[Mummy Maze] 宽度优先搜索

有个小游戏ms很有意思 叫Mummy Maze


这边有一个下载地址 有兴趣的可以试试


我也在玩 不过我写了一个搜索程序

算法很裸 但是程序很长


事实上由于地图很小 根本不需要什么优化就可以秒闪



我的程序是游戏的简化版 只能对付木乃伊(红 白)

蝎子 铁门之类没有考虑到 以后会+上吧


如果你在木乃伊左上方 白木乃伊会先向上 而红木乃伊则会先向左

前提是没有阻碍 有阻碍的话会根据阻碍和优先级确定怎么走






地图信息 墙信息 和 木乃伊信息

地图由一个矩阵组成 X=边界或陷阱 O=空地 M/U/Y=木乃伊 T=探险家 D=出口

墙用边集数组给出 用0到n^2-1给每个方格标号 把格子抽象为点 两个格子之间有墙就确定一条边

木乃伊信息分别给出每个木乃伊的颜色 红为R 白为L





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Mummy M:L





ContractedBlock.gif ExpandedBlockStart.gif Mummy.pas
1 const
2 maxm = 3 ;
3 maxq = 100000 ;
4 maxa = 500 ;
5 maxn = 10 ;
6 maxh = 1000000 ;
7 bigprime = 299983 ;
8 dx: array [ 1 .. 5 ] of longint = ( 1 , 0 , - 1 , 0 , 0 );
9 dy: array [ 1 .. 5 ] of longint = ( 0 , 1 , 0 , - 1 , 0 );
10 type
11 hnode =
12 record
13 addr:longint;
14 next:longint;
15 end ;
16 qnode =
17 record
18 mx,my: array [ 1 ..maxm] of longint;
19 mk: array [ 1 ..maxm] of char;
20 tx,ty,tm:longint;
21 end ;
22 var
23 q: array [ 1 ..maxq] of qnode;
24 h: array [ 0 ..bigprime - 1 ] of longint;
25 table: array [ 1 ..maxh] of hnode;
26 f: array [ 1 ..maxq] of longint;
27 dep: array [ 1 ..maxq] of longint;
28 way: array [ 1 ..maxq] of char;
29 mumlet: set of char;
30 tempqnode:qnode;
31 x0,y0:longint;
32 wall: array [ 0 ..maxn * maxn - 1 , 0 ..maxn * maxn - 1 ] of longint;
33 map: array [ 0 ..maxn + 1 , 0 ..maxn + 1 ] of char;
34 m0x,m0y,ex,ey,n,i,j,w,elink,head,tail,y,l,k,v,u,
35 step,newx,newy,nowmx,nowmy:longint;
36 ans: array [ 1 ..maxa] of char;
37 flag,p,flag0,p0:boolean;
38 s:string;ch:char;
39 x:int64;
40 // h0: array [ 1 .. 10000000 ] of longint;
41 x00:longint;
42 begin
43 assign(input, ' mummy.in ' );
44 reset(input);
45 assign(output, ' mummy.out ' );
46 rewrite(output);
47 mumlet: = [ ' M ' , ' U ' , ' Y ' ];
48 readln(n);
49 q[ 1 ].tm: = 0 ;
50 x: = 1 ;
51 for i: = 0 to n + 1 do
52 begin
53 for j: = 0 to n + 1 do
54 begin
55 read(ch);
56 map[i,j]: = ch;
57 if ch = ' T '
58 then begin
59 q[ 1 ].tx: = i;
60 q[ 1 ].ty: = j;
61 x: = x * q[ 1 ].tx * q[ 1 ].ty;
62 end ;
63 if ch = ' D '
64 then begin
65 ex: = i;
66 ey: = j;
67 end ;
68 if ch in mumlet
69 then begin
70 inc(q[ 1 ].tm);
71 q[ 1 ].mx[q[ 1 ].tm]: = i;
72 q[ 1 ].my[q[ 1 ].tm]: = j;
73 x: = x * i * j;
74 end ;
75 end ;
76 readln;
77 end ;
78 readln(w);
79 for i: = 1 to w do
80 begin
81 readln(x0,y0);
82 wall[x0,y0]: = 1 ;
83 wall[y0,x0]: = 1 ;
84 end ;
85 for i: = 1 to q[ 1 ].tm do
86 begin
87 readln(s);
88 delete(s, 1 , 6 );
89 l: = length(s);
90 for j: = 1 to q[ 1 ].tm do
91 if map[q[ 1 ].mx[j]][q[ 1 ].my[j]] = s[ 1 ]
92 then begin
93 q[ 1 ].mk[j]: = s[l];
94 break;
95 end ;
96 end ;
97 head: = 1 ;
98 tail: = 1 ;
99 elink: = 0 ;
100 u: = h[x mod bigprime];
101 if h[x mod bigprime] = 0
102 then begin
103 inc(elink);
104 h[x mod bigprime]: = elink;
105 table[elink].addr: = tail;
106 table[elink].next: = 0 ;
107 end
108 else begin
109 inc(elink);
110 table[elink].addr: = tail;
111 table[elink].next: = table[h[x mod bigprime]].next;
