第二章 两句的连接方法


He is versatile -- he masters five different languages and plays the piano very well.


He has finally made his goal known to us: he wants to be a scientist.


He is nice;quite often he is seen helping others.


He enjoys taking pictures, and he has decided to pursue the art as his life career.


He deserves our respect because he is honest.


He is a man who never tells lies.

第一节 连接符号





连字符:Mountain-climbing is my hobby.

The tiger is a man-eating animal.



He is trash -- he is good for nothing. = He is trash. That is to say, he is good for nothing.


He finally made his purpose known to us -- to run after Susan.

His hobby -- taking pictures -- is a far cry from mine.



He has made his goal known: he wants to be a scientist.


1. 此类符号等于逗点+连词(and,so,but...)

He is a man of principle; we all respect him.

=He is a man of princile, so we all respect him.

He is a photographer; quite often he travels abroad to take pictures.

=He is a photographer, and quite often he travels abroad to take pictures.

He is nice; none likes him, though.

=He is nice, but none likes him.



He said that he had no money, that he had no friends to count on, and that he expected me to help him.


He said that he had no money;that, because of his ill temper, he had no friends to count on; and that he expected me to help him.

He enjoys dancing, swimming and jogging.

He enjoys dancing, which is his hobby; swimming,  which he often does on Sundays; and jogging.

第二节 并列连词




He and I enjoy singing.

He is kind and handsome.

Is he sad or happy?

He doesn't like her but hates her.


I came to see him and (to) tell him the truth.

Does he work in Taipei or in Kaohsiung?

He is not good at English but poor at it.


He works hard, and his father is proud of him.

He doesn't study, but his teacher likes him.

Did he fail because he was lazy or because he was  careless?

I like John, who is easy to get along with but whose brother is too arrogant to associate with.



and -> both... and...

or -> either... or...        neither... nor...

but -> not... but...     not only... but also...


Both peter and Mary work hard.

He is not kind but cruel.

He will either stay or leave.


He went to the United States not only to learn English but(also) to know more about American culture.

He succeeded both because of his intelligence and because of his hard work.


He succeeded both because he was intelligent and because he worked hard.

Not only can she sing, but she can (also) dance.

三、as well as 与 rather than


as well as... 以及... ...

rather than... 而非... ...


You as well as John like it.

He is happy rather than sad.


He is interested in music rather than in painting.

He came here to learn English as well as to know more about life.


He failed because he was lazy rather than because he was not intelligent.

I love her because she is intelligent as well as because she is considerate.

注意:as well as 或 rather than 连接主语时,该句动词始终点要随第一个主语做变化。

He as well as I is interested in music.  // He ... is

= He no less than I is interested in music. // He ... is

= He together with me is interested in music. //He ... is

= He along with me is interested in music. // He ... is

注意:由于as well as 与no less than 为并列连词,故之后接主格形式I,以与He 并列。而together with 或along with 则为介词,故之后接宾语形式me,以作为with的宾语。

He rather than I is interested in music.

= He instead of me is interested in music.

= He not I, is interested in music.

注意:由于rather than 为并列连词,故之后接主格形式I,以与He并列。而instead of 则为介词,故之后接宾语形式me,以作为of的宾语。not也可以视为并列连词,等于rather than,惟使用时,not前应加逗点。

I like this book, not that one.

= I like this book rather than that one.


使用both... and... /either... or.../neither... nor.../not... but.../not only... but also... 等连词短语,要注意下列事项:

1.连接主语时,both... and... 之后,始终接复数动词;其余连词连接主语时,动词则要随最近的主语做单数变化。

Both he and I are happy about it.

Either he or I am wrong.

Neither you nor he is to blame.

Not he but I am to be responsible for it.

Not only they but (also) John has passed the exam.

Is not only he but also I wrong?


both... and... /neither... nor.../not... but... 等三组连词短语通常不用来连接主句,而not only... but also...则可用来连接主句,惟not only 引导的主语要采用倒装结构。


He is good.

John seems to like it.

Peter is a man who never lies.

He said that he liked it.

When he came, I was studying.

(2)Both he is good at English, and he is good at math.(X)

->He is good at both English and math.(O)

Either you should listen to me, or you should get out of my sight.(可)

=You should either listen to me or get out of my sight.(佳)

Neither you can talk here, nor you can eat food here.(X)

-> You can neither talk nor eat food here.(O)

Not he is wrong, but you are wrong.(可)

->Not he but you are wrong.(佳)

但:Not only can she sing, but she can also dance.(O)

3.not only..., but also的应用规则

not only是否定副词的关系,若置于主句之前,该从句要采用倒装结构。而but also则为连词,所连接的第二主句不需倒装。


Not only he is clever, but he is (also) polite.(X)

-> Not only is he clever, but he is polite.(O)


Not only she can sing, but she can (also) dance.(X)

-> Not only can she sing, but she can dance.(O)

Not only he has learned a lot from his teacher, but he has (also) done quite well in academic affairs.(X)

-> Not only has he learned a lot from his teacher, but he has done quite well in academic affairs.(O)



Not only she sings well, but she (also) dances beautifully.(X)

-> Not only does she sing well, but she dances beautifully.(O)

Not only I hate him, but I (also) feel like killing him.(X)

-> Not only do I hate him, but I feel like killing him.(O)

Not only he wrote good poems, but he could compose music.(X)

-> Not only did he write good poems, but he could compose music.(O)

4.not only... but also...

其中的also通常可以省略。若不省略,则连接单词或短语时but also不可分开,但连接主句时,bug also一定要分开,也就是将also置于主语之后。


She is not only beautiful but (also) kind.

She is interested not only in music but (also) in art.

He came here ont only to learn English but (also) to know more about life.

(2) 连接主要句子

Not only can she dance, but also she can sing.(X)

-> Not only can she dance, but she can (also) sing.(O)

5. not only... but also...

=not only... but... as well

She is not only beautiful but (also) kind.

=She is not only beautiful but kind as well.

Not only he but (also) I am wrong.

=Not only he but I as well am wrong.

Not only can she sing, but she can (also) dance.

= Not only can she sing, but she can dance as well.

6. not only... but also

=not merely... but also

=not just... but also

He enjoys not only dancing but singing as well.

= He enjoys not just dancing but singing as well.

= He enjoys not merely dancing bug singing as well.


and, or, but 通常置于两个并列的主句之间,以发挥连词的功能



无上下文:And he took my advice.(X)

有上下文:He was not sure as to how to handle the problem, but I told him not to worry about it until his father came.And he took my advice.(O)

无上下文:But he left just the same.(X)

有上下文:Since it was raining quite hard, I asked him to stay lest he should catch a could walking in the rain. But he left just the same.(O)


第三节 连接副词


I like him because he is easy to get along with.

When he came, I was writing a letter.



because(因为), though(虽然), if(如果), unless(除非), as soon as(一... ...就... ...), when(当), once(一旦)等。



He is nice.简单句(或主句)

because he is nice副词从句

I like him, Because he is nice.(X)






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