打造自己的MyLifeOrganized 2(MLO2)云同步


0x01 官方云同步,付费也很卡


0x02 屌丝的春天,免费云同步




0x03 私有云同步,纵享丝滑来


  1. 用FTP同步功能,就可以解决文件被占用无法立即同步的问题了;
  2. 通过域名就可以解决手机wifi同步需要频繁修改IP的问题;
  3. 软件部署在自己服务器上就可以解决外出无法及时同步的问题了;


  • 域名你可以用免费的花生壳之类的ddns服务,也可以像我一个购买一个域名再加上DNSPod,速度快很多;
  • 公网IP(不是固定IP哦,重启路由器会变的),家里可能没有公网IP,比如我用的铁通宽带,可以打电话到10086申请,一般都会给你;
  • 服务器,自己想办法吧,单独为这么个功能购买云服务器有点不划算。我刚好家里跑着一台Gen8服务器(装了Windows Server2012+Seafile作为NAS,24小时运行费不了多少电,当然也可以设置夜里自动休眠早上自动唤醒,私密性比那些免费的网盘好,又不用担心哪天网盘关闭的问题);
  • FTP我用的是FileZilla(尝试过用IIS自带的FTP,最后还是失败了,数据传输总是不成功);
  1. 总的思路就是在服务器上放一个 “.ml”文件,作为数据中心,通过FTP开放给PC,再做一个小软件开放给手机。
  2. PC软件通过FTP同步(也可以用含自动同步功能的云盘来进行同步,不过MLO软件打开的时候会占用文件,需要关闭后才可以同步,还不如FTP同步按一下F9就可以了);
  3. 服务器上需要安装MLO软件作为手机wifi同步的服务端,但是“.ml”文件又不能一直打开,否则文件被占用FTP就不能同步了。所以这里,我们需要一个小软件,当手机wifi同步的时候打开“.ml”文件,同步完成后关闭它。
  4. 小软件的原理也很简单:MLO软件打开后会监听21030端口(可以在注册表查看到该端口KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyLifeOrganized.net\MyLife\WiFiSync ) ,手机wifi同步的时候会连接到这个端口。我们可以通过路由器上的端口映射功能,拦截该端口,将21030端口转发到服务器的其他端口,比如 21031。我们的小软件监听21031,当有连接建立的时候说明需要手机wifi同步了,这时候小软件立即打开MLO软件(打开“.ml”文件),再与真实的21030建立连接,然后将两个连接的数据包互相转发即可,其实就是一个简单的SOCKET代理。最后,当一段时间没有数据通信的时候关闭MLO软件(关闭“.ml”文件)。

最终效果 (3M大图 流量预警)


  1. 在路由器上将FTP端口映射出去,包括控制端口和数据端口;
  2. 路由器上将21030端口映射到服务器21031端口上;
  3. 服务器上安装MLO软件,并在 Tools|Options|Behaviour 页面,将“Close to system tray” 的对勾去掉。
  4. 小软件拷到服务器上,并配置MLO2Syncer.exe.config文件;
  5. 手机第一次同步的时候需要远程登录到服务器上,进行一次PIN码匹配;

MLO2Syncer 小软件下载
源代码 C# & .NET 4.0 & VS2010

转载请注明原作者和出处: http://www.cnblogs.com/djian/p/mylifeorganized-own-clound-sync.html


MyLifeOrganized Application ---------------------------- Thank you for downloading MyLifeOrganized application (MLO). Web site: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/ Discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/MyLifeOrganized Reviews: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/reviews-and-articles.html E-mail: info@mylifeorganized.net What is MyLifeOrganized? ------------------------- MyLifeOrganized is a simple yet powerful personal time and task management software application. Use built-in outliner to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree and MyLifeOrganized will generate a simple to-do list of actions for you. This list will contain only those actions which require immediate attention and will be sorted in order of priority so that you can stay focused on what is really important to you. The PocketPC edition of MyLifeOrganized could be synced with desktop editon. MyLifeOrganized can also be synced with your MS Outlook. Simply minimize MLO to your system tray where it is available for your next thought or task. Please visit http://www.mylifeorganized.net for more details. Join MLO community at: http://groups.google.com/group/MyLifeOrganized How to install -------------- 1. If you downloaded MLO installer "MLO-Setup.exe" just run it and follow the instructions. Previous MLO versions will be updated automatically (no uninstall needed) 2. If you downloaded zip file: "mlo.zip" then no installation needed. Just unzip files to a folder of your choice and run the application mlo.exe. How to uninstall ---------------- 1. If you used MLO installer to install the program use "Add or Remove Programs" from your Windows Control Panel to completely uninstall MLO. 2. If you used zip archive to install MLO, simply delete all the files from the folder you copied the application to. Installing components needed to sync with PocketPC --------------------------------------------------- There is a PocketPC edition of MyLifeOrganized application which can be synced with Desktop edition. You can download MLO PocketPC edition from official site: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/downloads/ To sync tasks with MyLifeOrganized PocketPC edition there should be two components installed: 1) MLO-Desktop application with Windows Mobile Sync Manager (Desktop side) 2) MLO-PocketPC application with ActiveSync Provider (PocketPC side) How to install or update MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager 1) If you already have previous version of MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager installed 1.1) Uncradle your device 1.2) Close ActiveSync window. (This is needed to release all used dlls). 1.3) Close MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager window (located in tray) 2) Run MLO-Setup.exe 3) On the Components page of the installation wizard select "Windows Mobile Sync" check box. 5) Click Next and follow the instructions. Note: You might need to have administrator rights on your computer to install MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager. How to install or update MLO PocketPC on your device 1) Close MyLifeOrganized PocketPC application on your device 2) Cradle your device 3) Download from website EXE or CAB installation and follow the instructions to install MLO-PocketPC on your device 4) Perform soft reset of your device if installation program warns you that it is needed Once you installed all the components you need to configure the synchronization. Please refer to the help documentation for more details about sync configuration. Files ----- mlo.exe - MyLifeOrganized application mlo.chm - Help documentation MLOWMSync.exe - MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager (optional). Used to sync with MLO-PocketPC edition mloSync.dll - MLO data provider (optional). Used to access MLO data files during sync to MLO-PocketPC edition MLOWMSync.exe.log - MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager log file mloSync.dll.log - MLO data provider log file Templates\*.mlt - MLO templates Reports\*.* - MLO print report templates Reports\PocketMod\*.* - MLO PocketMod report templates Sound\*.* - MLO reminders sound files Themes\*.mlthm - MLO themes LICENSE ------- There are three versions of MyLifeOrganized application: 1) Freeware version - Light Edition with limited functionality 2) Free 45-day Trial Version 3) Registered version (Standard Edition or Professional Edition). You can find out what version you have by checking the About window at Help->About menu. MyLifeOrganized trial version is a commercial application. You can use it free of charge for evaluation purposes for no more then 45 days. After that you need to register your copy. Please read license.txt for licensing terms. Distribution ------------ You can freely distribute this archive. Please inform us via e-mail ( info@mylifeorganized.net ) about that. MyLifeOrganized - Change Log ----------------------------- The complete change log can be found on our website: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/change-log.htm -------------- Thanks to Mark James for his Silk icon set we used in MyLifeOrganized application: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/




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