a) kernel-2.6.18-164.el5.src.rpm
a) Rpm –ivh kernel-2.6.18-164.el5.src.rpm
b) Cd /usr/src/redhat/
c) Cp /boot/config-2.6.18-164.el5PAE SOURCE/ kernel-2.6.18-i686.config
d) Vi SOURCE/ kernel-2.6.18-i686.config
e) 把第一行#改成# x386
f) 修改CONFIG_IP_VS_TAB_BITS=12 (2的12次方,4096)为 CONFIG_IP_VS_TAB_BITS=20
h) Rpmbuild –ba kernel-2.6.spec
i) Cd ../RPMS/X386/
j) Rpm –ivh kernel-2.6.18-164.el5.rpm
k) Vi /etc/grub.conf
l) 修改default=0为1
m) 重启服务器
n) Ipvsadm由以前的
o) IP Virtual Server version 1.0.12 (size=4096)
p) 改变成IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=1048576)
q) 编译内核的过程超漫长,差不多需要40分钟左右。
a) Ipvsadm –timeout 100 80 100
b) Ipvsasdm –ln –settimeout
c) The IPVS connection hash table uses the chaining scheme to handle
hash collisions. Using a big IPVS connection hash table will greatly
reduce conflicts when there are hundreds of thousands of connections
in the hash table.
Note the table size must be power of 2. The table size will be the
value of 2 to the your input number power. The number to choose is
from 8 to 20, the default number is 12, which means the table size
is 4096. Don't input the number too small, otherwise you will lose
performance on it. You can adapt the table size yourself, according
to your virtual server application. It is good to set the table size
not far less than the number of connections per second multiplying
average lasting time of connection in the table. For example, your
virtual server gets 200 connections per second, the connection lasts
for 200 seconds in average in the connection table, the table size
should be not far less than 200x200, it is good to set the table
size 32768 (2**15).
Another note that each connection occupies 128 bytes effectively and
each hash entry uses 8 bytes, so you can estimate how much memory is
needed for your box.