112 table[h[x mod bigprime]].next: = elink;
113 end ;
114 while head <= tail do
115 begin
116 for l: = 1 to 5 do
117 begin
118 newx: = q[head].tx + dx[l];
119 newy: = q[head].ty + dy[l];
120 { if (head=58)and(l=5)
121 then l:=l;
122 if (q[head].tx=2)and(q[head].ty=4)
123 and(q[head].mx[1]=3)and(q[head].my[1]=3)
124 and(q[head].tm=1)
125 then l:=l; }
126 if wall[(newx - 1 ) * n + newy - 1 ][(q[head].tx - 1 ) * n + q[head].ty - 1 ] = 1
127 then continue;
128 if map[newx][newy] = ' X ' then continue;
129 if map[newx][newy] = ' D '
130 then begin
131 v: = head;
132 i: = 0 ;
133 while v <> 0 do
134 begin
135 v: = f[v];
136 if v = 0 then break;
137 inc(i);
138 ans[i]: = way[v];
139 // WRITELN(Q[V].TX, ' ' ,Q[V].TY);
140 end ;
141 for j: = 1 to i div 2 do
142 begin
143 ch: = ans[j];
144 ans[j]: = ans[i - j + 1 ];
145 ans[i - j + 1 ]: = ch;
146 end ;
147 for j: = 2 to i do
148 write(ans[j]);
149 write(way[head]);
150 case l of
151 1 :writeln( ' D ' );
152 2 :writeln( ' R ' );
153 3 :writeln( ' U ' );
154 4 :writeln( ' L ' );
155 5 :writeln( ' S ' );
156 end ;
157 close(input);
158 close(output);
159 // Mummies,you will lose the games forever!
160 halt;
161 end ;
162 flag: = true;
163 tempqnode.tm: = 0 ;
164 for k: = 1 to q[head].tm do
165 begin
166 nowmx: = q[head].mx[k];
167 nowmy: = q[head].my[k];
168 m0x: = nowmx;
169 m0y: = nowmy;
170 case q[head].mk[k] of
171 ' R ' : begin
172 step: = 2 ;
173 flag0: = true;
174 while (step > 0 ) and (flag0) do
175 begin
176 p0: = false;
177 while (nowmx <> newx) and (step > 0 )
178 and (wall[(nowmx - 1 ) * n + nowmy - 1 ]
179 [(nowmx + (newx - m0x) div (abs(newx - m0x)) - 1 ) * n + nowmy - 1 ] <> 1 ) do
180 begin
181 p0: = true;
182 m0y: = nowmy;
183 m0x: = nowmx;
184 dec(step);
185 nowmx: = nowmx + (newx - m0x) div (abs(newx - m0x));
186 end ;
187 while (nowmy <> newy) and (step > 0 )
188 and (wall[(nowmx - 1 ) * n + nowmy - 1 ]
189 [(nowmx - 1 ) * n + nowmy + (newy - m0y) div (abs(newy - m0y)) - 1 ] <> 1 ) do
190 begin
191 p0: = true;
192 m0y: = nowmy;
193 m0x: = nowmx;
194 dec(step);
195 nowmy: = nowmy + (newy - m0y) div (abs(newy - m0y));
196 end ;
197 if p0 = false then flag0: = false;
198 end ;
199 end ;
200 ' L ' : begin
201 step: = 2 ;
202 flag0: = true;
203 while (step > 0 ) and (flag0) do
204 begin
205 p0: = false;
206 while (nowmy <> newy) and (step > 0 )
207 and (wall[(nowmx - 1 ) * n + nowmy - 1 ]
208 [(nowmx - 1 ) * n + nowmy + (newy - m0y) div (abs(newy - m0y)) - 1 ] <> 1 ) do
209 begin
210 m0y: = nowmy;
211 m0x: = nowmx;
212 dec(step);
213 nowmy: = nowmy + (newy - m0y) div (abs(newy - m0y));
214 p0: = true;
215 end ;
216 while (nowmx <> newx) and (step > 0 )
217 and (wall[(nowmx - 1 ) * n + nowmy - 1 ]
218 [(nowmx + (newx - m0x) div (abs(newx - m0x)) - 1 ) * n + nowmy - 1 ] <> 1 ) do
219 begin
220 m0y: = nowmy;
221 m0x: = nowmx;
222 dec(step);
223 nowmx: = nowmx + (newx - m0x) div (abs(newx - m0x));
224 p0: = true;
225 end ;
