[28] 第一次写的需求文档

依照之前的 [15] 测试用例管理工具的需求 参考公司的模版,写了这个需求文档。

CI: Project Name-SRS-Version No.

Test Case Management Tool


Software Requirement Specification

Ver n.nn


Revision History


Version No.

Revision Date

Change Description


Approved By


This document is created according to template v1.00 

 Table of contents



1         Introduction


This document is to describe the requirements for the project, including function requirement, performance requirement, interface requirement, GUI requirement, attributes and design restriction, etc.

This document is suitable for the following readers: project management, technical engineer, project designer, project developer etc.

The requirements are explained to a level of detail that will allow developers to design the product and testers to validate the product.


Project name

Project name Abbr.

Project ID


Related system



2         Task Outlines

2.1System Objectives

The goal of the Test case management system is to provide * with an easy tool to do the project, requirement, test case, defect management.

2.2Scope Statement

The Test Case Management Tool is an application that will allow test managers and engineers to manage test requirement, test case, test execution, test results, and other information related to the test procedure. It is an application that will allow several users to support one or more test projects simultaneously.

The Test case management system consists of seven modules:

l        Project Management

l        Requirement Management

l        Test Case Management

l        Test Execution

l        Test Analyses

l        Administration

l        Query, Message and link to CVS/SVN

2.3Out of scope statements/Exclusions

2.4Requirements Assumptions and Constraints

3         Requirements

Test Case Management Tool helps you organize and manage all phases of the application testing process, including specifying testing requirements, planning tests, executing tests, and test analysis. Below is the top level business flow for the test case management tool.

3.1Function Requirements (Feature Points)

The main menu for the Test Case Management Tool will include the following inventory:

l         Administrator

l         Project Management

l         Requirement Management

l         Test Case Management

l         Test Execution

l         Test Analysis

l         Query

l         Message

l         CVS/SVN

3.1.1   Administrator

Administrator is the only user who is allowed to access the system and administer the database. The administrator name and password will be unique and only the password can be changed by him/her self. Administrator shall assign user group to the other users.

Other users must enter there user name and password to access the system. There user name and password will be unique, and will be assigned by the administrator as well. Users are only allowed to change the password and email.

The user groups and the authority as below:


Security Level













Project Management
















Test Case








Test Execution








Test Analysis
























Legend of Security Level:

1.         Not able to display the screen

2.         Able to display the screen but operation is not allowed (display only)

3.         Both display and operation are allowed

3.1.2   Project Management

Only user in the project manager is allowed to manager the projects. Once logged into the system and enter project management module, the project manager will have the ability to create a new project/subproject, then modify/configure an existing project/subproject and delete a closed project/subproject.

Project manager shall assign the access level to the users who will involve in the project, in that case users are able to specify project then implement other operations.

The project list will show on the right top of the system interface by the dropdown list, click the dropdown list and select one will help users to specify which project they want.

3.1.3   Requirement Management

Requirement management is always be done by the test leader and test designer.

Once logged into the system, specify the project and enter the requirement management module, the test leader is required to establish the requirement navigator at first (To establish the requirement navigator please refer to ‘Navigator’.). And then the test designer is able to create a new requirement, and modify an existing requirement and delete requirement.

The system provides two methods to add test requirements: create manually or import form requirement documents.

After the requirement is created, QA will review the requirements, if the review fails, test designer needs to make modification till the review passes.

Every requirement should be covered by test cases. While the test leader or test designer tries to edit or delete a requirement, they should consider with the covered test cases, they should note the related users to make corresponding change for the test cases.

3.1.4   Test Case Management

Once logged into the system,specify the project and enter the test case management module,the test designer is required to establish the test case navigator at first (To establish the test case navigator please refer to ‘Navigator’.). And then the senior tester is able to create a new test case, and modify an existing test case and delete test case.

The creation process is started when the test requirement are prepared and verified. Test cases should link to test requirements.

After the test case is created, QA team will review the test case, if the review fails, senior tester needs to make modification till the review passes.

Every test case will be linked to the requirements, so the test case should be updated according to the change of the covered requirements.

Test cases will be chosen to the test library in the execution phrase and being test by the executor, therefore, the modification and deletion will also work on the test cases in the test library before be executed.

