oracle的.trm文件,oracle目录下产生大量的.trc .trm文件怎么办???

如题oracle目录下产生大量的.trc .trm文件 (非常多非常多的),现在oralce目录已经满了100%,

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba             93 Oct 17 04:09 orcl_j001_9226.trm

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba            606 Oct  1 03:56 orcl_j001_9227.trc

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba             93 Oct  1 03:56 orcl_j001_9227.trm

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba            606 Oct 14 10:31 orcl_j001_9230.trc

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba             93 Oct 14 10:31 orcl_j001_9230.trm

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba            606 Oct 11 05:41 orcl_j001_9232.trc

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba             93 Oct 11 05:41 orcl_j001_9232.trm

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba           1212 Oct 12 03:37 orcl_j001_9233.trc

-rw-rw----   1 oracle     dba            143 Oct 12 03:37 orcl_j001_9233.trm

Fri Oct 26 09:58:16 2012

下面是一部分Alert 日志      (ORA-00020引起的吗)  不全太大了不能都传上来,麻烦大家给解答下谢谢啦!!!

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_1123.trc.

Fri Oct 26 09:59:18 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_23081.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:01:00 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_8851.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:04:44 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6568 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6568 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 10:07:22 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_1110.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:08:10 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_8851.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:00 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_23106.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:06 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_19427.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:06 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_22849.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:11 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_19938.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:12 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_27474.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:15 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_19849.trc.

Fri Oct 26 10:11:45 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6569 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6569 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 10:16:16 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6570 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6570 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Fri Oct 26 10:17:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:17:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:17:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:18:13 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6571 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6571 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededFri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log forORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log forORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the ORA-20 errors.

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 10:19:58 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6572

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 1 seq# 6571 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6572 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6572 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 10:21:01 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:21:01 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:21:01 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:21:01 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:21:01 2012

Fri Oct 26 10:21:01 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log forORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceededORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

the ORA-20 errors.

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:21:59 2012

Process J001 submission failed with error = 20

kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_2264.trc:

Fri Oct 26 10:22:03 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:23:03 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:24:05 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:24:31 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 10:25:07 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:26:07 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:27:09 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:28:10 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:28:41 2012

Process J000 submission failed with error = 20

kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_2264.trc:

Process J000 submission failed with error = 20

kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_2264.trc:

Fri Oct 26 10:29:11 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:29:29 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 10:29:51 2012

Process J000 submission failed with error = 20

kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_2264.trc:

Process J000 submission failed with error = 20

kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_2264.trc:

Fri Oct 26 10:30:12 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:31:14 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:32:14 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:33:16 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:34:19 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:35:21 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:36:25 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:37:27 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:38:28 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:39:30 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:39:31 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 10:40:38 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:41:38 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:42:41 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:43:53 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:44:53 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:45:55 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:47:03 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:48:32 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:49:33 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 10:49:43 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:50:56 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:52:34 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:53:53 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:54:37 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 10:54:54 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:55:57 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:57:09 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:58:12 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:59:21 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 10:59:35 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:00:23 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:00:39 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:01:31 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:01:45 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:02:39 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:03:44 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:03:45 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:04:52 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:05:46 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:05:54 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:07:23 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:09:17 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:09:37 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Process m001 submission failed with error = 20

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:10:52 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:12:15 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:13:25 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:13:47 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:14:34 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:15:14 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:15:45 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:16:50 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:17:53 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:19:08 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:19:39 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:20:42 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:21:49 2012

ORA-00020: No more process state objects available

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:22:50 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:24:37 2012

ORA-00020: No more process state objects available

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:25:45 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:27:17 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:28:33 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:29:41 2012

ORA-00020: No more process state objects available

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:31:09 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:32:24 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:33:46 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:35:13 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:37:11 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:39:37 2012

ORA-00020: No more process state objects available

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:41:15 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:42:53 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:44:35 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:45:44 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:45:54 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:47:17 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:49:06 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:49:45 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:50:16 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:51:37 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:53:10 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:53:35 2012

Non critical error ORA-00001 caught while writing to trace file "/oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_27472.trc"

Error message:

Writing to the above trace file is disabled for now on...

