Free and Open Source Java Software

Free and Open Source Java Software
Java SoftwareTypeDescription
Ant, ApacheDevJava XML-based make-build utility
Books Jakarta Pitfalls, Java Ant provide insight into Ant's effectiveness.
ANTLR.orgLangJava parser generator in style of yacc/lex, good book
ArianneGameJava role playing game creation tool
ArgoUMLDevpowerful UML design and CASE tool; many novel features
Art of IllusionAppa 3D graphics modeling, rendering and animation tool
AspectJLangAspect oriented programming extension to Java
AurigaDocAppJava-XML documentor:HTML,JavaHelp, OracleHelp, PDF, PS
BarbecueDevJava barcode generator for Swing/AWT use
BCEL, ApacheDevA Java .class file reader and dis-assembler
BeanShellLangAn embeddable scripting interpreter of Java, very cool
A good book on J2EE Insights also provides neat BeanShell and Struts usage.
BSF, IBM DevA BeanShell scripting framework for integration with
Cactus, ApacheDevJUnit test bed on the server side for J2EE
Cactus is recommended as testing tool in Rod Johnson's excellent One on One J2EE
CastorDevprovides data binding services using XML, SQL thru JDO
Castor gets nearly a full chapter in the excellent book on J2EE Insights.
CewolfDevadd graphing and charting tags to JSP
CheckstyleDevchecks a Java program for conformance to style guidelines
Code Geneation LibDevadds dynamic runtime class/interface changes to Java
ColumbiaAppfull featured Java eMail client
DataVisionAppbanded report writer (like Crystal) with visual designer
DBUnitDevprovides unit tests for Java database programs
DCZipAppprovides GUI Java Jar/Tar/War/Zip file handler
Dependency FinderDevallows auto-finding complex dependencies in Java code
DOM4JDevprovides DOM for Java
DOM4J usage is illustrated in the well rated book More Jakarta Pitfalls.
DrawSWFAppa Java drawing program that produces SVG files
DrJavaDevdevlopment environ that supports interactive Java
Eclipse, IBMDevan extensible development IDE for Java
This Eclipse book & Java Eclipse +reviews at eWeek and at ADTrends show uptick.
EJB BenchmarkDevusing MySQL or PostgreSQL to bench mark EJB strategies
ExpressoDevA popular set of J2EE components and tools
Flow4JDevEclipse plugin which models process flow & gens Java code
FrozenBubbleGameNifty Java GUI arcade-like game
FulcrumDevJava based services framework
Gantt ProjectAppJava-based Gantt chart and project planning tool
GeronimoDevAppache J2EE 1.4 App Server; to be certified by 3Q 2004
GhostWriterGameone of a dozen delightful Java Web Start games
Grinder, TheDevload testing framework that uses Jython
HibernateDBMSpersistence and object/relational mapping tool for Java
Hibernate get full treatment in good book on Java Open Source Programming
HSQLDBMSis the default Java database of JBoss
HTML ParserDeva Java HTML parser easily extendable
HttpUnitDevis JUnit extension for testing web sites
InfoglueAppJava content management system
iReportsAppa report visual design tool used with Jasper
iTextDevJava library for generating PDF or HTML documents
JabRefAppa biblio reference database application in Java
JAF, SunDevJavaBean Activation Framework for manipulating MIME data
JAI, SunDevis the Java Advanced Imaging API
Jakarta CommonsDeva common set of Java utilities and routines
James, ApacheAppa Java-based eMail server
JasperDeva JSP compiler used in Tomcat and other OS Java software
Jasper gets fair coverage in the book Mastering Tomcat
JasperReportsAppa Java based reportwriter using XML templates
JavaCC, SunDevA Java parser/Compiler-Compiler with many grammars
JavaGroupsDevmulti-cast group implementation in Java
JavaHelp, SunAppJava based help syste with DocBook support
JavaMail, SunDevAPI used to create, send and get mail messages in Java
Java NetBrowserAppJava Netwprk browser supports HTTP, FTP, NFS, SMB, etc
JavassistDevlike BCEL, a runtime JVM code modifier
JavaServiceWrapperDeva Java restart enabler for various server-side services
JaxenDeva Java Xpath engine which supports JDOM, dom4j
JBidwatcherAppan Ebay, Yahoo auction site bid tracking tool
JBossDeva certified J2EE 1.4 server which links to many databases
JBoss has several books but the best appears to be One on One J2EE.
jBpmAppa Java workflow mgmt system with automated control
JCS, ApacheDev a distributed caching engine for server performance boost
JDependDevcreates metrics for measuring Java source code
JDOMDevDOM API for acessing XML thru Java
jEditAppa Java source editor written in Java
JellyDeva tool to convert XML templates into code
JetSpeed, ApacheAppis a portal server developed with Java, XML
JFreechartDevfree charting and graphing API
JGraphDevpowerful, lightweight graph component for Java
JGraphTDevJava routines for Graph and network Theory problems
JGPDesignerAppJava Graphical Process Designer produces BPM diagrams
JMeter, ApacheDevJava-based performance and load testing tool
JMLDevJava Modeling Language for design by contract coding
JModelerDevJava Model/Flowcharting component; quite novel
JMRIGameJava Model Railroad Interface for hobbyists,DeccoderPro,
JMTDevJava Measurement tool; customizable heuristics
JMX-MC4JDevJava Management Extensions - Management console
JonasDevObjectweb's J2EE App Server with range of features
JooneAppJava Neural Net test and train framework
