311015040 计算机网络 (A 闭) 2010-2011-2
1. Abbreviation Expansion. There are 10 abbreviations of term below. Please expand
these abbreviations to the complete terms in either English or Chinese. (10 points,
1 point for each abbreviation)
(1) MTU [ ] (2) CSMA [ ]
(3).OSPF [ ] (4).ICMP [ ]
(5).LAN [ ] (6).BGP [ ]
(7).ADSL [ ] (8).FTP [ ]
(9).MIME [ ] (10).DHCP [ ]
2. Multiple Choice (24 points, 2 points for each question)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(1). Which of the following IP address doesn’t belong to the /9 network?
A. B. 1 C.20 D. 29
(2). Which of the following physical medium belongs to unguided media?
A. Twisted-Pair Copper Wire B. Coaxial Cable C. Fiber Optics D. Radio Channels
(3). Which of the following is true about ARP and learning bridges?
A. A learning bridge maintains state that maps IP addresses to hardware (MAC) addresses.
B. A learning bridge maintains state that maps MAC addresses to IP addresses.
C. A host’s ARP table maintains state that maps IP addresses to hardware (MAC) addresses.
D. A host’s ARP table maintains state that maps hardware addresses to IP addresses.
(4). Which of the following services is not provi