



- G! O1 C  V6 W3 o, {8 _
    The English language abounds with contractions.  Additionally, many new contractions and relaxed pronunciations, also known as condensed pronunciations, have come into use.  Many are simple and merely the product of common speech, such as "Would chu like to go to the movies?" or "Whaddya say?".  Others are results of popular culture, such as "wassup" and "y'know".  Some, however, are obscure, little-used oddities of hasty speech.  Take this one for example: "squeat" - it stands for "let's go eat", so in a way, it is a contraction of a contraction. Its derivation is also unusual as there is no q or u in the original phrase and over half of the original letters have been deleted.  This page is designed to be a reference database, from the mundane to the esoteric, of all contractions and relaxed pronunciations.  Pleasoy.
; ~! e! i5 d) x% L/ K

A...as.p.... the - or - ... to - or - ... ofn/a
acouplanp.a couple ofI have acoupla shoes.
ah'icynv.Ah, I seeAh'icy, that's how it works.
ain'tc.adv.v.am not  - or - is not  - or - are not  - or - have not  - or - has notI ain't hungry.
ain'tchas.p.are you notAin'tcha hungry?
algoi.s.I will goAlgo next.
alottanp.a lot ofI have alotta fish.
an's.andGet me some bread an' milk.
...'ans.p.... thann/a
aortas.p.I ought toAorta get some milk.
appearc.p.p.up hereThere are alotta farms appear.
atomc.p.p.at him  - or - at themUp and atom!
awayzawayc.adj.a ways awayThe last day of school is quite awayzaway, sadly.
awreddys.alreadyWe have to leave awreddy?
Bbackwardsc.n.back woodsI like it in the backwards.
bayouc.p.p.by youThe crayons are bayou.
beatchanv.beat youI betcha Ican beatcha!
betchanv.bet youI betcha Ican beatcha!
better'an s.p.better thanChocolate is better'an vanilla.
bleevs.believeI bleev that'll happen!
'bouts.about'Tis 'bout 3 o'clock.
bruddas.brotherHe's m' brudda.
'byei.s.good bye'Bye!
Ccan'tc.adv.v.can notI can't do that.
can'tchaq.can you notCan'tcha get me a glass of coffee
cannac.adv.v.can notI canna take that class.
canu'comq.can you comeCanu'com to the party?
caras.p.care ofI take cara yo' car.
certainly'dc.adv.v.certainly hadHe certainly'd done that yesterday.
chas.youCha can't do that!
'charq.which are'Char yours?
chilluns.childrenI take cara the chillun.
'chizq.which is'Chiz the right car?
ch'lookinatq.[are] you looking atCh'lookinat me?
chores.yourIs that chore ball?
'chotherc.n.each otherY'all should help 'chother out.
'chouti.s.Watch out!'Chout! I'm hittin' the ball!
chus.[are] youWhat chu doin'?
c'merenv.come hereC'mere!
c'mons.p.come onC'mon over here!
cnicomeq.can I comeCnicome wit'chu?
couldac.adv.v.could haveI coulda done it.
couldna / couldn't'vec.adv.v.could not haveI couldna noticed that.
couldn'everc.adv.v.could not everI couldn'ever make it.
couldn'itq.could it not?Couldn'it be a good idea?
couldn'tc.adv.v.could notI couldn't see it.
could'vec.adv.v.could haveI could've eaten it.
could'jaq.could youCould'ja 'splain it for me?
couplas.p.couple ofI have a coupla shoes.
crects.correctI've gotta crect some papers.
'cuzs.because'Cuz I want to.
Dd's.theI'm in d' house
...'dnv.... would - or - ... hadn/a
das.theIt's da best hotel here.
dairc.n.the airCan you feel dair?
dats.thatDat is fine.
deckq....the heckWhat d'eck???
dems.themDem flies are huge!
dentc.adv.v.did notI dent do it.
did'ja / didjaq.did youDid'ja catch anythin'?
didn'tc.adv.v.did notIt didn't hurt.
diff'rn'ts.differentThat's diff'rn't than the other one.
diss.thisIs dis fo' me?
d'jeatq.did you eatD'jeat yet?
d'jyavaq.did you have aD'jyava car last year?
'drothernv.I'd rather'Drother be watchin' a movie.
'drotherss.p.[What] I'd ratherIf I had my 'drothers, I wouldn't be doin' chores.
dodadnv.do, dadWhat will you dodad?
doin's.doingHow are ya doin'?
don't'cha / don'tchaq.do you notPretty cool, don't'cha think?
dunnitnv.[has] done it - or - done itThat shoulda dunnit.
dunnos.p.do not knowI dunno.
