
程序代码 程序代码

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Tree.aspx.cs" Inherits="Tree" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
         <asp:TreeView ID="tvGroupData" runat="server" ImageSet="XPFileExplorer" ShowLines="True" ShowCheckBoxes="Leaf">

程序代码 程序代码

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

public partial class Tree : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected   void   Page_Load(object   sender,   EventArgs   e)  
                          if   (!Page.IsPostBack)  
                                  BindTreeView("PageFrameSpace",   GetTreeViewTable());  
                  #region   递归绑定树形目录  
                  private   DataTable   GetTreeViewTable()  
                          DataTable   dtProduct   =   objDB.GetDataTable("basGetGroupData",   null);  
                          return   dtProduct;  
                  #region   BindTreeView  
                  public   void   BindTreeView(string   TargetFrame,   DataTable   dt)  
                          DataRow[]   drs   =   dt.Select("ParentNo=   "   +   0);// 选出所有子节点  
                          tvGroupData.Nodes.Clear();   //   清空树  
                          foreach   (DataRow   r   in   drs)  
                                  string   nodeid   =   r["GroupNo"].ToString();  
                                  string   text   =   r["GroupName"].ToString();  
                                  string   parentid   =   r["ParentNo"].ToString();  
                                  string   url   =   "UserData.aspx?strgroupno="   +   r["GroupNo"].ToString();  
                                  string   framename   =   TargetFrame;  
                                  this.tvGroupData.Font.Name   =   "宋体";  
                                  this.tvGroupData.Font.Size   =   FontUnit.Parse("9");  
                                  TreeNode   rootnode   =   new   TreeNode();  
                                  rootnode.Text   =   text;  
                                  rootnode.Value   =   nodeid;  
                                  rootnode.NavigateUrl   =   url;  
                                  rootnode.Target   =   framename;  
                                  //rootnode.SelectAction   =   TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;//和ASP.NET1.1中TREEVIEW的SelectExpands属性等效                
                                  rootnode.SelectAction   =   TreeNodeSelectAction.None;  
                                  rootnode.Expanded   =   true;  
                                  int   sonparentid   =   int.Parse(nodeid);//   or   =location  
                                  CreateNode(framename,   sonparentid,   rootnode,   dt);  
                  //     }  
                  public   void   CreateNode(string   TargetFrame,   int   parentno,   TreeNode   parentnode,   DataTable   dt)  
                          DataRow[]   drs   =   dt.Select("ParentNo=   "   +   parentno);//选出所有子节点  
                        //   tvGroupData.ShowCheckBoxes   =   TreeNodeTypes.Parent;  
                          foreach   (DataRow   r   in   drs)  
                                  string   nodeid   =   r["GroupNo"].ToString();  
                                  string   text   =   r["GroupName"].ToString();                      
                                  string   url   =   "UserData.aspx?strgroupno="   +   r["GroupNo"].ToString();                      
                                  string   framename   =   TargetFrame;  
                                  TreeNode   node   =   new   TreeNode();  
                                  node.Text   =   text;  
                                  node.Value   =   nodeid;  
                                  node.NavigateUrl   =   url;  
                                  node.Target   =   TargetFrame;  
                                  //node.SelectAction   =   TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;   //和ASP.NET1.1中TREEVIEW的SelectExpands属性等效  
                                  node.Expanded   =   true;  
                                  int   sonparentid   =   int.Parse(nodeid);//   or   =location  
                                  if   (parentnode   ==   null)  
                                          parentnode   =   new   TreeNode();  
                                  CreateNode(framename,   sonparentid,   node,   dt);  
                                  //   }//endif  

引用内容 引用内容

程序代码 程序代码
<html   xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"   >  
  <head   runat="server">  
  <title>Untitled   Page</title>  
  <script   language="javascript">  
  function   chkAll()  
  var   chkall=   document.all["chkall"];  
  var   chkother=   document.getElementsByTagName("input");  
  for   (var   i=0;i<chkother.length;i++)  
  if(   chkother[i].type=='checkbox')  
          <form   id="form1"   runat="server">  
                    <table   width="100%"   height="100%">  
                          <tr   height="10">  
                                  <td><input   id="chkall"   type="checkbox"   οnclick="chkAll();"   />全选/取消</td>  
程序代码 程序代码
protected   void   Page_Load(object   sender,   EventArgs   e)  
                  if   (!Page.IsPostBack)  
                          //this.TreeView1.Attributes.Add("ondragstart",   "nodeclick();");  
                          this.TreeView1.Attributes.Add("onclick",   "return   tree_oncheck(this);");  
          #region   主从表绑定  
          private   void   BindTree()  
                  DataSet   dst   =   GetTreeViewData();  
                  TreeView1.ShowCheckBoxes   =   TreeNodeTypes.All;  
                  foreach   (DataRow   masterRow   in   dst.Tables["province"].Rows)  
                          TreeNode   masterNode   =   new   TreeNode((string)masterRow["province"]);  
                          foreach   (DataRow   childRow   in   masterRow.GetChildRows("Children"))  
                                  TreeNode   childNode   =new   TreeNode((string)childRow["city"]);  
                                  masterNode.Expanded   =   false;  
          private   DataSet   GetTreeViewData()  
                  string   constring   =   System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];  
                  SqlConnection   con   =   new   SqlConnection(constring);  
                  SqlDataAdapter   daprovince   =   new   SqlDataAdapter("Select   *   FROM   province",   con);  
                  SqlDataAdapter   dacity   =   new   SqlDataAdapter("Select   *   FROM   city",   con);  
                  DataSet   ds   =   new   DataSet();  
                  daprovince.Fill(ds,   "province");  
                  dacity.Fill(ds,   "city");  
                  ds.Relations.Add("Children",   ds.Tables["province"].Columns["provinceid"],   ds.Tables["city"].Columns["father"]);  
                  return   ds;  
          #region   递归绑定同一个表数据  
          private   void   InitTree()  
                  DataTable   dt   =   GetTreeViewTable();  
                  DataView   dv   =   new   DataView(dt);  
                  dv.RowFilter   =   "ParentID=0";  
                  TreeView1.ShowCheckBoxes   =   TreeNodeTypes.All;  
                  foreach   (DataRowView   drv   in   dv)  
                          TreeNode   node   =   new   TreeNode();  
                          node.Text   =   drv["Subject"].ToString();  
                          node.Value   =   drv["ID"].ToString();                        
                          node.Expanded   =   false;  
          private   DataTable   GetTreeViewTable()  
                  string   constring   =   System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];  
                  SqlConnection   con   =   new   SqlConnection(constring);  
                  SqlDataAdapter   da   =   new   SqlDataAdapter("Select   *   FROM   tree",   con);  
                  DataTable   dt   =   new   DataTable();  
                  return   dt;  
          private   void   AddReplies(DataTable   dt,   TreeNode   node)  
                  DataView   dv   =   new   DataView(dt);  
                  dv.RowFilter   =   "ParentID="   +   node.Value;  
                  foreach   (DataRowView   drv   in   dv)  
                          TreeNode   replyNode   =   new   TreeNode();  
                          replyNode.Text   =   drv["Subject"].ToString();  
                          replyNode.Value   =   drv["ID"].ToString();                        
                          replyNode.Expanded   =   false;  

