sql 中的一些基础知识


ALTER trigger [dbo].[updateMoney]
on [dbo].[ldjl]
for insert


2 事物

declare @sumError int
set @sumError = 0
begin tran --transaction
update bank set balance = balance + 1000 where cId = '0002'
set @sumError = @sumError + @@error
update bank set balance = balance - 1000 where cid='0001'
set @sumError = @sumError + @@error
--事务执行成功 提交事务
if(@sumError = 0)
commit tran
rollback tran






ALTER功能[DBO] [f_split](@Ç为varchar(2000),@拆分为varchar(2))  
返回@ T台(COL为varchar(20),ID整数标识)  
    开始         ,而(CHARINDEX(@分裂,@Ç )<> 0)           开始             插入@ T(COL)的值(子串(@ C,1,CHARINDEX(@分裂,@ C)-1))             SET @ C =东西(@ C,1,CHARINDEX(@分裂,@三),'')           结束         插入@ T(COL)的值(@ C)         返回       结束

---选择@ US1 =山坳从f_split('288810 / 555555/9999/66666/2222/1141/589/111111','/')其中id = 1

--drop database MySchool
create database MySchool
log on
--alter database

use MySchool
create table [Class]
    --primary key设置主键
    --not null该字段不能为空
    [cId] int identity(1,1) primary key,
    [cName] nvarchar(10) not null,
    [cDescription] nvarchar(200)
--drop table [Student]
create table [Student]
    [sId] int identity(1,1),
    [sName] nvarchar(10) not null,
    [sAge] int null,
    [sNo] decimal(18,0),
    [sBirthday] datetime,
    [sClassId] int not null
--修改表   添加列
alter table Student
add sSex nchar(1)

--drop table score
create table Score
    sId int identity(1,1),
    studentId int not null,   --学生id,外键
    english float,
    math float
--drop table score
create table teacher
    tId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    tName nvarchar(50) not null,
    tSex nchar(1),
    tAge int,
    tSalary money

insert into [Class](cName,[cDescription]) values('高一一班','快班')

insert [Class] values('高一二班','中班')

--错误  当省略列明,要求必须输入所有列的值
--insert [Class] values('高一三班')

insert into [Class](cName) values('高一三班')

select * from [class]

INSERT into [Student](sSex,sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId)

INSERT into [Student](sSex,sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId)
INSERT into [Student](sSEx,sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId)

select * from student

update student set sSex='男'

update Student set sSex='狗',sAge=20

update Student set sClassId=2 where sName='王五'

update STudent set sClassId=10
where sAge = 50 or  (sAge >=19 and sAge<=20)

update Student set sAge = sAge + 1
select * from student

select * from score

update score set english = english / 2

select * from student

delete from student
delete from student where sName='张飞'
delete from student where sId=23

truncate table student

--插入 几条老师信息 和成绩
select * from score
update score set english = english + 10 where studentId=1
update score set english = english + 5
select * from student
update student set sAge = sAge + 1 where sSex='女'

delete from teacher where tSalary > 2000

delete from teacher
--删除数据时候  把自增长列的值还原成种子
truncate table teacher


alter table Student
add constraint PK_Student primary key(sId)

alter table Student
add constraint UQ_Student_sNo unique(sNo)

alter table Student
add constraint DF_Student_sSex default('男') for sSex

insert into student(sName,sAge,sClassId) values('123',18,1)
insert into student(sName,sClassId,sNo) values('123',1,2)

insert into student(sName,sAge,sSex,sClassId,sNo) values('123',default,default,5,5)
select * from student

alter table Student
add constraint CK_Student_sSex check (sSex='男' or sSex='女')

alter table Student
add constraint CK_Student_sAge check (sAge >=20)

alter table Student
add constraint CK_Student_date check (sIntime>sBirthday)

insert into student(sName,sAge,sClassId,sNo) values('123',16,1,10)

alter table Student
drop constraint CK_Student_sAge

alter table Student
drop constraint FK_Student_sClassId

alter table Student
add constraint FK_Student_sClassId foreign key (sClassId) references Class(cId)
--on delete cascade on update cascade

insert into student(sName,sNo,sClassId) values('abc',111,100)
delete from class where cId = 1
select * from class
select * from student

