




Google AdSenseAdvertising management
Google AdWordsSearch advertising
Microsoft adCenterOnline advertising services
UrlTrendsLink tracking and search optimization
WordtrackerSearch engine optimization services
Yahoo AdsOnline ad management
Yahoo Search MarketingSearch advertising platform
AnswerbagQuestions and answers service
BlogwiseBlog and feed search service
SplogSpotDatabase of spam blogs


BlogwiseBlog and feed search service
SplogSpotDatabase of spam blogs
TailrankBlog search and news aggregation service
TechnoratiBlog search services


AkismetBlog spam prevention service
BloggerBlogging services
FeedBlitzBlogs by email service
FeedBurnerBlog promotion tracking service
LiveJournalBlogging software
PerformancingBlog management
TypePadBlog management
WeblogsBlog ping service
Windows Live SpacesBlog services


BlogmarksSocial bookmarking
del.icio.usSocial bookmarking
linkaGoGoSocial bookmarking service
Ma.gnoliaSocial bookmarking service
OnlyWireSocial bookmarklet service
ShadowsSocial bookmarking and community
SimpySocial bookmarking


30 BoxesCalendar service
Google CalendarCalendar service
SpongecellOnline calendar service


AOL Instant MessengerInstant messaging chat service
AOL PresenceOnline presence service
Google TalkChat application
IMifiedInstant messenger buddy
LingrOnline chatroom services
MSN MessengerChat and messaging
WebAIMWeb based instant messaging
Yahoo MessengerInstant messaging


Blue DotContent sharing community
coRankDistributed user reviews service
FacebookSocial networking service
PartySparkSocial events service
RockYou Super WallContent sharing platform within Facebook
TwitterCommunity site


Email Address ValidatorEmail address validation service
ExactTargetEmail delivery services
IntelliContactEmail marketing service
JangoMailBulk email service
MailbuildEmail forms and templates service
PublicasterEmail marketing management
StrikeIron Email VerificationEmail verification service
Vertical ResponseEmail management services
Webmail.usEmail hosting service
WhatCountsEmail management services
Yahoo MailWeb based email system


EmployeaseOn-demand human resource management
Google ProvisioningUser provisioning for Google Applications
LokadTime series forecaster
NetDocumentsEnterprise document management service
NetSuiteBusiness application suite
Salesforce.comCRM services
WebExConferencing and collaboration services


EventfinderEvents calendar
EventfulEvents discovery and demand
SpraciEvents and clubs database
Upcoming.orgCollaborative event calendar
ZventsLocal events search and community


BlinksaleOnline invoicing services
Currency RatesCurrency rates
Dun and Bradstreet Credit CheckCredit check
FreshBooksOnline invoicing and time tracking
KashFlowOnline accounting software
MoneytrackinExpense tracking
NetAccountsOnline accounting service
ProsperPeer-to-peer network
StrikeIron Historical Stock QuotesStock price quotes for US equities
StrikeIron Mutual FundsHistorical mutual funds
StrikeIron Stock Quotes BasicReal-time stock quotes
WesabePersonal finance management and community


CiceroLookup service for US elected officials by address
Civic FootprintPolitical geography lookup for Illinois
Democracy In ActionAdvocacy services for nonprofits
FedSpending.orgDatabase of US government spending
Follow The MoneyDatabase of US campaign contributions
GovTrackerRhode Island state data services
LOUISUS federal documents database
Open Patent ServicesEuropean Patent Office web services
Sunlight LabsUS Congress database service
TheyWorkForYouTrack the UK Parliament
Who is my RepresentativeDatabase of US congressional representatives


Alexa Site ThumbnailThumbnail images of web site home pages
Alexa Top SitesWeb site traffic rankings
Amazon EC2Elastic Compute Cloud virtual hosting
ClickyWeb site analytics
CompeteInternet web site metrics and analytics
CordurlGeo coordinate translation
DapperService for API creation
Domain ToolsInternet domain name lookup
Durl.usURL shortening
EcommstatsWeb analytics
Hostip.infoIP lookup
HTML2PDFHTML to PDF conversion
Internet ArchiveNon-profit Internet library
IP Address LookupDetermine IP address from domain name
MintWeb site metrics and reporting
Mon.itor.usWeb site monitoring services
MyNotifyFeed publication
NenestWeb forms and application framework
OutuneWeb map engine
PingdomWeb site monitoring and reporting
QurlURL redirection
SoftLayerSystems management and monitoring
UnAPIProposal for web clipboard
W3CounterWeb site metrics tools
WebrideAttaches discussions to any site
WebThumbThumbnail image generation
Windows Live Custom DomainsWeb site administration
Yahoo Site ExplorerWeb site analysis service


