

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Exit Sub

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

EnPt = myCIM.point

End Select

CadInputQueue.SendDragPoints StPt, EnPt

SelElems = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements.BuildArrayFromContents

If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete " & UBound(SelElems) + 1 & " Elements?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

CadInputQueue.SendCommand "DELETE"

End If

End Sub


Function PointsByLine() As Point3d()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim pt3Start As Point3d

Dim pt3End As Point3d

Dim selPts(0 To 1) As Point3d

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Err.Raise -12345

Exit Function

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

pt3Start = myCIM.point

End Select

CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE LINE"

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint pt3Start

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Err.Raise -12346

Exit Function

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

pt3End = myCIM.point

End Select

selPts(0) = pt3Start

selPts(1) = pt3End

PointsByLine = selPts

End Function

Sub TestCadInputJ()

On Error GoTo errhnd

Dim selPts() As Point3d

selPts = PointsByLine



Debug.Print selPts(0).X & ", " & selPts(0).Y & ", " & selPts(0).Z

Debug.Print selPts(1).X & ", " & selPts(1).Y & ", " & selPts(1).Z

Exit Sub




Select Case Err.Number

Case -12345


MsgBox "Start Point not selected.", vbCritical

Case -12346


MsgBox "End Point not selected.", vbCritical

End Select

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputK()

On Error GoTo errhnd

Dim selPts() As Point3d

Dim pt3TextPt As Point3d

Dim myText As TextElement

Dim rotMatrix As Matrix3d

selPts = PointsByLine



Set myText = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, "Start", selPts(0), rotMatrix)

ActiveModelReference.AddElement myText

Set myText = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, "End", selPts(1), rotMatrix)

ActiveModelReference.AddElement myText

pt3TextPt.X = selPts(0).X + (selPts(1).X - selPts(0).X) / 2

pt3TextPt.Y = selPts(0).Y + (selPts(1).Y - selPts(0).Y) / 2

pt3TextPt.Z = selPts(0).Z + (selPts(1).Z - selPts(0).Z) / 2

Set myText = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, "Mid", pt3TextPt, rotMatrix)

ActiveModelReference.AddElement myText

Exit Sub




Select Case Err.Number

Case -12345


MsgBox "Start Point not selected.", vbCritical

Case -12346


MsgBox "End Point not selected.", vbCritical

End Select

End Sub


Function PointsByRectangle() As Point3d()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim pt3Start As Point3d

Dim pt3End As Point3d

Dim selPts(0 To 1) As Point3d

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Err.Raise -12345

Exit Function

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

pt3Start = myCIM.point

End Select

CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE BLOCK"

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint pt3Start

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeReset)

Select Case myCIM.InputType

Case msdCadInputTypeReset

Err.Raise -12346

Exit Function

Case msdCadInputTypeDataPoint

pt3End = myCIM.point

End Select

selPts(0) = pt3Start

selPts(1) = pt3End

PointByRectangle = selPts

End Function

Sub TestCadInputL()

On Error GoTo errhnd

Dim selPts() As Point3d

selPts = PointsByRectangle



Debug.Print selPts(0).X & ", " & selPts(0).Y & ", " & selPts(0).Z

Debug.Print selPts(1).X & ", " & selPts(1).Y & ", " & selPts(1).Z

Exit Sub




Select Case Err.Number

Case -12345


MsgBox "Start Point not selected.", vbCritical

Case -12346


MsgBox "End Point not selected.", vbCritical

End Select

End Sub


Sub TestCadInputM()

On Error GoTo errhnd

Dim selPts() As Point3d

Dim LinePts(0 To 1) As Point3d

Dim LineElem As LineElement

Dim myESC As New ElementScanCriteria

Dim myRange As Range3d

Dim myElemEnum As ElementEnumerator

Dim myElem As Element

Dim FFile As Long

Dim myCellHeader As CellElement

selPts = PointsByRectangle



myRange = Range3dFromPoint3dPoint3d(selPts(0), selPts(1))


myESC.IncludeType msdElementTypeCellHeader

myESC.IncludeOnlyWithinRange myRange

Set myElemEnum = ActiveModelReference.Scan(myESC)

FFile = FreeFile

Open "C:\MicroStation VBA\CellExport.txt" For Output As #FFile

Print #FFile, ActiveDesignFile.Name

While myElemEnum.MoveNext

Set myElem = myElemEnum.Current

Set myCellHeader = myElem

Print #FFile, myCellHeader.Name & vbTab & myCellHeader.Origin.X & _

myCellHeader.Origin.Y & vbTab & myCellHeader.Origin.Z


Close #FFile

Exit Sub




Select Case Err.Number

Case -12345


MsgBox "Start Point not selected.", vbCritical

Case -12346


MsgBox "End Point not selected.", vbCritical

End Select

End Sub


Sub Macro1()

