f5 负载均衡巡检脚本
f5 bigip ltm 9.1.1 --10.2.4
主机名,SN号,管理IP,配置同步状态,主备状态,cpu、内存使用,snmp trap和access配置,当前连接数,新建连接数,电源状态和数量,系统的温度,系统的启动时间,ntp的状态,HA 特性,网络的failover状态;
bigip 1500,bigip3400,bigip6400 ,bigip6900,bigip1600,bigip3600;
#!/bin/bash #DATE 20170227 #AUTHOR Huang #DESCRIPTION:Script only for bigip ltm checking function Tmm_cpu() { #cpu usage calcuation #"((<DeltaTmTotalCycles> - (<DeltaTmIdleCycles> + <DeltaTmSleepCycles>)) / <DeltaTmTotalCycles>) *100" h="localhost" cmd="snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c" sysStatTmTotalCycles="." sysStatTmIdleCycles="." sysStatTmSleepCycles="." tag=$(snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c $h ".") if [ $? -eq 0 ];then total_init=$($cmd $h $sysStatTmTotalCycles|awk '{print $NF}') idle_init=$($cmd $h $sysStatTmIdleCycles|awk '{print $NF}') slp_init=$($cmd $h sysStatTmSleepCycles|awk '{print $NF}') sleep 30s total_ter=$($cmd $h $sysStatTmTotalCycles|awk '{print $NF}') idle_ter=$($cmd $h $sysStatTmIdleCycles|awk '{print $NF}') slp_ter=$($cmd $h sysStatTmSleepCycles|awk '{print $NF}') else echo -e "\033[31m Something is wrong,$(snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c $h ".") \33[5m" break fi declare -i ds declare -i dtt declare -i dti delta_tm_total=$(($total_ter-$total_init)) dtt=${delta_tm_total#-} delta_tm_idle=$(($idle_ter-$idle_init)) dti=${delta_tm_idle#-} delta_sleep=$(($slp_ter-$slp_init)) ds=${delta_sleep#-} cpu_consum=$(($dtt-$dti-$ds)) #echo "$dtt" cpu_usage=$(echo "$cpu_consum $dtt"|awk '{printf "%.2f",$1/$2*100}') echo $cpu_usage } function Module_type() { ifcount=`b interface list |grep -v mgmt |grep interface|wc -l` cpucount=`cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep processor|wc -l` #echo $ifcount,$cpucount if [ $cpucount -eq 2 -a $ifcount -eq 6 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 1600" tp='1600' fi if [ $cpucount -eq 1 -a $ifcount -eq 6 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 1500" tp='1500' fi if [ $cpucount -eq 1 -a $ifcount -eq 10 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 3400" tp='3400' fi if [ $cpucount -eq 2 -a $ifcount -eq 10 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 3600" tp='3600' fi if [ $cpucount -eq 2 -a $ifcount -eq 20 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 6400" tp='6400' fi if [ $cpucount -eq 4 -a $ifcount -eq 20 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 6900" tp='6900' fi if [ $cpucount -eq 8 -a $ifcount -eq 26 ];then #echo "device type:BIGIP 8900" tp='8900' fi echo "Device Type:$tp" } function MEMORY_USAGE() { if [ $type =="1600" -o $type=="8900" -o $type=="3600" ];then #1600,8900,3600 mem_usage=$(b memory show |grep TMM|awk 'gsub(/GB|MB/,"",$0) {printf "%.2f\n",$8/1024/$5*100}') #1500 elif [ $tpye =="1500" ];then mem_usage=$(b memory show |grep TMM|awk 'gsub(/MB/,"",$0) {printf "%.2f\n",$8/$5*100}') #3400 su di er qi 1g and 2g is different in calculation of memory method elif [ $type =="3400" -a `phymem -g` -eq 1 ];then mem_usage=$(b memory show |grep Total|awk 'gsub(/MB/,"",$0) {printf "%.2f\n",$6/$3*100}') elif [ $type =="3400" -a `phymem -g` -eq 2 ];then mem_usage=$(b memory show |grep Total|awk 