
unit AviWriter; / // // // AviWriter -- a component to create rudimentary AVI files // // by Elliott Shevin, with large pieces of code // // stolen from Anders Melander // // version 1.0. Please send comments, suggestions, and advice // // to // / // // // AviWriter will build an AVI file containing one stream of any // // number of TBitmaps, plus a single WAV file. // // // // Properties: // // Bitmaps : A TList of pointers to TBitmap objects which become // // frames of the AVI video stream. The component // // allocates and frees the TList, but the caller // // is responsible for managing the TBitmaps themselves. // // Manipulate the list as you would any other TList. // // At least one bitmap is required. // // Height, Width: // // The dimensions of the AVI video, in pixels. // // FrameTime: // // The duration of each video frame, in milliseconds. // // Stretch: If TRUE, each TBitmap on the Bitmaps list is // // stretches to the dimensions specified in Height // // and Width. If FALSE, each TBitmap is copied from // // its upper left corner without stretching. // // FileName: The name of the AVI file to be written. // // WAVFileName: // // The name of a WAV file which will become the audio // // stream for the AVI. Optional. // // // // Method: // // Write: Creates the AVI file named by FileName. // / // Wish List: // // I'd like to be able to enhance this component in two ways, but // // don't know how. Please send ideas to // // 1. So far, it's necessary to transform the video stream into // // and AVI file on disk. I'd prefer to do this in memory. // // 2. MIDI files for audio. // / interface uses Windows,Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,unit1, {$ifdef VER90} ole2; {$else} ActiveX; {$endif} // // // Video for Windows // // // // // // Adapted from Thomas Schimming's VFW.PAS // // (c) 1996 Thomas Schimming, // // (c) 1998,99 Anders Melander // // // // // // Ripped all COM/ActiveX stuff and added some AVI stream functions. // // // type { TAVIFileInfoW record } LONG = Longint; PVOID = Pointer; // TAVIFileInfo dwFlag values const AVIF_HASINDEX = $00000010; AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX = $00000020; AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED = $00000100; AVIF_WASCAPTUREFILE = $00010000; AVIF_COPYRIGHTED = $00020000; AVIF_KNOWN_FLAGS = $00030130; AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED = $80044065; // MAKE_AVIERR(101) AVIERR_BADFORMAT = $80044066; // MAKE_AVIERR(102) AVIERR_MEMORY = $80044067; // MAKE_AVIERR(103) AVIERR_INTERNAL = $80044068; // MAKE_AVIERR(104) AVIERR_BADFLAGS = $80044069; // MAKE_AVIERR(105) AVIERR_BADPARAM = $8004406A; // MAKE_AVIERR(106) AVIERR_BADSIZE = $8004406B; // MAKE_AVIERR(107) AVIERR_BADHANDLE = $8004406C; // MAKE_AVIERR(108) AVIERR_FILEREAD = $8004406D; // MAKE_AVIERR(109) AVIERR_FILEWRITE = $8004406E; // MAKE_AVIERR(110) AVIERR_FILEOPEN = $8004406F; // MAKE_AVIERR(111) AVIERR_COMPRESSOR = $80044070; // MAKE_AVIERR(112) AVIERR_NOCOMPRESSOR = $80044071; // MAKE_AVIERR(113) AVIERR_READONLY = $80044072; // MAKE_AVIERR(114) AVIERR_NODATA = $80044073; // MAKE_AVIERR(115) AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL = $80044074; // MAKE_AVIERR(116) AVIERR_CANTCOMPRESS = $80044075; // MAKE_AVIERR(117) AVIERR_USERABORT = $800440C6; // MAKE_AVIERR(198) AVIERR_ERROR = $800440C7; // MAKE_AVIERR(199) type TAVIFileInfoW = record dwMaxBytesPerSec, // max. transfer rate dwFlags, // the ever-present flags dwCaps, dwStreams, dwSuggestedBufferSize, dwWidth, dwHeight, dwScale, dwRate, // dwRate / dwScale == samples/second dwLength, dwEditCount: DWORD; szFileType: array[0..63] of WideChar; // descriptive string for file type? end; PAVIFileInfoW = ^TAVIFileInfoW; // TAVIStreamInfo dwFlag values const AVISF_DISABLED = $00000001; AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES= $00010000; AVISF_KNOWN_FLAGS = $00010001; type TAVIStreamInfoA = record fccType, fccHandler, dwFlags, // Contains AVITF_* flags dwCaps: DWORD; wPriority, wLanguage: WORD; dwScale, dwRate, // dwRate / dwScale == samples/second dwStart, dwLength, // In units above... dwInitialFrames, dwSuggestedBufferSize, dwQuality, dwSampleSize: DWORD; rcFrame: TRect; dwEditCount, dwFormatChangeCount: DWORD; szName: array[0..63] of AnsiChar; end; TAVIStreamInfo = TAVIStreamInfoA; PAVIStreamInfo = ^TAVIStreamInfo; { TAVIStreamInfoW record } TAVIStreamInfoW = record fccType, fccHandler, dwFlags, // Contains AVITF_* flags dwCaps: DWORD; wPriority, wLanguage: WORD; dwScale, dwRate, // dwRate / dwScale == samples/second dwStart, dwLength, // In units above... dwInitialFrames, dwSuggestedBufferSize, dwQuality, dwSampleSize: DWORD; rcFrame: TRect; dwEditCount, dwFormatChangeCount: DWORD; szName: array[0..63] of WideChar; end; PAVIStream = pointer; PAVIFile = pointer; TAVIStreamList = array[0..0] of PAVIStream; PAVIStreamList = ^TAVIStreamList; TAVISaveCallback = function (nPercent: integer): LONG; stdcall; TAVICompressOptions = packed record fccType : DWORD; fccHandler : DWORD; dwKeyFrameEvery : DWORD; dwQuality : DWORD; dwBytesPerSecond : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD; lpFormat : pointer; cbFormat : DWORD; lpParms : pointer; cbParms : DWORD; dwInterleaveEvery : DWORD; end; PAVICompressOptions = ^TAVICompressOptions; psi =^PAVICompressOptions; // Palette change data record const RIFF_PaletteChange: DWORD = 1668293411; type TAVIPalChange = packed record bFirstEntry : byte; bNumEntries : byte; wFlags : WORD; peNew : array[byte] of TPaletteEntry; end; PAVIPalChange = ^TAVIPalChange; APAVISTREAM = array[0..1] of PAVISTREAM; APAVICompressOptions = array[0..1] of PAVICompressOptions; procedure AVIFileInit; stdcall; procedure AVIFileExit; stdcall; function AVIFileOpen(var ppfile: PAVIFile; szFile: PChar; uMode: UINT; lpHandler: pointer): HResult; stdcall; function AVIFileCreateStream(pfile: PAVIFile; var ppavi: PAVISTREAM; var psi: TAVIStreamInfo): HResult; stdcall; function AVIStreamSetFormat(pavi: PAVIStream; lPos: LONG; lpFormat: pointer; cbFormat: LONG): HResult; stdcall; function AVIStreamReadFormat(pavi: PAVIStream; lPos: LONG; lpFormat: pointer; var cbFormat: LONG): HResult; stdcall; function AVIStreamWrite(pavi: PAVIStream; lStart, lSamples: LONG; lpBuffer: pointer; cbBuffer: LONG; dwFlags: DWORD; var plSampWritten: LONG; var plBytesWritten: LONG): HResult; stdcall; function AVIStreamRelease(pavi: PAVISTREAM): ULONG; stdcall; function AVIFileRelease(pfile: PAVIFile): ULONG; stdcall; function AVIFileGetStream(pfile: PAVIFile; var ppavi: PAVISTREAM; fccType: DWORD; lParam: LONG): HResult; stdcall; function CreateEditableStream(var ppsEditable: PAVISTREAM; psSource: PAVISTREAM): HResult; stdcall; function AVISaveV(szFile: PChar; pclsidHandler: PCLSID; lpfnCallback: TAVISaveCallback; nStreams: integer; pavi: APAVISTREAM; lpOptions: APAVICompressOptions): HResult; stdcall; Function AVISaveOptions(si0 :Hwnd;UiFlag :integer;nstreams :integer; ppavi :pointer;var ppoptions :psi ) :Boolean; stdcall; //b "avifil32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ // ByVal uiFlags As Long, _ // ByVal nStreams As Long, _ // ByRef ppavi As Long, _ // ByRef ppOptions As Long) As Long 'TRUE if user pressed OK, False if cancel, or error if error //'This is actually the AVISaveV function aliased to be called as AVISave from VB because //'AVISave seems to be compiled using CDECL calling convention ;-( const AVIERR_OK = 0; AVIIF_LIST = $01; AVIIF_TWOCC = $02; AVIIF_KEYFRAME = $10; streamtypeVIDEO = $73646976; // DWORD( 'v', 'i', 'd', 's' ) streamtypeAUDIO = $73647561; // DWORD( 'a', 'u', 'd', 's' ) type TPixelFormat = (pfDevice, pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit, pfCustom); type TProcessNotify=Procedure(sender:TObject;Prent:Byte) of object; TAviWriter = class(TComponent) private pFile : PAVIFile; fHeight : integer; fWidth : integer; fStretch : boolean; fFrameTime : integer; fFileName : string; VideoStream : PAVISTREAM; FPstream : PAVISTREAM; Fpsi0 : psi; FBitmap :TBitmap; FOnProcess:TProcessNotify; procedure process(sender:TObject;Prent:Byte); function getRect(B:TBitmap):TRect; procedure