3.1.5   Test Execution

Once logged into the system,specify the project and enter the test execution module,the test leader of the test designer is required to establish the execution navigator and the execution plan at first (To establish the execution navigator please refer to ‘Navigator’.). And then the senior tester shall prepare the test library, and the executor is able to execute the test.

The test execution flow in the system as below:

3.1.6   Test Analysis

Once logged into the system,specify the project and enter the test analysis module, the users will have the ability to configure the custom field according to their likes. Meanwhile, users are able to get the statistics of the requirement, test case and test result.

3.1.7   Query

The system provides 5 queries for the user to establish the links among requirements, test cases, and bugs. Once logged into the system, specify the project and enter the query module, users are allowed to search Case by ID/Keyword, search Case by Requirement ID/Keyword, search Case by Bug ID/Keyword, search Case by Requirement ID/Keyword and search Requirement by Bug ID/Keyword.

3.1.8   Message

Once logged into the system and enter the message module, administrator, project manager, project leader and test leader are able to promulgate news and to up/down load documents via FTP.

News in the system has two types, pubic and private. The public new is displayed to every user who logs in the system, but for the private news, just displays to the users who have the corresponding authority.

3.1.9   CVS/SVN

3.2System Description

3.3Function Requirements (Use Case)

3.3.1   Administration use case diagram     Account management      Change Password

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Change password for user who is currently logged into system.

Pre-conditions: The property of ‘User can change password’ in user information set to be true for this user.

Detail description:

1.         Input current password, new password and the confirmed password.

2.         Click ‘Change password’, do change validation check.

3.         Change validation check including check the current password input is correct and new password is confirmed by same input, all three input item should not be empty

4.         Update the password for current user after password change validation.

Input Description:

l         Current password

l         New password

l         Confirm password

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Account List

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: List existing accounts and display brief account information


Detail description:

1.         Display a list of all accounts existing in the system.

2.         Display ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ buttons for each account.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ button will enter ‘Edit Account’.

4.         Click ‘Delete’ button will enter ‘Delete Account’

5.         Click ‘Add’ button will enter ‘Add Account’ page.

Input Description:

l         Account list (User name, Email address)

l         Edit, Delete, Add (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Add Account


Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Add a new account.


Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Account list’ page.

2.         Click ‘Add’ to open the add account screen.

3.         Input the details.

4.         Click ‘Ok’ to save the new account.

Input Description:

l         User Name

l         First Name

l         Last Name

l         Email Address: Mandatory field, which is needed to send the forgotten password.

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Edit Account

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Edit an existed account.


Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Account list’ page.

2.         Select an account which needs to be modified.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open the account details.

4.         Allow user to modify all details.

5.         Click ‘Save’ to save the modification.

Input Description:

l         User Name

l         First Name

l         Last Name

l         Email Address: Mandatory field, which is needed to send the forgotten password.

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Delete Account

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete an account.


Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Account list’ page.

2.         Select an account which would be moved away.

3.         Click on ‘Delete’ button.

4.         Prompt message box let user to verify the deletion.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:     Group management      Group List

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: List existed groups and showing brief group information

Detail description:

1.         List all groups in list while opening the ‘Group List’ page

2.         Click ‘Edit’ to edit group information

3.         Click ‘Delete’ to delete the specified group

4.         Click ‘Add’ to add a new group

Input Description:

Output Description:

l         Group Name

l         Description

l         Actions (Edit, Delete)


Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l         Edit Group

l         Drop group

l         Add group      Add Group

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Create a new group.


Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Group list’ page.

2.         Click ‘Add’ to open the add group screen.

3.         Input the details.

4.         Click ‘Ok’ to save the new group.

Input Description:

l         Group Name

l         Description

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Edit Group

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Edit an existed group.

Pre-conditions: Only users with the administrator right are able to edit groups.

Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Group list’ page.

2.         Select a group which needs to be modified.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open the group details.

4.         Allow user to modify all details.

5.         Click ‘Save’ to save the modification.

Input Description:

l         Group Name

l         Description

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Delete Group

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete an existed group.

Pre-conditions: Only users with the administrator right are able to delete a group. There should be no members in the group, then administrator is able to delete it, otherwise, system should prompt to assign the members to other groups.

Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Group list’ page.

2.         Select a group which would be moved away.

3.         Click on ‘Delete’ button.

4.         Prompt message box let user to verify the deletion.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Add members into Group

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Add members into an existed group.

Pre-conditions: There are already some users be added into the system, and also has existed groups. Only users with the administrator right are able to add members into group.

Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Group list’ page.

2.         Specify a group which needs to assign members to.

3.         Select members in member list.

4.         Click ‘OK’ to add the selected members into group.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:      Delete members from Group

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete members from group.

Pre-conditions: There are already some members in the group. Only users with the administrator right are able to delete members from group.

Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Group list’ page.

2.         Specify a group which needs to remove members from.

3.         Select members in member list.

4.         Click ‘OK’ to delete the selected members from group.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:     Authority management     System Control

3.3.2       Project Management use case diagram       Project/Sub-project List

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description:

List existing projects/sub-projects and display brief information.


Detail description:

1.         Display a list of all existing projects and sub-projects in the system.

2.         Supply filter to refine the search result.

3.         Display ‘Create New Project’ button for the project manager.

4.         Click ‘Create New Project’ button will enter ‘Add Project’ page.

5.         Click an existed project/sub-project will enter ‘Edit Project’ page.

Input Description:

Search Criteria: Project Name, Project Type, Project Status

Output Description:

l         Project Name

l         Type

l         Status

l         Description

l         Create New Project (Button)

l         Project List (Click project will open the ‘Edit Project’ Page)

l         PS: Project Name, Type, Status can be sort keys

Constraint conditions:

Only project manager is allowed to create new project/sub-project.

Following case:

l        Create Project/Sub-project

l        Configure Project/Sub-project       Create Project

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Create a new project.


Detail description:

1.         Project manager enter ‘Project/Sub-project list’ page.

2.         Click ‘Create Project’ to open ‘Add Project’ page.

3.         Input project information.

4.         Click ‘Add Project’ to add new project.

Input Description:

l         Project Name (Not empty)

l         Type (Dropdown list: Public, Private)

l         Status (Dropdown list: Open, Developing, Closed)

l         Description

l         Add Project (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Only project manager is allowed to create new project/sub-project.

Following case:       Create Sub-Project

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Create a sub-project.


Detail description:

1.         Project manager enter ‘Edit Project’ page.

2.         In ‘Sub-project’ module, click ‘Create New Subproject’ to open ‘Add Subproject’ page.

3.         Input subproject information.

4.         Click ‘Add Project’ to add new project.

Input Description:

l         Project Name (Not empty)

l         Type (Dropdown list: Public, Private)

l         Status (Dropdown list: Open, Developing, Closed)

l         Description

l         Available project/sub-project list

l         Add Project (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Only project manager is allowed to create new project/sub-project.

Following case:       Configure Project/Sub-project

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Configure an existed project/sub-project.


There are already some available projects/subprojects.

Detail description:

1.         Project manager enter ‘Project/Sub-project list’ page.

2.         Click one project/sub project to enter ‘Edit Project’ page.

3.         Allow user to configure the project/sub-project.

There should be 4 parts for the project configuration:

1)        Project maintain

2)        Sub-project maintain

3)        Member management and access control

4)        Task assignment

4.         Click ‘Save’ to save user’s configuration.

Input Description:

l         Part 1: Project maintain module, allow project manager to maintain the project’s details, and project manager also can delete the project. PS: Once the project is deleted, all the attached issues would be moved away.

Product Name

Product Version

Product Type (Public, Private)

Product Status

Update project (Button)

Delete project (Button)

l         Part 2: Sub-project maintain module, list all the sub-projects link to the project, and project manager is able to add new sub-object or modify existed sub-object.

Project Name (Not empty)

Type (Dropdown list: Public, Private)

Status (Dropdown list: Open, Developing, Closed)


Create New Subproject (Button, click to open ‘Add Project’ page to add a new sub-project)

Sub-project List (Click sub-project will open the ‘Edit Project’ page)

l         Part 3: Member management and access control module, allow project management to add users to the project and make the access control to the users.

