

C:\Program Files\Java\JDK1.7\jdk1.7.0_67\bin>jad -o -8 -r -dD:/output2/src -sjava D:\companycode\abc\WEB-INF\classes\com\sendinfo\**\*.class




2.jad -o -8 -r -dXXXXX -sjava XXXXX

-o:  覆盖写,如果文件已经存在,则覆盖

-r:  建立和java包一致的文件夹路径

-dXXXX:  反编译后保存路径,如 D:/output/src

-sjava:  反编译后的文件后缀名,我们希望是.java文件

 -8: 避免反编译时将中文编译为unicode,必不可少。

注意:路径中不要有中文,否则会出现错误,JavaClassFileReadException: can't open input file on `D:\XXXXXX'

 注意:会丢失注解 ,比如@XmlAttribute,@Autowired等等,全部缺失。表示很无赖



[1] 反编译一个class文件:jad example.class,会生成example.jad,用文本编辑器打开就是java源代码

[2] 指定生成源代码的后缀名:jad -sjava example.class,生成example.java

[3] 改变生成的源代码的名称,可以先使用-p将反编译后的源代码输出到控制台窗口,然后使用重定向,输出到文件:jad -p example.class > myexample.java

[4] 把源代码文件输出到指定的目录:jad -dnewdir -sjava example.class,在newdir目录下生成example.java

[5] 把packages目录下的class文件全部反编译:jad -sjava packages/*.class

[6] 把packages目录以及子目录下的文件全部反编译:jad -sjava packages/**/*.class,不过你仍然会发现所有的源代码文件被放到了同一个文件中,没有按照class文件的包路径建立起路径

[7] 把packages目录以及子目录下的文件全部反编译并建立和java包一致的文件夹路径,可以使用-r命令:jad -r -sjava packages/**/*.class

[8] 当重复使用命令反编译时,Jad会提示“whether you want to overwrite it or not”,使用-o可以强制覆盖旧文件



Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov (jad@kpdus.com).
Usage: jad [option(s)] <filename(s)>
Options: -a - generate JVM instructions as comments (annotate)
-af - output fully qualified names when annotating
-b - generate redundant braces (braces)
-clear - clear all prefixes, including the default ones
-d <dir> - directory for output files
-dead - try to decompile dead parts of code (if there are any)
-dis - disassembler only (disassembler)
-f - generate fully qualified names (fullnames)
-ff - output fields before methods (fieldsfirst)
-i - print default initializers for fields (definits)
-l<num> - split strings into pieces of max <num> chars (splitstr)
-lnc - output original line numbers as comments (lnc)
-lradix<num>- display long integers using the specified radix
-nl - split strings on newline characters (splitstr)
-noconv - don't convert Java identifiers into valid ones (noconv)
-nocast - don't generate auxiliary casts
-noclass - don't convert .class operators
-nocode - don't generate the source code for methods
-noctor - suppress the empty constructors
-nodos - turn off check for class files written in DOS mode
-nofd - don't disambiguate fields with the same names (nofldis)
-noinner - turn off the support of inner classes
-nolvt - ignore Local Variable Table entries (nolvt)
-nonlb - don't insert a newline before opening brace (nonlb)
-o - overwrite output files without confirmation
-p - send all output to STDOUT (for piping)
-pa <pfx>- prefix for all packages in generated source files
-pc <pfx>- prefix for classes with numerical names (default: _cls)
-pe <pfx>- prefix for unused exception names (default: _ex)
-pf <pfx>- prefix for fields with numerical names (default: _fld)
-pi<num> - pack imports into one line using .* (packimports)
-pl <pfx>- prefix for locals with numerical names (default: _lcl)
-pm <pfx>- prefix for methods with numerical names (default: _mth)
-pp <pfx>- prefix for method parms with numerical names (default:_prm)
-pv<num> - pack fields with the same types into one line (packfields)
-r - restore package directory structure
-radix<num>- display integers using the specified radix (8, 10, or 16)
-s <ext> - output file extension (default: .jad)
-safe - generate additional casts to disambiguate methods/fields
-space - output space between keyword (if, while, etc) and expression
-stat - show the total number of processed classes/methods/fields
-t<num> - use <num> spaces for indentation (default: 4)
-t - use tabs instead of spaces for indentation
-v - show method names while decompiling
-8 - convert Unicode strings into ANSI strings (ansi)
-& - redirect STDERR to STDOUT



java反编译工具jad 1.5.8g支持 jdk1.5,jdk1.6。说明很多记住一个万能的命令基本就够用了。jad -sjava -r -8 -o **\*.class ---------------This is README file for Jad - the fast Java Decompiler.Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.htmlCopyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov (jad@kpdus.com).0. Please read the disclaimer on the Jad home page.1. Installation.Unzip jad.zip file into any appropriate directory on your hard drive.This will create two files: - an executable file named 'jad.exe' (Windows *) or 'jad' (*n*x) - this README fileNo other setup is required.2. How to use JadTo decompile a single JAVA class file 'example1.class' type the following: jad example1.classThis command creates file 'example1.jad' in the current directory.If such file already exists Jad asks whether you want to overwrite it or not.Option -o permits overwriting without a confirmation.You can omit .class extension and/or use wildcards in the names ofinput files.Option -s allows to change output file extension: jad -sjava example1.classThis command creates file 'example1.java'. Be careful when usingoptions -o and -sjava together, because Jad can accidentally overwriteyour own source files.Jad uses JAVA class name as an output file name. For example, if classfile 'example1.class' contains JAVA class 'test1' then Jad will createfile 'test1.jad' rather than 'example1.jad'. If you want to specifyyour own output file name use the output redirection: jad -p example1.class > myexm1.javaOption -d allows you to specify another directory for output files,which are created, by default, in the current directory. For example: jad -o -dtest -sjava *.class (or jad -o -d test -s java *.class, which has the same effect)This command decompiles all .class files in the current directory <




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