Angular2 ng2-smart-table





npm install --save ng2-smart-table

此命令将创建在你的`package.json`文件和安装包到 npm_modules 文件夹.



你首先需要做的就是导入ng2-smart-table directives到你的组件。

import { Ng2SmartTableModule } from 'ng2-smart-table';



// ...

  imports: [
    // ...
    // ...
  declarations: [ ... ]
// ...





settings = {
  columns: {
    id: {
      title: 'ID'
    name: {
      title: 'Full Name'
    username: {
      title: 'User Name'
    email: {
      title: 'Email'


 最后,让我们把ng2-smart-table component inside模板:

// ...

  template: `
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings"></ng2-smart-table>
// ...






data = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Leanne Graham",
    username: "Bret",
    email: ""
    id: 2,
    name: "Ervin Howell",
    username: "Antonette",
    email: ""
  // ... list of items
    id: 11,
    name: "Nicholas DuBuque",
    username: "Nicholas.Stanton",
    email: ""



// ...

  template: `
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="data"></ng2-smart-table>
// ...





import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'basic-example-data',
  styles: [],
  template: `
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="data"></ng2-smart-table>
export class BasicExampleDataComponent {

  settings = {
    columns: {
      id: {
        title: 'ID'
      name: {
        title: 'Full Name'
      username: {
        title: 'User Name'
      email: {
        title: 'Email'
  data = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Leanne Graham",
      username: "Bret",
      email: ""
    // ... other rows here
      id: 11,
      name: "Nicholas DuBuque",
      username: "Nicholas.Stanton",
      email: ""






Data Source



import { Ng2SmartTableModule, LocalDataSource } from 'ng2-smart-table';




source: LocalDataSource; // add a property to the component

constructor() {
  this.source = new LocalDataSource(; // create the source


// ...

  template: `
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="source"></ng2-smart-table>
// ...




// ...

  template: `
    <input #search class="search" type="text" placeholder="Search..." (keydown.enter)="onSearch(search.value)">
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="source"></ng2-smart-table>
// ...

listener code要求数据源的数据过滤

onSearch(query: string = '') {
    // fields we want to include in the search
      field: 'id',
      search: query
      field: 'name',
      search: query
      field: 'username',
      search: query
      field: 'email',
      search: query
  ], false); 
  // second parameter specifying whether to perform 'AND' or 'OR' search 
  // (meaning all columns should contain search query or at least one)
  // 'AND' by default, so changing to 'OR' by setting false here




settings = {
  columns: {
    id: {
      title: 'ID',
      filter: false
    name: {
      title: 'Full Name',
      filter: false
    username: {
      title: 'User Name',
      filter: false
    email: {
      title: 'Email',
      filter: false




import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'basic-example-source',
  styles: [],
  template: `
    <input #search class="search" type="text" placeholder="Search..." (keydown.enter)="onSearch(search.value)">
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="source"></ng2-smart-table>
export class BasicExampleSourceComponent {

  settings = {
    columns: {
      id: {
        title: 'ID',
        filter: false
      name: {
        title: 'Full Name',
        filter: false
      username: {
        title: 'User Name',
        filter: false
      email: {
        title: 'Email',
        filter: false
  data = [
    // ... our data here
  source: LocalDataSource;
  constructor() {
    this.source = new LocalDataSource(;

  onSearch(query: string = '') {
      // fields we want to include in the search
        field: 'id',
        search: query
        field: 'name',
        search: query
        field: 'username',
        search: query
        field: 'email',
        search: query
    ], false);
    // second parameter specifying whether to perform 'AND' or 'OR' search 
    // (meaning all columns should contain search query or at least one)
    // 'AND' by default, so changing to 'OR' by setting false here


Checkbox, Select and Completer filter types


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'advanced-example-filters',
  template: `
    <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="data"></ng2-smart-table>
export class AdvancedExampleFiltersComponent {

  data = [
      id: 4,
      name: 'Patricia Lebsack',
      email: '',
      passed: 'Yes',
      id: 5,
      name: 'Chelsey Dietrich',
      email: '',
      passed: 'No',
      id: 6,
      name: 'Mrs. Dennis Schulist',
      email: '',
      passed: 'Yes',
      id: 7,
      name: 'Kurtis Weissnat',
      email: '',
      passed: 'No',
      id: 8,
      name: 'Nicholas Runolfsdottir V',
      email: '',
      passed: 'Yes',
      id: 9,
      name: 'Glenna Reichert',
      email: '',
      passed: 'No',
      id: 10,
      name: 'Clementina DuBuque',
      email: '',
      passed: 'No',
      id: 11,
      name: 'Nicholas DuBuque',
      email: '',
      passed: 'Yes',

  settings = {
    columns: {
      id: {
        title: 'ID',
      name: {
        title: 'Full Name',
        filter: {
          type: 'list',
          config: {
            selectText: 'Select...',
            list: [
              { value: 'Glenna Reichert', title: 'Glenna Reichert' },
              { value: 'Kurtis Weissnat', title: 'Kurtis Weissnat' },
              { value: 'Chelsey Dietrich', title: 'Chelsey Dietrich' },
      email: {
        title: 'Email',
        filter: {
          type: 'completer',
          config: {
            completer: {
              searchFields: 'email',
              titleField: 'email',
      passed: {
        title: 'Passed',
        filter: {
          type: 'checkbox',
          config: {
            true: 'Yes',
            false: 'No',
            resetText: 'clear',
View Code




