
The ‘Idea of a University’ today | History and Policy


第一章 多 段式作文
三、Writing. (50 points)
题目:The unexamined life is not worth living
An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living
“The unexamined Life is not worth living.” Socrates said when he was tried for
heresy and sedition for encouraging his students to ask tough questions about
themselves and society. Upon examining his life and situation, he chose to die for
dignity rather than live out the rest of life in disgrace and humiliation. Socrates was
seeking truth to live a life of high station.According to him, the unexamined existence
is of no discipline, no freedom and void of dignity.
To begin with, the unexamined life is a life without discipline. Put it another way,
a life that has not been subjected to certain codes and purposes is doomed to moral
looseness, human alienation and insatiable indulgence. It is such life style that, to
many of us, leads to a lack of sense of justice or direction of values. A case in point is
Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde ’ s novel, The Portrait of Dorian Gray . Dorian Gray is a
young man who takes advantages of his beauty and ruins many pure women. It is his
unexamined life and loose lifestyle that lead to his hurt of others and his own final
Contrariwise, the examined life can provide one with chance for a more thorough
and better understanding of life and the world----an understanding which can bring us
maximum freedom in thought. Leading an examined life, Emerson is believed by
many to understand the world better even than most people do today. His words “ To
be great is to be misunderstood.” show that an independent individual needs to trust
himself even if people around doubt and question his life. Few could live a life as
sober and examined as Emerson did in that his realm of thought enjoys such a degree
of freedom and independence that it can even tolerate the misunderstanding of the rest
of the world.
Last but not least, the unexamined life may amount to the absence of dignity. In
order to be a true man of integrity, one should subject his life and beliefs to
examination and introspection or else his life will degenerate into a life of moral
frivolity and waywardness. As Socrates himself put it, “I eat to live while others live
to eat.” This chiasma embodies his contempt for those who live an unexamined life
with no dignity. However, the examined life is not confined to such a learned man or
woman as a teacher or philosopher. A working class man can also have a clear
purpose in life. Santiago, Hemingway code hero, has such a quality. He clings to a life
of dignity even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He has been
regarded as the embodiment of indomitable spirit of humanity.
To sum up, Socrates ’ decision to die is the logical consequence of his outlook on
life. If he had chosen otherwise, he would have felt he was robbed of the only thing
that made life meaningful: examining the world around him, the universe and life
itself. Where an “examined life” is, there are discipline, freedom and dignity that
highlight the essence of life.
IV. g Writing 0 (30 points)
Directions: You are required to write an essay of at least 300 words on "The Functions of a
University". The essay is expected to include a clear thesis statement, supporting evidence for
each of your arguments, and some conclusive remarks.
北外 09
Ⅲ. . . . WRITING 0 (50 points)
The graphs below give information about waste generation. Summarise the information reporting
the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
Ⅲ. . . . WRITING 0 (50 points)
本题属于图表类作文,通过观察题目给出的三幅图表作文。这三幅图表饼图、条形图 、
针对这样的题目,考生要首先正确理解图表信息:饼图给出的是 2007 年全球产生废弃
映的是 2007 年日均人均产生废弃物的量,从多到少依次是高收入、中等收入和低收入国家 ;
On e Waste Generation
The three above-mentioned charts are quite informative concerning waste generation across
the globe, especially in three individual countries. It can be inferred from the graphs that huge
amounts of waste are being produced and waste production will finally pose a serious problem to
the earth in the years to come.
In the first place, the pie chart indicates that the total waste generation on earth has reached
2.12 tons in 2007. Middle-income countries account for nearly half of the waste generation,
high-income and low-income countries about a quarter respectively. However, it is clear that
people in high-income countries are more responsible for waste generation, with nearly 1.5
kilograms of waste generated per person per day. In comparison, people in middle-and
low-income countries are less responsible for producing waste, about 0.8 and 0.6 kilogram ’ s per
capita waste production each day in 2007, as shown in the bar chart. Population in middle-income
countries is far larger than that of high-income ones; therefore, middle-income countries take up a
bigger proportion of the gross value of waste generation.
Additionally, the line chart predicts the condition of waste production in China, the United
States and India in the coming years. China has the sharpest increase compared with the other two
countries, possibly reaching 500 million tons in the year 2030. The annual waste generation of the
United States will remain stable around 200 tons, with just a slight rise each year. As for India, the
figure starts low in 2000, but has a growing tendency and will surpass that of the US around 2020.
Both the US and India are below China most of the time in terms of waste generation.
It goes without saying that some drastic measures should be taken to cope with this serious
problem. China, with a large population and a large potential of generating wastes, should assume
the responsibility to combat waste generation---a common enemy of man. Hopefully, the increase
in waste generation will be slowed down.
外经贸 09
t PartV V V V g Writing 5 (35 points)
Directions: Write an essay of 300 words to state your own opinion on the following topic. Give
examples, either your personal observations and experiences or simply things you have read that
mould back up your view. Your writing will he assessed for language, content, organization and
e Are l Interpersonal s skills t important o to r your e future development?
t Part Ⅴ Ⅴ g Writing ( ( ( ( 5 35 points)
Are Interpersonal Skills Important to Your Future Development?
A famous poet once said, “Life is like a large piece of net.” Then what is the net
made of? T o this question, people may have their own answers. I have my own
version, “Life is like a large piece of net composed of interpersonal relations.” For
sure, this interpersonal net can either snare birds for your benefits or trap yourself for
your harm. Harnessing and using this net skillfully is of course part of socialization
and life techniques for every one, especially for a special group--college students who
are at the cross-path of their growth and fulfillment. Therefore, this important lesson
of interpersonal relationship must be learnt timely, presumably in the years of college.
So many tragedies have been staged in almost all walks of life just because the
interpersonal path has somehow been blocked. A case in point is the successive
incidents of suicide of scientists in Tsukuba, a science town in Japan. In this super
modern and almost obsolete town, many scientists are so concentrative on their
research and so spurred by prizes that they are reluctant to communicate and
cooperate with other people so that gradually they become self-closed and depressed
and some of them finally resort to suicide. In fact, the murderer is none but the lack of
good interpersonal skills that terminates the lives of those outstanding scientists.
