Office Automation

With the network technology and software technology, especially internet / intranet and related emergence of the rapid development of technology has brought global competition growing, the traditional office and way of life had a huge impact all businesses are facing serious challenges, the enterprise employees as a team for the timely exchange of all relevant information to efficiently work together to grasp fleeting opportunities, will be in the fierce market competition to win key Faced with this situation, more and more enterprises intend to or are in the computer network technology into the daily management of up to change the way past simple manual office for information sharing within the enterprise to work together and even scientific management and decision-making to enhance efficiency, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.


A.  Domestic and international trends in the development of office automation


1. The traditional office model


The traditional office model based mainly on paper at a paper processing, multi-language processing system that light printing system document management system. This model can not achieve information sharing, exchange, transfer; can not be achieved within the unit, enterprise coordination; difficult for non-text such as audio video scan objects such as graphics multimedia information hypertext information effectively. Meanwhile, the traditional e-mail during office did not provide good support for the workflow, it is difficult under different circumstances in different working status different measures, and better tracking of transactions processing. Communication between departments is often achieved through the telephone and fax. Information exchange and sharing, and cooperative operation of the team can not be perfectly realized, greatly limits the efficiency.


2. Office Automation


Office automation is the development of computer science in recent years with the proposed new concept. English formerly known as office automation office automation, abbreviated as OA, office automation systems to achieve the office generally refers to the automation of routine business, and office automation include the network of large-scale information processing systems. Implementation of an enterprise is also a measure of the degree of office automation to modernize management of its mark.


3. Network Office Mode


Network Office is the use of internet / intranet technology, based on the concept of workflow, so that internal staff to quickly and easily share information, work together efficiently; not only cover personal office efficiency, more importantly, enables groups to work together. Change the inefficient manual office complex way, to achieve faster, full range of information collection information processing, enterprise management and scientific basis for decision-making. As the network exists, communication and coordination can almost instantaneous, and not worry about whether the telephone next to each other or whether there are fax machines available.


4. The development trend of office automation


With the three core pillars of technology: network communication technology, computer technology and database technology matures, the world's OA has entered a new level of hierarchy in the new system has four new features:


(1) integration. The integration of hardware, software and network products, people and systems integration, office systems with a single public information system integration, formed a "seamless integration" of open systems.


(2) intelligent. For routine treatment, helps in the completion of intelligence work. Such as:


Chinese character recognition, on understanding and deep document content processing, help policy-making and handling of accidents and so on.


(3) multimedia. Including digital text, sound and animation image synthesis processing.


(4) the use of electronic data interchange (EDI). Through data communications network, the exchange between the computer and automation.


The trend of office automation require businesses to use the integrated database system provides information for decision-making issues required to construct or use decision-making digital mode, combined with the internal and external conditions for the implementation of decision-making process by the computer to make the corresponding decision-making.


B.   The current business situation and problems of office automation


1. The current status of Office Automation


In recent years, with Intranet-based OA system constructed harmony between man and the office environment and realize the internal and external information delivery, work schedules, team collaboration, workflow automation applications, etc., greatly changed the traditional office-based artificial work to improve the management level and efficiency, saving office space. According to Cisco networking company, to network infrastructure OA OA system than no system to improve the network efficiency of 50%. IBM branch offices in Denver, the company for sales, marketing, technical and administrative personnel equipped with computers, printers, Modem and other equipment, can be anywhere in the office, was able to reduce the office from 9 to 4 layers layers; the second-largest U.S. accounting company Arthur Andersen, the implementation of the network OA office space will decrease by half. This place can be in any office of the virtual office has swept the nation.


China's office automation has gone through a long stage of development, office automation business under the current level of development can be divided into the following four categories:


(1) slow start, still remain in use without networked computers, use, ms office series﹑wps Series application software to improve the efficiency of individual office.


(2) has established its own intranet network, but not good applications supported cooperative work, still the personal office. Network is idle, the investment company did not produce the desired result.


(3) has established its own intranet network and internal staff via e-mail exchange information, work together to achieve a limited, but produced no significant benefits.


(4) has established its own intranet network: use of secondary development of the General Office Automation System; can better support information sharing and collaboration, contact with the outside world open channels; through internet publishing, advertising products business technical services; intranet network operators have already had a positive business benefits. Now working on the development or already in use for business custom integrated office automation system to realize the scientific management and decision-making, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises so that enterprises continue to grow and develop.

I plant the office automation system after years of development, they fall in the fourth category.


2. Enterprises face the problem of office automation


China from the 80's, in particular, into the 90's, the rapid development of office automation. With the development of computer technology, office automation system from the initial issue of Chinese import or edit, query handling, retrieval, publishing stand-alone application software evolved into a modern office system network, through the network to individual office business systems together into one office system. And through remote network linking multiple systems into a wider range of office automation system. The establishment of the enterprise network (intranet), extranet (extranet), has become the inevitable trend of development of office automation. At present, the process of realization of office automation are the following issues need attention:


(1) efficiency. Most non-computer professionals, office staff, their knowledge of particular computer hardware, computer operating systems and lack of knowledge, leading to reduced efficiency of office, also contributed to the system administrator workload increases, such as system maintenance and software upgrades. The rapid development of computer technology can be said, upgrading software and hardware will become more frequent, which means that the system post-high cost.


(2) safety. The value of information people have a better understanding of, and thus the storage and confidentiality of the information that much more attention now, the virus destroyed all hackers will system information to a fatal blow.


3. Enterprises of office automation


Office automation has become the consensus of the business community. Recognizing that many enterprises as soon as office automation, and according to a leading position will help maintain its competitive edge, so that the development of enterprises virtuous circle.


The implementation of office automation should be considered the actual situation of enterprises, mainly the economic strength of enterprises. In accordance with the above analysis, four categories of Office Automation should be treated differently:


(1) The first class of office automation enterprises need more input, it is necessary to build corporate intranet network, but also the development of office automation systems, need to have stronger economic strength to complete.


(2) For the second ﹑ third class enterprise, as business intranet networks already exist but have not or do not have good office application system, so it needs only input ratio of Zijin network Touzi Shao able to develop General Office Automation System, Chan Sheng Jiao high return on investment. Even one-step development of an integrated office automation system than the network of its investment in less investment and higher economic returns generated.


(3) For the fourth class of business, office automation because of its foundation, and only small investment can reach the current maximum level of office automation.






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