组件的输入(Component Inputs)


[settings]ObjectTable component configuration object, properties described below表组件配置对象,下面描述的属性表组件配置对象,下面描述的属性
[source]Array|DataSourceTable data, either an array or DataSource object (LocalDataSource currently supported)表中的数据,可以是数组或数据源对象(localdatasource目前支持)


表配置(Table Configuration)


Property TypeDefaultDescription
Required Table Settings   
columnsObjectn/a Table column settings, by default an empty object.
Example format:
columns: { columnKey: { title: 'Some Title' } }
Please note, columnKey must be the same as a key in data array objects.
Column Settings   List of a column's settings
titlestring'' Column title
classstring'' Column class
widthstring'' Column width, example: '20px', '20%'
editablebooleantrue Whether this column is editable or not
type'text'|'html'|'custom''text' If type is text then cell value will be inserted as text.
If type is html then cell value will be inserted as html.
If type is custom the renderComponent property must be defined.
renderComponentanynull Custom component that will be responsible for rendering the cell content while in view mode.
Type must be custom in order for this to work.
You can see an example here
editorObjectn/a Editor attributes settings
editor.type'text' | 'textarea' | 'completer' | 'list' | 'checkbox''text' Editor used when new row is added or edited
editor.configObjectn/a Editor configuration settings. Mandatory only for editor types completer, list
editor.config.truestring'' Only on checkbox type.
Defines the value to assign when the checkbox is checked. This parameter is optional, if omitted, true will be used.
editor.config.falsestring'' Only on checkbox type.
Defines the value to assign when the checkbox is not checked. This parameter is optional, if omitted, false will be used.
editor.config.listArray[ ] Only on list type. Example format:
{ value: 'Element Value', title: 'Element Title' }
Html is supported if column type is 'html'
editor.config.completerObjectn/a Only on completer type. Example format:
Completer configuration settings
editor.config.completer.dataArray[ ] Autocomplete list data source.
Example format:
{ id: 10, name: 'Nick', email: '' }
editor.config.completer.searchFieldsstring'' Comma separated list of fields to search on. Fields may contain dots for nested attributes; if empty or null all data will be returned
editor.config.completer.titleFieldstring'' Name of the field to use as title for the list item
editor.config.completer.descriptionFieldstring'' Name of the field to use as description for the list item
filterObjectn/a Column filter attributes settings. This object accepts the same properties as the editor object.
The available types are: checkbox, select, completer.
The checkbox type accepts one more optional property compared to the editor version: resetText: string. It defines the text of the button to reset the checkbox selection.
Click here to see an example on how to configure it.
valuePrepareFunctionFunction n/a Function run against a value before it gets inserted into a cell. You can use it to modify how a value is displayed in the cell.
This function will be invoked with 2 parameters: cell, row
sortbooleantrue Column sort settings, enable/disable.
sortDirection'asc'|'desc'n/a Sort table by this column with this direction by default.
Applied only when sort = true. Note: multiple sort option is not supported yet, so sortDirection can be applied to only one column per table.
compareFunctionFunction n/a Function run against the values to sort the table
filterbooleantrue Column filter settings, enable/disable
filterFunctionFunctionn/a Function run against the column value when filtering is happening
Other Table Settings   
mode'external'|'inline''inline' Determines how to react on action links (Add, Edit, Delete).
'external' - just trigger the events (LINK HERE).
'inline' - process internally, show forms/inputs/etc
hideHeader'boolean'false Set to true to not display the table header (which includes table column titles)
hideSubHeader'boolean'false Set to true to not display the table sub-header (which includes filters and global table actions (currently - Add action))
noDataMessagestring'No data found' Message shown when there is no data in the table
attrObjectn/a Table attributes settings
attr.idstring'' Table element id
attr.classstring'' Table element class
actionsObjectn/a Settings for the table actions
actions.columnTitlestring'Actions' Actions column title
actions.addbooleantrue Show/not show Add button
actions.editbooleantrue Show/not show Edit button
actions.deletebooleantrue Show/not show Delete button
actions.position'left'|'right''left' Choose actions column position
filterObjectn/a Settings for the table filter
filter.inputClassstring'' Filter input class
editObjectn/a Edit action settings
edit.inputClassstring'' Editing form input class
edit.editButtonContentstring'Edit' Edit row button content/title
edit.saveButtonContentstring'Update' Update button content/title
edit.cancelButtonContentstring'Cancel' Cancel button content/title
edit.confirmSavebooleanfalse Enable/disable (confirmEdit) event. If enabled data will be edited only if confirm.resolve() called.
addObjectn/a Add action settings
add.inputClassstring'' New row input class
add.addButtonContentstring'Add New' Add New button content/title
add.createButtonContentstring'Create' Create button content/title
add.cancelButtonContentstring'Cancel' Cancel button content/title
add.confirmCreatebooleanfalse Enable/disable (confirmCreate) event. If enabled data will be added only if confirm.resolve() called.
deleteObjectn/a Delete action settings
delete.deleteButtonContentstring'Delete' Delete row input class
delete.confirmDeletebooleanfalse Enable/disable (confirmDelete) event. If enabled data will be deleted only if confirm.resolve() called.
pagerObjectn/a Pager settings
pager.displaybooleantrue Whether to display the pager or not
pager.perPagenumber10 Rows per page