Users’ name (Select from users list by the project manager)

Access level (Dropdown list, the user’s authority like administrator, manager, developer, tester and etc)

Add user (Button, click to select existed users to the project)

User list (Display the users’ name and the access level, click the users’ name, then project manager is able to specify the access level to him/her)

l         Part 4: Task assignment

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Only project manager is allowed to configure project/sub-project.

Following case:

l        Create Project

l        Create Sub-project

l        Member Management and access control

l        Task assignment       Member management and access control       Task assignment

3.3.3       Requirement Management use case diagram       Requirement List

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: List existing requirement and display brief information.

Pre-conditions: There should be one or more available projects/sub-projects, and prepared requirement navigator, and existing requirements.

Detail description:

1.         Specify project/sub-project.

2.         Display navigator of all existing requirements.

3.         Select each category on the navigator, will display the brief information of the category and the ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Move/Copy’, ‘Create Requirement’, ’Import’ buttons.

1)        Click ‘Edit’ button will enter ‘Edit Category’ page.

2)        Click ‘Delete’ button will prompt delete category message box.

3)        Click ‘Move/Copy’ will enter ‘Move/Copy category’ page.

4)        Click ‘Create Requirement’ button will enter ‘Create Requirement’ page.

4.         Select each requirement on the navigator, will display the details of the requirement, the coverage test cases list and the ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Move/Copy’, ‘Link to Test Case’ and ‘Export’ buttons.

1)        Click ‘Edit’ button will enter the ‘Edit Requirement’ page.

2)        Click ‘Delete’ button will prompt delete requirement message box.

3)        Click ‘Move/Copy’ button will enter ‘Move/Copy requirement’ page.

4)        Click ‘Link to’ button will enter ‘Link to test case’ page.

5)        Click ‘Export’ button will enter ‘Export Requirement’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

l         Requirement Navigator (Display the requirements structure base on the function module)

l         Requirement Name (Not empty)

l         Requirement Title (The details of the requirement)

l         Scope (The test scope of the requirement)

l         Status (Reviewed or not)

l         Coverage test case list (every test cases should be linked to the requirement, coverage test case list should display all the linked test cases)

l         Create Requirement (Button)

l         Import (Button)

l         Edit (Button)

l         Delete (Button)

l         Link to (Button)

l         Export (Button)

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Create Requirement

l        Import Requirement

l        Edit Requirement

l        Delete Requirement

l        Link to Test Case

l        Export Requirement       Create Requirement

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Create a new Requirement.

Pre-conditions: There should be available requirement navigator.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one category on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Create Requirement’ to open ‘Create Requirement’ page.

4.         Input requirement information.

5.         Click ‘Save’ to add new requirement, and prompt message box let user to decision whether send new requirement note or not.

Input Description:

l         Requirement Name (Not empty)

l         Requirement Title (The details of the requirement)

l         Scope (The test scope of the requirement)

l         Status (Reviewed or not)

l         Save (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Send Note       Edit Requirement

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Edit an existed requirement.

Pre-conditions: There should be available requirement navigator and existing requirements.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one requirement on the requirement navigator.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open ‘Edit Requirement’ page.

4.         Allow user to modify all fields except the Requirement ID.

There should be 2 parts for the modification of the requirement.

1)        Requirement details modification

2)        Coverage test case list modification

5.         Click ‘Save’ to save user’s configuration.

Input Description:

l         Part 1: requirement details modification

Requirement Name (Not empty)

Requirement Title (The details of the requirement)

Scope (The test scope of the requirement)

Status (Reviewed or not)

Save (Button)

l         Part 2: Coverage test case list modification

Link test cases list (Click each test cases will open the test case page)

Link to Test Case (Button, click to enter ‘Link to test case’ page)

Delete (Button, select one linked test case, and then click ‘Delete’ to remove it)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: Once the requirement is modified, the system should prompt message box let user to send modification note.

Following case:

l        Create Requirement

l        Link to Test Case

l        Send Note       Delete Requirement

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete an existed requirement.

Pre-conditions: There should be available requirement navigator and existing requirements.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one requirement on the requirement navigator.

3.         Click on ‘Delete’ button.

4.         Prompt message box let user to verify the deletion.

Input Description:

l         Delete (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: Once the requirement is deleted, the test cases which are linked to the requirement should be re-linked to other requirement or be deleted.