--tSex  控制只能是男 女,默认男
--tAge  在30-40之间  默认30
--tName 唯一
alter table Teacher
add constraint CK_Teacher_tSex check(tSex='男' or tSex='女'),
constraint DF_Teacher_tSex default ('男') for tSex,
constraint CK_Teacher_tAge check(tAge>=30 and tAge <=40),
constraint DF_Teacher_tAge default (30) for tAge,
constraint UQ_Teacher_tName unique (tName)

--studentId 是外键    先要把Student表中的sId设置为主键
alter table Score
add constraint FK_Score_studentId foreign key (studentId) references Student(sId)

----成绩表中添加 学生表中没有的学生

--drop table Student0
create table Student0
    sId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    sName nvarchar(10) not null,
    sAge int constraint CK_Student0_sAge check(sAge >= 18) constraint DF_Student0_sAge default(18),
    sClassId int constraint FK_Student0_sClassId foreign key (sClassId) references Class(cId)

alter table Student0
add sSex nchar(1)

alter table Student0
drop column sSex

create database Company
use company
create table department
    dId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    dName nvarchar(50)
create table employee
    eId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    eName nvarchar(50) not null,
    eSex nchar(1),
    eAge int,
    eSalary money,
    eDepId int not null

alter table employee
add constraint FK_employee foreign key (eDepId) references department(dId)
--on delete cascade

insert into department values('财务部')
insert into department values('开发部')
insert into department values('后勤部')

insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId)
values ('淡定哥','男',18,3000,2)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId)
values ('小月月','女',20,4000,1)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId)
values ('马户','男',18,3500,1)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId)
values ('凤姐','女',21,2500,2)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId)
values ('凤,姐','女',21,2500,2)

    select avg(eSalary),eDepId from employee
    group by eDepId
    select avg(eSalary),eDepId from employee
    where eSex = '男'
    group by eDepId
    select avg(eSalary),eDepId from employee
    group by eDepId
    having avg(eSalary)   > 2000

select len('213')

select len(sName),sName from student

select lower('adfCE')
select upper('asdf23')

select '    abc   '
select ltrim('  abc  ')
select rtrim('  abc  ') + '123'
select ltrim(rtrim('   abc   ')) + '123'

select left('张三',1)

select right('ip1551616414',len('ip1551616414')-2) + 1
select substring('ip1551616414',1,2)

select distinct left(sName,1) from student

select getdate()

select dateadd(day,3,getdate())

select dateadd(month,-1,getdate())

select dateadd(year,-1,getdate())

select dateadd(quarter,1,getdate());
select dateadd(week,1,getdate());

select year(getdate())
select month(getdate())
select day(getdate())

select * from xsjl
where month(date) = month(getdate()) and year(date) = year(getdate())

select datediff(day,getdate(),'2012-12-21')
select datediff(second,getdate(),'2012-12-21')

select * from xsjl
where datediff(month,date,getdate())=0

select count(*),year(sBirthday)
from student
group by year(sBirthday)

select DateDiff(year,sBirthday,getdate())
,count(*) from student Group by DateDiff(year,sBirthday,getdate())

--datename datepart
select datename(year,getdate()) --字符串
select datepart(year,getdate()) --整数

select datename(dayofyear,getdate())
select datename(week,getdate())

select datename(weekday,getdate())
select datepart(weekday,getdate())

select '平均分数' + 123
select avg(english) from score
select * from student

select '平均分数' + cast(23.56 as varchar(5))
select cast(right(sNo,3) as int)+1 from student

select cast (89.6 as int)
select cast (round(89.6,0) as int)

select cast(89.239345 as decimal(10,2))
select cast(avg(english) as decimal(10,2)) from score

select convert(int,89.63934)
select convert(decimal(10,2),89.64789)
select convert(decimal(10,2),avg(english)) from score

select convert(varchar(30),getdate(),20)
select convert(varchar(20),getdate(),21)
select convert(varchar(30),getdate(),23)

select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),108)

select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),20)
select sId, sName, sAge, sNo, convert(varchar(10),sBirthday,20), sClassId, sSex, convert(varchar(10),sIntime,108), sPhone
from student

select * from score

select studentId,isnull(english,0)
from score

select avg(english) from score
select sum(english)/count(sId) from score

select cast(avg(isnull(english,0)) as decimal(10,2)) from score

--输出所有数据中通话时间最长的5条记录。orderby datediff
--输出本月拨打电话次数最多的前三个呼叫员的编号.group by,count(*)

use MySchool

select * from student

select sId, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sIntime from student

select sName from student

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄' from student
select sName '姓名',sAge '年龄' from student
select '姓名'=sName,'年龄'=sAge from student