AddVideo; procedure InternalGetDIBSizes(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var InfoHeaderSize: Integer; var ImageSize: longInt; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat); function InternalGetDIB(Bitmap: HBITMAP; Palette: HPALETTE; var BitmapInfo; var Bits; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): Boolean; procedure InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var Info: TBitmapInfoHeader; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public Bitmaps : TList; constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Write; procedure EndSave; procedure WriteHeader(B:TBitmap); procedure WriteBitmap(B:TBitmap;Index:Integer); { Public declarations } published property Height : integer read fHeight write fHeight; property Width : integer read fWidth write fWidth; property FrameTime: integer read fFrameTime write fFrameTime; property Stretch : boolean read fStretch write fStretch; property FileName : string read fFileName write fFileName; property OnProcess:TProcessNotify read FOnProcess write FOnprocess; { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TAviWriter.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); fHeight := screen.height div 10; fWidth := screen.width div 10; fFrameTime := 1000; fStretch := true; fFileName := ''; Bitmaps := TList.create; AVIFileInit; FBitmap :=TBitmap.Create; end; destructor TAviWriter.Destroy; begin; AviFileExit; FBitmap.Free; inherited; end; procedure TAviWriter.Write; var ExtBitmap : TBitmap; i : integer; begin VideoStream := nil; // If no bitmaps are on the list, raise an error. if Bitmaps.count < 1 then raise Exception.Create('No bitmaps on the Bitmaps list'); // If anything on the Bitmaps TList is not a bitmap, raise // an error. for i := 0 to Bitmaps.count - 1 do begin ExtBitmap := Bitmaps[i]; if not(ExtBitmap is TBitmap) then raise Exception.Create('Bitmaps[' + inttostr(i)+ '] is not a TBitmap'); end; try AddVideo; finally AVIFileRelease(pFile); end; end; procedure TAviWriter.AddVideo; var Pstream : PAVISTREAM; StreamInfo : TAVIStreamInfo; BitmapInfo : PBitmapInfoHeader; BitmapInfoSize : Integer; BitmapSize : longInt; BitmapBits : pointer; Bitmap : TBitmap; ExtBitmap : TBitmap; Samples_Written : LONG; Bytes_Written : LONG; AVIERR : integer; i : integer; begin // Open AVI file for write if (AVIFileOpen(pFile, pchar(FileName),OF_WRITE or OF_CREATE OR OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, nil)<> AVIERR_OK) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to create AVI video work file'); // Allocate the bitmap to which the bitmaps on the Bitmaps Tlist // will be copied. Bitmap := TBitmap.create; Bitmap.Height := self.Height; Bitmap.Width := self.Width; // Write the stream header. try FillChar(StreamInfo, sizeof(StreamInfo), 0); InternalGetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle,BitmapInfoSize, BitmapSize, pf24bit); // Set frame rate and scale StreamInfo.dwRate := 1000; StreamInfo.dwScale := fFrameTime; StreamInfo.fccType := streamtypeVIDEO; StreamInfo.fccHandler := 0; StreamInfo.dwFlags := 0; StreamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize := BitmapSize; StreamInfo.rcFrame.Right := self.width; StreamInfo.rcFrame.Bottom := self.height; // Open AVI data stream if (AVIFileCreateStream(pFile, pStream, StreamInfo) <> AVIERR_OK) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to create AVI video stream'); process(self,0); try // Write the bitmaps to the stream. for i := 0 to Bitmaps.count - 1 do begin BitmapInfo := nil; BitmapBits := nil; try // Copy the bitmap from the list to the AVI bitmap, // stretching if desired. If the caller elects not to // stretch, use the first pixel in the bitmap as a // background color in case either the height or // width of the source is smaller than the output. // If Draw fails, do a StretchDraw. ExtBitmap := Bitmaps[i]; if fStretch then Bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,self.width,self.height),ExtBitmap) else try with Bitmap.