...'d'venv.... would haven/a
d'yavaq.do you have aD'yava car?
E'ers.herLet 'er drift.
'ems.themGet 'em!
Ffigroutc.adv.v.figure outI'll figrout this puzzle soon.
fullas.p.full ofYou're fulla beans!
fo's.forIs dis fo' me?
forumc.p.p.for themI was just lookin' forum.
forwardsc.n.four wordsThat sentence is only forwards.
f'ynos.p.if you knowF'yno how to do that, then do it.
Gg'bye / g'byi.s.good byeG'bye!
g'dayi.s.good dayG'day!
gimmenv.give meGimme it!
getcha / gitchunv.get youI'm gunna gitchu fo' dat!
g'nighti.s.good nightG'night everybody!
g'offs.p.get offG'off that!
gons.p.go onCan I gon the ride?
gotcha / gotchunv.got youI gotcha now!
gotchernadj.got yourVue gotcher new car yet?
gottas.p.[have] got toGotta go!
g'toffs.p.get offG'toff that!
gunna / gonnas.p.going toAre you gunna eat that?
Hhad'n'edn'edn'yetc.adv.v.had not even eaten yetYou had'n'edn'edn'yet?
haftas.p.have toI hafta go soon.
has'n'edn'edn'yetc.adv.v.has not even eaten yetHe has'n'edn'edn'yet?
havas.p.have aI hava car.
havitnv.have itD'ya havit here yet?
hav'n'edn'edn'yetc.adv.v.have not even eaten yetYou hav'n'edn'edn'yet?
heckas.p.heck of aThat's one hecka good car!
heckalotas.p.heck of a lot ofThat's a heckalota pizza!
he'dnv.he wouldHe'd like that.
he'd'venv.he would haveHe'd've done better if he had the chance.
here'sc.adv.v.here isHere's something.
heresynv.here, seeThe car's heresy.
he'snv.he isHe's fine.
he'sn'tnv.he is notHe'sn't very good, Izzy?
hold'emnv.hold themHold'em here for a while.
howayaq.how are youHowaya doin'?
how'req.how areHow're they all gonna fit in that truck?
howzatq.how is thatHowzat gonna work?
IIcannv.I canIcan do better'an that!
icynv.I seeIcy, that's how it works.
I'dnv.I wouldI'd have done better.
I'd'venv.I would haveI'd've done better.
I'laftabes.p.I will have to beI'laftabe quicker'an you!
I'llnv.I willI'll do better'an you!
'ims.himAin't gunna do any good for 'im.
I'mnv.I amI'm fine.
I'mn'tnv.I am notI'mn't here!
imananv.I am going toImana go mow the lawn now.
initiates.p.and then she ateFirst, she ate the corn, initiate the peas.
isn'tc.adv.v.is notThat isn't funny.
it'llnv.it willIt'll be a sunny day.
izzyq.is heIzzy good?
Jjaskq.did you askWhy jask?
jinq.[are] you inJin the bathroom?
jlikeq.[did] you likeJlike the movie?
juq.did youWhat ju want?
kindac.p.kind ofI'm feelin' kinda hungry.
Llemmenadv.let meLemme use that!
letchanadv.let youWhy should I letcha borrow my car?
let'ernv.let herLet'er drift.
...'llnv.... willn/a
lottanp.lot ofI have a lotta fish.
Mm's.myYeah, this is m' car.
mas.momI'm home ma!
mayonnaises.p.man, there isMayonnaise alotta people here!
m'boynadj.my boyC'mere, m'boy.
melpuq.may I help youMelpu with this?
mightac.adv.v.might haveI mighta been able to do that.
'mups.p.I am up'Mup now.
mustn'tc.adv.v.must notI mustn't do that.
N'n's.andWe need eggs 'n' milk.
'nets.internetThis is some cheap 'net access.
'neverythingnj.and everythingWe'll do, y'know, stuff 'neverything.
'nighti.s.good night'Night.
n'kui.s.thank youN'ku for the gift.
'nothers.AnotherThere's 'nother rock.
...n'tc.adv.v.... notn/a
'nuffs.enoughThat's 'nuff.
Oo's.ofThat's a big bag o' chips.
offas.p.off ofGet offa me!
o'icynv.Oh, I seeO'icy, that's how it works.
ominanv.I'm going toOmina tell you somethin'.
or'ds.p.or didHe went right, or'd he go left?
oughtas.p.ought toI oughta leave.
outta / outac.p.out ofGet 'im outta here!