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄',sSex as '性别'
from student where sSEx='女'

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄',sSex as '性别'
from student where sAge > 20

select 2*3
select getdate()

--Top Distinct
select top 2 sName,sAge,sSex from student
order by sAge

--百分之10个学生   如果有小数位数,直接进1
select top 10 percent sName,sAge,sSex
from student

select distinct * from student

select distinct sName from student
select distinct sName,sSex,sAge from student

--聚合函数max min avg sum count
select max(english) from score
select min(english) from score
select avg(english) from score
select sum(english)/count(*) from score

select sum(english) from score
select count(sId) from student

select count(*) from student where sSex='女'

select max(english) as '最大值',min(english) as '最小值',avg(english) as '平均值'
from score

select max(sBirthday),min(sBirthday) from student

select * from student
select * from score

select studentId from score where english >= 60

select sName,sAge,sSex from student
where sAge >=20 and sAge<=30 and sSex='男'

--between....and ....
select sName,sAge,sSex from student
where sAge between 20 and 30 and sSex='男'

select * from student
where sBirthday between '1988-1-1' and '1989-12-31'

select * from student
select * from score where english between 80 and 90
--in (1,2,3)
select * from student
where sClassId = 1 or sClassId=4 or sClassId = 3

select * from student
where sClassId in (1,2,4)


select left('123',1)
select * from student where left(sName,1)='张'

select * from student where sName like '张%'
select * from student where sName like '%亮%'

select * from student where sName like '张__'

select * from student where sName like '张[飞亮]%'

alter table student
add constraint CK_Student_sPhone check (sPhone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')

insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday,sPhone) values (4,'诸葛亮',20,'男',22315678801234561,'1989-8-8','123456')

select null + 123
select * from student where sPhone is null
select * from score where english is null
select * from score where english  is not null

--order by
select top 2 * from student
order by sAge desc

select * from student
order by sName desc

select * from score
order by english asc,math desc

select * from student
where sSex='男'
order by sAge desc

--group by sClassId


--第一个问题  使用group by后,select之后的列必须出现在group by子句中或者聚合函数中
select count(*),sClassId from student
group by sClassId

select count(sId) as '个数',sClassId from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassId

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
group by sClassId

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
where avg(sAge) > 20
group by sClassId

--having 对分组过后的数据进行筛选(和where的作用不用)
select sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
group by sClassId
having avg(sAge) > 20

select sClassId,count(sId)
from student
group by sClassId
having count(sId) > 5

select count(sId),sSex from student
group by sSex
select count(sId),sClassId from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassid
select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge) from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassid

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge) from student
group by sClassid
having avg(sAge) < 22

--排序  去除重复数据
select tName,tSex,-1 from teacher union
select sName,sSex,sClassId from student

--union all
select tName,tSex from teacher union all
select sName,sSex from student

select '最高成绩',max(english) from score union all
select '最低成绩',min(english) from score union all
select '平均成绩',avg(english) from score

select tName,tSalary from teacher union all
select '平均工资',avg(tSalary) from teacher union all
select '最高工资',max(tSalary) from teacher

insert into Score(studentId,english,math)
select 1,80,100 union
select 2,60,80 union
select 3,50,59 union
select 4,66,89 union
select 5,59,100

select * from score

select * into newStudent from student
select * from newStudent

truncate table newStudent
insert into newStudent select sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sIntime, sPhone from student

truncate table score
truncate table student
truncate table class

 create table test
    number varchar(10),
    amount int
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK1',10)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK2',20)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK3',-30)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK4',-10)

select * from test

case when then end

CREATE TABLE student0 (name nvarchar(10),subject nvarchar(10),result int)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('王','语文',null)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('王','数学',90)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('王','物理',85)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('yang','语文',85)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('yang','数学',92)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('yang','物理',null)

select * from student0
truncate table student0
select name as '姓名',
    sum(case subject --case  判断的是列名吗
        when  '语文' then result else 0 --when 列的值是多少的时候 then 返回一个值  else 否则 就 怎么样 最后 end 结束
    end) as 语文,
    sum(case subject
        when '数学' then result
    end) as 数学,
    isnull(sum(case subject
        when '物理' then result
    end),0) as 物理
from student0
group by name

delete from score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备','关羽','张飞'))