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := ExtBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(0,0,Bitmap.Width,Bitmap.Height)); Draw(0,0,ExtBitmap); end; except Bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,self.width,self.height),ExtBitmap); end; // Determine size of DIB InternalGetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle, BitmapInfoSize, BitmapSize, pf24bit); if (BitmapInfoSize = 0) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to retrieve bitmap info'); // Get DIB header and pixel buffers GetMem(BitmapInfo, BitmapInfoSize); GetMem(BitmapBits, BitmapSize); InternalGetDIB(Bitmap.Handle, 0, BitmapInfo^, BitmapBits^, pf24bit); // On the first time through, set the stream format. if i = 0 then if (AVIStreamSetFormat(pStream, 0, BitmapInfo, BitmapInfoSize) <> AVIERR_OK) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to set AVI stream format'); // Write frame to the video stream AVIERR :=AVIStreamWrite(pStream, i, 1, BitmapBits, BitmapSize, AVIIF_KEYFRAME,Samples_Written, Bytes_Written); if AVIERR <> AVIERR_OK then raise Exception.Create('Failed to add frame to AVI. Err='+ inttohex(AVIERR,8)); finally if (BitmapInfo <> nil) then FreeMem(BitmapInfo); if (BitmapBits <> nil) then FreeMem(BitmapBits); end; process(self,I*100 div (Bitmaps.Count-1)); end; finally AviStreamRelease(pStream); end; process(self,100); finally; end; end; // -------------- // InternalGetDIB // -------------- // Converts a bitmap to a DIB of a specified PixelFormat. // // Parameters: // Bitmap The handle of the source bitmap. // Pal The handle of the source palette. // BitmapInfo The buffer that will receive the DIB's TBitmapInfo structure. // A buffer of sufficient size must have been allocated prior to // calling this function. // Bits The buffer that will receive the DIB's pixel data. // A buffer of sufficient size must have been allocated prior to // calling this function. // PixelFormat The pixel format of the destination DIB. // // Returns: // True on success, False on failure. // // Note: The InternalGetDIBSizes function can be used to calculate the // nescessary sizes of the BitmapInfo and Bits buffers. // function TAviWriter.InternalGetDIB(Bitmap: HBITMAP; Palette: HPALETTE; var BitmapInfo; var Bits; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): Boolean; // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use var OldPal : HPALETTE; DC : HDC; begin InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap, TBitmapInfoHeader(BitmapInfo), PixelFormat); OldPal := 0; DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0); try if (Palette <> 0) then begin OldPal := SelectPalette(DC, Palette, False); RealizePalette(DC); end; Result := (GetDIBits(DC, Bitmap, 0, abs(TBitmapInfoHeader(BitmapInfo).biHeight), @Bits, TBitmapInfo(BitmapInfo), DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> 0); finally if (OldPal <> 0) then SelectPalette(DC, OldPal, False); DeleteDC(DC); end; end; // ------------------- // InternalGetDIBSizes // ------------------- // Calculates the buffer sizes nescessary for convertion of a bitmap to a DIB // of a specified PixelFormat. // See the GetDIBSizes API function for more info. // // Parameters: // Bitmap The handle of the source bitmap. // InfoHeaderSize // The returned size of a buffer that will receive the DIB's // TBitmapInfo structure. // ImageSize The returned size of a buffer that will receive the DIB's // pixel data. // PixelFormat The pixel format of the destination DIB. // procedure TAviWriter.InternalGetDIBSizes(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var InfoHeaderSize: Integer; var ImageSize: longInt; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat); // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use var Info : TBitmapInfoHeader; begin InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap, Info, PixelFormat); // Check for palette device format if (Info.biBitCount > 8) then begin // Header but no palette InfoHeaderSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); if ((Info.biCompression and BI_BITFIELDS) <> 0) then Inc(InfoHeaderSize, 12); end else // Header and palette InfoHeaderSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * (1 shl Info.biBitCount); ImageSize := Info.biSizeImage; end; // -------------------------- // InitializeBitmapInfoHeader // -------------------------- // Fills a TBitmapInfoHeader with the values of a bitmap when converted to a // DIB of a specified PixelFormat. // // Parameters: // Bitmap The handle of the source bitmap. // Info The TBitmapInfoHeader buffer that will receive the values. // PixelFormat The pixel format of the destination DIB. // {$IFDEF BAD_STACK_ALIGNMENT} // Disable optimization to circumvent optimizer bug... {$IFOPT O+} {$DEFINE O_PLUS} {$O-} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} procedure TAviWriter.InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var Info: TBitmapInfoHeader; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat); // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use var DIB : TDIBSection; Bytes : Integer; function AlignBit(Bits, BitsPerPixel, Alignment: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Dec(Alignment); Result := ((Bits * BitsPerPixel) + Alignment) and not Alignment; Result := Result SHR 3; end; begin DIB.dsbmih.biSize := 0; Bytes := GetObject(Bitmap, SizeOf(DIB), @DIB); if (Bytes = 0) then raise Exception.Create('Invalid bitmap'); // Error(sInvalidBitmap); if (Bytes >= (sizeof(DIB.dsbm) + sizeof(DIB.dsbmih))) and (DIB.dsbmih.biSize >= sizeof(DIB.dsbmih)) then Info := DIB.dsbmih else begin FillChar(Info, sizeof(Info), 0); with Info, DIB.dsbm do begin biSize := SizeOf(Info); biWidth := bmWidth; biHeight := bmHeight; end; end; case PixelFormat of pf1bit: Info.biBitCount := 1; pf4bit: Info.biBitCount := 4; pf8bit: Info.biBitCount := 8; pf24bit: Info.biBitCount := 24; else // Error(sInvalidPixelFormat); raise Exception.Create('Invalid pixel foramt'); // Info.biBitCount := DIB.dsbm.bmBitsPixel * DIB.dsbm.bmPlanes; end; Info.biPlanes := 1; Info.biCompression := BI_RGB; // Always return data in RGB format Info.biSizeImage := AlignBit(Info.biWidth, Info.biBitCount, 32) * Cardinal(abs(Info.biHeight)); end; {$IFDEF O_PLUS} {$O+} {$UNDEF O_PLUS} {$ENDIF} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Custom', [TAviWriter]); end; procedure AVIFileInit; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIFileInit'; procedure AVIFileExit; stdcall; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIFileExit'; function AVIFileOpen; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIFileOpenA'; function AVIFileCreateStream; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIFileCreateStreamA'; function AVIStreamSetFormat; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIStreamSetFormat'; function AVIStreamReadFormat; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIStreamReadFormat'; function AVIStreamWrite; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIStreamWrite'; function AVIStreamRelease; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIStreamRelease'; function AVIFileRelease; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIFileRelease'; function AVIFileGetStream; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVIFileGetStream'; function CreateEditableStream; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'CreateEditableStream'; function AVISaveV; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'AVISaveV'; Function AVISaveOptions; external 'avifil32.dll' name 'avisaveoptions'; procedure TAviWriter.process(sender: TObject; Prent: Byte); begin if Assigned(FOnProcess) then FOnProcess(self,Prent); end; procedure TAviWriter.EndSave; begin AviStreamRelease(FpStream); AVIFileRelease(pFile); end; procedure TAviWriter.WriteBitmap(B: TBitmap;Index:Integer); var BitmapInfo : PBitmapInfoHeader; BitmapInfoSize : Integer; BitmapSize : longInt; BitmapBits : pointer; Samples_Written : LONG; Bytes_Written : LONG; AVIERR : integer; begin BitmapInfo := nil; BitmapBits := nil; try if fStretch then begin FBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color:=clBlack; FBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(FBitmap.Canvas.ClipRect); FBitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(getRect(B),B); end else try with FBitmap.