Ppas.pop (dad)I'm home pa.
pastas.p.pass thePasta pasta.
phis.p.if IPhi were to help you, what would I get?
pickinesenv.picking theseSo, you'll be pickinese.
pleasoyi.s.please enjoyPleasoy the show.
polarons.p.pull her onJust polaron the ride, will ya?
'posts.supposedWhat am I 'post to do?
prapss.perhapsPraps that might work.
prollys.probablyIt'll prolly happen.
Qquicker'ans.p.quicker thanYou'laftabe quicker'an that!
R...'renv.... aren/a
readingnv.we are eatingC'mon - reading now.
robins.robbingAre ya robin me?
S...'snv.... isn/a
'safternoonnadj.this afternoonLet's go sometime 'safternoon.
'salmostc.adv.v.is almostThat 'salmost enough.
'scuses.excuse'Scuse me.
'seati.s.Let us eat'Seat now!
she'dnv.she wouldShe'd like that.
she'd'venv.she would haveShe'd've done better if she had the chance.
she'snv.she isShe's fine.
she'sn'tnv.she is notShe'sn't very good, is she?
shouldac.adv.v.should haveI shoulda bought it.
shouldna / shouldn't'vec.adv.v.should not haveI shouldna bought it.
shouldn'everc.adv.v.should not everYou shouldn'ever play with matches.
shouldn'itq.should it notShouldn'it be fun?
shouldn'tc.adv.v.should notI shouldn't eat too much.
should'vec.adv.v.should haveI should've seen it.
should'jaq.should youShould'ja go now?
'skoi.s.let us go'Sko to the store!
s'mlunchnadj.some lunchLet's have s'mlunch.
'smornin'nadj.this morningLet's go sometime 'smornin'.
snotnv.it is notSnot too bad.
'snothin'i.s.it is nothing'Snothin'.
snows.p.is no[There] snow way!
s'nuffnv.is enoughThat s'nuff.
sodac.p.sort ofIt's soda good.
soicannv.so you canSoican watch anythin' ya want.
so.k.s.p.so, o.k.So.k., is that a good idea?
sortac.p.sort ofIt's sorta good.
'splains.explain Could'ja 'splain it for me?
'spossiblei.s.it is possible'Spossible that I could make it.
squeati.s.let us go eatSqueat right now!
sreadyi.s.it is readySready.
stuff'snv.stuff hasThis stuff's been great.
sumgruficsnadj.some graphicsI make sumgrufics.
summernp.some ofCan I have summer that?
'supq.what is up?'Sup!
swearq.so, where...Swear we goin'?
swegoinq.so, [are] we going...Swegoin now?
swegunaq.so, [are] we going to...Sweguna go?
swenq.so, when...Swen is it?
swhyq.so, why...Swhy did it happen?
switchq.so, which...Switch place do ya wanna eat at?
Tt's.toI'm goin' t' the mall.
takas.p.take aI wanna taka shower.
talkas.p.talk toI'm trying to talka you.
'tarq.what are'Tar you doin'?
taters.potatoI'll have a tater.
taterss.potatoesI'll have some baked taters.
t'days.todayI'm goin' there t'day.
telpuc.p.p.to help youThat won't do much telpu.
temps.temperatureWhat's the temp like?
there'dc.adv.v.there wouldThere'd be something good.
there'sc.adv.v.there isThere's nothing there.
they'renv.they areThey're here!
thistlenv.this willThistle do it.
'tisnv.it is'Tis good.
'tisn'tnv.it is not'Tisn't good.
told'ja / toleja / toldjanv.told youI told'ja already!
to'ves.p.to haveI like to've coffee.
trynas.p.[are] trying toYou tryna rip me off?
tseasyi.s.it is easyTseasy to find food here.
tsnots.p.it is not Tsnot very fun.
'twasnv.it was'Twas the night before chtristmas.
'twasn'tnv.it was not'Twasn't the right thing to do.
t'yers.p.to yourThe bathroom is t'yer left.
Uuhs.of - or - aI'll have uh bag uh chips.
Vvuenv.have youI've seen it, vue?