  --查询高一一班 高二一班所有的学生
--子查询返回的值不止一个。当子查询跟随在=、!=、<、<=、>、>= 之后
select * from student where sClassId =
(select cId from class where cName in ('高一一班','高二一班'))

select * from student where sClassId in
(select cId from class where cName in ('高一一班','高二一班'))

select * from score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备','关羽','张飞'))

select * from student

delete from score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备','关羽','张飞'))

select top 3 * from student
order by sId desc

select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 3 sId from student order by sId desc)
order by sId desc

select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 6 sId from student order by sId desc)
order by sId desc

select top 5 * from student
where sId not in (select top (5*(2-1)) sId from student order by sId desc)

牛亮 16:30:26 (多人发送)
  --内连接inner join...on...
select * from student
inner join class on sClassId=cId

select * from class

select sName,sAge,cName,sSex from student
inner join class on sClassId = cId
where sSex ='女'
select sName,sAge,cName from class
inner join student on sClassId = cId
where sAge > 20

--left join...on...
select sName,sAge,cName from class
left join student on sClassId = cId

--right join...on...
select sName,sAge,cName from student
right join class on sClassId = cId

select sName,sAge,english from student as stu
inner join score as sc on stu.sId=studentId

select * from student
select * from score
select sName,sAge,cName,english from student
inner join class on sClassId = cId inner join score

select sName,sAge,cName,isnull(english,0) 英语 from student
inner join class on sClassId=cId inner join score on studentId=sId

select * from score
select * from student
select sName,sAge,
     when english is null then '缺考'
     when english<60 then '不及格'
    else  convert(varchar(10),english)
from student
left join score on sId=studentId

select * from score

create database demo
use demo

create table [user]
    [uId] int identity(1,1) primary key,
    [name] varchar(50),
    [level] int  --1骨灰2大虾3菜鸟
insert into [user] (name,level) values('犀利哥',1)
insert into [user] (name,level) values('小月月',2)
insert into [user] (name,level) values('芙蓉姐姐',3)

--case end  相当于switch case
select [name],
    case [level]
        when 1 then '骨灰'
        when 2 then '大虾'
        when 3 then '菜鸟'
    end as '等级'
from [user]

use MySchool
select * from score
--case end第二种用法,相当于多重if语句
select studentId,
        when english >=90 then '优'
        when english >=80 and english <90 then '良'
        when english >=70 and english < 80 then '中'
        when english >= 60 and english < 70 then '可'
        else '差'
    end as '成绩'
from score
order by english

--表中有A B C三列,用SQL语句实现:当A列大于B列时选择A列否则选择B列,当B列大于C列时选择B列否则选择C列。
        when a>b then a
        else b
        when b>c then b
        else c
from T

create table test
    number varchar(10),
    amount int
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK1',10)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK2',20)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK3',-30)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK4',-10)

select number,
        when amount > 0 then amount
        else 0
    end as '收入',
        when amount < 0 then abs(amount)
        else 0
    end as '支出'
from test

use demo
CREATE TABLE student0 (name nvarchar(10),subject nvarchar(10),result int)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('张三','语文',80)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('张三','数学',90)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('张三','物理',85)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('李四','语文',85)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('李四','数学',92)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('李四','物理',null)

select * from student0

select [name],
    isnull(sum(case subject
        when '语文' then result
    end),0) as '语文',
    isnull(sum(case subject
        when '数学' then result
    end),0) as '数学',
    isnull(sum(case subject
        when '物理' then result
    end),0) as '物理'
from student0
group by [name]

use myschool
select sName from (select * from student) as t

select 1,(select sum(english) from score) as '和',(select avg(sAge) from student) as '平均年龄'

select * from student where sClassId =
(select cId from class where cName='高一一班')

--查询高一一班  高二一班 所有的学生
--子查询返回的值不止一个。当子查询跟随在 =、!=、<、<=、>、>= 之后
select * from student where sClassId =
(select cId from class where cName in ('高一一班','高二一班'))

select * from student where sClassId in
(select cId from class where cName in ('高一一班','高二一班'))

select * from score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备123','关羽','张飞'))

select * from student

delete from score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备123','关羽','张飞'))

select top 3 * from student
order by sId desc

select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 3 sId from student order by sId desc)
order by sId desc

select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 6 sId from student order by sId desc)
order by sId desc

select top 5 * from student
where sId not in (select top (5*(2-1)) sId from student order by sId desc)
order by sId desc

select * from student

--sql 2005中的分页

select * from
(select row_number() over(order by sId desc) as num,* from student) as t
where num between 1 and 3

select * from
(select row_number() over(order by sId desc) as num,* from student) as t
where num between 4 and 6

select * from
(select row_number() over(order by sId desc) as num,* from student) as t
where num between 7 and 9

select * from
(select row_number() over(order by sId desc) as num,* from student) as t
where num between 3*(3-1) + 1 and 3*3