'gsub(/GB|MB/,"",$0) {printf "%.2f\n",$6/1024/$3*100}') #6400 elif [ $type=="6400" ];then mem_usage=$(b memory show |grep Total|awk 'gsub(/GB|MB/,"",$0) {printf "%.2f\n",$6/1024/$3*100}') elif [ $tpye=="6900" ];then #6900 mem_usage=$(b memory show |grep TMM|awk 'gsub(/GB/,"",$0) {printf "%.2f\n",$8/$5*100}') fi echo $mem_usage } function Throughput() { h="localhost" cmd="snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c" sysStatClientBytesIn='.' sysStatClientBytesOut='.' sysStatServerBytesIn='.' sysStatServerBytesOut='.' tag=$(snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c $h ".") if [ $? -eq 0 ];then cli_byte_in1=$($cmd $h $sysStatClientBytesIn|awk '{print $NF}') cli_byte_out1=$($cmd $h $sysStatClientBytesOut|awk '{print $NF}') ser_byte_in1=$($cmd $h $sysStatServerBytesIn|awk '{print $NF}') ser_bype_out1=$($cmd $h $sysStatServerBytesOut|awk '{print $NF}') sleep 10s cli_byte_in2=$($cmd $h $sysStatClientBytesIn|awk '{print $NF}') cli_byte_out2=$($cmd $h $sysStatClientBytesOut|awk '{print $NF}') ser_byte_in2=$($cmd $h $sysStatServerBytesIn|awk '{print $NF}') ser_byte_out2=$($cmd $h $sysStatServerBytesOut|awk '{print $NF}') else echo -e "\033[31m Something about SNMP is wrong,$(snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c $h ".") \33[5m" break fi cli_th_byte=$((($cli_byte_in2-$cli_byte_in1)+($cli_byte_out2-$cli_byte_out1))) ser_th_byte=$((($ser_byte_in2-$ser_byte_in1)+($ser_byte_out2-$ser_bype_out1))) cli_throughput=$( echo "$cli_th_byte"|awk '{printf "%.2f",$1*0.8/1000}') ser_throughput=$( echo "$ser_th_byte"|awk '{printf "%.2f",$1*0.8/1000}') echo "client_throughput=$cli_throughput k/s ,server_throughput=$ser_throughput k/s" } function POWER_SUPPLY() { SN=$(b platform |grep "Chassis serial"|awk '{print $4}') #Currently,in our network ,there are only four bigip system which has two #psu,they are 8900,6900 and new 3600.These devices have only SN number. #I use the SN's md5 as the value to get numbers of aciving and installed psu. X=$(echo $SN|md5sum|awk '{print $1}') #jizhonghesuan_erp and accouting ltm have two psu #ems outbound to interface is a bigip 8900 #oa system has a bigip 6900 # 8900 f5-pqus-vmuu # 8900 f5-pnqd-fuug # 6900 f5-xslk-yvur # 6900 f5-mtop-zjpd # 6900 f5-kqps-ayze # 3600 f5-xznx-qcgn # 3600 f5-ithb-lyon # 3600 f5-sxxi-gucx # 3600 f5-zkzy-bcnc SN_array=( f5-pqus-vmuu f5-pnqd-fuug f5-xslk-yvur f5-mtop-zjpd f5-kqps-ayze f5-xznx-qcgn f5-ithb-lyon f5-sxxi-gucx f5-zkzy-bcnc ) a_len=$((${#SN_array[@]}-1)) for i in `seq 0 $a_len` do SN_md5[$i]=$(echo $i|md5sum|awk -F " " '{print $1}') done #echo ${SN_md5[@]} #Tow condictions : single core or dual,default is single mathch=0,if search the SN_md5 in the array of the known SN_md5 array #match is set to 1 match=0 for iterm in ${SN_md5[@]} do if [ "$X" == "$iterm" ];then match=1 fi done case $match in 1) psu_installed="TWO" psu_active=$(b platform show all|grep -A1 "POWER SUPPLY"|tail -1|awk -F "" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) if($i=="a") ++psu_count}END{print psu_count}') #echo "psu_active is :$psu_active" ;; 0) psu_installed="ONE" psu_active=$(b platform show all|grep -A1 "POWER SUPPLY"|tail -1|awk -F "" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) if($i=="a") ++psu_count}END{print psu_count}') #echo "psu_active is :$psu_active" ;; esac echo "$psu_installed,$psu_active" } function CHASSIS_TEMPERATURE() { ch_tmp=$(b platform show all |grep -A 1 "CHASSIS TEMPERATURE"|tail -1|awk '{print $4}') echo "CHASSIS TEMPERATURE is :$ch_tmp" } function UPTIME() { ut=$(uptime|awk '{printf("%s days\n",$3)}') echo "UPTIME is:$ut" } function SYS_date() { echo $(date +%F" "%H:%M) } function log_ltm() { cat /var/log/ltm >>/tmp/checking.txt && zcat /var/log/ltm.* >>/tmp/checking.txt } function MGMT() { b mgmt show|awk 'BEGIN{OFS=":"}{print $1,$2}' } function SNMP_agent() { #the allowed snmp manager IP address or network Client_Allow_List=$(b snmpd allow show |grep -Ev 'SNMPD|127'|sed 's/ //g') #community config segment COMMUNITY_conf=$(b snmpd community all show|grep -v pub|awk '{print $NF}') #get community strings COMMUNITY_name=$(b snmpd community "$COMMUNITY_conf" community name show|awk '{print $NF}') READ_WRITE_access=$(b snmpd community "$COMMUNITY_conf" access show|awk '{print $NF}') ACCESS_oid=$(b snmpd community "$COMMUNITY_conf" oid show|awk -F "-" '{print $2}') SNMP_Manager_ip=$(b snmpd community "$COMMUNITY_conf" source show|awk -F: '{print $NF}') printf "%s\n" "Acess_IP_list=$Client_Allow_List" "COMMUNITYR_AME=$COMMUNITY_name" \ "ACCESSR_EVEL=$READ_WRITE_access" "SNMP_MANAGER_IP=$SNMP_Manager_ip" "SNMP_OID=$ACCESS_oid" } function SNMP_trap() { #SNMP trap enable or disable information SNMP_trap_fun=$(b snmpd agenttrap show|awk '{print $NF}') DEV_traps=$(b snmpd bigip traps show|awk '{print $NF}') #TRAPs iterms TRAP_iterms=$(b snmpd trapsess all show|awk '{print $NF}') for i in $TRAP_iterms do TRAP_ver=$(b snmpd trapsess $i version show |awk '{print $NF}') TRAP_comm=$(b snmpd trapsess $i community show |awk '{print $NF}') TRAP_host=$(b snmpd trapsess $i host show|awk '{print $NF}') TRAP_host_port=$(b snmpd trapsess $i port show|awk '{print $NF}') echo -e "TRAP_iterm=$i\nTRAP_version=$TRAP_ver\nTRAP_community=$TRAP_comm\nTRAP_host=$TRAP_host\nTRAP_host_port=$TRAP_host_port\n" done echo -e "TRAP_functions=$SNMP_trap_fun\nBIGIP_traps_function=$DEV_traps\n" } function syslog_setting() { remote_host=$(b syslog list all |grep server|awk '{print $NF}') if [ "$remote_host"=="none" ] ;then echo "Syslog server is not setting" else echo "Syslog server is:$remote_host" fi } function DEV_Acc_control() { http_ip=$(b httpd list all|grep -w "All"|sed 's/"//g'|awk '{print $NF}') if [ "$all_ip"=="All" ];then HTTP_all="All ip is allowed to manage by http method." else HTTP_all="The allowed ip is:$all_ip by http method." fi ssh_ip=$(b sshd list all|grep -wi "All"|sed 's/"//g'|awk '{print $NF}') if [ "$ssh_ip"=="ALL" ];then SSH_all="All ip is allowed to manage by ssh method." else SSH_all="The allowed ip is:$ssh_ip by ssh method." fi echo -e "$HTTP_all\n$SSH_all" } function NET_failover() { net_fail_state=$(b failover network failover show|awk '{print $NF}') if [ "$net_fail_state"=="disable" ];then echo "NETWORK failover is disabled." elif [ "$net_fail_state"=="enable" ];then echo "NETWORK failover is enabled." else echo "NETWORK