Following case:

l        Send Note       Import Requirement

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Import requirement document.

Pre-conditions: There should be available requirement navigator and the requirement documents should be in valid file format.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one category on the requirement navigator.

3.         Click ‘Import’ to open ‘Import Requirement’ page and prompt message box let user to decision whether send new requirement note or not.

Input Description:

l         Requirement files

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: The requirement document should be in the valid file format.

Following case:

l        Send Note       Export Requirement

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Export existing requirement.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one requirement on the requirement navigator.

3.         Click ‘Export’ to open ‘Export Requirement’ page.

4.         Specify the file format and storage path.

5.         Click ‘OK’ to export the requirement.

Input Description:

Output Description:

l         Requirement files

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Link to Test Case

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Link requirement to test cases.

Pre-conditions: There should be available requirement navigator and existing requirements and test cases.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one requirement on the requirement navigator.

3.         Click ‘Link to Test Case’ to open ‘Link to test case’ page.

4.         Specify the test cases.

5.         Click ‘OK’ to link the test cases to the requirement.


1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Requirement List’ page.

2.         Select one requirement on the requirement navigator.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open ‘Edit Requirement’ page.

4.         Click ‘Link to Test Case’ to open ‘Link to test case’ page.

5.         Specify the test cases.

6.         Click ‘OK’ to link the test cases to the requirement.

Input Description:

l         Existing test cases

l         Link to (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Edit Requirement       Send Note

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Send note to related users.

Pre-conditions: Requirement is created, modified, deleted, or imported.

Detail description:

1.         The system prompt ‘Send Note’ message box.

2.         Click ‘Send Note’ to open the ‘Send Note’ page.

3.         Specify the use who will be the receiver.

4.         Click ‘Ok’ to send the note.

Input Description:

l         Receiver (The use who will receive the note)

l         Send Note (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: Once the requirement has been modified or deleted, the ‘Send Note’ operation is required.

Following case:

l        Create Requirement

l        Edit Requirement

l        Delete Requirement

l         Import Requirement

3.3.4       Test Case Management use case diagram       Test Case List

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: List existing test cases and display brief information.

Pre-conditions: There should be one or more available projects/sub-projects, and prepared requirements, and existing test cases.

Detail description:

1.         Specify project/sub-project.

2.         Display the navigator-test specification.

3.         Select each category on the navigator, will display the brief information of the category and the ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Move/Copy’, ‘Create Test Case’ button.

1)        Click ‘Edit’ button will enter ‘Edit Category’ page.

2)        Click ‘Delete’ button will prompt delete category message box.

3)        Click ‘Move/Copy’ will enter ‘Move/Copy category’ page.

4)        Click ‘Create Test Case’ button will enter ‘Create Test Case’ page.

4.         Select each test case on the navigator, will display the details of the test case, the ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Move/Copy’, ‘Link to Requirement’ buttons.

1)        Click ‘Edit’ button will enter the ‘Edit Test Case’ page.

2)        Click ‘Delete’ button will prompt delete test case message box.

3)        Click ‘Move/Copy’ button will enter ‘Move/Copy test case’ page.

4)        Click ‘Link to Requirement’ button will enter ‘Link to Requirement’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

l         Navigator- Test Specification (Display the test case structure bases on the function module)

l         Test Case Name (Not Empty)

l         Test Case Details (The details of the test case)

l         Edit (2 Buttons)

l         Delete (2 Buttons)

l         Move/Copy (2 Buttons)

l         Create Test Case (Button)

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Edit Category

l        Delete Category

l        Copy/Move Category

l        Create Test Case

l        Edit Test Case

l        Delete Test Case

l        Copy/Move Test Case

l        Link to Requirement       Create Test Case

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Create a new Test Case.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator- test specification.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Case List’ page.

2.         Select one category on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Create Test Case’ to open ‘Create Test Case’ page.

4.         Input test case information.

5.         Click ‘Save’ to add new test case, and prompt message box let user to decision whether send new test case note or not.