Contrariwise, if we have good interpersonal skills, we will be in the midst of
harmony and happiness. Maura, 31, had the most successful life experience recently
when she helped dissolve a family duel that has lasted a century. Maura said her
success was attributable to her interpersonal techniques. For a time since then, her
day-to-day existence has been replete with delight. At this hour of economic crisis,
we’ve heard of so many encouraging cases of entrepreneurs braving the storm. But at
the same time, occasionally, tragedies of suicide are heard. An investigation to the
causes of these tragic deaths reveals that many of these perpetrators are suffering from
interpersonal syndrome. A therapy offered by some psychiatrists? Talk out your
problems. Yes, communication may not be a panacea, but proves effective in coping
with our psychological inability.
To sum up, just as Dale Carnegie once put it, success is due 15% to professional
knowledge and 85% to interpersonal skills. We may meet with a lot of different
people with various kinds of characters. And so friction and attrition are inevitable.
But a tactful interpersonal skill which can make communication much easier and
more pleasant may help us deal with all the conflicts and thus we can become the
南京大学 08
Ⅱ.Francis Bacon says, "Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and
writing an exact man." Write an essay of about 300 words to either support or refute
Bacon's statement "Reading makes a full man.” Illustrate your point with examples
from your own reading experience.
Reading Contributes
Francis Bacon ’ s statement “Reading makes a full man.” tells us how important
reading is to the development of ourselves. It is quite true that reading benefits us in
many ways. In fact, it is part of our growth into a human capable of creation and
Reading broadens the horizon. It opens for me a good number of windows on the
universe. In the course of reading, I have become more aware of how immense the
world is and how tiny a species I am compared with the universe. Reading makes me
more open-minded and more tolerant of differences. Through reading, I have become
more concerned with issues related to the present, past and future of the planet
humans inhabit. At the same time, reading arouses my curiosity about the unknown.
As I read extensively, my experiences build up. In books, I am able to figuratively
meet more people, travel to more places and experience new excitements.
Reading helps me with self-discovery. It helps me adjust my goals and makes me
more down-to-earth. Reading makes me more aware of my strengths and weaknesses.
It also gives me courage to tap my potentials. As I read, my purpose can be clearly
defined. I am more sure of myself and know better to what I will devote time and
energy after graduation.
Reading helps me with choice making. Equipped with a wide range of knowledge
acquired through reading, I have become more decisive than ever. For instance, in the
first two years of college, the question of whether I will further my study as a
graduate or not really bothered me for quite a while. But as I keep reading, it ’ s no
longer a problem because reading has helped develop my interest in the discipline and
has made me realize how much I need to learn to be an expert in it.
In conclusion, reading has contributed in many ways to my growth into a mature
adult. It makes me more specifically oriented, decisive and devoted.
南开 07
t Part V V V V n Composition 0 (20 points)
Topic: People can recognize differences between children and adults. Can you simply
say that college students are adults? What events (experiences or ceremonies) make a
person an adult?
You r composition should be no less than 500 words. And please write your
composition on theAnswer Sheet.
Moving from Adolescence towards Adulthood
Life consists of several stages in which infanthood, adolescence and adulthood
are the part and parcel. It is commonly held that the transition from adolescence to
adulthood is an extremely painful experience. But how could we tell one has achieved
the transition from adolescence to adulthood is a hard job. Do such things as age,
appearance and manners really matter in identifying the transition? Can all college
students be identified as adults in the full sense of the term? If not, what are the
essential differences between them? For my part, moving from adolescence to
adulthood, especially for a college freshman, one should show such qualities as a
strong sense of responsibility, independence and adaptability.
To begin with, responsibility should be an identifiable feature of adulthood. An
adult should be able to take responsibility for his own life, his own decision and his
own deeds. Besides that, he also should be responsible for others. A case in point is
Hong Zhanhui, who was selected one of ten personages that have moved China in
2005. Very few could endure so many personal tragedies that life has inflicted on
them as Mr. Hong has suffered from. When he was eleven, his father was insane. His
sister was dead and his mother left them for good. However, he never gave up. Instead,
he shouldered the responsibility of taking care of his sick father and an adopted sister.
He led a very hard life but won respect from the whole society. Can anyone deny the
fact that Mr. Hong was a responsible adult although he was only 18 then?
Additionally, another sign of being a mature adult is being independent. In the
earlier stage of our life, we depend on parents for most of our needs, both physical
and mental. However, as college freshmen, we have to rely on ourselves. We have to
solve our own problems, make our own decisions and sometimes even endure solitude
on our own. Through all these an adult can achieve his independence and establish his
own identity and autonomy. Mark Twain is a good example in this regard. He was
forced to be independent at very young age and such an autonomous life brought him
face to face with valuable American experiences he otherwise could not possibly have
gone through. In fact, it is his rich adult independent life that has produced world
literary classics.
Last but not least, adulthood is characterized by adaptive ability. We are now
living in a changing world in a changing time. If we fail to adapt ourselves to the
changing environment, we will lag behind and end up with failure. A child may
understandably be scared and at loss when facing a totally strange situation. But for
an adult, such response is mean and abject and cannot be acceptable. An adult should
possess the courage to face changes and challenges and turn them into advantages. An
adult should be much stronger.
To put it in a nutshell, responsibility, independence and adaptability, among some
others, will help build a stronger and mature adult who is capable of the appreciation
of complexities of the real world as opposed to the black–and–white mindset in
adolescent thinking.
南开 08
五、Composition (20 points)
Write a composition of no less than 300 words on the topic bellow:
Employment Market Today
Ⅴ. . . . n Composition 0 (20 points)
t Employment t Market Today
Financial crisis, like a virus, is spreading quickly from developed countries to
developing ones. It is an undeniable fact that no employment market in the world has
eluded the poison of the virus. China is one of those countries that have born the brunt
of the blow. No one denies that employment market in China is getting sluggish.
