English trip V2 - 10 What to Take 你需要准备什么 Teacher:Lamb Key: many & much

In this lesson you will learn to ask about things to take on a holiday or trip.




# 首先需要掌握的三种句型


主系表    I am student.       We are friends

主谓宾    Loki goes work by bus.           Iris ate breakfast                Loki and His daughter go to the park together

There be 句型       There is a phone on the table.     There are some apple in the basket



What's the difference between a holiday and a vacation?


holiday  n. 假日;节日;休息日   # 一般是指特殊假日   

vacation  n. 假期;(房屋)搬出  # 一般是指普通的休息日   



holiday n.一般表示时间可长可短的假期,为可数名词.与季节连用时多用复数;与数词连用时只表示次数,不表示日期.例如:
We have had three holidays since the beginning of the year.
但三天的假期应说:a holiday of three days或a three days’ holiday.
vacation n.一般表示比较长的假期,多指大学的假期、法庭的休庭期.至于寒、暑假,英国人喜欢用:summer/winter holidays,美国人喜欢用:summer/winter vacation,区别不大.例如:
We spent our summer holidays/vacation in the countryside this year.
My Dad is now on holiday/vacation in Beijing.(表示状态)
Every year,we go to the island for holiday/vacation.(表示目的)
(holiday/vacation用单数,前面也不加冠词,但可用on/for one’s holidays)
vacation v 休假; n (地方的)腾出、(职位的)辞去,例如:
Let’s vacation in Hawaii next month.(《英汉多功能词典》 外研社/建宏出版社)
The vacation of the house was demanded.(《当代英语搭配词典》 现代出版社)


Qing Ming Festival is on April 5th.

Lantern Festival is on Jan. 15th of Lunar Calendar

May Day is on May first

Christmas Day is on Dec. 25th

Halloween is on Oct. thirty-first

Dragon Boat Festival  is on May 5th of Lunar Calendar

Mid-Autumn Festival is on Aug. 15th of Lunar Calendar

Thanksgiving is on the 4th Thursday in Nov.


词汇(Key Word )

alcohol  n.酒,乙醇

blanket  n. 毛毯,毯子

camping  n.露营

destination  n.目的地,终点

shampoo  n.洗发;洗发精

sleepwear  n.睡衣裤

toiletries  n.(香皂、牙膏等) 洗漱用品

tourist  n. 旅行者,观光客


# Additional Vacabulary(额外的核心词汇)

Camping trip  露营;野营旅行

Amusement/theme Park  娱乐/主题公园

Rollercoaster  n. 过山车;剧烈起伏的事物

Fishing trip  垂钓航行

Beach holiday  海滩度假

Shopping holiday  购物节;购物度假

Boating holiday  划船的节日

Gambling holiday  赌博的节日

Cycling holiday  骑自行车度假

Adventure holiday  冒险之旅

Foreign holiday  去外国的度假

Equipment   设备,装备;器材

Sleeping Bag  睡袋

Tent  n. 帐篷;住处;帷幕

Torch/Flashlight    火吧/手电筒

First Aid Kit  急救药箱

Backpack  双肩背包,背包;远足用的背包

Hiking  徒步旅行

Tourist Attractions  旅游景点,观光胜地;景区景点

Sightseeing  观光;游览

Map  地图;示意图;染色体图




Where will we go?  我们会去哪里 ;我们往何处去

Why will we go there? 我们为什么要去那里?
When Will we go?  我们什么时候去?

How will we get there?我们将如何到达那里?

What three things do we need?我们需要做三件什么事?


How many shoes do you have? 你有多少双鞋  # 这里注意是可数使用的many,并且后面名词需要使用复数形式

I have four pairs of shoes. 我有四双鞋

How much shampoo do you need?你需要多少洗发水?   # 注意 "洗发水"并非可数,所以用到了much,并且不可数名词不需要复数形式

I need one bottle. 我需要一瓶(洗发水)

What three things do we need? 我们需要哪三样东西?


How many tents do we need to take? and How much money do we need to take?  我们需要带多少帐篷?我们需要带多少钱?

We need to take a tent, a sleeping bag, and some clothes.  or We need to take many bottles of water. 我们需要带一个帐篷,一个睡袋和一些衣服。或者我们需要带很多瓶水

What do I need to take on a trip or What do we need to take on holiday?  我需要带什么去旅行或者我们需要带什么去度假?

Where would you like to visit?  你想去哪里参观?

When will you go there?  你什么是后去那个地方?

Why is it a good place to go there?  为什么去这里是一个好地方?

Why is it famous?  这个地方为什么有名?

How would you get there?, and What are three items you need to take with you?  你怎么去那里,你需要带上3样什么物品?


# Example questioned sentences when talking about what to take on a trip or holiday;  举例当谈论旅行或度假时用疑问句;

A: What do we need to take on this camping trip?

B: We need to take some warm clothes./ I need to take a tent and a sleeping bag.

A: How many flashlights do we need to take? How much money do we need to take?

B: We need to take many bottles of water./ We don't need to take much money when we go camping because there are no shops in the mountains!





# How Much and How Many

How much + uncomuntable nouns

How much shampoo do I need?     You need one bottle.

How many + countable nouns

How many clothes should I pack ?    Bring enough clothing for a week.


How many photographs did you take?  你拍了几张照片?

How much orange juice have we left?  我们还剩多少橙汁?

How much time do we have?  我们还有多少时间?

How many pencils are on the desk?  桌子上有几支铅笔?

How many bottles of water do we need to take with us?  我们需要带多少瓶水?

Do you know how much paper is left in your notebook?  你知道你的笔记本里还剩多少纸吗?

How much chicken do you want with you rice?    米饭要放多少鸡肉?

How much money does your English teacher earn?  你的英语老师挣多少钱?

How much soup do you want?  你要多少汤?

You haven't got much chips left.  你剩下的筹码不多了。



Generally speaking, the Tibetan climate is not as harsh as many people imagine it to be.


Traveling can be done in Tibet from April to the beginning of November,


and the best time is April through September.Different kinds of trips and adventure levels are suited to different seasons.


Sun radiation is a problem in Tibet. The sunlight in Lhasa is so intense that the city is called " Sunlight City".


The thin air can neither block off nor retain heat so daytime and night-time temperatures in Tibet can vary wildly.


Most annual rainfall comes in the rainy season, which occurs from June to September. Usually it rains at night in Lhasa,

Shigatse and Chamdo area.The rainfall may block roads and make travel difficult, but the scenery is beautiful.


Generally  adv. 通常;普遍地,一般地

Tibetan n. 藏语;西藏人

climate n. 气候;风气;思潮;风土

harsh  adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的

imagine  vi. 想象;猜想;想象起来

Traveling 旅游

adventure n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动

suited   adj. 合适的  v. 适合(suit的过去分词)

radiation n. 辐射;放射物

intense  adj. 强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的

neither conj. 也不;既不








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