failover is $net_fail_state" fi } function HA_feature() { b ha table all show|grep -E "VLAN|gateway" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then b ha table all show|grep -E "VLAN|gateway"|awk '{if ($5=="yes") {print $1,$2,$3,"is enabled"} else {print $1,$2,$3,"is disabled"}}' else echo "Fail safe feature is disabled." fi } function ACT_Conn() { h="localhost" cmd="snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c" sysStatClientCurConns="." act_swap=$($cmd $h $sysStatClientCurConns) act_conn=${act_swap##F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysStatClientCurConns.0 = Counter64: } echo "Active connestions are:$act_conn" } function NEW_conn() { h="localhost" cmd="snmpwalk -cpublic -v2c" sysTcpStatAccepts="." sysStatServerTotConns="." cli_acc_swap1=$($cmd $h $sysTcpStatAccepts) cli_accept1=${cli_acc_swap1##F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysTcpStatAccepts.0 = Counter64: } ser_conn_swap1=$($cmd $h $sysStatServerTotConns) ser_conn1=${ser_conn_swap1##F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysStatServerTotConns.0 = Counter64: } sleep 10s cli_acc_swap2=$($cmd $h $sysTcpStatAccepts) cli_accept2=${cli_acc_swap2##F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysTcpStatAccepts.0 = Counter64: } ser_conn_swap2=$($cmd $h $sysStatServerTotConns) ser_conn2=${ser_conn_swap2##F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysStatServerTotConns.0 = Counter64: } delta_c_a=$(($cli_accept2-$cli_accept1)) delta_s_conn=$(($ser_conn2-$ser_conn1)) echo "$delta_c_a $delta_s_conn" |awk '{printf "ClientSideCon:%.1f\tSerSideCon:%.1f\n",$1/10,$2/10}' } # SN judgement function DEV_sn() { SN=$(b platform |grep "Chassis serial"|awk '{print $4}') echo "Device Serial Number:$SN" } #HOSTNAME function DEV_hn() { HN=$(b system hostname |awk -F: '{print $2}') echo "Hostname:$HN" } #dev_IP function DEV_ip() { IP_arr=($(b self list|grep self|grep -v '1.1.1'|awk '{print $2}')) len_arr=${#IP_arr[@]} rand=$(($RANDOM%$len_arr)) #get a random ip dev_ip=${IP_arr[rand]} echo "DEVICE IP:$dev_ip" } #bigip software version info function SOFT_ver() { soft_ver=$(b version show |grep BIG-IP|awk '{print $3,$4}') echo "BIGIP VERSION:$soft_ver" } Module_type DEV_sn DEV_hn DEV_ip SOFT_ver echo "SUPPORT ENGINEER:Jianpeng Huang" echo "SUPPORT DATE:$(date +%Y/%m/%d)" echo "LOCATION of SUPPORT:XiBianMen" #checking the status of the cluster configsync code=$(bigpipe config sync show |grep Status |awk '{print $4}') if [ $code != "Synchronized" ];then echo "DEVICE OF CONFIG UNSYNCHRONIZED:$(bigpipe config sync show |grep Status)" else echo "DEVICE OF CONFIG SYNCHRONIZED:$code" fi #checking the device master or slave status stat_code=`b failover show |cut -d " " -f 2` if [ $stat_code == "active" ];then echo "CURRENT STATE:Active" elif [ $stat_code=='standby' ];then echo "CURRENT STATE:standby" else echo "$(b failover show)" fi CPU_USAGE=`Tmm_cpu` echo "TMM CPU_USAGE:$CPU_USAGE" echo $(Throughput) POWER_SUPPLY CHASSIS_TEMPERATURE UPTIME SYS_date log_ltm MGMT SNMP_agent SNMP_trap syslog_setting DEV_Acc_control HA_feature NET_failover NEW_conn ACT_Conn
[root@cnpl1600:Standby] config # sh checking.sh