Meanwhile, multinational giants keep cutting jobs and state owned enterprises no
longer recruit new personnel. Small businesses are forced to close altogether.At this
moment when college graduates ’ prospect of employment seems to have become
extremely bleak, what is it that we can do to alleviate and possibly reverse this crisis?
As for individuals, college graduates can do a lot. Of course, they can expediently
make adjustments to such a dull employment market. They may temporarily lower
their expectations and ambitions. Perhaps they used to wish to work for a
multinational giant but now a medium-sized company could do for them. What ’ s
more, young graduates may also play a more active role. They may consider starting
their own businesses. These young people can learn from those legendary stories
telling about how a young entrepreneur made it these days, such as Tang Jun, Mao
Kankan, to name only a few.
At the same time, there is much for the Chinese central government to do about it.
As a matter of fact, it has called on the governments at all levels to step up
job-creation efforts. Job fairs are organized and people of all walks of life have been
mobilized to help graduates with employment. In addition, policies have been
formulated and strict regulations have been lifted on the licensing of private
businesses. Some of these policies and regulations are intended to encourage
graduates to set up businesses on their own. And these and other measures and
policies have already yielded good results. And this is the reason why China is among
the few economies that are still growing.
Like the American dream, the Chinese dream is also deeply rooted in the faith in
education and hard work. Compared with those who have had no access to college
education, graduates are better equipped with professional knowledge and expertise.
This means that a better future is in store for those with college education, as long as
they keep their dream alive. Opportunities favor those who are ready to take them.
上外 06
. III. WRITING 0 (50 分) ) ) )
A. Describe briefly a street scene on a rainy day in one paragraph not exceeding
150words. (15 分)
B. Write a short essay of NO MORE THAN 350 words in which you illustrate the
sense of isolation or loneliness which life in modern urban society can bring. (35
A. Describe briefly a street scene on a rainy day in one paragraph not exceeding 150
A Street Scene on a Rainy Day
It has been pouring for hours and there is no sign that the rain will stop. Heavy
raindrops kiss road-side trees and lawns passionately. Everything in sight is blurred. A
thunder roars across the downcast sky. A small newsstand, standing in a street corner,
single and lonely, attracts a group of people taking shelter. Some resign themselves to
the inclement weather by reading newspapers. A few others, wearing a worried
expression, look helplessly at the rain. Thanks to the rain, a young man and a young
woman are able to have a cozy chat. Across the street from a post-office, a
middle-aged man in a rain coat is heading frantically in the direction of a cinema.
Meanwhile, a dressy lady who has tried in vain to flag down a cab is seen running at a
hasty pace towards the bus stop. A dog, apparently a stray, sidles over to the crowd.
B. Write a short essay of NO MORE THAN 350 words in which you illustrate the
sense of isolation or loneliness which life in modern urban society can bring.
Cutting off From Others
Eric, a typical modern urbanite, stays home at work. First thing in the morning he
plugs into the computer terminal to hook up with office. He sends and receives works
during the day through MSN. Evenings, he puts on his headphones, or watches a
movie on VCR, or logs back to computer to visit the Internet. For many days, Eric
does not talk to people and does not see people except those on TV. Indeed, modern
urban life has cut us off from the contact with other fellow beings.
First, alienation occurs in the urban world of business. People no longer have to
see each other in order to do their work. It so happens that stuff members from
different branches of a company across the world can hold a budget meeting over a
distance of millions of miles instead of sitting together in one conference chamber.
Employees such as secretaries, real estate agents, and accountants do not have to go to
office or see the people they are coping with. And business has become such that
urban white collars are paid even in less personal way, since their salary is
automatically credited to their accounts.
Another area in which isolation occurs in urban society is education. At schools
and universities today, students do not see their teachers as often as they did. Teachers
spend more time tending computers and less time getting involved with students.
Tests and even homework assignments are administered by machines. At home, rather
than discuss with parents, brothers and sisters, people buy soft-wares to learn such
skills as speed reading, writing, and real estate investment instead of attending classes
where rich human communications can occur.
By and large, thanks to the inventions of modern technology, people in cities are
living in isolation. However, modern urban loneliness is not only confined to the
physical distance between people. There is another kind of estrangement, more
destructive and detrimental--isolation of minds. “ We arrive at the moon and return,
but we do not bother to cross the street to see our new neighbor.”, as described by
上外 07
IV. WRITING 5 (55 points)
k Task : 1: 0 (20 points)
The local newspaper is printing a series of articles in which students describe some
aspect of school life. Write for this series describing your lunchroom or another area
during a typical lunch hour within 150 words. You may want to describe the sights,
sounds, or smells that you would experience there.
Write your response on your Answer Sheet.
k Task 2 2 2 2: : : : 5 (35 points)
e The y eighteenth-century h British r thinker d Edmund e Burke e made e the following
n observation t about e the s benefits f of : opposition: e "He t that s wrestles h with us
s strengthens r our s nerves d and s sharpens r our . skill. r Our t antagonist s is r our helper."
In your view, to what extent can we benefit from opposition to our ideas, opinions,
or desires. Write an essay of no less than 300 words that defends, challenges, or
qualifies Burke ’ s statement about the benefits of opposition. You should present your
argument with reasons and examples.
Please write your essay on yourAnswer Sheet.
I I I I . . Writing
Task 1
The local newspaper is printing a series of articles in which students describe some
aspect of school life. Write for this series describing your lunch room or another area
during a typical lunch hour within 150 words. You may want to describe the sights,
sounds, or smells that you would experience there.
e The n Canteen t at h Lunch H H H H ours
Around 12 o’clock classes are dismissed. Students, who have fasted for several
hours, and especially those who skip breakfast, stream from all directions into the
canteen. Like in a marketplace, loud cries over the food ring across the canteen.
