MISRA C:2012 8 Rules 8.1 A Standard C environment (Part 2)

0562 赋值的右操作数指向更严格的类型

On the other hand, it is perfectly legitimate(合法的) to initialize an object of type "const TYPE *" or "volatile TYPE *" or even "const volatile TYPE *" with an expression of type "TYPE *".

const int * a;   指向的内容是常量,指针本身可以变

int *b;

*b = 6;

a = b ;  合法, 以后不能通过指针a 修改,a所指向的内容

b = a; 不合法,b所指向的值可以随便改,与a的定义相悖。

extern int                *gpi;
extern const int          *gpci;
extern volatile int       *gpvi;
extern const volatile int *gpcvi;

void test(void)
    int                *xpi;
    const int          *xpci;
    volatile int       *xpvi;
    const volatile int *xpcvi;

    xpi = gpi;                /*              */
    xpi = gpci;               /* Message 0562 */
    xpi = gpvi;               /* Message 0562 */
    xpi = gpcvi;              /* Message 0562 */

    xpci = gpi;               /*              */
    xpci = gpci;              /*              */
    xpci = gpvi;              /* Message 0562 */
    xpci = gpcvi;             /* Message 0562 */

    xpvi = gpi;               /*              */
    xpvi = gpci;              /* Message 0562 */
    xpvi = gpvi;              /*              */
    xpvi = gpcvi;             /* Message 0562 */

    xpcvi = gpi;              /*              */
    xpcvi = gpci;             /*              */
    xpcvi = gpvi;             /*              */
    xpcvi = gpcvi;            /*              */

0588 位域宽度必须是整数常量表达式。

#define MAX 3.2f
#define X_WIDTH (int)MAX
#define Y_WIDTH (int)(1.9f * MAX)

struct bits
   unsigned int bx:X_WIDTH;     /* OK           */
   unsigned int by:Y_WIDTH;     /* Message 0588 浮点数 错误 */

0589 枚举常量必须是整数常量表达式。

#define MAX 3.2f
#define X (int)MAX
#define Y (int)(1.9f * MAX)

enum colours
    RED = X,
    YELLOW = Y,          /* Message 0589 浮点数 错误*/


0591 A 'case' label must be an integral constant expression(整数常量表达式)

Integral constant expressions:

... are used in case expressions, to specify array bounds, to specify the size of a bit-field and as enumerator constants.

They may contain:

  • Integral constants  整型常数
  • Enum constants    枚举常数
  • Character constants  字符常数
  • sizeof expressions   sizeof 表达式
  • Floating constants cast to an integer type  浮点型强转成整形

... but may not contain (except as an argument to the sizeof operator):

  • Arrays
  • * operator
  • & operator
  • Structure member operations
#define A 1
#define B (int)2.
#define C 3.5
#define D (int)(2.2 * 2.5)

void foo(int n)
   case A:           /* OK: integer constant */
   case B:           /* OK: float cast to int */
   case C:           /* Message 0591: float expression  浮点数不可以 */
   case D:           /* Message 0591: not an integral constant expression 不是整数常量表达式 */




switch(expression) {

   case constant-expression  :
      break; /* optional */

   case constant-expression  :
      break; /* optional */

   /* you can have any number of case statements */
   default : /* Optional */

switch可以任意个case语句(包括没有), 值和语句之间使用:分隔




/* example 1 */
#include <stdio.h> int main () { /* local variable definition */ char grade; scanf("%c", &grade); switch(grade) { case 'A' : /* char与int是一回事 */ printf("Excellent!\n" ); break; case 'B' : case 'C' : printf("Well done\n" ); break; case 'D' : printf("You passed\n" ); break; case 'F' : printf("Better try again\n" ); break; default : printf("Invalid grade\n" ); } printf("Your grade is %c\n", grade ); return 0; }
/* example 2 */