Wwait'lls.p.wait, I will - or - wait, will - or -    wait untilWait'll do something. - or - Wait'll that do it? - or -    Wail'll it's done.
w'allnadj.we allW'all better go and help 'im.
wanna / wannus.p.want toI wanna work it out.
wassamatta / whazzamattaq.what is the matter?Wassamatta wit'chu?
wassonq.what is on?Wasson the TV?
wassupq.what is up?Whassup, man?
wat'chouti.s.Watch out!Wat'chout for that piano!
we'nsnadj.we ones We'ns are goin' for a walk .
weren'tnv.we are notIf weren't back in an hour, call me.
whaddya / wuddayaq.what do youWhaddya think?
whatchamacallit / wuddayacallitc.n.what you may call it - or -       what do you call itUse the whatchamacallit.
whatayaq.what are youWhataya doin'?
what'chaq.what do youWhat'cha think?
whatchaq.what are youWhatcha doin'?
whatchuq.what do you - or - what are you Whatchu think?
what'dq.what didWhat'd that do?
what'llq.what willWhat'll that do?
what'req.what areWhat're those?
what'sq.what isWhat's that?
what'saq.what is the - or - what is aWhat'sa problem here?
whattaq.what doWhatta ya think?
whenayaq.when are youWhenaya gettin' home?
whenjaq.when [are] youWhenja gettin' home?
where'dq.where didWhere'd ya go?
where'renv.where areWhere're they?
whizq.who isWhiz the winner?
whodathunkiti.s.who would have thought it Whodathunkit?
whodunit / whodunnitq.who has done it - or - who did itWhodunit?
whomiq.who, me?Whomi?
whosureq.who is yourWhosure friend?
wijyadidjas.p.with you, did youYou didn't bring your truck wijyadidja?
willyaq.will youWillya let me borrow yo' car?
winters.p.went toI winter get some food.
wit'chu / witchuc.p.p.with youI'm wit'chu.
wanna / wonnas.p.want toI wanna gon the ride.
won'tc.adv.v.will notI won't eat that burger.
wouldac.adv.v.would haveI woulda done it.
wouldna / wouldn't'vec.adv.v.would not haveI wouldna noticed that!
wouldn'everc.adv.v.would not everI wouldn'ever think about it!
wouldn'itq.would it not?Wouldn'it be a good idea?
wouldn'tc.adv.v.would notI wouldn't mind.
would'vec.adv.v.would haveI would've eaten it.
wud'ja / wudjaq.what did youWud'ja do this weekend?
wuzatq.what is that?Wuzat for?
wuzisq.what is this?Wuzis for?
wuwuzatq.what was that?Wuwuzat???
wuwuzisq.what was this?Wuwuzis about?
Yyas.youYa doin' good?
y'ald'ves.p.you all would haveY'ald've done better if y'all practiced more.
y'allnadj.you allY'all coming?
y'almostnadj.you almostY'almost hit that car!
y'alsonadj.you alsoY'also think you can do that?
yarnv.you areYou think y'ar done, but y'arn't.
yarn'tnv.you are notYou think y'ar done, but y'arn't.
y'awakeq.[are] you awakeY'awake yet?
y'endnv.you endY'end this now.
yers.yourIs dat yer truck?
yienoi.s.yeah, I knowYieno.
yinnp.you inYin there?
yits.p.you itI'll give yit.
y'knownv.you knowIt's like, basically, y'know.
yo's.yourIs dat yo' car?
y'offnp.you offY'off the phone yet?
y'ontq.you wantY'ont some juice?
y'ontoq.[do] you want toY'onto go to the movies?
yottas.p.you ought toYotta call your friend.
you'laftabes.p.you will have to beYou'laftabe quicker'an that!
you'llnv.you willYou'll want all of this?
young'nsnadj.young ones Get those young'ns over there.
you'nsnadj.you'nsYou'ns better get over here!
you'renv.you areYou're in the house.
youstas.p.used toI yousta be good at golf.
youtnp.you outThat will help yout.
y'seenv.you seeY'see anythin'?
yucamini.s.[are] you coming?Yucamin?
yugonv.you goYugo over there.
y'understandq.you understandY'understand?
y'upnp.you upY'up there?
Zzitq.is itZit good?