程序代码 程序代码
if   exists   (select   *   from   dbo.sysobjects   where   id   =   object_id(N'[dbo].[Tree]')   and   OBJECTPROPERTY(id,   N'IsUserTable')   =   1)  
  drop   table   [dbo].[Tree]  
  if   exists   (select   *   from   dbo.sysobjects   where   id   =   object_id(N'[dbo].[city]')   and   OBJECTPROPERTY(id,   N'IsUserTable')   =   1)  
  drop   table   [dbo].[city]  
  if   exists   (select   *   from   dbo.sysobjects   where   id   =   object_id(N'[dbo].[province]')   and   OBJECTPROPERTY(id,   N'IsUserTable')   =   1)  
  drop   table   [dbo].[province]  
  Create   TABLE   [dbo].[Tree]   (  
  [ID]   [int]   NULL   ,  
  [ParentID]   [int]   NULL   ,  
  [Subject]   [nvarchar]   (255)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL   ,  
  [Url]   [nvarchar]   (255)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL    
  )   ON   [PRIMARY]  
  Create   TABLE   [dbo].[city]   (  
  [id]   [int]   NOT   NULL   ,  
  [cityID]   [nvarchar]   (6)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL   ,  
  [city]   [nvarchar]   (50)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL   ,  
  [father]   [nvarchar]   (6)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL    
  )   ON   [PRIMARY]  
  Create   TABLE   [dbo].[province]   (  
  [id]   [int]   NOT   NULL   ,  
  [provinceID]   [nvarchar]   (6)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL   ,  
  [province]   [nvarchar]   (40)   COLLATE   Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL    
  )   ON   [PRIMARY]  

引用内容 引用内容

  在2005里 把这句话//pNode.Nodes.Add(Node);改成pNode.ChildNodes.Add(Node);就可以了,测试过OK

程序代码 程序代码
Create TABLE [dbo].[tbTree] (
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
    [Context] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
    [ParentID] [int] NULL


程序代码 程序代码
SET IDENTITY_Insert tbtree ON
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 1,'中国',0)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 2,'北京',11)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 3,'天津',11)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 4,'河北省',1)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 5,'广东省',1)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 6,'广州',5)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 7,'四川省',1)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 8,'成都',7)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 9,'深圳',5)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 10,'石家庄',4)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 11,'辽宁省',1)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 12,'大连',11)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 13,'上海',1)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 14,'天河软件园',6)
insert tbtree (ID,Context,ParentID)  values ( 15,'汕头',5)
SET IDENTITY_Insert tbtree off

程序代码 程序代码

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace TreeCS
    /// WebForm1 的摘要说明
    public class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView TreeView1;
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // 定义数据库连接
            SqlConnection CN = new SqlConnection();
                "data source=pmserver;initial catalog=Benchmark;persist security info=False;user id=sa;Password=sa;";

                SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from tbTree",CN);
                DataSet ds=new DataSet();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Session["Error"] = ex.ToString();
                Response.Redirect("error.aspx");       //̀跳转程序的公共错误处理页面
            AddTree(0, (TreeNode)null);

        public void AddTree(int ParentID,TreeNode pNode)
            DataSet ds=(DataSet) this.ViewState["ds"];
            DataView dvTree = new DataView(ds.Tables[0]);
            dvTree.RowFilter =  "[PARENTID] = " + ParentID;

            foreach(DataRowView Row in dvTree)
                TreeNode Node=new TreeNode() ;
                if(pNode == null)
                {    //添加根节点
                    Node.Text = Row["ConText"].ToString();
                    AddTree(Int32.Parse(Row["ID"].ToString()), Node);    //再次递归
                {   //̀添加当前节点的子节点
                    Node.Text = Row["ConText"].ToString();
                    Node.Expanded = true;
                    AddTree(Int32.Parse(Row["ID"].ToString()),Node);     //再次递归

        #region Web Form Designer generated code
        override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            // CODEGEN该调用是 ASP.NET Web 窗体设计器所必需的。
        /// <summary>
        ///设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要使用代码编辑器修改
        /// 此方法的内容
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);







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