不同的容器里实现 RadioButton的单选

请教一个各位牛人一个问题,如图:    (问题解决,见后面的解决方案~~)

怎么在不同的winform容器(GroupBox)里实现 RadioButton (如图中两个“详细照会”)的单选,请各位牛人给出实现的思路,不甚感谢。

GroupBox() 送り状情報1,送り状情報2......是动态生成的。



     Private   Sub  InitProcess()

If  (m_DataVale  Is   Nothing Then
Me .Visible  =   False
End   If
If  m_DataVale.Rows.Count  <   1   Then
Me .Visible  =   False
End   If

Dim  intDataCount  As   Integer   =  m_DataVale.Rows.Count

Dim  intGroupX  As   Integer   =   8
Dim  intGroupY  As   Integer   =   5
Dim  intGroupHeight  As   Integer   =   170
Dim  intGroupWidth  As   Integer   =  GroupBox1.Width  -   17
Dim  group(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox

' 詳細照会
         Dim  RB_INFO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
' 送付先変更
         Dim  LB_ARR_FIXED_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_ARR_FIXED(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 問番
         Dim  LB_CO_DELIVERY_NO_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_CO_DELIVERY_NO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 発送ロット
         Dim  LB_HASSOU_LOT_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_HASSOU_LOT(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 発送管理No
         Dim  LB_LOT_SEQ_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_LOT_SEQ(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 発送日
         Dim  LB_SENDDATE_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_SENDDATE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 送り状定義
         Dim  LB_LABEL_DEF_NM_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_LABEL_DEF_NM(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 最新配送状況
         Dim  LB_STATS_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_STATS(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' メモ()
         Dim  LB_TB_MEMO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  TB_MEMO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

Dim  i  As   Integer
For  i  =   0   To  intDataCount  -   1
' 送り状情報 連番
            group(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
=   " 送り状情報 "   &  i  +   1
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  intGroupHeight
=  intGroupWidth
=   New  System.Drawing.Point(intGroupX, ( 1   +  i)  *  intGroupY  +  intGroupHeight  *  i)

' 詳細照会
            RB_INFO(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
=   " 詳細照会 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 15 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
' 送付先変更
            LB_ARR_FIXED_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 送付先変更 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 40 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 40 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 30 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 送付先変更 " ))

' 問番
            LB_CO_DELIVERY_NO_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 問番 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 128 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 問番 " ))
' 発送ロット
            LB_HASSOU_LOT_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 発送ロット "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 248 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 350 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 108 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 発送ロット " ))
' 発送管理No
            LB_LOT_SEQ_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 発送管理No "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 464 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 111 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " H2232+5645 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 575 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 128 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 発送管理No " ))
' 発送日
            LB_SENDDATE_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 発送日 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 708 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 810 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 100 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.FormatDataToYMD(mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 発送日 " )))
' 送り状定義
            LB_LABEL_DEF_NM_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 送り状定義 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 346 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 送り状定義 " ))
' 最新配送状況 
            LB_STATS_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 最新配送状況 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 464 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 111 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 575 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 128 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 最新配送状況 " ))
' メモ
            LB_TB_MEMO(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " メモ "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 112 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 112 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 800 46 )
=   True
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " メモ " ))


If  ( 1   +  i)  *  intGroupY  +  intGroupHeight  *  i  >   Me .Height  Then
=  ( 1   +  i)  *  intGroupY  +  intGroupHeight  *  i
=   Me .Height
End   If
End Sub


也希望DuDu 能原谅我这种提问的方式,不要删贴啊~~!谢谢!



