Acne Treatment - 6 Tips to a Naturally Blemish Free Skin



Acne is a common skin disease that affects a lot of people and is mostly seen on those that are in their adolescent stage. Acne is caused by trapped oil called sebum inside your pores. Once sebum accumulates, bacteria will start to grow causing the familiar swelling which is what we know to be whitehead, blackhead or pimple. The face is not the only part of our body that can be infected by acne, although it is common in that area, acne can also be found in the neck, chest and back.

There are several treatments available in the market today. For mild to moderate cases, over-the-counter products will usually work such as Benzoyl Peroxide (Dries up the oil and attacks the p. acnes bacteria to cure acne), Salicylic Acid (stops skin cells from shedding) and Sulfur (breaks up the pimples). For severe cases you can opt to undergo laser treatments (A bit costly but effects are immediate), take medications such as Accutane (A popular acne treatment that helps reduce oil production, inflammation and blockage of pores). Although these methods are proven to be effective, It is still preferred and suggested to try the natural way of preventing and treating acne. Natural is usually cheaper and without the side effects that are usually present in medications.

What can you do to naturally achieve a blemish free skin? Here are some of them:

1. Eating Right - Although it has never been scientifically proven that eating fatty foods contribute to the development of acne, it is a well known fact that eating healthy cleanses and detoxifies our body leaving us with a healthy glowing skin.

2. Drink Plenty of Water - Water cleanses our body by flushing out toxins and excess oil.

3. Pineapple Juice - Same as water, it also helps flush out harmful toxins and sebum from the body. A daily dose of pineapple juice will have a significant effect in your health as a whole.

4. Lemon Juice as an Astringent - Rubbing your face lightly with lemon juice will help remove excess oil that may potentially be trapped inside your pores. This will serve as your exfoliating cleanser.

5. Tea - Tea is well known for its anti-oxidant properties, most especially the chamomile and red tea. No wonder the Chinese have beautiful skin.

6. Fruits and Vegetable - A lot of fruits and vegetables are known to have fiber and anti-oxidant contents. Adding them to your diet will not only help in cleansing your body, it will also provide a pinkish glow to your skin.

Acne infection can do a lot of damage to a person's confidence, especially in the adolescence stage where in a person is just starting to build his own personality. It is never easy to deal with people that would tease you because of your condition, it might be just a joke for them but it does have an effect on a person's level of confidence.

Before you or any member of your family gets infected with acne, it is advisable that you follow the simple tips right now. Remember, prevention is better than cure and it's cheaper.

Previous: Treating Acne Prone Skin the Right Way
If you are an acne sufferer you will be trying everything possible to get rid of your acne as quickly as possible. This will include treating your skin the right way and you will be more than likely to have radically changed your diet and cut out junk foods and eating lots of fruits and...


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Sure, here are fifty randomly generated patient data entries: (1,Emily Johnson,Female,Cold Medicine,123-45-6789) (2,Robert Lee,Male,None,987-65-4321) (3,Katie Chen,Female,Allergy Medication,456-78-9123) (4,John Smith,Male,Insulin,789-12-3456) (5,Mary Taylor,Female,Aspirin,234-56-7890) (6,James Kim,Male,None,345-67-8901) (7,Samantha Lee,Female,Vitamin D,678-90-1234) (8,Andrew Brown,Male,Cholesterol Medication,012-34-5678) (9,Ava Adams,Female,Antidepressants,901-23-4567) (10,William Davis,Male,Prozac,345-67-8901) (11,Sophia Patel,Female,None,234-56-7890) (12,Nathan Lee,Male,Flu Shot,123-45-6789) (13,Olivia Lee,Female,Ibuprofen,987-65-4321) (14,Matthew Wilson,Male,None,456-78-9123) (15,Isabella Chen,Female,Allergy Medicine,789-12-3456) (16,Ethan Garcia,Male,None,234-56-7890) (17,Abigail Kim,Female,Vitamin C,789-12-3456) (18,Daniel Chu,Male,None,901-23-4567) (19,Chloe Brown,Female,Flu Medicine,345-67-8901) (20,Aiden Chen,Male,Acne Medication,678-90-1234) (21,Emma Kim,Female,None,345-67-8901) (22,Liam Patel,Male,Heart Medication,456-78-9123) (23,Mia Lee,Female,Headache Medication,012-34-5678) (24,Noah Johnson,Male,None,901-23-4567) (25,Sofia Nguyen,Female,Allergy Medicine,345-67-8901) (26,Michael Chen,Male,Flu Shot,901-23-4567) (27,Charlotte Kim,Female,None,234-56-7890) (28,Elijah Patel,Male,Vitamin D,123-45-6789) (29,Amelia Lee,Female,Aspirin,012-34-5678) (30,Austin Garcia,Male,None,789-12-3456) (31,Aria Kim,Female,Anti-inflammatory,345-67-8901) (32,Connor Chen,Male,None,901-23-4567) (33,Evelyn Park,Female,Flu Medicine,456-78-9123) (34,Luke Kim,Male,High Blood Pressure Medication,234-56-7890) (35,Harper Lee,Female,Vitamin C,123-45-6789) (36,Benjamin Kim,Male,None,901-23-4567) (37,Avery Chen,Female,Allergy Medicine,012-34-5678) (38,Jack Smith,Male,None,234-56-7890) (39,Madison Nguyen,Female,Flu Shot,123-45-6789) (40,Owen Patel,Male,Ibuprofen,456-78-9123) (41,Scarlett Lee,Female,Allergy Medication,901-23-4567) (42,Lucas Kim,Male,Vitamin D,012-34-5678) (43,Riley Chen,Female,None,789-12-3456) (44,Dylan Brown,Male,Insulin,234-56-7890) (45,Hazel Garcia,Female,Cholesterol Medication,123-45-6789) (46,Carter Kim,Male,None,456-78-9123) (47,Penelope Lee,Female,Depression Medication,012-34-5678) (48,Gabriel Park,Male,Flu Medicine,678-90-1234) (49,Grace Kim,Female,Vitamin C,234-56-7890) (50,Mason Chen,Male,None,789-12-3456)


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