第9章 图论算法





 1     /**
 2      * void topsort() throws CycleFoundException
 3      * {
 4      *     for(int counter = 0; counter < NUM_VERTICES; counter++)
 5      *     {
 6      *         Vertex v = findNewVertexOfIndegreeZero();
 7      *         if(v = null)
 8      *              throw new CycleFoundException();
 9      *         v.topNum = counter;
10      *         for each Vertex w adjacent to v
11      *              w.indegree--;
12      *     }
13      * }
14      */


入度的计算由下面的代码实现,同理可见此计算的花销也是O(|E| + |V|),虽然其中有嵌套的循环。

1     /**
2      * for each Vertex v
3      *      v.indegree = 0;
4      *
5      * for each Vertex v
6      *      for each Vertex w adjacent to v
7      *          w.indegree++;
8      */




 1     /**
 2      * void topsort() throws CycleFoundException
 3      * {
 4      *     Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>( );
 5      *     int count = 0;
 6      *     
 7      *     for each Vertex v
 8      *          if(v.indegree == 0)
 9      *                  q.enqueue(v);
10      *                  
11      *     while(!q.isEmpty( ))
12      *     {
13      *         Vertex v = q.dequeue();l
14      *         v.topNum = ++counter;
15      *         
16      *         for each Vertex w adjacent to v
17      *              if(--w.indegree == 0)
18      *                      q.enqueue(w);
19      *     }
20      *     if(counter != NUM_VERTICES)
21      *          throw new CycleFoundException;
22      * }
23      */





 1     /**
 2      * void unweighted(Vertex s)
 3      * {
 4      *     for each Vertex v
 5      *     {
 6      *         v.dist = INFINITY;
 7      *         v.known = false;
 8      *     }
 9      *
10      *     s.dist = 0;
11      *
12      *     for(int currDist = 0; currDist < NUM_VERTICES; currDist++)
13      *          for each Vertex x
14      *              if(!v.known && v.dist == currDist)
15      *              {
16      *                  v.known = true;
17      *                  for each Vertex w adjacent to v
18      *                      if(w.dist == INFINITY)
19      *                      {
20      *                          w.dist = currDist + 1;
21      *                          w.path = x;
22      *                      }
23      *              }
24      * }
25      */




在迭代开始的时候,队列只含有距离为currDist的那些顶点。当添加距离为currDist + 1的那些邻接顶点时,由于它们自队尾入队,因此这就保证它们直到所有距离为currDist的顶点都被处理之后才被处理。在距离currDist处的最后一个顶点出队并被处理之后,队列只含有距离为currDist + 1的顶点,因此该过程将不断进行下去。

 1     /**
 2      * void unweighted(Vertex s)
 3      * {
 4      *     Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>;
 5      *
 6      *     for each Vertex v
 7      *          v.dist = INFINITY;
 8      *
 9      *     s.dist = 0;
10      *     q.enqueue(s);
11      *
12      *     while(!q.isEmpty())
13      *     {
14      *         Vertex v = q.dequeue();
15      *         
16      *         for each Vertex w adjacent to v
17      *              if(w.dist == INFINITY)
18      *              {
19      *                  w.dist = v.dist + 1;
20      *                  w.path = v;
21      *                  q.enqueue(w);
22      *              }
23      *     }
24      * }
25      */

使用与对拓扑排序进行同样的分析,我们看到,只要使用邻接表,则运行时间就是O(|E| + |V|)。





 1     /**
 2      * class Vertex
 3      * {
 4      *     public List adj;         // Adjacency List
 5      *     public boolean known;
 6      *     public DistType dist;    // DistType is probably int
 7      *     public Vertex path;
 8      *          // Other fields and methods as needed
 9      * }
10      */


 1     /**
 2      * void printPath(Vertex v)
 3      * {
 4      *     if(v != null)
 5      *     {
 6      *         printPath(v.path)
 7      *         System.out.print("to");
 8      *     }
 9      *     System.out.print(v);
10      * }
11      */