#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Please input your grade(1-100):"); int grade; scanf("%d", &grade); switch (grade / 10) { case 10: case 9: printf("A\n"); break; case 8: case 7: printf("B\n"); break; case 6: case 5: printf("C\n"); break; default: break; } return 0; }


void foo(void)
    unsigned int          xa;
    unsigned unsigned int xb;        /* Message 0616 */
    long                  xc;
    long long             xd;
    long long long        xe;        /* Message 0616 */
    float                 xf;
    double                xg;
    long double           xh;
    long float            xi;        /* Message 0616 */

    static int            ya;
    static extern int     yb;        /* Message 0616 */
    typedef extern int    yc;        /* Message 0616 */
    static register int   yd;        /* Message 0616 */

 0640  struct , union中的成员不能是 void 类型的

Members of a struct or union cannot be declared with type void, or indeed any incomplete type

incomplete type不完整类型: 因为缺少信息,导致无法判断一种类型的大小

A type which lacks information required to determine its size; for example an array type in which the array dimension is missing or a structure/union type for which members are not specified.

struct ST1 {int a; void b; };           /* Message 0640  无法判断b的大小 */

struct ST2 {int a; void *b; };          /* OK   指针类型默认占用4个字节        */

struct ST3 {int a; int buf[]; };        /* Message 0642  数组有多少个元素未知 */

0641 struct or union不能有函数类型,函数指针可以,但是要用对!

This struct or union member has been declared with "function" type; perhaps "pointer to function" was intended?

struct ST1 { int mode; int f(void);};        /* Message 0641 - f has function type */

struct ST2 { int mode; int (*f)(void);};     /* OK           - f has type pointer to function */

0643 'struct'或'union'类型的'%s'可能不是内容未知的'struct'或'union'。

struct ST1 { int mode; struct STX sx; };   /* Message 0643 and also 3313 - if STX has not been declared */

struct ST2 { int mode; struct ST2 sx; };   /* Message 0643 */

struct ST3 { int mode; struct ST3 *ps; };  /* OK */

0644 位域的宽度必须不大于“ int”的宽度。

struct ST
   unsigned int xbit: 48;     /* Message 0644 - unless int contains at least as many bits */

0645 宽度为零的位字段无法命名。

零宽度位字段无法命名; 其目的是指示不再将其他位域打包到放置前一个位域的单元中。 换句话说,它仅用于填充,不应尝试访问填充位

struct record
    unsigned int a : 5;
    unsigned int   : 0;    /* OK           - unnamed zero-width bit-field  */
    unsigned int b :10;
    unsigned int c : 0;    /* Message 0645 - zero-width bit-field is named */
    unsigned int d : 3;

0646 枚举常量必须具有可表示为“ int”的值。

enum list
   /* int is assumed to be 32 bits */
   HEAD = 2147483647,   /* OK           - maximum possible value */
   TAIL                 /* Message 0646 - too large              */

0649 在包含参数列表的函数头之后,参数的K&R样式声明不合法。


int f1(int x, int y)      /* OK - "new-style" prototype declaration */
    return 1;

int f2(x, y)              /* OK - "old-style" K&R declaration       */
int x;
int y;
    return 1;

int f3(int x)
int y;                    /* Message 0649 - neither old nor new     */
    return 1;

0650 命名函数参数上的非法存储类说明符。

除“寄存器”以外的存储类说明符已应用于命名的函数参数。 参数是局部对象,在每次调用函数时都会对其进行初始化。 它们是自动的,但不能使用“自动”存储类说明符。

void f1(typedef  int );       /* Message 0655 */
void f2(extern   int );       /* Message 0655 */
void f3(static   int );       /* Message 0655 */
void f4(auto     int );       /* Message 0655 */
void f5(register int );       /* OK */

void fa(typedef  int x);      /* Message 0650 */
void fb(extern   int x);      /* Message 0650 */
void fc(static   int x);      /* Message 0650 */
void fd(auto     int x);      /* Message 0650 */
void fe(register int x);      /* OK */







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