IndeedJob search services
SmashFlyJob board posting service


ArcWebMapping and GIS services
BigTribeLocation based advertising
deCartaLocation-based services
EarthToolsWeb services for geographical information
FeedMapBlog geo-coding
Garmin MotionBasedGPS services and mapping
geocoderGeocoding services for US
geocoder.caGeocoding services for Canada
GeoIQGeospatial analysis and heat mapping service
GeoNamesGeographic name and postal code lookup
GetMappingAerial photography and mapping service
GlobeXplorerMapping services
Google MapsMapping services
HopStopMass transit and walking directions
iShareMaps On DemandUK Postcode Geocoder
Map24 AJAX APIMapping services
MapprPhoto mapping
MapQuestOnline mapping service
MapstractionMapping API abstraction layer
MetaCartaLocation and geotagging services
Microsoft MapPointMapping services
Microsoft Virtual EarthMapping services
MultimapGlobal online mapping service
NASASatellite mapping images
Naver MapsKorean mapping service
Nearby.org.ukGeocoding service for UK
OntokGeocode any US address
OpenLayersMapping API abstraction layer
OpenStreetMapThe Free Wiki World Map
PlatialCollaborative geographic service
PlazesLocation discovery service
Poly9 FreeEarth3D mapping service
PushpinMapping service
Urban MappingUrban geo-spatial data services
USGS Elevation Query ServiceDetermine elevation based on latitude and longitude
ViaMichelinMapping, directions, and travel booking
WayfaringMap creation and sharing service
WHERE GPSMobile GPS widget platform
Where Is Tim Web ServiceLocation tracking
Where2GetIt GeospatialNon-mapping geospatial services
Where2GetIt SlippyMapOnline mapping service
WhereisAustralian and New Zealand mapping service
WigleWireless network mapping
Yahoo GeocodingGeocoding services
Yahoo Map ImageMap image creation service
Yahoo MapsMapping services
ZeeMapsEmbedded maps and international geocoding
ZoomInAustralian mapping service


BBCMultimedia archive database
Grouper VideoVideo sharing service
OrbDigital media remote access and management
PhanfarePhoto and video sharing service
StreamloadOnline media storage


cPathMedical database lookup
KeggBioinformatics data services
NCBI EntrezLife sciences search services
SeqHoundBioinformatics research database


411SyncSMS, WAP, and email messaging
AqlSMS solutions portal
ClickatellSMS Messaging services
JaikuSocial messaging service
MobivitySMS marketing messaging service
MovilSMS messaging
PartySyncMessaging services
SabifooIM to RSS conversion service
SmsBugSMS messaging services
StrikeIron Global SMS ProSMS messaging services
StrikeIron Mobile EmailMobile email messaging service
TrekmailMessaging services
TwittervisionLocation based data for the Twitter service
UserplaneCommunication software for online communities
VazuSMS messaging service


AOL Music NowMusic playlist management
Digital PodcastPodcast search
Faces.comPhoto and media sharing service
FeedcacheFeed caching service
Freedb / CDDBOnline CD catalog service
Last.fmMusic playlist management
MP3TunesMusic services
MusicBrainzMusic metadata community service
MusicDNS.orgMusic fingerprinting service
MusicMobsSocial music service
OpenStrandsMusic recommendation and discovery
RhapsodyOnline music services
SeeqPodMusic recommendation service
SNOCAPDigital music marketplace
SoundtoysVisual artists works repository
TunelogMusic metadata management
WebJayMusic playlist management
WinampCustomizable music player
Yahoo Music EngineDesktop music player


AmphetaRateNews aggregator
ClearForest Semantic Web Services1Natural language processing tools
DaylifeOnline News Service
FindoryPersonalized news aggregation
Macromedia News AggregatorData access service
MoreoverNews delivery
NewsCloudSocial news service
NewsIsFreeOnline news aggregation


BackpackOnline information manager
Big ContactsWeb based contact management
EditGridOnline spreadsheet
Google Documents ListDocument management services
Google SpreadsheetsOnline spreadsheets
NumblerOnline spreadsheet service
SlideSharePresentation sharing community
ZohoOnline office suite


