[心平气和读经典]The TCP/IP Guide(000)

The TCP/IP Guide

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The TCP/IP Guide: Introduction and "Guide to The Guide" | 第1章 概述和导言

Chances are pretty good that even before you started reading this Guide, you had heard of "TCP/IP" -- even if you didn't know exactly what it was or even what all those letters stood for. The reason for this is simple: TCP/IP is everywhere! It is today by far the most commonly-used internetworking protocol suite. It has gained prominence in large part due to its role in operating the global Internet, which has in a few short years transformed our society in so many ways. Millions of people use TCP/IP and the Internet without really knowing how they work.  For those in the technology field, however, understanding TCP/IP is becoming more important with each passing year.

好机会呀好机会!即便你从前读过本书也听说过"TCP/IP",或者你压根就不知道TCP/IP这些单词是神马意思。原因异常简单:TCP/IP无处不在!时至今天,TCP/IP是最为普及的一种网络互联协议套装。它之所以声名远播,得益于它在全球互联网中所担当的角色。而互联网在短短的几年里,在许多方面改变了我们的社会。成千千上万万的人在使用TCP/IP, 在使用互联网,虽然他们并不知道TCP/IP和互联网的工作原理。然而,对那些技术领域的人们来说,理解TCP/IP显得越来越重要了。(P.S. 不懂TCP/IP, 是不是很丢人?!)

As we journey together through this TCP/IP guide, we will explore many hundreds of pages of material that will explain both the generalities and specifics of TCP/IP in a way that I hope you will find educational and interesting. Before diving into the actual technology, however, I felt that I should provide you with some introductory material to help frame the discussions that follow. Thus, I have included this section, to serve as an introduction to this Guide and to provide some information that will help you use it to its full potential.

我们即将开始TCP/IP Guide的漫长旅程,数百页的材料中将涵盖TCP/IP的概述和一定程度上的细节描述,希望读者能从中体会到受用且有趣。在一个猛子扎入到实际的技术之前,我感觉有必要提供一些介绍性的材料以帮助大家对后续的讨论有一个框架性的了解。因此,我写了这一节,对本指南做一个概述并提供一些信息,期望这些信息能够尽可能地帮助读者理解后续的内容。

I begin with some material that will be of interest to those who want to know the background of The TCP/IP Guide. I provide a general introduction to the Guide, describing its history, and how it came about. I then describe the goals of this Guide and what I was trying to accomplish in writing it. I also discuss the scrope of the Guide, so you know what it covers and what it does not.


The rest of the section contains more practical information to help you best utilize this rather large document. I explain how the Guide is structured and organized, and discuss its special features. I then provide some specific tips to help you navigate the Guide using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software you are likely using at this moment. :-) I also explain how you can provide feedback on the Guide and suggestions for improving it, and I conclude with a summary of the Guide's version history.

本节的其它部分包含了一些更具实践性的信息,可以帮助读者更好地利用本书(巨型文档)。我将介绍本Guide的组织结构和讨论其特点。接下来我将提供一些具体的建议以帮助读者使用Adobe Acrobat Reader来浏览本Guide, 也许你正在使用Adobe的阅读器。 :-) 我还将解释如何提供关于本指南的反馈和改进建议,最后我将给出一个有关本指南版本历史的总结。

Note: There is no actual technical content in this section. If you are the type who buys something and starts using it right away without cracking open the manual, you may want to skip this section. If so, you should start by looking at the high-level discussion of the TCP/IP protocol suite; alternately, you may wish to begin at the Networking Fundamentals section or with a look at the OSI Reference Model. However, I do recommend at least skimming the topics in this section before you move on, especially the topics discussing the structure and organization of the Guide and its features. This will make the rest of the Guide easier to understand and probably save you time in the long run.

注: 本节并没有实际的技术内容。如果你是那种买了东西就理解使用(不拆开使用手册)的人,你肯定想跳过本节。如果是这样,请先看看TCP/IP协议套装的高级别的讨论;或者从网络基础部分开始,或者看看OSI参考模型。不过,我强烈建议您至少先略读一下本节中的主题,尤其是讨论本指南的结构、组织及特性的主题。这将使本指南的其余部分理解起来更容易,并很可能会节省您的时间,从长远的角度看的话。 

Strategy without tactics  is the slowest route to victory. 
Tactics  without strategy is the noise before the defeat. 
-- Sun Tzu


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