226 if p0 = false then flag0: = false;
227 end ;
228 end ;
229 end ;
230 if (nowmx = newx) and (nowmy = newy) then begin flag: = false; break; end ;
231 p: = false;
232 for i: = 1 to k - 1 do
233 if (tempqnode.mx[i] = nowmx) and (tempqnode.my[i] = nowmy)
234 then begin p: = true; break; end ;
235 if p then continue;
236 inc(tempqnode.tm);
237 { if tempqnode.tm>q[head].tm
238 then l:=l; }
239 tempqnode.mx[tempqnode.tm]: = nowmx;
240 tempqnode.my[tempqnode.tm]: = nowmy;
241 tempqnode.mk[tempqnode.tm]: = q[head].mk[k];
242 end ;
243 if flag = false then continue;
244 flag: = true;
245 tempqnode.tx: = newx;
246 tempqnode.ty: = newy;
247 x: = tempqnode.tx * tempqnode.ty;
248 for i: = 1 to tempqnode.tm do
249 x: = x * tempqnode.mx[i] * tempqnode.my[i];
250 for i: = tempqnode.tm + 1 to maxm do
251 begin
252 tempqnode.mx[i]: = 0 ;
253 tempqnode.my[i]: = 0 ;
254 end ;
255 u: = h[x mod bigprime];
256 if u <> 0
257 then begin
258 p: = true;
259 p: = p and ((q[table[u].addr].tx = tempqnode.tx)
260 and (q[table[u].addr].ty = tempqnode.ty));
261 for i: = 1 to maxm do
262 p: = p and ((q[table[u].addr].mx[i] = tempqnode.mx[i])
263 and (q[table[u].addr].my[i] = tempqnode.my[i]));
264 if p = true then continue;
265 end ;
266 while u <> 0 do
267 begin
268 u: = table[u].next;
269 if u = 0 then break;
270 p: = true;
271 p: = p and ((q[table[u].addr].tx = tempqnode.tx)
272 and (q[table[u].addr].ty = tempqnode.ty));
273 for i: = 1 to maxm do
274 p: = p and ((q[table[u].addr].mx[i] = tempqnode.mx[i])
275 and (q[table[u].addr].my[i] = tempqnode.my[i]));
276 if p = true then begin flag: = false; break; end ;
277 end ;
278 if flag = false then continue;
279 x00: = 0 ;
280 inc(tail);
281 q[tail].tx: = newx;
282 q[tail].ty: = newy;
283 q[tail].tm: = tempqnode.tm;
284 { x00:=x00*10+newx;
285 x00:=x00*10+newy;
286 x00:=x00*10+tempqnode.tm; }
287 for i: = 1 to q[tail].tm do
288 begin
289 q[tail].mx[i]: = tempqnode.mx[i];
290 q[tail].my[i]: = tempqnode.my[i];
291 q[tail].mk[i]: = tempqnode.mk[i];
292 { x00:=x00*10+tempqnode.mx[i];
293 x00:=x00*10+tempqnode.my[i]; }
294 end ;
295 { if h0[x00]=1
296 then l:=l
297 else h0[x00]:=1; }
298 case l of
299 1 :way[tail]: = ' D ' ;
300 2 :way[tail]: = ' R ' ;
301 3 :way[tail]: = ' U ' ;
302 4 :way[tail]: = ' L ' ;
303 5 :way[tail]: = ' S ' ;
304 end ;
305 f[tail]: = head;
306 dep[tail]: = dep[head] + 1 ;
307 if h[x mod bigprime] = 0
308 then begin
309 inc(elink);
310 h[x mod bigprime]: = elink;
311 table[elink].addr: = tail;
312 table[elink].next: = 0 ;
313 end
314 else begin
315 inc(elink);
316 table[elink].addr: = tail;
317 table[elink].next: = table[h[x mod bigprime]].next;
318 table[h[x mod bigprime]].next: = elink;
319 end ;
320 end ;
321 inc(head);
322 end ;
323 { Oh,Fuck,there must be an RP problem! }
324 close(input);
325 close(output);
326 end .
327 // Mummies,you will lose the games forever!







BOB HAN原创 转载请注明出处


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