AOL PicturesOnline photo management
BuzznetPhoto sharing
FlickrPhoto sharing service
FotoliaRoyalty free stock photos
Google PicasaPhoto management and sharing service
imageLoopAnimated slideshow service
PanoramioPhoto upload site with organizer
PixagogoOnline photo services
RiyaPhoto search
ShutterPointStock photography service
SmugmugPhoto sharing service
SnipshotOnline photo editing service
WebShotsPhoto sharing service
Yahoo PhotosOnline photo service
ZotoPhoto sharing service


CriteoDistributed recommendation service
EasyUtilRecommendation service
RapLeafPortable ratings system
YelpLocal user reviews and city guides


Aonaware DictionaryDictionary lookup service/td>
City and State by Zip CodeAddress lookup service
Dun and BradstreetResearch company background data
Bussines VerificationBusiness research services
FUTEF Wikipedia APIThird party Wikipedia web service
ISBNdbBooks database
Library of Congress SRWInformation database search
Microsoft MSDNTechnical reference library
OpenDOARAcademic research repository
PhoneValPhone number validation service
RealEDA Reverse Phone LookupLookup address and name via phone
SRC DemographicsDemographic reference data
StrikeIron Address VerficationGlobal address verification service
StrikeIron Do Not CallTelephone number verification
StrikeIron Insider TradingInsider trading transaction information
StrikeIron Phone Number EnhancementAdds address and statistical data based on phone number
StrikeIron Residential LookupResidential directory lookup and validation service
StrikeIron Reverse Phone LookupReverse phone lookup services
StrikeIron Sales Tax BasicSales and use tax data service
StrikeIron Super Data PackAPIs for variety of reference data sources
StrikeIron US CensusCensus data information service
StrikeIron Zacks Company ProfileCorporate profiles web service
TalisLibrary 2.0 reference services
UrbanDictionarySlang dictionary lookup
US Yellow PagesTelephone directory
Yahoo AnswersCommunity driven reference service


Alexa Web Information ServiceWeb site information and traffic data
Alexa Web SearchWeb Search Engine
Amazon A9 OpenSearch 
Google Ajax SearchWeb search components
Google Code SearchCode search service
Google DesktopDesktop search and gadgets
Google SearchSearch services
KratiaDemocratic search engine
NaverKorean search engine
VastStructured web search
Windows Live SearchInternet search
WinkSocial search service
Yahoo Image SearchImage search services
Yahoo Local SearchLocal search service
Yahoo My Web SearchPersonalized search services
Yahoo Related SuggestionsSearch suggestion service
Yahoo SearchSearch services
Yahoo Term ExtractionContextual search service
AOL Open AuthAuthentication services


Amazon eCommerceOnline retailer
Amazon Historical PricingHistorical product sales data
Authorize.NetInternet based payment gateway services
AvantLinkAffiliate marketing network
CNETShopping services
Commission JunctionOnline affiliate programs
DataUnison eBay ResearcheBay pricing and sales trend data
Direct TextbookBook price comparison service
eBayOnline auction marketplace
GoodStormOnline retail ecommerce
Google BasePlatform for structure and semi-structured data
Google CheckoutShopping cart services
PriceRunnerShopping comparison engine
Shopping.comOnline retail shopping
SwapThingCommunity driven swapping site
UPC DatabaseUPC lookup service
Windows Live ExpoOnline classifieds service
Yahoo ShoppingShopping services
ZazzleOn-demand product creation service


Amazon S3Online storage services
Box.netOnline file storage
MoveDigitalFile delivery and management services
OmnidriveOnline storage services
Open XdriveOnline data storage service
OpenomyOnline file system
TagalagEmail tagging
TagFinderTag extraction service
Tagthe.netTag recommendation service
TagToogaTag based Internet directory


TruveoVideo search
BlinkxVideo search
Dave.TVVideo distribution network
LiveVideoVideo repository and user community
RevverVideo services
VeohVirtual television and video network
Video DetectiveFilm trailers, cast, images, and related information
Yahoo Video SearchVideo search
YouTubeVideo sharing and search


ClearSpringWidget creation, distribution, and tracking services
Google Gadgets 
NetvibesPersonalized home page with widgets
PageflakesPersonalized start page and widgets
Serence KlipDesktop gadgets
SpringWidgetsWidget platform
TagWorldSocial web services
Windows Live GadgetsOnline gadgets service
Windows Sidebar GadgetsDesktop gadgets
Yahoo WidgetsDesktop widgets
YourminisPersonalized start page


DBpediaStructured query interface to Wikipedia
JotSpotWiki-style collaboration tools
PBwikiConsumer wiki farm
WikiMatrixWiki search and comparison service






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