 1     /**
 2      * void dijkstra(Vertex s)
 3      * {
 4      *     for each Vertex v
 5      *     {
 6      *         v.dist = INFINITY;
 7      *         v.known = false;
 8      *     }
 9      *
10      *     s.dist = 0;
11      *
12      *     while(there is an unknown distance vertex)
13      *     {
14      *         Vertex v = smallest unknown distance vertex;
15      *
16      *         v.known = true;
17      *
18      *         for each Vertex w adjacent to v
19      *              if(!w.known)
20      *              {
21      *                  DistType cvw = cost of edge from v to w;
22      *
23      *                  if(v.dist + cvw < w.dist)
24      *                  {
25      *                      // Update w
26      *                      decrease(w.dist to v.dist + cvw);
27      *                      w.path = v;
28      *                  }
29      *              }
30      *     }
31      * }
32      */




 1    /**
 2      * void weightedNegative(Vertex v)
 3      * {
 4      *     Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>( );
 5      *
 6      *     for each Vertex v
 7      *          v.dist = INFINITY;
 8      *
 9      *     s.dist = 0;
10      *     q.enqueue(s);
11      *
12      *     while(!q.isEmpty())
13      *     {
14      *         Vertex v = q.dequeue();
15      *
16      *         for each Vertex w adjacent to v
17      *              if(v.dist + cvw < w.dist)
18      *              {
19      *                  //Update w
20      *                  w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
21      *                  w.path = v;
22      *                  if(w is not already in q)
23      *                      q.enqueue(w);
24      *              }
25      *     }
26      * }
27      */







松弛时间 = 最晚完成时间 - 最早完成时间。






getChainFromPreviousMap使用prev Map和second,它是Map中的一个关键字并返回用于形成词梯的那些单词,通过prev向后工作。通过使用LinkedList并在前头插入,我们得到以正确顺序排列的词梯。

 1     public static List<String>
 2     findChain(Map<String, List<String>>adjacentWords, String first, String second)
 3     {
 4         Map<String, String> previousWord = new HashMap<>();
 5         LinkedList<String> q = new LinkedList<>();
 7         q.addLast(first);
 8         while (!q.isEmpty())
 9         {
10             String current = q.removeFirst();
11             List<String> adj = adjacentWords.get(current);
13             if (adj != null)
14                 for (String adjWord : adj)
15                     if (previousWord.get(adjWord) == null)
16                     {
17                         previousWord.put(adjWord, current);
18                         q.addLast(adjWord);
19                     }
20         }
21         previousWord.put(first, null);
23         return getChainFromPreviousMap(previousWord, first, second);
24     }
26     public static List<String> getChainFromPreviousMap(Map<String, String> prev, String first, String second)
27     {
28         LinkedList<String>result = null;
30         if (prev.get(second) != null)
31         {
32             result = new LinkedList<>();
33             for (String str = second; str != null; str = prev.get(str))
34                 result.addLast(str);
35         }
36         return result;
37     }



9.5.2 Kruskal算法

 1     /**
 2      * ArrayList<Edge>kruskal(List<Edge>edges, int numVertices)
 3      * {
 4      *     DisjSets ds = new DisjSets(numVertices);
 5      *     PriorityQueue<Edge>pq = new Priority<edges>;
 6      *     List<Edge> mst = new ArrayList<>();
 7      *
 8      *     while(mst.size() != numVertices - 1)
 9      *     {
10      *         Edge e = pq.deleteMin();
11      *         SetType uset = ds.find(e.getu());
12      *         SetType vset = ds.dind(e.getv());
13      *
14      *         if(uset != vset)
15      *         {
16      *             // Accept the edge
17      *             mst.add(e);
18      *             ds.union(uset, vset);
19      *         }
20      *     }
21      *     return mst;
22      * }
23      */