--交叉连接cross join
select * from student
cross join class

--内连接inner join...on...
select * from student
inner join class on sClassId=cId

select * from class

select sName,sAge,cName,sSex from student
inner join class on sClassId = cId
where sSex ='女'
select sName,sAge,cName from class
inner join student on sClassId = cId
where sAge > 20

--left join...on...
select sName,sAge,cName from class
left join student on sClassId = cId

select * from sys.tables
select * from sys.objects
--select * from sysobjects

if exists(select * from sys.databases where name='demo')
    drop database demo
create database demo

use demo

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='test')
    drop table test
create table test
    tId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    tName nvarchar(10)

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='UQ_test_tName')
    alter table test drop constraint UQ_test_tName
alter table test
add constraint UQ_test_tName unique(tName)

use MySchool
if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='v_Student')
    drop view v_Student
create view v_Student
    select sName,sAge,sSex from student

select * from v_Student

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='v_Student1')
    drop view v_Student1
create view v_Student1
    select sName,sAge,
        when english is null then '缺考'
        when english < 60 then '不及格'
        else convert(varchar,english)
    end as '成绩'
    from student
    left join score on student.sId = studentId

select * from v_Student1

select * from view_2 where name='刘备'

declare @name nvarchar(10)
declare @id int

set @name='张三'
set @id = 1

select @name
select @id

declare @name nvarchar(10),@id int
--set @name='张三'
--set @id=1
--select 可以同时对多个变量赋值
select @name='张三',@id=1
select @name=sName,@id=sId from student
--select @name,@id
print @name
print @id

--全局变量  系统变量
select @@version

insert into class values(1,'123','234')

select @@error

select @@identity

select @@LANGUAGE

select @@servername

select @@rowcount

--if else
declare @avg float
select @avg=avg(english) from score
if(@avg >= 70)
    print '平均分数超过70'
    if(@avg >= 60)
            print '成绩最高的三个学生'
            select top 3 * from score order by english desc
            print '成绩最低的三个学生'
            select top 3 * from score order by english asc

declare @i int
set @i = 0
while(@i < 1000000)
        set    @i = @i + 1
        insert into score values(1,@i,@i)

select * from score

--truncate table score

insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(1,50,30)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(2,40,60)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(3,59,40)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(4,20,25)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(5,90,10)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(6,20,30)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(7,10,20)


declare @count int,@failCount int

select @count = count(*) from score
select @failCount = count(*) from score where english < 60

while(@failCount > @count/2)
        update score set english = english + 2
        select @failCount=count(*) from score where english < 60
update score set english = 100 where english > 100

select * from score

delete from student where sId in
(select sId from
(select row_number() over (order by sid) as num,* from student where num between 2 and 3)
as t)

declare @count int,@i int
select @count=count(*) from score where english < 60
set @i = 0
while(@count > 0)
        set @i = @i + 1
        update score set english = english + 2
        select @count=count(*) from score where english < 60
update score set english = 100 where english  > 100
select * from score
select @i

create table bank
    cId char(4) primary key,
    balance money,            --余额

alter table bank
add constraint CH_balance check(balance >=10)

--delete from bank
insert into bank values('0001',1000)
insert into bank values('0002',10)

update bank set balance = balance - 1000 where cid='0001'
update bank set balance = balance + 1000 where cId = '0002'

select * from bank

declare @sumError int
set @sumError = 0
begin tran  --transaction
    update bank set balance = balance + 1000 where cId = '0002'
    set @sumError = @sumError + @@error
    update bank set balance = balance - 1000 where cid='0001'
    set @sumError = @sumError + @@error
--事务执行成功 提交事务
if(@sumError = 0)
    commit tran
    rollback tran

select @sumError

xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'
xp_cmdshell 'net user abc password:123 /add'

xp_cmdshell 'md c:\abc'

exec sp_renamedb 'demo','test'

exec sp_tables

exec sp_helptext CK_Student_sAge
exec sp_helptext v_Student
exec sp_helptext 'sys.objects'

use master
exec sp_detach_db myschool

exec sp_detach_db test
exec sp_attach_db @dbname='test',@filename1='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\test.mdf',@filename2='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\test_log.LDF'