Fri Oct 26 11:54:21 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:54:37 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 11:55:28 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:56:37 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:57:57 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:59:01 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 11:59:47 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:00:04 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:00:51 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:01:07 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:01:57 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:02:10 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:03:23 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:06:08 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:07:18 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:08:32 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:09:22 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:09:37 2012

ORA-00020: No more process state objects available

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:09:49 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:11:19 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:15:07 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:15:15 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:16:54 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:17:55 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:19:28 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:19:51 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:21:50 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:23:14 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:24:25 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:24:37 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:25:40 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:26:50 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:28:20 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:29:54 2012

ORA-00020: No more process state objects available

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:31:22 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:32:32 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:34:00 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:34:03 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:35:07 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:36:12 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:38:06 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:39:12 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:39:37 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:39:56 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:40:31 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:41:40 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:43:58 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:45:03 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:47:08 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:48:20 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:49:37 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:49:58 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:50:49 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:51:54 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:53:18 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:54:23 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:54:40 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 12:55:28 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:56:47 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:58:00 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 12:59:01 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 13:00:00 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 13:00:05 2012

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes 150 exceeded

ORA-20 errors will not be written to the alert log for

the next minute. Please look at trace files to see all

the ORA-20 errors.

Fri Oct 26 13:01:03 2012

Process m000 submission failed with error = 20

Fri Oct 26 13:01:20 2012

Non critical error DIA-00001 caught while writing to trace file "/oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_28405.trc"

Error message:

Writing to the above trace file is disabled for now on...

Fri Oct 26 13:01:20 2012

Non critical error ORA-00001 caught while writing to trace file "/oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_28405.trc"

Error message: HPUX-ia64 Error: 28: No space left on device

Additional information: 1

Writing to theFri Oct 26 17:03:20 2012

Starting ORACLE instance (normal)



Exception [type: SIGBUS, Non-existant physical address] [ADDR:0xC0D5B1F6] [PC:0x40000000049AC311, ksihsmrini()+529] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]

Non critical error ORA-00001 caught while writing to trace file "/oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_2150.trc"

Error message:

Writing to the above trace file is disabled for now on...

Fri Oct 26 17:48:27 2012

Starting ORACLE instance (normal)

Fri Oct 26 17:54:33 2012

Starting ORACLE instance (normal)



Picked latch-free SCN scheme 3

Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter default value as USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST

Autotune of undo retention is turned on.


ILAT =27


SYS auditing is disabled

Starting up:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options.

Using parameter settings in server-side spfile /oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/spfileorcl.ora

System parameters with non-default values:

processes                = 150

memory_target            = 13088M

control_files            = "/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl"

control_files            = "/oracle/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl"

db_block_size            = 8192

compatible               = ""

db_recovery_file_dest    = "/oracle/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area"

db_recovery_file_dest_size= 4977M

undo_tablespace          = "UNDOTBS1"

remote_login_passwordfile= "EXCLUSIVE"

db_domain                = ""

dispatchers              = "(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)"

audit_file_dest          = "/oracle/app/oracle/admin/orcl/adump"

audit_trail              = "DB"

db_name                  = "orcl"

open_cursors             = 300

diagnostic_dest          = "/oracle/app/oracle"

Fri Oct 26 17:54:35 2012

PMON started with pid=2, OS id=4593

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

VKTM started with pid=3, OS id=4598

VKTM running at (100ms) precision

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

GEN0 started with pid=4, OS id=4600

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

DIAG started with pid=5, OS id=4602

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

DBRM started with pid=6, OS id=4604

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

PSP0 started with pid=7, OS id=4606

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

DIA0 started with pid=8, OS id=4608

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

MMAN started with pid=9, OS id=4610

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

DBW0 started with pid=10, OS id=4612

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

LGWR started with pid=11, OS id=4614

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

CKPT started with pid=12, OS id=4616

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

SMON started with pid=13, OS id=4618

Fri Oct 26 17:54:36 2012

RECO started with pid=14, OS id=4620

Fri Oct 26 17:54:37 2012

MMON started with pid=15, OS id=4622

Fri Oct 26 17:54:37 2012

MMNL started with pid=16, OS id=4624

starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'...

starting up 1 shared server(s) ...

