select substr(a.djxh,6) as id, (a.nd || a.yf) DECL_YM, a.zspm_dm as LEVY_ITEM_ID, b.zsxmmc as LEVY_ITEM_NAME, --||'--'||d.zspmmc 100 as DECL_STATUS, a.nsqx_dm as TAX_TERM_CODE, c.nsqxmc as TAX_TERM_NAME, to_char(a.sbqx, 'yyyyMMdd') as DECL_TREM, to_char(a.sjtb_sj, 'yyyyMM') as DATA_CREATE_YM, a.sjgsdq as area_code from ( select djxh, nd, yf, zspm_dm, nsqx_dm, sbqx, sjtb_sj, sjgsdq,zsxm_dm from tci.sb_ysbtj where zfbz_1 is null or zfbz_1 = 'N' and exists (select * from (select to_number('10124' || i.id) as iid from i_reg_account i where mgr_dept in (select t.org_id from i_organization t where t.isdirectguanhu = 1 start with (t.org_id = 24300900000) connect by prior t.org_id = t.parent_id)) d where djxh = iid) and trim(yf) = to_char(sysdate, 'MM') and nd = to_char(SysDate, 'YYYY') ) a left join dm_gy_zsxm b on a.zsxm_dm = b.zsxm_dm left join dm_gy_nsqx c on a.nsqx_dm = c.nsqx_dm