Input Description:

l         Test Case ID (System generate automatically)

l         Keyword

l         Test Case Name

l         Category

l         Test Procedure (The test steps)

l         Reference Information

l         Relationship with other test case

l         Test Case Designer (The name of the user who posts the test case, nominated while the designer posted the test case)

l         Test Level

l         Enter criterion (The pre-condition of the test)

l         Operation Path

l         Original Test Data CVS/SVN (Provide a link from CVS/SVN )

l         Expectation Result (The expected result of the test)

l         Test Type (Drop down list: Manual, Automatic Script ID/Name)

l         Script Version (The version of the automatic script)

l         Test execute data

l         Test case reviewer (The name of who will review the test case, nominated while the reviewer open the test case)

l         Execution result (Drop down list: Pass, Failed, Block, Not Execute. Marked by the executor after the test being executed)

l         Comment

l         Custom field

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Send Note       Edit Test Case

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Edit an existing test case.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator and existing test cases.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Case List’ page.

2.         Select one test case on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open ‘Edit Test Case’ page.

4.         Allow user to modify all fields except the Test Case ID.

There should be 2 parts for the modification of the test case.

1)        Test Case details modification

2)        Linking requirements modification

5.         Click ‘Save’ to save user’s modification.

Input Description:

l         Part 1: Test Case details modification


Test Case Name


Test Procedure (The test steps)

Reference Information

Relationship with other test case

Test Level

Enter criterion (The pre-condition of the test)

Operation Path

Original Test Data CVS/SVN (Provide a link from CVS/SVN )

Expectation Result (The expected result of the test)

Test Type (Drop down list: Manual, Automatic Script ID/Name)

Script Version (The version of the automatic script)

Test execute data


Custom field

l         Part 2: Linking requirements modification

Link requirement list (Click each requirement will open the requirement page)

Link to Requirement (Button, click to enter ‘Link to Requirement’ page)

Delete (Button, select one linked requirement, and then click ‘Delete’ button to remove it)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: Once the requirement is modified, the system should prompt message box let user to send modification note.

Following case:

l        Create Test Case

l        Send Note       Delete Test Case

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete an existing test case.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator and existing test cases.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Case List’ page.

2.         Select one test case on the navigator.

3.         Click on ‘Delete’ button.

4.         Prompt message box let user to verify the deletion.

Input Description:

l         Delete (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: Once the test case is deleted, the requirements which are linked to the test case should be updated.

Following case:

l        Send Note       Review Test Case

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Review an existing test case.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator and existing test cases. 

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Case List’ page.

2.         Select one test case on the navigator.

3.         Mark the review details.

4.         Click ‘Send Note’ button in the list.

5.         Select the editors.

6.         Click ‘OK’ to send note to the editors.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Send Note       Link to Requirement

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Link test case to requirement.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator and existing requirements and test cases.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Case List’ page.

2.         Select one test case on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Link to Requirement’ to open ‘Link to requirement’ page.

4.         Specify the requirement.

5.         Click ‘OK’ to link the requirement to the test case.


1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Case List’ page.

2.         Select one test case on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open ‘Edit Test Case’ page.

4.         Click ‘Link to Requirement’ to open ‘Link to requirement’ page.

5.         Specify the requirement.

6.         Click ‘OK’ to link the test cases to the requirement.

Input Description:

l         Existing test cases

l         Link to (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Test Case List

l        Edit Test Case       Send Note

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Send Note to related users.

Pre-conditions: Test case is created, modified, delete, reviewed.

Detail description:

1.         The system prompt ‘Send Note’ message box.

2.         Click ‘Send Note’ to open the ‘Send Note’ page.

3.         Specify the use who will be the receiver.

4.         Click ‘Ok’ to send the note.

Input Description:

l         Receiver (The use who will receive the note)

l         Send Note (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Create Test Case

l        Edit Test Case

l        Delete Test Case

l         Review Test Case

3.3.5       Test Execution use case diagram       View Execution Plan

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Overview of the execution plan.


Detail description:

1.         Specify project/sub-project.

2.         Display the execution navigator.

3.         Select each category on the navigator, will display the brief information of the category and the ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Move/Copy’, ‘Create Execute Plan’ button.

1)        Click ‘Edit’ button will enter ‘Edit Category’ page.

2)        Click ‘Delete’ button will prompt delete category message box.