9.6 深度优先搜索模板(伪代码)

1     /**
2      * void dfs(Vertex v)
3      * {
4      *     v.visited = true;
5      *     for each Vertex w adjacent to v
6      *          if(!w.visited)
7      *              dfs(w);
8      * }
9      */






 1     /**
 2      * void assignNum(Vertex v)
 3      * {
 4      *     v.num = counter++;
 5      *     v.visited = true;
 6      *     for each Vertex w adjacent to v
 7      *          if(!w.visited)
 8      *          {
 9      *              w.parent = v;
10      *              assignNum(w);  
11      *          }
12      * }
13      */




 1     /**
 2      * // Assign low; also check for articulation points.
 3      * void assignLow(Vertex v)
 4      * {
 5      *     v.low = v.num;
 6      *     for each Vertex w adjacent to v
 7      *     {
 8      *         if(w.num > v.num)
 9      *         {
10      *             assignLow(w);
11      *             if(w.low >= v.num)
12      *                  System.out.println(v + "is an articulation point");
13      *             v.low = min(v.low, w.low);
14      *         }
15      *         else
16      *         if(v.parent != w)
17      *             v.low = min(v.low, w.num);
18      *     }
19      * }
20      */





 1     /**
 2      * void findArt(Vertex v)
 3      * {
 4      *     v.visited = true;
 5      *     v.low = v.num = counter++;
 6      *     for each Vertex w adjacent to v
 7      *     {
 8      *         if(!w.visited)
 9      *         {
10      *             w.parent = v;
11      *             findArt(w);
12      *             if(w.low >= v.num)
13      *                  System.out.println(v + " is an articulation point");
14      *             v.low = min(v.low, w.low);
15      *         }
16      *         else
17      *         if(v.parent != w)
18      *              v.low = min(v.low, w.num);
19      *     }
20      * }
21      */