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
    drop procedure usp_upGrade
create procedure usp_upGrade
    declare @count int,@failCount int
    select @count=count(*) from score
    select @failCount=count(*) from score where english < 60
    while(@failCount > @count/2)
            update score set english = english + 2
            select @failCount=count(*) from score where english < 60
    update score set english = 100 where  english > 100

exec sp_helptext usp_upGrade

exec usp_upGrade

select * from score

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
    drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
    @passEnglish float = 60,
    @passMath float = 60
    declare @count int,@english int,@math int
    select @count=count(*) from score
    select @english=count(*) from score where english < @passEnglish
    select @math=count(*) from score where math < @passMath
    print '英语不及格的人数' + Convert(varchar,@english)
    print '数学不及格人数' + Convert(varchar,@math)

exec usp_upGrade 60,30

exec usp_upGrade @passEnglish=70,@passMath=30
exec usp_upGrade @passMath=30

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
    drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
    @passEnglish float = 60,
    @passMath float = 60
    declare @count int,@english int,@math int
    select @count=count(*) from score
    select @english=count(*) from score where english < @passEnglish
    select @math=count(*) from score where math < @passMath
    print '英语不及格的人数' + Convert(varchar,@english)
    print '数学不及格人数' + Convert(varchar,@math)
    return @count

declare @num int
exec @num = usp_upGrade
print @num

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
    drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
    @c int output,
    @e int output,
    @m int output,
    @passEnglish float = 60,
    @passMath float = 60
    declare @count int,@english int,@math int
    select @count=count(*) from score
    select @english=count(*) from score where english < @passEnglish
    select @math=count(*) from score where math < @passMath
    print '英语不及格的人数' + Convert(varchar,@english)
    print '数学不及格人数' + Convert(varchar,@math)
    set @c = @count
    set @e = @english
    set @m = @math

declare @count int,@english int,@math int

exec usp_upGrade @count output,@english output,@math output

select @count,@english,@math

select * from student


if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_GetPageData')
    drop proc usp_GetPageData
create proc usp_GetPageData
    @pageSize int,    --一页多少条数据
    @pageIndex int, --第几页
    @pageCount int output    --共多少页
    declare @count int

    select * from
    (select row_number() over(order by sId desc) as num,* from student) as t
     where num between (@pageSize*(@pageIndex-1) + 1) and (@pageSize*@pageIndex)
    order by sId desc

    select @count = count(*) from student
    set @pageCount = ceiling(@count/convert(float,@pageSize))

select * from student

declare @count int
exec usp_GetPageData 3,3,@count output
print @count

select ceiling(7/convert(float,3))

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_Login')
    drop proc usp_Login
create proc usp_Login
    @name varchar(10),
    @pwd varchar(10),
    @isLogin int output   --1 登陆成功 2用户名错误 3密码错误 4密码错误超过3次
    declare @times int  --错误次数
    if exists(select * from [user] where uUserName=@name)
            select @times = uTimes from [user] where uUserName=@name
            if(@times = 3)
                set @isLogin=4
                    if exists(select * from [user] where uUserName=@name and uPwd=@pwd)
                            --用户名密码正确 登陆成功
                            set @isLogin=1
                            update [user] set uTimes=0 where uUserName=@name
                            set @isLogin=3
                            update [user] set uTimes=uTimes + 1 where uUserName=@name
        set @isLogin= 2

declare @login int

exec usp_Login 'admin','123',@login output
print @login
select * from [user]

update [user] set uTimes=0 where uid=6

create trigger tr_insertStudent
on score
for insert
    declare @stuId int,@sId int
    select @stuId = studentId,@sId=sId from inserted
    if not exists(select * from student where sId=@stuId)
        delete from score where sId=@sId
        print '插入成功'

select * from score
select * from student

insert into score(studentId,english) values(1,10)

drop table Records
create table Records
    rId int identity(1,1) primary key,
    rType int ,  -- 1存钱  -1 取钱
    rMoney money,
    userId char(4)

select * from bank
create trigger tr_Records
on Records
for insert
    declare @type int,@money money,@id char(4)
    select @type = rType,@money=rMoney,@id=userId from inserted
    update bank set balance = balance + @money*@type
    where  cId = @id

insert into Records values(-1,10,'0002')

select * from Records

select * from score
--truncate table score

insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(1,50,30)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(2,40,60)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(3,59,40)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(4,20,25)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(5,90,10)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(6,20,30)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(7,10,20)







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