Notes: 3 j4 x, s) J5 K7 H+ b' L' ~( L9 ]' Y
- Two words will be separated by / if it could be either word or multiple spellings
% j4 `: U+ F; ?6 S; k- f$ h  g - Two phrases will be separated by - or - if there are alternate meanings of the contraction
8 M" w( L$ H, l6 `7 C/ r3 { - A word or words will be enclosed by [brackets] if it does not contribute to the contraction's sound + c0 y' N- ?7 J$ \- i1 x+ _( `* F( Q
- ... stands for any appropriately used word(s) before or after the stated contraction - or - stands for the rest of the word if the contraction involves a prefix or suffix , e" U' ~+ ^) q7 E, S
+ L( h/ S' I' F) r" k' j/ _% R: w" K
P.o.s. - Part of speech 7 y2 q6 s3 R0 b! r- a
As these contractions can, and often are, multiple words spliced together, it is necessary to categorize parts of speech slightly differently.  Here are the original and new p.o.s. ) r% V) j4 E" {$ X3 j% V
Original / O7 B# p  c& X
n. - noun 7 V1 b+ r& C6 F- K- d4 d) a) T! G. i
pn. - pronoun ( _; L# e% |: O3 R- Y% A! s7 b
v. - verb $ V2 |4 |% O; r# W( u
adj. - adjectives
, o$ O- o8 z, A  G6 Y( Kadv. - adverbs - `4 `1 M5 p6 p" c) a" q1 R8 S! ^
prep. - prepositions
( U2 `( b( T: G/ econj. - conjunctions 9 g* Z4 _4 u3 n- R3 \
int. - interjections 6 z6 g+ N' @$ V3 @' \2 T
New ) x4 A! J0 _0 m
s. - (a) Short:
! j  b& {+ C6 h8 f  ~    This type is a shortened version of a word.  It is always just one word.  Its part of speech is the same as the original word. / f( Y1 E, v$ X. V& |
i.s. - Independent Sentence:
( P8 D$ }% Q& p1 g/ S$ _    This type can stand alone, and usually does.  It is an entire sentence compressed into one word.  It can also have a word (usually a noun) added on the end like: "Pleasoy the show" ' Z) P% c/ |) d1 I7 F
q. - Quizzitive:   V, O' O4 s2 ?; u. j2 n
    This type is a question word and a subject and/or verb all wrapped up in one.  For example: What do you think? >>> Whaddya think?
/ r& z& V# ^$ ^+ e6 D2 Nc.p.p. - Compressed Prepositional Phrase:
3 X+ X1 i: [$ H. D: L; u    This is a prepositional phrase compressed into one word. (can also have other incidental words added on)
* M( f) X2 o0 x+ e: l( L9 x5 @( }c.p. - Combination Preposition:
# o$ ]$ ]( V! M    This is multiple prepositions compressed into one word. (can also have other incidental words added on) % r: k, g' u1 I1 n, e
c.adj. - Combination Adjective:
3 \& i( L  g; A0 x6 v" i7 J! z    This is a few words combined into one word that acts as an adjective, but isn't a prepositional phrase.
& [6 ?# X( p4 [* ~4 e! Y! E& jc.adv. - Combination Adverb: 6 g$ Y2 Q4 C& Y9 h$ `( r
    This is a few words combined into one word that acts as an adverb, but isn't a prepositional phrase. . N% Z* G5 G5 h4 B) Z4 Q7 M
c.n. - Combination Noun:
' K% t! X9 N# S    This is a few words combined into one word that acts as a noun like "the air". % u3 V; B. m" J6 s$ I4 l
nv. - Nerb: & z$ ~; I( M: v
    This is a noun and a verb as one. (can also have other incidental words added on) " f# V8 n* t' p: C$ O: m3 M6 I
nadj. - Najective: ) w% z! g+ i5 L4 N  g6 J3 F( v
    This is a noun and an adjective as one. (can also have other incidental words added on)
+ t) j6 j' P5 _  {2 b3 I3 U* }5 y  [$ cnadv. - Nadverb:
* Q# N, r3 f  ~7 _6 @! a" T3 K" U    This is a noun and an adverb as one. (can also have other incidental words added on)
- j. A8 N; Q% H  wnp. - Nreposition: $ U3 g/ u5 a* E% L8 m9 Q
    This is a noun and a preposition as one. (can also have other incidental words added on) 7 y: S4 Y2 X6 H% s# {
nj. - Nonjuction: ' d2 |8 A0 h1 V$ ]0 J3 n" N) k
    This is a noun and a conjuction as one. (can also have other incidental words added on) * _0 A1 Y. ~) w% d7 [5 k9 H
c.adv.v. - Compressed Adverb(s) and Verb " h- h) o6 @* ^1 y& E8 H
    This is a verb and (an) adverb(s) added together. (can also have other incidental words added on)
3 N" ?! T  j& e" |) a9 Us.p. - Short Phrase 9 h" _+ f( G: z' J& {3 m0 F# a, q
    This is a combination of words that don't really do anything by themselves or have ambiguous or combined meaning.  It could be multiple prepositions or adjectives, or anything not in another category.






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