[Microsoft .NET Architecting Applications for the Enterprise] 学习笔记---软件架构理论部分...

       差不多从2年前开始关注有关软件架构方面的内容,但终因底子不够厚实而在该领域上显得举步维艰.书找了不少,也尝试阅读了几本经典,但大多偏向理论,待到真正实践起来,又觉得无从下手.学习的目的还是为用于实践, 从今天起打算转换一下思路, 结合具体的框架或具体的环境进行一下学习.因为对.NET应用较多,我选择了<<Microsoft .NET Architecting Applications for the Enterprise>> 一书, 中文名应该叫<<.Net 软件架构之美>>,希望能通篇阅读一下,并从中汲取到技术营养. 学习贵在坚持, 努力,加油.


1)软件需求分功能性需求及非功能性需求.非功能性需求也是软件合同的一部分. 非功能性需求一般是指 安全,性能, 扩展性, 可维护性等等.

  Software Requirements include functional requirements & non-functional requirements.

2)有关功能性需求(functional requirements)的规格说明书(Specifications) 一般是通过User Stories 或 Use Cases来表达的.

  Specifications for functional requirements are commonly expressed through user stories or use cases.


   根据ISO/IEC 42010标准, 架构师是一个为系统架构负责的人,团队或组织.其负责与分析师及项目经理的沟通协作, 对系统进行   评价,给出建设性意见, 并协调整个开发团队.

   架构师要参与到整个项目周期的各个阶段,包括需求分析, 架构设计,实现,测试,整合及部署.


     1, 确认需求(Acknowledging Requirements) 2, 划分子系统(Break down the system into smaller subsystems) 3, 确认及评估技术(Indentifying & Evaluating Technologies)

    4, 系统制定规格说书(Formulating Specifications)



Title: Microsoft NET – Architecting Applications for the Enterprise 2nd Edition Author: Andrea Saltarello Dino Esposito Length: 416 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: Microsoft Press Publication Date: 2014 09 18 ISBN 10: 0735685355 ISBN 13: 9780735685352 A software architect’s digest of core practices pragmatically applied Designing effective architecture is your best strategy for managing project complexity–and improving your results But the principles and practices of software architecting–what the authors call the “science of hard decisions”–have been evolving for cloud mobile and other shifts Now fully revised and updated this book shares the knowledge and real world perspectives that enable you to design for success–and deliver more successful solutions In this fully updated Second Edition you will: Learn how only a deep understanding of domain can lead to appropriate architecture Examine domain driven design in both theory and implementation Shift your approach to code first model later–including multilayer architecture Capture the benefits of prioritizing software maintainability See how readability testability and extensibility lead to code quality Take a user experience UX first approach rather than designing for data Review patterns for organizing business logic Use event sourcing and CQRS together to model complex business domains more effectively Delve inside the persistence layer including patterns and implementation Table of Contents Part I Foundation Chapter 1 Architects And Architecture Today Chapter 2 Designing For Success Chapter 3 Principles Of Software Design Chapter 4 Writing Software Of Quality Part II Devising The Architecture Chapter 5 Discovering The Domain Architecture Chapter 6 The Presentation Layer Chapter 7 The Mythical Business Layer Part III Supporting Architectures Chapter 8 Introducing Domain Model Chapter 9 Implementing Domain Model Chapter 10 Introducing Cqrs Chapter 11 Implementing Cqrs Chapter 12 Introducing Event Sourcing Chapter 13 Implementing Event Sourcing Part IV Infrastructure Chapter 14 The Persistence Layer">Title: Microsoft NET – Architecting Applications for the Enterprise 2nd Edition Author: Andrea Saltarello Dino Esposito Length: 416 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: Microsoft Press Publication Date: 2014 09 18 ISBN 10: 0735685355 ISBN 13: 9780735685352 A software architect’s dig [更多]




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