CALL TRANSACTION - bdc_options
Syntax 语法
... { {[MODE mode] [UPDATE upd]}
| [OPTIONS FROM opt] }
[MESSAGES INTO itab] ... .
Extras: 附加项
1. ... MODE mode
2. ... UPDATE upd
3. ... OPTIONS FROM opt
4. ... MESSAGES INTO itab
Effect 作用
Control of batch input processing with the USING addition.
... MODE mode
Effect 作用
The MODE addition determines the processing mode for batch input processing. As mode, you can specify a character-type data object. Its possible content and effect is displayed in the following table. Without use of one of the additions MODE or OPTIONS FROM, the effect is the same as if mode had the content "A".
MODE选项判断批量数据处理的处理模式。对于mode,你可以指定一个字符型的数据对象。它可能的内容和作用显示在下面的表格中。不使用mode 或者 option from中的一个和mode的内容是’A’的作用是一样的。
mode | Effect |
"A" | Processing with display of screens处理显示屏幕 |
"E" | Display of screens only if an error occurs 只有发生错误时才显示屏幕 |
"N" | Processing without display of screens. If a breakpoint is reached in one of the called transactions, processing is terminated with sy-subrc same as 1001. The field sy-msgty contains "S", sy-msgid contains "00", sy-msgno contains "344", sy-msgv1 contains "SAPMSSY3", and sy-msgv2 contains "0131". |
"P" | Processing without display of the screens. If a breakpoint is reached in one of the called transactions, the system branches to the ABAP Debugger. |
Others | Like "A". |
... UPDATE upd
Effect 作用
The UPDATE addition determines the processing mode for batch input processing. You can specify a character-type object for upd. Its possible content and its effect are displayed in the following table. Without use of one of the additions UPDATE or OPTIONS FROM, the effect is the same as if upd had the content "A".
UPDATE选项判断批输入处理的处理模式。你可以为upd 指定一个字符型的对象。它的可能值和作用显示在下表中。不使用选项update或者options from中的一个和upd的值为’A’的作用是相同的。
upd | Effect |
"A" | Asynchronous update.异步更新 Updates of called programs are executed in the same way as if in the COMMIT WORK statement the AND WAIT addition was not specified. |
"S" | Synchronous processing.同步更新 Updates of the called programs are executed in the same way as if in the COMMIT WORK statement the AND WAIT addition had been specified. |
"L" | Local update.本地更新 Updates of the called program are executed in such a way as if the SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement had been executed in it. |
Other | As for "A". |
Note 注
This option is not available for execution of actual batch input sessions. There the update is always synchronous.
Effect 作用
The OPTIONS addition covers the functions of the MODE and UPDATE additions. It provides further options for controlling batch input processing. The control parameters are specified in an opt structure of the type CTU_PARAMS from the ABAP Dictionary. The CTU_PARAMS structure has the components displayed in the following table:
OPTIONS选项覆盖了mode和update选项。它为控制批输入处理提供了更多的选项。控制字段被指定在一个abap字典中类型为CTU_PATAMS 的结构opt中。CTU_PARAMS结构有如下表显示的字段。
Component 字段 | Meaning含义 |
DISMODE 显示模式 | Processing mode for batch input processing. Values as for the MODE addition. 批输入处理的处理模式。值和MODE选项相同。 |
UPMODE 更新模式 | Processing mode for batch input processing. Values as for the UPDATE addition.批输入处理的处理模式。值和UPDATE选项相同。 |
CATTMODE CATT 模式 | CATT mode for batch input processing. CATT means Computer Aided Testtool. While batch input is mostly used for data transfer, CATT processes are to be viewed as more complex transactions, since they are reusable tests. Values: " " (no CATT mode), "N" (CATT without single screen control), "A" (CATT with single screen control). 批输入处理的CATT模式。CATT的含义是计算机辅助测试工具。批输入大部分被用在数据传输,CATT处理被看作更加复杂的事务码,因为他们是可重用测试。值为空(没有CATT模式)“N”CATT无单一屏幕控制 “A”CATT有单一屏幕控制 |
DEFSIZE 定义大小 | Selection as to whether the screens of the called transaction are displayed in the standard screen size. Values "X" (standard size), " " (current size). 被调用事务码的屏幕是否以标准屏幕大小显示的选项。值“X”(标准大小)“”(当前大小) |
RACOMMIT | Selection as to whether the COMMIT WORK statement terminates batch input processing or not. Values: " " (COMMIT WORK terminates processing), "X" ( COMMIT WORK does not terminate processing). COMMIT WORK语句是否结束批处理的选项,值:“”可终止 “X”不可终止。 |
NOBINPT | Selection for the symbol field sy-binpt. Values: " " (sy-binpt contains in the called transaction "X"), "X" (sy-binpt contains in the called transaction " "). 符号字段sy-binpt的选项。值:“”(sy-binpt包含在被调用事务X)“X”(sy-binpt 包含在被调用事务“”)。 |
NOBIEND | Selection for the system field sy-binpt. Values: " " (sy-binpt contains "X" after the end of the batch input data in the called transsaction ) "X" (sy-binpt contains " " after the end of the batch input data in the called transaction). 系统字段sy-binpt的选择值。 |
Without use of the OPTIONS FROM addition,the values set by the additions MODE or UPDATE or the standard values specified there apply to DISMODE and UPMODE"A". The other components are set to the value " ".
不使用options from选项,被选项mode或者update指定的值或者在这精确确定的标准值适用于dismode和upmode”A”。另外一个字段被设置成空值。
Effect 作用
Using this addition, all the messages sent during batch input processing are stored in an internal table itab of the type BDCMSGCOLL from the ABAP Dictionary.
使用本附加项,所有在批输入处理期间产生的消息都被存储在ABAP字曲中类型为BDCMSGCOLL的内表itab 中。