English trip V1 - 21. I dreamed dream Teacher:Corrine Key: past tense(过去式)

In this lesson you will learn to describe an experience.  本课将会学习描述一次经历




词汇(Key Word )

# 常用词汇现在时态(present tense) to 过去形式(past forms)

cut  ->  cut

hit  ->  hit

hurt  ->  hurt

lend  ->  lent

send  ->  sent

spend  ->  spent  # 注意 spend 浊化问题

get  ->  got

sit  ->  sat

buy  ->  bought

fight  ->  fought [fɔt] 

sell  ->  sold  [soʊld]  # 感觉会像“瘦”的发音

tell  ->  told  [toʊld]

find  ->  found   [faʊnd]

hear  ->  heard   听到,听见

read  ->  read  # 注意读音,虽然过去式单词一样,但是读音类似"red"

say  ->  said   # 注意ay是个组合,发的是字母“A”的因

make  ->  made  v. 做,使,安排

drive  ->  drove [droʊv]

ride  ->  rode  # 注意不要自己去加儿化音,是ride “骑”不是rider "骑手"

write  ->  wrote   [rəʊt]  #  这里的w没有发音

eat  -> ate 

fall[fɔl]  ->  fell  [fɛl]  

give [ɡɪv]  ->  gave [geɪv]

see   ->  saw

fly  ->  flew [flu]       # The bird flew away 鸟儿飞走了

draw [drɔ]  ->  drew [dru]

drink  ->  drew [dru]

swim   ->  swam [swæm]

run [rʌn]  ->  ran  [ræn]

wear [wer] ->  wore [wɔr, wor]

meet[mit]    ->  met [mɛt]

pay [peɪ]  ->  paid [ped]

trap  ->  trapped

depart   ->  departed

fail  ->  failed

show  ->  showed

rely  ->  relied

bathe  ->  bathed

play  ->  played

marry  ->  married

permit  ->  permitted

share  ->  shared


Imagination [ɪˌmædʒəˈneʃən]  想象力




I dreamed of a friend last night,     我在昨晚梦见了一个朋友

And when I woke up,                     然而当我醒来

Her face was still there,                 她的脸依然在这里

I knew who she was,                     我知道她是谁

That long brown hair and big smile.         那棕色长长的秀发和灿烂的微笑

She sat up,                                      她端坐着

She made me laugh and,               她让我笑了

Made me wish I was at home again.  让我希望我又回到了家


What do dreams mean?  梦代表什么

The most common(通常) deams are about chasing(追逐), teeth(牙齿), flying(飞翔), and falling(跌倒).


Do you know this poem(诗)?


Last night we dramed about food;    昨晚我做了一个关于食物的梦

We ate dim sum(点心)               我们吃了点心

But we weren't in the  mood,            但是我们没有心情

So we drank some rum(一些朗姆酒).      所有我们喝了一些朗姆酒

 After that we made a cake,                      然后我们做了一个蛋糕

In the sun.                                                 在阳光下


Read about Lisa's journey to Madrid. Write the given words in the past tense.

Last Tuesday,Lisa flew from London to Madrid.  上周二,丽莎飞到了伦敦的马德里

She got up at six o'clock in the morning and had a cup of coffee.  她早上六点就起床了去咖啡店喝了一杯咖啡

At 6:30, she left home and drove to the airport.  早上6:30,她离开了家去赶飞机

When she arrived,she parked the car and then went to the airport cafe where she had breakfast.   当她到达后,她把车停好后在机场咖啡馆去吃了一顿早餐

Then she went through passport control and waited for her flight.    然后她通过了安检,等待着她的航班

The plane departed on time and arrived in Madrid two hours later.  飞机准时起飞,2小时以后到达马德里

Finally, she took a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the center of Madrid.  最终,她搭乘出租车从机场到达了她马德里市中心的酒店


Use the past simple to rewrite the sentences.

Jim always goes to work by car.

Yesterday he went to work by car


Rachel often losses her keys.

She lost her keys last week.


Kate meets her friends every evening.

She mets her fiends yesterday evening.


I buy two newspapers every day.

Yesterday I bought two newpapers


We usually go to the cinema on Sundays.

Last Sunday we went to the cinema


I eat  an orange every day.

Yesterday I ate an orange


Tom always takes a shower in the moring.

This morining he took a shower


I'm not in the mood  我没有心情

I thought I could fly when I was a child 我小时候以为我能飞




 # 过去式

1. 动词 直接转换为过去式

2. I did 后面 + 动词原形





After she woke up, a woman told her husband,

"I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for our anniversary.

What do you think it means?"

"You'll know tonight,"he said.

That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife.

Delighted, she opened it to find a book entitled " The meaning of Dreams".


Extra Vocabulary

1. pearl necklace 珍珠项链

2.anniversary n.周年纪念(日)


What did the woman dream about?

She dreamed her husband gave she  a pearl necklace for their anniversary


When did the man come home?

That evening


What did the man bring home?

He is with a small package.


How did the woman feel before she opened the "gift"?

She felt  a pearl necklace


What was the "gift"?

Its a book ,entitled " The meaning of Dreams".







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