Imports  BusinessSSP
Public   Class  GroupRepeate
Inherits  System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Dim  m_DataVale  As  DataTable

Public   Property  DataVale()  As  DataTable
Return  m_DataVale
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value  As  DataTable)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property

Public   Shadows   Event  GotFocus( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)

' Dim intDataCount As Integer
     ' Public Property DataCount() As Integer
     '     Get
     '         Return intDataCount
     '     End Get
     '     Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
     '         intDataCount = Value
     '     End Set
     ' End Property

' 詳細照会
     Private  m_ArrRB_INFO()  As  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
Public   Property  ArrRB_INFO()  As  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
Return  m_ArrRB_INFO
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' 送付先変更
     Private  m_ArrLB_ARR_FIXED()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Public   Property  ArrLB_ARR_FIXED()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Return  m_ArrLB_ARR_FIXED
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' 問番
     Private  m_ArrLB_CO_DELIVERY_NO()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Public   Property  ArrLB_CO_DELIVERY_NO()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' 発送ロット
     Private  m_ArrLB_HASSOU_LOT()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Public   Property  ArrLB_HASSOU_LOT()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Return  m_ArrLB_HASSOU_LOT
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' 発送管理No
     Private  m_ArrLB_LOT_SEQ()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Public   Property  ArrLB_LOT_SEQ()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Return  m_ArrLB_LOT_SEQ
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' 発送日
     Private  m_ArrLB_SENDDATE()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Public   Property  ArrLB_SENDDATE()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Return  m_ArrLB_SENDDATE
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' 送り状定義
     Private  m_ArrLB_LABEL_DEF_NM()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Public   Property  ArrLB_LABEL_DEF_NM()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Return  m_ArrLB_LABEL_DEF_NM
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property

' 最新配送状況
     Private  m_ArrLB_STATS()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Friend   WithEvents  GroupBox1  As  System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Public   Property  ArrLB_STATS()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Return  m_ArrLB_STATS
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property
' メモ()
     Private  m_ArrTB_MEMO()  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Public   Property  ArrTB_MEMO()  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
Return  m_ArrTB_MEMO
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  Value()  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)
=  Value
End   Set
End Property

#Region  " Windows フォーム デザイナで生成されたコード "

Public   Sub   New ()
MyBase .New()

'  この呼び出しは Windows フォーム デザイナで必要です。

'  InitializeComponent() 呼び出しの後に初期化を追加します。

End Sub

' UserControl はコンポーネント一覧を消去するために dispose をオーバーライドします。
     Protected   Overloads   Overrides   Sub  Dispose( ByVal  disposing  As   Boolean )
If  disposing  Then
If   Not  (components  Is   Nothing Then
End   If
End   If
MyBase .Dispose(disposing)
End Sub

'  Windows フォーム デザイナで必要です。
     Private  components  As  System.ComponentModel.IContainer

'  メモ : 以下のプロシージャは、Windows フォーム デザイナで必要です。
     ' Windows フォーム デザイナを使って変更してください。  
     '  コード エディタを使って変更しないでください。
     < System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough() >   Private   Sub  InitializeComponent()
Me .GroupBox1  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Me .SuspendLayout()
         ' GroupBox1
         Me .GroupBox1.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 )
Me .GroupBox1.Name  =   " GroupBox1 "
Me .GroupBox1.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 956 355 )
Me .GroupBox1.TabIndex  =   0
         ' GroupRepeate
         Me .AutoScroll  =   True
Me .Controls.Add( Me .GroupBox1)
Me .Name  =   " GroupRepeate "
Me .Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 956 355 )
Me .ResumeLayout( False )

End Sub

#End Region

Private   Sub  GroupRepeate_Load( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles   MyBase .Load
=   Me .Width  -   17
End Sub

' ************************************************************
     ' 関数名         : GroupRepeate.InitProcess
     ' 機能説明       : 送り状情報 連番                
     ' 入力値         : 無し
     ' 出力値         : 無し
     ' 戻り値         : 
     ' その他         : 
     ' 作成者        : 童斌
     ' 作成日付       : 2009/02/25
     ' ***********************************************************
     Private   Sub  InitProcess()

