An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (ISL) - Introduction


是自己最近学习 "An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R" 的一个笔记整理。

本书的作者是Gareth JamesDaniela WittenTrevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani,发表于February 11, 2013。






  1. Introduction
  2. Statistical Learning: basic terminology, the K-nearest neighbor classifier
  3. Linear Regression
  4. Classification:logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
  5. Resampling Methods: cross-validation and the bootstrap
  6. Linear Model Selection and Regularization: stepwise selection, ridge regression, principal components regression, partial least squares, and the lasso.
  7. Moving Beyond Linearity: non-linear additive models 
  8. Tree-Based Methods: bagging, boosting, and random forests
  9. Support Vector Machines
  10. Unsupervised Learning: principal components analysis (PCA), K-means clustering, and hierarchical clustering


A Brief History of Statistical Learning

  • 1800's, method of least squares, linear regression
  • 1936, Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
  • 1940, logistic regression
  • 1970's, generalized linear models
  • 1980's, classification and regression trees
  • 1986, generalized additive models
  • today, machine learning



Statistical learning refers to a set of tools for modeling and understanding complex datasets. It is a recently developed area in statistics, and blends with parallel developments in computer science, and in particular machine learning. The field encompasses many methods such as the lasso and sparse regression, classification and regression trees, and boosting and support vector machines. With the explosion of “Big Data” problems statistical learning has be- come a very hot field in many scientific areas as well as marketing, finance and other business disciplines. People with statistical learning skills are in high demand. One of the first books in this area — The Elements of Statistical Learn- ing (ESL) (Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman) — was published in 2001, with a second edition in 2009. ESL has become a popular text not only in statistics but also in related fields. One of the reasons for ESL’s popu- larity is its relatively accessible style. But ESL is intended for individuals with advanced training in the mathematical sciences. An Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISL) arose from the perceived need for a broader and less technical treatment of these topics. In this new book, we cover many of the same topics as ESL, but we concentrate more on the applications of the methods and less on the mathematical details. We have created labs illustrating how to implement each of the statistical learning methods using the popular statistical software package R . These labs provide the reader with valuable hands-on experience. This book is appropriate for advanced undergraduates or master’s stu- dents in Statistics or related quantitative fields, or for individuals in other disciplines who wish to use statistical learning tools to analyze their data. It can be used as a textbook for a course spanning one or two semesters. We would like to thank several readers for valuable comments on prelim- inary drafts of this book: Pallavi Basu, Alexandra Chouldechova, Patrick Danaher, Will Fithian, Luella Fu, Sam Gross, Max Grazier G’Sell, Court- ney Paulson, Xinghao Qiao, Elisa Sheng, Noah Simon, Kean Ming Tan, Xin Lu Tan. It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future. -Yogi Berra
《统计学习导论:R语言应用》是一本重要的统计学习教材,由Gareth James、Daniela Witten、Trevor Hastie和Robert Tibshirani合著。本书是统计学习领域的经典教材,旨在向读者介绍统计学习的基本概念、方法和应用,并通过R语言提供实际案例分析。 该书分为六个部分,包括预备知识、线性回归、分类方法、重抽样方法、线性模型选择与正则化、非线性回归以及树与集成方法。每个部分都包含理论概念和实践应用,并通过R语言演示和实例分析使读者能够理解统计学习的方法和技巧。 在预备知识部分,作者介绍了统计学习的基本概念和一些常用的数学和统计工具。线性回归部分介绍了最基本的回归分析方法,包括单一线性回归和多元线性回归。分类方法部分介绍了一些常见的分类算法,如K最近邻算法、逻辑回归和线性判别分析。 在重抽样方法部分,作者介绍了交叉验证和自助法等重抽样方法,可以用于估计模型在未知数据上的性能表现。线性模型选择与正则化部分介绍了特征选择和正则化技术,可以提高模型的泛化能力。非线性回归部分讨论了一些非线性回归模型,如多项式回归和样条回归。最后,树与集成方法部分介绍了决策树、随机森林和梯度提升树等集成方法,可用于解决复杂的分类和回归问题。 该书以R语言为工具,所有的示例和分析都是基于R语言实现的。通过实际案例的演示,读者可以学习如何使用R语言进行统计学习的建模和分析。此外,书中还提供了大量的编程练习和附带数据集,帮助读者巩固知识和提高实践能力。 《统计学习导论:R语言应用》不仅适合统计学、机器学习和数据科学的学生和研究人员,也适用于相关领域的实践者和对统计学习有兴趣的读者。它是一本理论与实践相结合的教材,为读者提供了学习统计学习的基础和工具,并引导读者理解和应用统计学习的方法和技巧。




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