Apparently, the cooks touting their foods work up appetites without fail. Some
students walk straight towards their stands. Crowds soon build up in front of the
counter desks where food is served. A student “guard” dressed in a yellow T-shirt tries
to get the starving crowds in line to no avail. People just push and shove to get ahead.
Those fast movers have already been seated helping themselves to their lunch with a
relish, while watching NBA hot games extremely uncomfortably as the TV sets are
fixed extremely high from the ceiling and amid the bustles and hustles the sports
commentary is barely audible.
Task 2
The 18 th century British thinker Edmund Burke made the following observation about
the benefits of opposition: “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and
sharpen our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.”
In your view, to what extent can we benefit from opposition to our ideas, opinions, or
desires. Write an essay of no less than 300 words that defends, challenges, or qualifies
Bruke ’ s statement about the benefits of opposition. You should present your argument
with reasons and examples.
Opposition Teaches
People prefer to hear complimentary comments on their works. Admittedly
encouraging comments sometimes put us on top of the world and make us feel
wonderful. But sometimes they may sound so good that we are carried away and
rendered incapable of objectively reviewing what we have done. In other words, the
honey-lipped can deprive us of the power to see our flaws and to take stock of
ourselves. Nevertheless, opposition that we meet in life helps in many ways.
To begin with, opposition serves as a driving force which enables us to strive
more for perfection. Acting on others ’ opposing views, we take a close look at our
plan, proposal, etc. over again to see if there is room for improvement. In the course
of doing this, we have a better perception of what we have done, making adjustments
accordingly so that we are capable of making it more flawless even in our opponent ’ s
Next, opposition helps us keep learning. Every so often, those who oppose us are
best teachers although we sometimes find it really hard to admit it. Their unique
perspective of an issue and their outlook on life can open a new window on the world
and broaden our horizon. With the reminder of their justified opposition, we are
encouraged to explore our new boundaries. We realize how dangerous it is to have a
little knowledge. To some extent, opposition is a blessing rather than an evil, for a
lesson can never be learnt until it is taught.
Finally, opposition helps build up one ’ s character. People may oppose differently,
some in furious ways while others in mild. In coping with opposition of various kinds,
you become more responsive and responsible. Your confidence and wisdom will be
enhanced as well and opposition is no longer fearsome to you, no matter what nature
it reflects. Confrontation with opposition is a sign of maturity, and maturity will
undoubtedly carry you far.
Edmund Burke ’ s observation of opposition can best conclude this article, “He
that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is
our helper.”
首师 06
Part V. g Writing 5 (35 , POINTS, 5 45 MINUTES)
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "To laugh often and much; to win the respect
of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest
critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in
others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or
a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you
have lived. This is the meaning of success."
Now, use your own experience to develop the following topic sentence into a
three-paragraph essay h with t at t least 0 250 words: "To be successful, a person must have
three kinds of discipline: of the intellect, of the emotions, and of the bod y. "
Part V. g Writing 5 (35 , POINTS, 5 45 MINUTES)
生以此为出发点作文。同时本题给出了全文的主题句,即"To be successful, a
person must have three kinds of discipline: of the intellect, of the emotions, and of the
bod y. ",基本给出了文章的结构和发展脉络,考生发挥的余地不大。这就规定了
s Disciplines d Lead o to Success
To be successful, a person must have three kinds of discipline: of intellect, of
emotions, and of the bod y.
For one thing, intellectual discipline is of great significance to one on his way to
success. Intellect is not only something that you’re born with, but also what you have
obtained after that. It could be attained through various ways, such as reading,
thinking, and talking with great minds. Intellect to the mind is what senses are to the
body. It helps a person develop his view of time, life and the world. Populace think
merely how they will spend their time; a man of intellect tries to use it, which is why
individuals with intellect have much greater chance for success.
In addition, the discipline of emotion is as important as the intellectual factor, if
not more. No one could ever achieve success without passion and persistence.
Because while you pursue your dream, you must meet with many difficulties and
setbacks during the process, if you do not have enough passion for your work, you
may just give up and get nothing. It is the passion and persistence for the work that
would prepare you for the coming success.
Last but not the least, discipline of the body is also indispensable to one ’ s success.
As a Chinese saying goes, "Nothing is more important than a good health." which
means you can’t achieve anything unless you maintain a good health. Different people
have various definitions of being successful, however, no matter how different
success might mean to various people, good health is always a character that can’t be
To sum up, I strongly commit to the notion that success requires at least three
kinds of disciplines: of intellect, of emotion, and of the body. For instance, just as
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said of the meaning of success, “to laugh often and
much” means a passion for life; “to win the respect of intelligent people” refers to the
discipline of intelligence. Without these disciplines, one could hardly make a success
of his life. In a word, disciplines lead to success.
首师 07
Part IV. g Writing 0 (40 , POINTS, 0 50 MINUTES)
Bertrand Russell once said: "When the pupil cooperates willingly, he learns
twice as fast and with half the fatigue." How, in your view, can students be
encouraged to cooperate willingly? Consulting your experience and your imagination,
consider how successful one might expect this method to be. Please develop the topic
into a three-paragraph essay h with t at t least 0 300 s words n in e the n given time.
生以此为出发点作文。同时本题给出了全文讨论的中心,即" How, in your view,
can students be encouraged to cooperate willingly?",结合 Russell 的话,就得出了
Being Willing to Cooperate
Generally speaking, teachers are expected to be patient and students diligent.
However, without correct methodology, even if teachers remain patient, students ’
diligence may not be activated. Successful education is only a dream.As Bertrand
Russell once put it, a great degree of freedom should be kept in education because the
effects of authority are very likely to drag students into submission or evoke their
rebellion, either of which may hinder their learning process. Therefore, willing
cooperation is an ideal condition. Then here comes the question: how to work up
pupils ’ active participation and cooperation?
