Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator 2008

我在 《行业移动解决方案的葵花宝典?》曾经介绍过 'Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator' Kit,那么现在的 Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator 2008 (WMLOBA2008) 可以看成是它的 Visual Studio 2008 版本,但不仅仅是新版本。因为 WMLOBA2008 把 Visual Studio 2008 针对 Windows Mobile 开发的新特性都用上了,这些新特性包括:LINQ, SQL Server Compact 3.5, Sync Services for ADO.NET, WCF Store and Forward 等等。WMLOBA2008 除了利用 Visual Studio 2008 的新特性实现了一些很酷的功能,还实现了 SQL Server Compact 的“存储过程”和“触发器”,这里巧妙的利用了 .NET 的资源文件和事件机制。WMLOBA2008 可以作为学习 Visual Studio 2008 移动开发的好教材,也可以作为软件公司开发 Windows Mobile 行业应用(LOB)的架构参考,因为它提供了非常详尽的设计文档指导和完整源代码。以下是官方介绍:

Brief Description
The Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator is a sample line of business application that showcases the latest design principles and technologies in the mobile space.
Delivering new innovations and development best practices to the Windows Mobile platform with Visual Studio 2008, the .NET Compact Framework 3.5, SQL Server Compact 3.5, a working Supply Chain application, over 5,000 lines of commented code plus over a hundred pages of helpful documentation.
Adapt your App :: Create a single binary that runs unchanged on Windows Mobile Standard or Pro, Portrait or Landscape, Rectangle or Square. No more wasting time building separate executables to accommodate different screen sizes or input methods.
Sync Services for ADO.NET :: Synchronize your data between SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server Compact 3.5 using the new Sync Framework. Keep all your occasionally-connected mobile workers on the same page.
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Store and Forward ::Reliably push messages to servers or other devices via Exchange Server 2007. Programmatically notify peer devices that they have new orders waiting for them and need to sync.
MapPoint :: Guide delivery drivers to their customers via either the shortest or quickest route. Integrated mapping means you’ll never get lost again.
LINQ :: Use the new Language Integrated Query to filter results from Generic Object Collections. Query both your objects and XML using a familiar, SQL-like syntax to boost developer productivity.
Custom Controls :: Capture signatures and dazzle your end-users with 3D and Alpha-blended controls that alter their behavior depending on the platform they’re running on.
Managed Stored Procedures and Triggers :: The pluggable data layer allows you to say goodbye to compiling Dynamic SQL inside your code and fires events to react to INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.
Notifications and Online Help :: Formerly only supported on Pro, say hello to Popup Notifications and Online Help on Standard. Popup Notifications, also known as “toast,” display an HTML message and then disappear after a pre-determined amount of time. Using Online Help on every screen reduces your applicationtraining costs.
Language Switching and Localization :: Change Language/Regional Settings inside your app and watch text and Online Help speak a different language. Don’t wait until your application is finished to realize that it needs to be world-ready.
Time to Market :: Stop reinventing the wheel and use this Accelerator as the foundation for your next Windows Mobile development effort. If you don’t want to use the whole thing, pick and choose the components that are the best fit for your project.
Find out More ::The first Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator has been downloaded tens of thousands of times and has served as the foundation for some of the largest and most important Windows Mobile projects in the world. Visit to accelerate your career as a Windows Mobile developer.


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Loke Uei Tan: The New Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator 2008
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