If  (m_DataVale  Is   Nothing Then
Me .Visible  =   False
End   If
If  m_DataVale.Rows.Count  <   1   Then
Me .Visible  =   False
End   If

Dim  intDataCount  As   Integer   =  m_DataVale.Rows.Count

Dim  intGroupX  As   Integer   =   8
Dim  intGroupY  As   Integer   =   5
Dim  intGroupHeight  As   Integer   =   170
Dim  intGroupWidth  As   Integer   =  GroupBox1.Width  -   17
Dim  group(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox

' 詳細照会
         Dim  RB_INFO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton

Dim intGroupRBX As Integer = 15
        Dim intGroupRBY As Integer = 15

' 送付先変更
         Dim  LB_ARR_FIXED_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_ARR_FIXED(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 問番
         Dim  LB_CO_DELIVERY_NO_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_CO_DELIVERY_NO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 発送ロット
         Dim  LB_HASSOU_LOT_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_HASSOU_LOT(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 発送管理No
         Dim  LB_LOT_SEQ_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_LOT_SEQ(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 発送日
         Dim  LB_SENDDATE_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_SENDDATE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 送り状定義
         Dim  LB_LABEL_DEF_NM_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_LABEL_DEF_NM(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' 最新配送状況
         Dim  LB_STATS_TITLE(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  LB_STATS(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
' メモ()
         Dim  LB_TB_MEMO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Dim  TB_MEMO(intDataCount)  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

Dim  i  As   Integer
For  i  =   0   To  intDataCount  -   1
' 送り状情報 連番
            group(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
=   " 送り状情報 "   &  i  +   1
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  intGroupHeight
=  intGroupWidth
=   New  System.Drawing.Point(intGroupX, ( 1   +  i)  *  intGroupY  +  intGroupHeight  *  i)

' 詳細照会
            RB_INFO(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
=   " 詳細照会 "
 RB_INFO(i).Location = New System.Drawing.Point(intGroupRBX, group(i).Location.Y + intGroupRBY)
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=   " RB "   &  i
' 送付先変更
            LB_ARR_FIXED_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 送付先変更 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 40 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 40 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
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=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 送付先変更 " ))

' 問番
            LB_CO_DELIVERY_NO_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 問番 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
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=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 128 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 問番 " ))
' 発送ロット
            LB_HASSOU_LOT_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 発送ロット "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 248 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
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=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 350 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 108 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 発送ロット " ))
' 発送管理No
            LB_LOT_SEQ_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 発送管理No "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 464 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 111 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " H2232+5645 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 575 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 128 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 発送管理No " ))
' 発送日
            LB_SENDDATE_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 発送日 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 708 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 810 64 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 100 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.FormatDataToYMD(mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 発送日 " )))
' 送り状定義
            LB_LABEL_DEF_NM_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 送り状定義 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 346 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 送り状定義 " ))
' 最新配送状況 
            LB_STATS_TITLE(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " 最新配送状況 "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 464 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 111 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 575 88 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 128 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " 最新配送状況 " ))
' メモ
            LB_TB_MEMO(i)  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
=   " メモ "
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 10 112 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
=  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
=  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 102 23 )
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))

=   New  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
=   New  System.Drawing.Point( 112 112 )
=  System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
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=  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 255 Byte ),  Integer ),  CType ( CType ( 192 Byte ),  Integer ))
=   New  System.Drawing.Size( 800 46 )
=   True
=   New  System.Drawing.Font( " MS ゴシック " 11.25 !, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,  CType ( 128 Byte ))
=  mdlFunction.DBNULLToEmpty(m_DataVale.Rows(i)( " メモ " ))


If  ( 1   +  i)  *  intGroupY  +  intGroupHeight  *  i  >   Me .Height  Then
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=   Me .Height
End   If
End Sub

End Class



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Dim  GroupRepeate1  As   New  UserControls.GroupRepeate
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=  dtTable
Me .Controls.Add(GroupRepeate1)










当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