When it comes to how the question can be solved, it is advisable that we learn
something from Vroom ’ s Expectancy Theory: Motivation=Valence* Expectancy*
Expectancy is pupils ’ expectations and levels of confidence about what they are
capable of doing; instrumentality is the belief that good performance leads to valued
outcome, and valence is the importance that the individual places upon the expected
outcome, in our case the rewards of cooperation. Hence, in order to boost pupils ’
motivation, educators should lift student ’ s expectancy by making study easy and fun
to arouse children ’ s interest and attract their attention.As an old saying goes, interest
is the best teacher. For example, my teacher used to teach the class a jingle to
memorize a difficult passage. It was so lovely and interesting that even today my
friends and I still remember it. I believe the use of multimedia in teaching is a
practical resort to achieve this end, too. On the other hand, teachers should give
rewards such as public praise, higher score, less homework, toys and snacks, etc., to
the students who follow their instruction spontaneously and correctly. It is hard to
imagine that anybody can give consistent good performances without any recognition
from the ones he or she respects and thinks important.
The method above can not only win students ’ favor in learning, but triggers
their thirst for knowledge as well, which makes them willing to cooperate. In addition,
to obtain teacher ’ s admiration, students will follow the lead and listen to their advice,
which makes them cooperate.
To sum up, elevating the expectancy and valence of children can effectively
encourage them to cooperate willingly, and thus guarantees the quality and efficiency
in education to a greater extent.
首师 08
Part IV. Writing (40 , POINTS, 50 MINUTES) Directions:
Think about a time when you took an unpopular stand. Were you alone in your beliefs?
How did this experience change you? When is it important to take the risks that
certain values dictate? e Please develop e the c topic into a a three-paragraph y essay with t at
t least 300 words in the g g iven time.
Part IV. Writing (40 , POINTS, 50 MINUTES) Directions:
An Unpopular Stand
We often face a difficult situation in life when we take an unpopular stand that go
against that of the majority. If this occurs, should we follow others or stick to our own
beliefs? This is a common challenge for all of us. Aristotle once said, “By being
habituated to despise things that are terrible and to stand our ground against them we
become brave, and it is when we have become so that we shall be most able to stand
our ground against them.” Thus, it is not so hard for us to make the conclusion that we
become brave by acting bravely. By the same token, it is significant that we insist on
our own beliefs, because it is the way we become brave and are firmly convinced of
our beliefs.
As far as my own experience is concerned, I did feel uncertain about myself at
the time when everyone else believed it was a much better choice for me to stay
where I was rather than move to another country alone for further study. Young as I
was, I decided to leave my parents and the familiar environment for a broader vision
and more opportunities. Parents worried about whether I could take care of myself in
an unfamiliar country. Teachers warned me about the difficulties that I might be
confronted with. Friends doubted how I could adjust to the new environment in a
short time. Frankly speaking, I was afraid. With so many people who care about me
objecting to my seemingly impetuous decision, I also questioned myself, “Would it be
the best for my future? Am I sure about the decision?” The answer is “I don’t know
what will happen, either!” The only thing I knew is that I’m sure about my decision,
no matter what happens, I’ll be responsible for my own acts. I’d love to give myself a
chance to explore the unknown world out there by myself, and only through trials and
errors could I learn the real meaning of responsibility.
It has been years since I made that unpopular decision. Things turned out to be
much better than my parents and friends imagined, although not as good as I believed.
I did broaden my horizon and enrich my knowledge. I learned so much from my new
schoolmates that I could never know before. I found myself quite competent in things
that I never tried. There were of course tears and laughter in this once strange place.
But this experience literally changed me a lot. I learnt to cope with people from
different cultures with less prejudice.
What ’ s more important, by insisting on the choice and going alone, I became
brave and confident. By making my own decision and taking care of myself ever
since, I learned the meaning of responsibility. In a word, it is not a terrible thing to
take an unpopular stand. Once you believe it, stick to it
中国人大 06
V V V V. I. y Essay g writing 0 (30 points).
You are required to write an article in English with the topic of " l All that
s Glitters is t not Gold". Your writing should contain a minimum of 300 words.
Ⅵ. . . . y Essay g writing 0 (30 points)
All That Glitters is Not Gold
We do not know since when the good has been compared to gold. What we do
know is that in English we have many phrases associated with gold, such as “to have
a heart of gold”, “a golden age”, “as good as gold”, “fields of gold”, etc. However,
Shakespeare warned us long ago, “All that glitters is not gold.” Exactly, what can be
seen on the surface may be deceptive and untrustworthy; a piece of useless iron or
broken glass or even a disposed plastic bag can also be shinning and dazzling under
the sun. On the contrary, some real gold is not able to glitter since it may be hidden in
some ugly sand and stone.
A superficial beauty does not necessarily mean it is good or benign. Take poppy,
one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, for example. At the first sight of it,
mellow peddles red like fire under the summer sun, no one but is riveted by its
enchanting beauty. But a smattering knowledge will send shudder down one ’ s spinal
column, since it is the ideal raw material to use to manufacture drugs and dopes,
which has destroyed lives of millions. Who can, when he first sees it, think that such
beautiful flowers can be so noxious and lethal? Contrariwise, the plain-looking and
even the ugly can be blessed and heaven-sent. The earth is black and sometimes ugly
but yields sweet corns and potatoes that nourish people and other animals. Night is
black and sometimes scaring, but can give people good sleep so that they can wake up
refreshed and energetic.
What is supremely true of objects is also true of humans. Such great men as
Napoleon, Caesar, Chinese beloved leader Deng Xiaoping all changed the course of
history in their respective times, despite their not tall stature and that they could not be
classified as handsome. Jane Eyre, the heroine of Jane Austin ’ s novel, has moved
hundreds of millions throughout the world, is plain, poor and obscure. Kissmoto, the
ugliest person man has ever known, created by Victor Hugo, mute and deaf, with a
face deformed, turns out to be the incarnation of the good and brave who protected his
love at the sacrifice of his own life.