JPOXDevJava Persistent Objects framework using JDO
jRegisterKeyDevan API that allows access, updates of Windows Registry
JsfcompDevJava server faces components for web and portal systems
JSTL, ApacheDevJSP Standard tag Library
JTDSDBMSJDBC driver for SQL Server
JudoScriptLangcool Java/JavaScript scripting language for use with JDBC
JUnitDevthe Java unit testing tool
JUnit has several good books like JUnit Guide and JUnit in Action
JythonLangJava implementation of Python scripting that emits JVM bytecode and runs cross platform- Win, Mac, Linux, etc.
Jython is gaining momentum, 2 books Jython for Java & Jython Essentials show why.
LimseeAppvery powerful Java multimedia tool; must see!
Lint4jDeva Java code analyzer for trapping threading, locking issues
Log4J, ApacheDeva good Java logging toolkit used by JBoss, etc
Lucene, ApacheDeva Java-based searh engine
MarauroaGamea Java game client which works with Arianne
Maven, ApacheDeva program project co-ordinator, lots of features
MegaMekGameJava based network board game 2++ palyers
Merlin, ApacheAppa service and component management framework for Java
MiddleGenDeva Java code generator used by JBoss, etc
MinesweeperGameJava version of the desjktop classic
MondrianDBMSan OLAP engine written in Java, uses MDX, XMLforA, JOLAP
MySQLConnectorJDBMSJDBC connector to MySQL
Netbeans, SunDeva very good, free, open source Java IDE
NetBeans has improved dramatically; see book NetBeans Guide and Review.
OpenForBizAppGeneral retail busines application software written in Java
OpenReportsAppuses Jasper for web-based reporting in PDF, HTML or XLS
OpenWFEAppan Open Workflow Engine for Java with web interface, XML
PDFBoxDeva PDF library for Java; access all components of a PDF
PHP/HTML PluginDevPHP/HTML plugin for Eclipse adds parser, debugger, viewer
PMDDeva Java source code analyzer, Lint-like and many plugins
ProfilerDevan Eclipse plugin that profiles Java code
ProGuardDeva Java class file shrinker and obfuscator
PygmyAppa tiny, 40KB Java web server , very customizable
QuartzDeventerprise job scheduler for Java and J2EE apps
RetroweaverDevtranslates new 1.5 JVM to 1.4 compatible JVM bytecode
RollerAppa Java-based weblogger using Tomcat, MySQL
RSSOwlAppa Java RSS newsreader with browser & multi-export options
SaxonDeva Java XSLT procesoor
ScarabDeva bug tracking system written in Java
Scripting for XMLLanga nifty scripting language for XML with a mini IDE
SOFIADevRAD tool set for J2EE and database driven applications
Spring FrameworkDevJ2EE framework using AOP, JDBC, and Hibernate
Squirrel SQL ViewerDBMSa Java-based SQL database viewer
Struts, ApacheDeva Servlet and JSP web application framework
Struts, as this review & several books(here is best Struts tome) attest, is doing well.
Struts MenuDeva Struts JSP menu creator with XML definition files
Tiles, ApacheDeva set of JSP taglibs, used by Struts, etc
Tomcat, ApacheDevthe major free, open source Java Servlet and JSP server
Mastering Tomcat tells all about this excellent Servlet and JSP server.
Turbine, ApacheDev great servlet based development framework for Java
UMLetDevanother Java UML diagrammer with emphasis on UseCase
VelocityDevan alternative to JSP
VeryQuickWikiAppa Java based Wiki bulletin board
Xalan, ApacheDevJava-based XSLT processor
X-DiffDeva Java-based XML file differencer
XDocletDevtranslates special Java comments into EJB deploy files etc
XercesDevanother Java-based XML parser
XMLWriteAppa smart XML editor with XPath, SVG, XHTML templates
XNapAppP2Pclient written in Java; supports Gnutella,gFT,IRC, ICQ,
XPlannerAppproject planning and tracking tool in Java, JSP, MySQL


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technologies, and customizable: these are some of the main advantages of using open source software. Open source is a term used to describe software whose source code is freely available to anyone who wants to access it, use it, modify it, or distribute it. Open source technologies are often developed by communities of developers who collaborate to create software that is free and accessible to everyone. This approach leads to a vibrant ecosystem of tools and technologies that can be customized to meet the needs of specific users and organizations. One of the main benefits of open source software is that it is free to use. This means that businesses and individuals can save money on software licenses and fees, making it a cost-effective solution for many organizations. Additionally, open source software is often more secure than proprietary software, as bugs and vulnerabilities are quickly identified and fixed by the community. Open source software is also highly customizable. Users can modify the source code to suit their specific needs, creating a bespoke solution that meets their requirements. This flexibility makes open source software a popular choice for organizations with unique needs or specialized workflows. Overall, the open source approach to software development offers many benefits to users and organizations. By leveraging the power of the community, businesses and individuals can access free, customizable, and secure software solutions that are built to meet their specific needs.




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