Dim startPoint As Point3d

Dim point As Point3d, point2 As Point3d

Dim logTemp As Long




startPoint.X = 16735.231975

startPoint.Y = 22030.733029

startPoint.Z = 0#


point.X = startPoint.X

point.Y = startPoint.Y

point.Z = startPoint.Z

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1

point.X = startPoint.X + 1985.401024

point.Y = startPoint.Y - 610.892623

point.Z = startPoint.Z

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1




End Sub

Sub Macro1_modifiedA()

Dim point As Point3d


point.X = 0: point.Y = 0: point.Z = 0

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1

point.X = 4: point.Y = 5: point.Z = 6

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1



End Sub

Sub Macro2_modifiedA()

Dim point As Point3d

CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE BLOCK ICON"

point.X = 0: point.Y = 0: point.Z = 0

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1

point.X = point.X + 2.5

point.Y = point.Y - 0.75

CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1


End Sub

Sub TestCadInput()

Dim myCIQ As CadInputQueue

Dim myCIM As CadInputMessage

Dim I As Long

Set myCIQ = CadInputQueue

For I = 1 To 10

Set myCIM = myCIQ.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeCommand)

Debug.Print myCIM.CommandKeyin

Next I

End Sub


Option Explicit

Dim elemSource As Element

Private Sub bstSelectSource_Click()

Dim myElements() As Element

Dim myElemEnum As ElementEnumerator

Dim myColorTable As ColorTable

Set myElemEnum = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements

myElements = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements.BuildArrayFromContents

If UBound(myElements) = 0 Then

Set elemSource = myElements(0)

If Not myElements(0).Level Is Nothing Then

txtLevel.Text = myElements(0).Level.Name

End If

Set myColorTable = ActiveDesignFile.ExtractColorTable

Select Case myElements(0).Color

Case -1

txtColor.Text = ""

txtColor.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)

txtLinestyle.Text = myElements(0).LineStyle.Name

txtLineweight.Text = myElements(0).LineWeight

Case Else

txtColor.Text = myElements(0).Color

txtColor.BackColor = myColorTable.GetColorAtIndex(myElements(0).Color)

txtLinestyle.Text = myElements(0).LineStyle.Name

txtLineweight.Text = myElements(0).LineWeight

End Select


Select Case UBound(myElements)

Case -1

MsgBox "No ""Source"" element selected.", vbCritical, Me.Caption

Exit Sub

Case Else

MsgBox "Only one element can be the ""Source"" " & "element.", vbCritical, Me.Caption

Exit Sub

End Select

End If

End Sub

Private Sub bstSelectSource_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

ShowPrompt "Select a single ""Source"" Element:"

End Sub

Private Sub btnChange_Click()

Dim myElements() As Element

Dim myElemEnum As ElementEnumerator

Dim I As Long

Dim boolElemModified As Boolean

Dim lngModCount As Long

lblCount.Caption = "0 Element(s) modified."

ShowStatus "0 Element(s) modified."

Set myElemEnum = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements

myElements = myElemEnum.BuildArrayFromContents

lngModCount = 0

For I = LBound(myElements) To UBound(myElements)

boolElemModified = False

If chkLevel.Value = True Then

myElements(I).Level = elemSource.Level

boolElemModified = True

End If

If chkColor.Value = True Then

myElements(I).Color = elemSource.Color

boolElemModified = True

End If

If chkLinestyle.Value = True Then

myElements(I).LineStyle = elemSource.LineStyle

boolElemModified = True

End If

If chkLineweight.Value = True Then

myElements(I).LineWeight = elemSource.LineWeight

boolElemModified = True

End If

If boolElemModified = True Then


lngModCount = lngModCount + 1

End If

Next I

lblCount.Caption = lngModCount & " Element(s) modified."

ShowStatus lngModCount & " Element(s) modified."

End Sub

Private Sub btnChange_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

ShowPrompt "Select ""Destination"" Elements:"

End Sub

Private Sub btnClose_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub btnClose_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

ShowPrompt "Close ""VBA Match Properties"""

End Sub

Private Sub fraDestination_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

ShowPrompt ""

End Sub

Private Sub fraSource_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

ShowPrompt ""

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

ShowCommand "VBA MAtch Properties:"

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

ShowPrompt ""

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)

ShowPrompt ""

ShowCommand ""

End Sub

Sub TestMatchProperties()

frmMatchProperties.Show vbModeless

End Sub








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