In summary, we are yet to exhaust working out the qualities that contribute to
what is good and gold. However, to paraphrase Einstein ’ s words, kindness, beauty and
truth have lighted the way of humanity and time and again have given them new
courage to have life cheerfully. But one thing we need to bear in mind is that the
world looms large and complex and in order to get the essence of it we need to reach
beyond the delusive surface. “All that glitters is not gold.”
人大 07
VII. g Writing 0 (20 points)
- - - -- ANGEL NIETO
We are all different
and I respect that
as I respect your right to be
and I respect your right to become
as I respect your right to love
and I respect your right to fight
but don't expect respect from me if you don't love if you don't fight
If you are...
If you become...
e The r speaker f of s this poem s explains y directly t what e one t must o do to n earn respect
e Write a a h paragraph o to n explain r for t what s reasons u you t respect someone. Your writing
should be no fewer than 350 words.
Ⅶ. . . . g Writing 0 (20 points)
Have you considered if there is someone who deserves your respect? Has it
occurred to you that for what reasons you show respect to them? Has it dawned on
you what kind of qualities a respectable person should be equipped with? As far as I
am concerned, it is eruditeness, perseverance and sense of responsibility that account
for much of a person who is worthy of respect.
First things first, I respect those who are knowledgeable. We are now living in the
age of information and knowledge which are booming day by day and so being
information-poor can be a shameful problem. The 21 st century is an era that attaches
great importance to knowledge. Only those who are intensive in a specialized area and
also have such knowledge as philosophy, art and religion and so on are likely to earn
Secondly, persons with the spirit of perseverance deserve my respect.
Perseverance is not that you can see the results of your work immediately but that you
need to march towards your goal step by step strongly and intrepidly. A case in point
is Yang Wei, the Chinese prince of gymnastics. Relatively “no longer young age”
judged by the standard of gymnastics and a long-term affliction of injuries don’t daunt
him. On the contrary he still insists on taking exercise and training every day. In due
course in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Yang Wei won gold in the individual
all-round as well as the respect of the world.
Last but not least, if a person is responsible for what he or she shoulders, I will
look up to him or her. Take Tan Qianqiu, an elementary school teacher who lost his
life in the deadly Wenchuan earthquake for example. When the rescue team found his
body, people noticed that he was still tightly huddling four pupils under his body. As a
teacher, Tan chose to be responsible for his students and he also chose to protect them
at the sacrifice of his own life. So isn’t this kind of person worth the respect of the
whole Chinese nation? Shouldn’t this kind of person be remembered eternally? The
answer is obvious and numerous candles in hands of 20,000 students, colleagues and
villagers are enough to prove this.
To sum up, there may be dozens of qualities one must have to earn respect but the
essential ones are only a few. And for my part, those who have ample knowledge, the
spirit of perseverance and the sense of responsibility can have my respect.
第二章 三段式作文
IV. g Writing 0 (30 points)
e The s Functions f of a a a a University
Many people, whether they are university students or not, believe that the main purpose of a
university is to teach its students advanced knowledge and prepare them for a good job when they
graduate. A university, however, can do far more than that. Students do not go to college simply
for academic studies and vocational training. As far as I am concerned, a university is also an
important place to its students in cultivating civilization and independent spirits.
First, a university is not a place of merely teaching textbook knowledge and professional
skills, but one where students are put in touch with noble and creative minds in their campus life.
That is how a university helps students become civilized human beings. Apart from their majors,
students have many opportunities to study philosophy, literature, fine arts, history and so on. As a
result, they will not only learn the means to earn money in the future, but more importantly, they
develop the intellect and humanity. A university offers its students a life with intellectual and
spiritual resources, which will be beneficial throughout their lives. Second, a university helps its
students get independent from their parents. Most children do not live away from their parents
until they go to university. Without their parents ’ taking care of them in college, students find out
what their strengths and weaknesses are. They have to learn how to deal with their daily life and
get along with all kinds of people.
All in all, a university provides a golden chance for students to grow up and become mature
people. It is designed to be a place that contributes to the students ’ personal development and
exploration of their potentials. Not only can they be introduced to new knowledge, but they also
learn social values and personal independence.
北二外 09
Writing (30 points)
Directions: Read the following topic. Write on your Answer Sheet a composition of
about 200 words. Be sure to provide a title for your composition and write in paragraphs.
: Topic: Nowadays some students start their own business companies before they graduate.
How do you look at this phenomenon?
VI. Writing (30 points)
Start Their Own Business Companies Before Graduation
Recent years have seen an increasing number of college students start their own businesses
before graduation. Some scholars think that this practice should be stopped because it tends to
makes young people turn their attention away from studies, while others argue that by running
their own business students are better prepared to adjust to a new environment when leaving
school. In my opinion, I strongly support the latter point of view for the following reasons.
In the first place, it is a positive response to the national policy of encouraging graduates to
establish their private enterprises. Due to the global financial crisis, it is still very difficult for most
of the students to get a job at graduation, let alone an ideal one. Thus the central government gives
full support to those who can set up small businesses to relieve the burden of an army of
jobseekers. Secondly, it can provide a good opportunity for students to develop social skills, put
into practice what they have learned in school, and fully prepare for a new life out of the ivory
tower. Last but not least, by managing their own career college students may earn some money so
that they can achieve some self-reliance. And to some extent at the same time, it can help relieve
their family ’ s financial load.
In spite of the benefits mentioned above, - those young people should always bear in mind
their status as full-time students and never fail to put priority on studies. Therefore, it is important
for them to strike a balance between keeping abreast of others in academic performance and
running their own business.
北航 06
. VI. g Writing 0 (20 points)
Directions: Write an expository composition of no less than 200 words on the topic
Ⅵ. . . . g Writing 0 (20 points)
The Pleasure of Learning
People have long associated arduousness with learning and believed that learning
must be hard, laborious and fatiguing. And the very fact has bolstered this stereotype
that few can make it without devoting much time and energy to it. Unfortunately, such
connection does not hold water. Any further look at the issue simply reveals that the
process of learning is never void of pleasure, although admittedly such delight has
been eroded in one way or another for thousands of years.
