


find > list.txt 

A: mpg321 -@list.txt -zZv -l 0     
                                C^c = next
                                C^\ = quit
B: mpg321 -@list.txt -zZ  -l 0 &   
                                killall  mpg321

MPG321(1)                                                            MPG321(1)

       mpg321 — Simple and lighweight command line MP3 player

       mpg321 [options] file(s) | URL(s) | -

       mpg321  is  a  free  command-line  mp3 player, which uses the mad audio
       decoding library. mpg321 was written to be a  drop-in  replacement  for
       the  (by-then)  non-free mpg123 player.  Some functions remain unimple‐
       mented, but mpg321 should function as a basic drop-in  replacement  for
       mpg123  front-ends  such as gqmpeg, and those programs which use mpg123
       to decode mp3 files (like gtoaster, and other CD-recording software).

       -o devicetype
                 Set the output device type to devicetype.  devicetype can  be
                 one of:

                 oss - the Linux Open Sound System;

                 sun - the Sun audio system;

                 alsa - the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture;

                 alsa09 - the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, version 0.9;

                 esd - the Enlightened Sound Daemon;

                 arts - the analog real-time synthesiser

                 See -a device, below.

       -a device, --audiodevice device
                 Use  device  for  audio-out  instead  of  the default device,
                 depending on the output device you've chosen (via -o  device‐
                 type).   By  default this is the native sound device.  Gener‐
                 ally this is the device for devicetype (or the default system
                 device) to use for output (i.e. /dev/sound/dsp1).

                 This option has no effect with -o arts.

                 For  -o  esd,  specify  the  host  on  which  esd is running;
                 defaults to localhost.

                 For -o alsa, specify card:device; defaults to 0:0.

       -g N, --gain N
                 Set gain (volume) to N (1-100).

       -k N, --skip N
                 Skip N frames into the file being played.

       -n N, --frames N
                 Decode only the first N frames of the stream. By default, the
                 entire stream is decoded.

       -@ list, --list list
                 Use  the  file  list  for a playlist. The list should be in a
                 format of filenames followed by a line feed. Multiple  -@  or
                 --list specifiers will be ignored; only the last -@ or --list
                 option will be used. The playlist is concatenated with  file‐
                 names  specified  on  the  command-line to produce one master
                 playlist. A filename of '-' will cause standard input  to  be
                 read as a playlist.

       -z, --shuffle
                 Shuffle  playlists  and  files specified on the command-line.
                 Produces a randomly-sorted  playlist  which  is  then  played
                 through once.

       -Z, --random
                 Randomise  playlists and files specified on the command-line.
                 Files are played through, choosing at random; this means that
                 random files will be played for as long as mpg321 is running.

       -v, --verbose
                 Be  more  verbose.  Show current byte, bytes remaining, time,
                 and time remaining, as well as more information about the mp3

       -s, --stdout
                 Use  standard  output  instead of an audio device for output.
                 Output is in 16-bit PCM, little-endian.

       -w N, --wav N
                 Write to wav file N instead of using the audio  device.  This
                 option  will be preferred if --cdr or --au are specified too.
                 Specifying '-' for N will cause the file  to  be  written  to
                 standard output.

       --cdr N   Write to cdr file N instead of using the audio device. Speci‐
                 fying '-' for N will cause the file to be written to standard

       --au N    Write  to au file N instead of using the audio device. Speci‐
                 fying '-' for N will cause the file to be written to standard

       -t, --test
                 Test mode; do no output at all.

       -q, --quiet
                 Quiet  mode;  suppress  output of mpg123 boilerplate and file
                 and song name.

       -B        Read recursively the given directories. Allows you to  define
                 only the directory or directories and then mpg321 recursively
                 plays all the songs.

       -F        Turn on FFT analysis on PCM data. Remote mode only

       -S        Reporting song to AudioScrobbler (last.fm).

       -R        "Remote control" mode. Useful for front-ends. Allows  seeking
                 and   pausing   of   mp3   files.   See   README.remote   (in
                 /usr/share/doc/mpg321 on Debian and some other systems.)

       --stereo  Force stereo output: duplicates mono stream on second  output
                 channel.  Useful for output for devices that don't understand
                 mono, such as some CD players.

                 Aggressive mode; try to get higher priority  on  the  system.
                 Needs root permissions.

                 Skip N frames between printing a frame status update, in both
                 Remote Control (-R) and verbose (-v) mode. Can help CPU util‐
                 isation  on  slower  machines.  This  is  an  mpg321-specific

       -l N, --loop N
                 Loop song or playlist N times.If N is 0 means infinite times.

       --help, --longhelp
                 Show summary of options.

       -V, --version
                 Show version of program.

       This manual page was written by Joe Drew <drew@debian.org>.

       Maintained by Nanakos Chrysostomos <nanakos@wired-net.gr>.

       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify  this  document
       under  the  terms  of  the BSD license.  On Debian systems, this can be
       found in /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD.






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