3)        Click ‘Move/Copy’ will enter ‘Move/Copy category’ page.

4)        Click ‘Create Execute Plan’ button will enter ‘Create Execution Plan’ page.

4.         Select each execute plan on the navigator, will display the details of the execute plan, the ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Move/Copy’, ‘Choose Test Case’ buttons.

1)        Click ‘Edit’ button will enter the ‘Edit Test Plan’ page.

2)        Click ‘Delete’ button will prompt delete test plan message box.

3)        Click ‘Move/Copy’ button will enter ‘Move/Copy test plan’ page.

4)        Click ‘Choose Test Case’ button will enter ‘Choose Test Case’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

l         Execution Navigator (Display the execution structure base on the execution condition)

l         Execution Plan Name

l         Plan Details (Milestone, Schedule, Test condition, Executor)

l         Test Library (Test cases list, display the test cases which will be tested)

l         Edit (2 Buttons)

l         Delete (2 Buttons)

l         Move/Copy (2 Button)

l         Create Execution Plan (Button)

l         Choose Test Case (Button)

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Create Execution Plan

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Create a new execution plan.

Pre-conditions: There should be available execution navigator.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Execution’ page.

2.         Select one category on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Create Execution Plan’ to open ‘Create Execution Plan’ page.

4.         Input execution plan information.

5.         Click ‘Save’ to add new execution plan, and prompt message box let user to decision whether send new test case note or not.

Input Description:

l         Building info (Building information such as building ID, db info)

l         Milestone (Milestone of the test)

l         Schedule (Deadline of the test)

l         Test condition

l         Executor (Name of the test executor, nominated according to the executor specified by the test leader)

l         Test Library (Test cases list, display the test cases which will be tested)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Edit Execution Plan

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Edit an existing execution plan.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator and existing execution plan.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Execution’ page.

2.         Select one execution plan on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open ‘Edit Execution Plan’ page.

4.         Allow user to modify all fields except the Execution Plan ID.

There should be 2 parts for the modification of the execution plan.

1)        Execution Plan details modification

2)        Test library modification

6.         Click ‘Save’ to save user’s modification.

Input Description:

l         Part 1: Test Case details modification

Building info (Building information such as building ID, db info)

Milestone (Milestone of the test)

Schedule (Deadline of the test)

Test condition

Executor (Name of the test executor, nominated according to the executor specified by the test leader)

l         Part 2: Test library modification

Test Library (Test cases list, display the test cases which will be tested)

Test case list (Click each test case will open the execute test page)

Choose Test Case (Button, click to enter ‘Choose Test Case’ page)

Delete (Button, select one test case, and then click ‘Delete’ button to remove it)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Create Execute Plan

l        Send Note       Delete Execution Plan

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete an existing execution plan.

Pre-conditions: There should be available navigator and existing execute plan.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Execute’ page.

2.         Select one execute plan on the navigator.

3.         Click on ‘Delete’ button.

4.         Prompt message box let user to verify the deletion.

Input Description:

l         Delete (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions: Once the execute plan is deleted, the test cases which are chose to the execute plan will be deleted.

Following case:

l        Send Note       Choose Test Case into Test Library

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Choose test case into test library.

Pre-conditions: There should be available execute plan.

Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Execution’ page.

2.         Select one execution plan on the navigator.

3.         Click ‘Choose Test Case’ button to enter the ‘Choose Test Case’ page.

4.         Select test cases in test case list.

5.         Click ‘OK’ to add the selected cases to the test library.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Send Note

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Send Note to related users.

Pre-conditions: Execute Plan is created, modified, delete.

Detail description:

1.         The system prompt ‘Send Note’ message box.

2.         Click ‘Send Note’ to open the ‘Send Note’ page.

3.         Specify the use who will be the receiver.

4.         Click ‘Ok’ to send the note.

Input Description:

l         Receiver (The use who will receive the note)

l         Send Note (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

l        Create Execute Plan

l        Edit Execute Plan

l        Delete Execute Plan

3.3.6       Test Analyses use case diagram       Custom Field       Statistics Requirements/Test Case/Test Result

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Statistics requirements/test case/test result.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Test Analyses’ page.