ORACLE_BASE not set in environment. It is recommended

that ORACLE_BASE be set in the environment

Reusing ORACLE_BASE from an earlier startup = /oracle/app/oracle

Fri Oct 26 17:54:37 2012


Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 1325515869

Database mounted in Exclusive Mode

Lost write protection disabled


Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012


Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads

parallel recovery started with 7 processes

Started redo scan

Completed redo scan

read 0 KB redo, 0 data blocks need recovery

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P004 cannot use async I/O

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P005 cannot use async I/O

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P001 cannot use async I/O

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P003 cannot use async I/O

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P002 cannot use async I/O

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P006 cannot use async I/O

Fri Oct 26 17:54:42 2012

Warning: recovery process P000 cannot use async I/O

Started redo application at

Thread 1: logseq 6572, block 13239, scn 97688334

Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 6572 Reading mem 0

Mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Completed redo application of 0.00MB

Completed crash recovery at

Thread 1: logseq 6572, block 13239, scn 97708335

0 data blocks read, 0 data blocks written, 0 redo k-bytes read

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6573 (thread open)

Thread 1 opened at log sequence 6573

Current log# 3 seq# 6573 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Successful open of redo thread 1

MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set

SMON: enabling cache recovery

Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.

Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption..

Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed

SMON: enabling tx recovery

Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK

No Resource Manager plan active

replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)

Starting background process QMNC

Fri Oct 26 17:54:45 2012

QMNC started with pid=27, OS id=4657


Fri Oct 26 17:54:47 2012

db_recovery_file_dest_size of 4977 MB is 0.00% used. This is a

user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this

database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of

space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup.

Fri Oct 26 17:54:47 2012

Starting background process CJQ0

Fri Oct 26 17:54:47 2012

CJQ0 started with pid=19, OS id=4675

Fri Oct 26 17:54:47 2012

Starting background process SMCO

Fri Oct 26 17:54:48 2012

SMCO started with pid=30, OS id=4677

Fri Oct 26 17:57:43 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6574

Private strand flush not complete

Current log# 3 seq# 6573 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6574 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6574 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 17:58:46 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6575 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6575 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 17:59:13 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6576

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 2 seq# 6575 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6576 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6576 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Fri Oct 26 17:59:52 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6577

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 3 seq# 6576 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6577 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6577 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 18:00:13 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6578

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 1 seq# 6577 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6578 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6578 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 18:00:25 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6579

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 2 seq# 6578 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6579 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6579 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Fri Oct 26 18:00:56 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6580

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 3 seq# 6579 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6580 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6580 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 18:01:23 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6581

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 1 seq# 6580 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6581 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6581 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 18:14:13 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6582 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6582 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6583 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6583 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 18:14:31 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6584

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 1 seq# 6583 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6584 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6584 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 18:14:46 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6585

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 2 seq# 6584 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6585 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6585 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Fri Oct 26 18:14:58 2012

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6586

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 3 seq# 6585 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6586 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6586 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6587

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 1 seq# 6586 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 18:15:10 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6587 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6587 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6588

Checkpoint not complete

Current log# 2 seq# 6587 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 18:15:23 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6588 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6588 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

Fri Oct 26 18:41:28 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6589 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 1 seq# 6589 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo01.log

Fri Oct 26 19:02:19 2012

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_5765.trc.

Fri Oct 26 19:25:03 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6590 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 2 seq# 6590 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo02.log

Fri Oct 26 20:00:12 2012

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 6591 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 3 seq# 6591 mem# 0: /oradata/orcl/redo03.log

  • 1
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