Learning can generate in us unending pleasure. Firstly, such pleasure comes from
the learning itself. Is there a more lovely face than that of a child who lets out a cry,
“I’ve got it!” upon discovering the new? Is there a more moving and delightful picture?
Secondly, great pleasure rests in the great freedom offered by learning. Just because
Einstein was fain to learn, isn’t that the reason he could roam freely in the worlds of
science and art? Who can say he wasn’t the gayest person in the world when playing
the violin with that nonprofessional virtuosity? For a person eager to learn, there is no
boundary in the universe and no limit to his happiness and possibility. Last, one can
be delighted when learning because learning can win him as many credits as he
otherwise cannot. Bacon said that study serves for ornament. Here, ornament is
translatable to credits. In the world today, the most creditable person is the one who is
the most erudite.
By and large, the most content person in the world is the one who is studying and
learns. Learning is a journey but not a destination. In the happy course, for those who
are fond of learning, the highest level is of course “delighting in it.”
北二外 07
. VI. g Writing 0 (30 points)
Directions: Write on your Answer Sheet a composition of about 200 words on the
following topic. Be sure to write in paragraphs.
y My g Understanding f of Love
. VI. g Writing 0 (30 points)
要积极向上。此处 Love,不是局限在男女之间的个人小爱,而是要往大处说,
比如社会爱心,帮扶他人等等。联系实际,举列论证。作为一篇 200 字的文章 ,
展开来,第三段再次归纳点题。尤其要注意主体部分做到逻辑严密、层次清晰 、
My Understanding of Love
Love is an eternal subject for tireless discussion in human history. And there is never a
uniform definition of love. But it is touching and being touched by every human being. When
asked of my understanding of love, I find it better to express myself in terms of what love does to
people ’ s daily lives.
To begin with, love not only brings happiness but also relieves loneliness. People who love
you care a lot about what you think and what you need, therefore you will feel happy whenever
they bring you what you badly need, no matter whether it is material or spiritual. With love
surrounding you, you will never feel lonely or deserted. Next, love means sharing and being
responsible. People with true love are supposed to go side by side through thick and thin, so they
not only share joys of life together but also support each other in difficult times. Love is
sometimes shaken when facing severe difficulties. We often hear that a sick person was deserted
by his or her loved ones, and even some parents abandoned their sick children. People with no
sense of responsibility cannot give or receive true love and those unfortunate sick people will
suffer physically and emotionally with love lost. Finally, love brings tolerance. For the people we
love, we accept both their virtues and shortcomings. The power of tolerance can provide us with
more room to communicate with each other.
In summary, love is not only taking but also giving; it means sharing, responsibility, and
北二外 08
. VI. Writing 0 (30 points)
Directions: Read the following topic. Write on your Answer Sheet a composition of
about 200 words. Be sure to provide a title for your composition and
write in paragraphs.
Topic: The government of your country has announced that it has enough money to
start one of the two programs: space exploration or food and clothing for the
unemployed. Which do you think the government should spend lots of
money on?
. VI. Writing 0 (30 points)
【题目分析】本题为观点作文,出题者给出一个主题并提出两个可供选择得观点 。
exploration”还是 “food and clothing for the unemployed”。此题型
述严谨,用词上有些高级闪光词汇和短语,句型丰富,长短句结合 ,
. 1.提出观点 t Topmost y Priority o to d Food d and g Clothing r for e the d Unemployed . 2. 分三点
论证 . 3. 应对措施及总结
Topmost Priority to Food and Clothing for the Unemployed
To hanker after something grandiose and ambitious seems human nature. For a
time, we have frenziedly been building up space stations. As a consequence, a huge
undue amount of human and natural resources have been spent on the experiments
and research that have contributed little to the people ’ s welfare. Therefore, we often
hear one complain about costly space exploration. For example, “ We have conquered
outer space but not inner space.” said George Carlin. To project impractical
ostentatious space programs in current situation is not worthwhile. Our government
should give the topmost priority to food and clothing for the unemployed rather than
space exploration.
First and foremost, food and clothing are fundamental supplies for human life.
And since access to these necessities means a life-or-death issue for the laid-off, the
need for necessary supplies of course outweighs that for space exploration. Besides,
our efforts in space can commence at any time so long as we maintain a strong
economy and keep an eye on the latest development of technology. While our
economy is still gripped by crises, more and more workers are joining the
unemployment line, how can we invest our meager resources in those not-so-urgent
space programs? Last but not least, whether our endeavors in space exploration can
turn out to be a tragedy or a comedy for us humans remains untested and controversial.
So the wise course to take is to wait and see.
In a word, our astrophysical endeavors may lead to next scientific revolution and
unveil the mystery of the universe in the days to come. However, while still at stake is
the people ’ s livelihood, the food and clothing for the unemployed comes first.
上外 08
IV. WRITING (55 points)
Task l (20 points)
The university English newspaper recently starts a new column called "My Ideal
Teacher". Students are invited to submit articles within 150 words. You may describe
the physical features, personal characters, or teaching methods of your ideal teacher.
Write your response on your Answer Sheet.
Task 2 (35 points)
e The h 19th century n American r thinker d and r writer h Ralph o Waldo n Emerson wrote:
"A n man d should n learn o to t detect d and h watch t that gleam f of t light h which s flashes across
s his d mind from , within, e more n than e the e lustre f of e the t firmament f of s bards d and sages."
To what degree, do you think, are independent thinking and original ideas
important in your further study and academic research? You should present your
argument with reasons and examples. Write your essay in no less than 300 words.
Write your essay on yourAnswer Sheet.
IV. Writing.
Task 1 1 1 1
y My l Ideal Teacher
My ideal teacher should be knowledgeable, patient and passionate. First, knowledge he has.