2.         Specify the requirement/test case/test execute to stat.

3.         Click ‘Generate Report’ button to generate report.

4.         Click ‘Export’ to export the report bases on the custom field.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

3.3.7       Query use case diagram       Search Case by ID/Keyword

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Search case by ID/Keyword.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Query’ page.

2.         Enter the case ID/Keyword.

3.         Click ‘Search’ button in the list.

4.         Display the related test cases.

5.         Click each test case will open the ‘Test Case Detail’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Search Case by Requirement ID/Keyword

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Search case by requirement ID/Keyword.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Query’ page.

2.         Enter the requirement ID/Keyword.

3.         Click ‘Search’ button in the list.

4.         Display the related test cases.

5.         Click each test case will open the ‘Test Case Detail’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Search Case by Bug ID/Keyword

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Search case by bug ID/Keyword.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Query’ page.

2.         Enter the bug ID/Keyword.

3.         Click ‘Search’ button in the list.

4.         Display the related test cases.

5.         Click each test case will open the ‘Test Case Detail’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Search Requirement by Case ID/Keyword

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Search case by bug ID/Keyword.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Query’ page.

2.         Enter the test case ID/Keyword.

3.         Click ‘Search’ button in the list.

4.         Display the related requirements.

5.         Click each requirement will open the ‘Requirement Detail’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Search Requirement by Bug ID/Keyword

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Search case by bug ID/Keyword.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Query’ page.

2.         Enter the bug ID/Keyword.

3.         Click ‘Search’ button in the list.

4.         Display the related requirements.

5.         Click each requirement will open the ‘Requirement Detail’ page.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:

3.3.8       Message use case diagram       Message List

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: List existing message and display brief information.


Detail description:

1.         Display a list of all messages existing in the system.

2.         Display ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ buttons for each account.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ button will enter ‘Edit Message’ page.

4.         Click ‘Delete’ button will enter ‘Delete Message’ page.

5.         Click ‘Add’ button will enter ‘Add Message’ page.

Input Description:

l         Message list (Message name)

l         Edit, Delete, Add (Button)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Add Message

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Add a new message.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Message List’ page.

2.         Click ‘Add’ to open the add message page.

3.         Input the details.

4.         Click ‘Ok’ to save the new message.

Input Description:

l         Headlines (Title of the message, not empty)

l         Body (Content of the message)

l         Type (Dropdown list: public and private)

l         Add (Button, click to add the new message)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Edit Message

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Edit an existing message.


Detail description:

1.         User with the authority enters the ‘Message List’ page.

2.         Select message which needs to be modified.

3.         Click ‘Edit’ to open the edit message page.

4.         Allow user to modify all details.

5.         Click ‘Save’ to save the modification.

Input Description:

l         Headlines (Title of the news, not empty)

l         Body (Content of the news)

l         Type (Dropdown list: public and private)

l         Post (Button, click to submit the new news)

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       Delete Message

Requirement Traceability Number:

Brief description: Delete an existing message.


Detail description:

1.         Administrator enter ‘Message list’ page.

2.         Select a message which would be moved away.

3.         Click on ‘Delete’ button.

4.         Prompt message box let user to verify the deletion.

Input Description:

Output Description:

Constraint conditions:

Following case:       FTP to up/down load docs

3.3.9       CVS/SVN use case diagram

3.3.10 Navigator use case diagram

3.4      Performance Requirements


3.4.1   Precision Requirements


3.4.2   Response Time Requirements


3.4.3   Database Management Requirements


3.5      System Environment Requirement

3.5.1   Hardware

3.5.2   Software

3.6      Interface

3.6.1   User Interface

3.6.2   Hardware Interface

3.6.3   Interface with Other Software

Mantis, CVS/SVN

3.6.4   Data Transfer Interface

3.7      Flexibility


3.8      Reliability


3.9      Failure Tolerance


3.10Security Requirements


3.11Multi-language support

3.12Special Requirements


4         Data Dictionary

5         Acceptance and Delivery

5.1      Deliverables

5.2      Acceptance Criteria

5.3      Delivery Schedule

6         Follow Ups

ID #

Follow-ups Needed (Description)

Follow-up Assigned To (Manager’s Name)

Date Follow-up Completed

7         Reusable Components


Component Name






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