9.49 编写一个程序计算其单字母替换取值为1,而单字母添加或删除取值p > 0的词梯,取值由用户指定。

  1 import java.io.File;
  2 import java.util.ArrayList;
  3 import java.util.Scanner;
  5 public class WordLadder
  6 {
  7     static int INFINITY = 99999;
  9     private static class Vertex
 10     {
 11         Vertex()
 12         {
 13             adj = new ArrayList<>();
 14             weight = new ArrayList<>();
 15         }
 16         public ArrayList<Integer> adj;      // Adjacent list
 17         public ArrayList<Integer> weight;   // Weight list
 18         public boolean known;
 19         public int dist;
 20         public String name;
 21         public int path;
 22     }
 24     /**
 25      * Print shortest path to v after dijkstra has run.
 26      * Assume that the path exists.
 27      */
 28     static void printPath(int vIndex, ArrayList<Vertex>V)
 29     {
 30         if (vIndex >= 0 && V.get(vIndex).path > -1)
 31         {
 32             printPath(V.get(vIndex).path, V);
 33             System.out.println(" to ");
 34         }
 35         System.out.println(V.get(vIndex).name);
 36     }
 38     static void dijkstra(int sIndex, int tIndex, ArrayList<Vertex>Vertices)
 39     {
 40         int smallestDist;
 41         int smallestVertex;
 42         Vertex s, v, t;
 43         int n = Vertices.size();
 45         for ( ; ; )
 46         {
 47             smallestDist = INFINITY;
 48             smallestVertex = -1;
 50             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 51             {
 52                 if (!Vertices.get(i).known && Vertices.get(i).dist < smallestDist)
 53                 {
 54                     smallestDist = Vertices.get(i).dist;
 55                     smallestVertex = i;
 56                 }
 57             }
 59             if (smallestVertex < 0 || smallestVertex == tIndex)
 60                 break;
 62             Vertices.get(smallestVertex).known = true;
 63             v = Vertices.get(smallestVertex);
 65             for (int j = 0; j < v.adj.size(); j++)
 66             {
 67                 if (!(Vertices.get(v.adj.get(j))).known)
 68                 {
 69                     if (v.dist + v.weight.get(j) < Vertices.get(v.adj.get(j)).dist)
 70                     {
 71                         // Update w
 72                         Vertices.get(v.adj.get(j)).dist = v.dist + v.weight.get(j);
 73                         Vertices.get(v.adj.get(j)).path = smallestVertex;
 74                     }
 75                 }
 76             }
 77         }
 78     }
 80     static ArrayList<Vertex>readWords(Scanner in)
 81     {
 82         String oneLine = new String();
 83         ArrayList<Vertex>v = new ArrayList<>();
 84         while (in.hasNext())
 85         {
 86             oneLine = in.next();
 87             Vertex w = new Vertex();
 88             w.name = oneLine;
 89             w.known = false;
 90             w.path = -1;
 91             w.dist = INFINITY;
 92             v.add(w);
 93         }
 94         return v;
 95     }
 97     static int oneCharOff(String word1, String word2, int p)
 98     {
 99         String big, small, shrink;
100         int cost;
102         if (Math.abs((int)(word1.length() - word2.length())) > 1)
103             return 0;
104         else
105             if (word1.length() == word2.length())
106             {
107                 int diffs = 0;
109                 for (int i = 0; i < word1.length(); i++)
110                     if (word1.charAt(i) != word2.charAt(i))
111                         if (++diffs > 1)
112                             return 0;
113                 if (diffs == 1)
114                     return 1;
115             }
117             if (word2.length() > word1.length())
118             {
119                 big = word2;
120                 small = word1;
121             }
122             else
123             {
124                 big = word1;
125                 small = word2;
126             }
128             for (int i = 0; i < big.length(); i++)
129             {
130                 shrink = big.substring(0, i) + big.substring(i + 1,big.length());
131                 if (shrink.compareTo(small) == 0)
132                     return p;
133             }
135             return 0;
136     }
138     // fills the adjacency lists for all words in the dictionary
139     static void fillAdjacencies(ArrayList<Vertex>words, int p)
140     {
141         int cost;
143         for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
144             for (int j = i + 1; j < words.size(); j++)
145             {
146                 cost = oneCharOff(words.get(i).name, words.get(j).name, p);
147                 if (cost > 0)
148                 {
149                     words.get(i).adj.add(i);
150                     words.get(i).weight.add(cost);
151                     words.get(j).adj.add(j);
152                     words.get(j).weight.add(cost);
153                 }
154             }
155     }
157     public static void main(String[] args)
158     {
159         int p = 0;
160         int w1Index, w2Index;
161         String w1 = new String();
162         String w2 = new String();
163         Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
164         Scanner dict;
165         try
166         {
167             dict = new Scanner(new File("dict.txt"));
168         }
169         catch (Exception e)
170         {
171             System.out.println("Error opening dictionary file");
172             return;
173         }
175         System.out.println("What is the cost of single char deletions: ");
176         p = input.nextInt();
178         ArrayList<Vertex>words = readWords(dict);
180         do
181         {
182             System.out.println("Enter two words in the dictionary: ");
183             w1 = input.next();
184             w2 = input.next();
185             // Find their indices(here is where a map would be superior)
186             // However all other accesses are now in O(1) time
187             for (w1Index = 0; w1Index < words.size() && (words.get(w1Index).name).compareTo(w1) != 0; w1Index++);
188             for (w2Index = 0; w2Index < words.size() && (words.get(w2Index).name).compareTo(w2) != 0; w2Index++);
189         }while (w1Index >= words.size() || w2Index >= words.size());
191         fillAdjacencies(words,p);           // make the adjacency list
192         dijkstra(w1Index, w2Index, words);  // use dijkstra's algorithm
193         System.out.println();
194         printPath(w2Index,words);           // print the result
195         System.out.println();
196     }
197 }







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