His interests should not be confined only to his own subjects but also to some other areas of
learning. He steeps himself not only in liberal arts but also science. Next, patience he has. When
imparting knowledge to his students, he should take steps in instilling. When asked a question, he
should take time to explain carefully in detail. He should be able to sacrifice time for his students.
Finally, passion he has. Instead of just fixing his eyes on the textbooks and being sedentary in
reading from notes, he should stand out and use gestures every now and then and of course witty
remarks to enliven his lectures and fire the students ’ interest, enthusiasm and imagination. In a
word, a mentor, in my eye, must have the above three qualities.
Task 2 2 2 2
e The e Importance f of t Independent Thinking
The Importance of Independent Thinking
A daring philosopher once said, “Everybody was born to be unique.” Indeed, whether some
of us like it or not, everybody was born an independent thinker. And independent thinking is the
feature of humanity, and its importance cannot be too emphasized. If each of a people is capable
of independent thinking, then there emerges a nation of thinkers. If an individual ceases taking for
granted the hand-me-downs and begins to think for himself, then he will not repeat his and others ’
mistakes. If each of human race becomes the best of which he is capable of, then the whole race
can live in the best world.
Nothing can do so much to help shape the destiny of a nation as does independent thinking.
Emerson, claimed as father of American cultural independence, said, “Imitation is suicide.” He
was warning his contemporary Americans of the danger of copying the European thinking. He and
others advanced Transcendentalism , a school of thought which is believed to have contributed
tremendously to the making of America. During the course of a nation ’ s development, there is no
lack of forerunners of thought like Emerson who think independently and stand out to pave the
way culturally for the nation ’ s rebirth and rejuvenation. Confucius in antiquity and Lu Xun in
modern times are among them. What is supreme true of a nation is no less true of an individual,
who, in order to be successful, also needs to think independently. Numerous outstanding
personages grew impatient of conventionality and conformity. They thought by themselves and
had no fear for being disenfranchised and even persecuted.And in due course they made history.
In the course of human events there have emerged a very few nations who knew the
importance of protecting their intellectual elite by tolerating their unpopular “heresy” or
contending thoughts. However, the world owes a great deal to such nations for their contributions
to modern civilization. Also, everybody is an independent thinker by nature, an independent mind
so rare and precious that it needs our protection and encouragement. It is good to remember that
one can be no other than himself. Let everybody be born himself and die himself.
北航 07
V. g Writing 0 (20 points)
: Directions: n In s this t part u you d should e write a a a a n composition f of o no s less n than 0 200 words.
You d should e argue , reasonably, g basing r your s arguments n on s status o quo d and your
d background knowledge.
t What o Do s Examinations n Mean o to n Children n in China?
Ⅴ. . . . g Writing 0 (20 points)
What Do Examinations Mean to Children in China?
Our culture emphasizes the importance of obedience and conformity. And the
best way to discipline students into listening to reason that we can think of so far is
examinations. So ours is a country of examinations. From ancient times to modern
age, from elementary schools to universities, people have been tested and tried. What
do examinations, then, mean to children in this country? Some claim them as a
double-edged sword, doing both good and harm to children. But as far as others (me
included) are concerned, they are only single cutting knife hurting kids.
First things first, exams can affect the children ’ s psyche, causing sometimes
unnecessary anxieties and a mountain of worries weighs heavily on the young minds.
The undesirable effects go beyond psychological. The children ’ s physical health is
also impaired and damaged. It is commonplace that a Chinese child studies
10-15hours a day seven days a week. Under such conditions, what has been
considered the nature of children has been distorted and deformed? Secondly,
children are so overwhelmed by all kinds of examinations that they cannot afford time
to practice their other abilities. Consequently, they are not handy enough and less
competent in coping with real problems. Finally, too many examinations suffocate
creative ability in children. Instead of being encouraged to do research into problems
on their own, they are given “standard” answer keys to cram for. Any other solution
than “standard” one is deemed to be wrong or heterodox and unacceptable. So their
desire for creation has been discouraged and doused. What is considered to be more
distressing by many is that they will find examination-oriented education hopeless to
produce Novel Prize laureates in China.
We are now already at a crossroad. Where should we turn to is crucial to the
future of our children, ourselves and this nation at large. Maybe, we are waiting for a
chance or some elite of this nation to change the course of history.
北航 08
V. g Writing 0 (20 points)
Directions: In this part you should write a composition of no less than 200 words.
How d Should e College Stu u u u s dents e Prepare r forL L L Li i i i fe?
Ⅴ. . . . g Writing 0 (20 points)
How Should College Students Prepare for Life?
As college students, we live in such a comfortable tower of ivory that all around
us is nothing but class assignments, exams, colloquies, social events and so on. But
after graduation, we are likely to enter another totally different world where life may
be full of arduousness and difficulty. So how can we college students skillfully and
successfully survive in the real world? How should we prepare for life? As far as I
observe, three qualities are indispensible, namely, adaptability, courage to face
difficulties and spirit of cooperation.
First things first, life keeps on changing, just as Forest Gump ’ s mom said, “Life
is like a box of chocolates and you never know what you’re gonna get”. The mobile
world has great demands for those who can easily adapt to the developing society but
what one has learned in college may soon turn outdated. So college students must be
capable of meeting the changing needs of life. Secondly, the real world is not always
so fair and beautiful as we imagine. Hardships and danger are inevitable in the long
journey of life. So whenever we meet with difficulties we shouldn’t be daunted and
defeated. On the contrary, we must face them bravely and strongly. Last but not least,
college students should learn how to cooperate with others. Upon leaving campus, we
will go for a new job, which means we are not isolated individuals but small parts of
an integrated organization. What accounts for much of the success of a task or project
is to a large extent friendly cooperation rather than frenzied competition. So the spirit
of competition is a very important element in life.
To sum up, college students should not be confined to the relative simplicity of
campus life but should strike a balance between the tower of ivory and real life. What
they should do is to make enough preparations ahead of time; to acquire three
necessary qualities---- adaptability, courage and the spirit of cooperation.


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