 组件输出/事件(Component Outputs/Events)


(rowSelect)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - selected row data object
  • source: DataSource - table data source
Triggered once a row is selected (either clicked or selected automatically (after page is changed, after some row is deleted, etc)).
(userRowSelect)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - selected row data object
  • source: DataSource - table data source
Triggered only on a user click event.
(mouseover)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - highlighted row data object
  • source: DataSource - table data source
Triggered only on a user mouseover event.
(create)event: Object, consist of:
  • source: DataSource - table data source
Triggered once a Create button clicked. Triggered only if table mode = external.
(createConfirm)event: Object, consist of:
  • newData: Object - data entered in a new row
  • source: DataSource - table data source
  • confirm: Deferred - Deferred object with resolve(newData: Object) and reject() methods.
Triggered once a Create button clicked. Triggered only if table confirmCreate = true and mode = inline. Allows you to confirm changes before they are applied to the table data source.
(edit)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - row data object
  • source: DataSource - table data source
Triggered once an Edit button clicked on a row. Triggered only if table mode = external.
(editConfirm)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - original row data
  • newData: Object - edited data
  • source: DataSource - table data source
  • confirm: Deferred - Deferred object with resolve(newData: Object) and reject() methods.
Triggered once a Save button clicked. Triggered only if table confirmSave = true and mode = inline. Allows you to confirm changes before they are applied to the table data source.
(delete)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - row data object
  • source: DataSource - table data source
Triggered once a Delete button clicked on a row. Triggered only if table mode = external.
(deleteConfirm)event: Object, consist of:
  • data: Object - data object to delete
  • source: DataSource - table data source
  • confirm: Deferred - Deferred object with resolve() and reject() methods.
Triggered once a Delete button clicked. Triggered only if table confirmDelete = true and mode = inline. Allows you to confirm changes before they are applied to the table data source.


 数据源的方法(Data Source Methods)



  • data: Array - data to load into the table
Reload table with new data. For example if some data has received from the server.
  • element: Object - object to add
Add a new element to the beginning of the table.
  • element: Object - object to add
Add a new element to the end of the table. This also will switch current page to the last one.
  • element: Object - object to add
Add a new element to the table.
  • element: Object - object to remove
Remove the element from the table.
  • element: Object - object to update
  • values: Object - object with new values
Update the element in the table.
  • element: Object - object to find
Find the element in the table.
getElementsn/aGet elements for current sort, filter and page.
getFilteredAndSortedn/aGet sorted, filtered and not paginated elements.
getAlln/aGet all data source elements.
  • conf: Array - array of sort setting objects, object format is:doEmit: boolean - emit event (to refresh the table) or not, default = true
    • field - string - columnKey
    • direction - string|null - 'asc'|'desc'|null - sort direction
    • compare - Function|null - custom compare function
Set table sorts, example:
this.source.setSort([{ field: 'id', direction: 'asc' }]);
  • conf: Array - array of filter setting objects, object format is: andOperator: boolean - how to process multiple filters (as AND or as OR), default = true (AND)
    • field - string - columnKey
    • search - string - search query
    • filter - Function|null - custom filter function
  • doEmit: boolean - emit event (to refresh the table) or not, default = true
Set table filters, example:
this.source.setFilter([{ field: 'id', search: 'foobar' }, { field: 'name', search: 'foobar' }]);
  • conf: Object - one filter object, format is: andOperator: boolean - how to process multiple filters (as AND or as OR), default = true (AND)
    • field - string - columnKey
    • search - string - search query
    • filter - Function|null - custom filter function
  • doEmit: boolean - emit event (to refresh the table) or not, default = true
Set table filter for one column, example:
this.source.addFilter({ field: 'id', search: 'foobar' });
  • page: number - page number
  • perPage: number - about per page
  • doEmit: boolean - emit event (to refresh the table) or not, default = true
Set table pagination settings
  • page: number - page number
  • doEmit: boolean - emit event (to refresh the table) or not, default = true
Set table page
  • silent: boolean - if true - you have to additionally call `refresh` to reflect the changes
Set data source to first page with empty filter and empty sort.
refresh n/a Refresh data in the data source. In most cases you won't need this method.
count n/a Return count of element in the data source.
empty n/a Empty the data source.






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