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := B.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height)); Draw(0,0,B); end; except FBitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,self.width,self.height),B); end; InternalGetDIBSizes(FBitmap.Handle, BitmapInfoSize, BitmapSize, pf24bit); if (BitmapInfoSize = 0) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to retrieve bitmap info'); GetMem(BitmapInfo, BitmapInfoSize); GetMem(BitmapBits, BitmapSize); InternalGetDIB(FBitmap.Handle, 0, BitmapInfo^, BitmapBits^, pf24bit); AVIERR :=AVIStreamWrite(FpStream, Index, 1, BitmapBits, BitmapSize, AVIIF_KEYFRAME,Samples_Written, Bytes_Written); if AVIERR <> AVIERR_OK then raise Exception.Create('Failed to add frame to AVI. Err='+ inttohex(AVIERR,8)); finally if (BitmapInfo <> nil) then FreeMem(BitmapInfo); if (BitmapBits <> nil) then FreeMem(BitmapBits); end; end; procedure TAviWriter.WriteHeader(B: TBitmap); var //Pstream : PAVISTREAM; StreamInfo : TAVIStreamInfo; BitmapInfo : PBitmapInfoHeader; BitmapInfoSize : Integer; BitmapSize : longInt; BitmapBits : pointer; Samples_Written : LONG; Bytes_Written : LONG; AVIERR : integer; begin if (AVIFileOpen(pFile, pchar(FileName),OF_WRITE or OF_CREATE OR OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, nil)<> AVIERR_OK) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to create AVI video work file'); FBitmap.Height := self.Height; FBitmap.Width := self.Width; try FillChar(StreamInfo, sizeof(StreamInfo), 0); InternalGetDIBSizes(FBitmap.Handle,BitmapInfoSize, BitmapSize, pf24bit); StreamInfo.dwRate := 1000; StreamInfo.dwScale := fFrameTime; StreamInfo.fccType := streamtypeVIDEO; StreamInfo.fccHandler := 0; StreamInfo.dwFlags := 0; StreamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize := BitmapSize; StreamInfo.rcFrame.Right := self.width; StreamInfo.rcFrame.Bottom := self.height; if (AVIFileCreateStream(pFile, FpStream, StreamInfo) <> AVIERR_OK) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to create AVI video stream'); process(self,0); BitmapInfo := nil; BitmapBits := nil; try if fStretch then begin FBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color:=clBlack; FBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(FBitmap.Canvas.ClipRect); FBitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(getRect(B),B); end else try with FBitmap.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := B.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height)); Draw(0,0,B); end; except FBitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,self.width,self.height),B); end; InternalGetDIBSizes(FBitmap.Handle, BitmapInfoSize, BitmapSize, pf24bit); if (BitmapInfoSize = 0) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to retrieve bitmap info'); GetMem(BitmapInfo, BitmapInfoSize); GetMem(BitmapBits, BitmapSize); InternalGetDIB(FBitmap.Handle, 0, BitmapInfo^, BitmapBits^, pf24bit); if AVISaveOptions(form1.Handle,1 ,1,FpStream,fpsi0) Then Showmessage('success'); //成功 if (AVIStreamSetFormat(FpStream, 0, BitmapInfo, BitmapInfoSize) <> AVIERR_OK) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to set AVI stream format'); AVIERR :=AVIStreamWrite(FpStream, 0, 1, BitmapBits, BitmapSize, AVIIF_KEYFRAME,Samples_Written, Bytes_Written); if AVIERR <> AVIERR_OK then raise Exception.Create('Failed to add frame to AVI. Err='+ inttohex(AVIERR,8)); finally if (BitmapInfo <> nil) then FreeMem(BitmapInfo); if (BitmapBits <> nil) then FreeMem(BitmapBits); end; finally end; end; function TAviWriter.getRect(B: TBitmap): TRect; var w, h, cw, ch: Integer; xyaspect: Double; begin W:=B.Width; H:=B.Height; cw := Width; ch := Height; if (w > cw) or (h > ch) then begin if (w > 0) and (h > 0) then begin xyaspect := w / h; if w > h then begin w := cw; h := Trunc(cw / xyaspect); if h > ch then // woops, too big begin h := ch; w := Trunc(ch * xyaspect); end; end else begin h := ch; w := Trunc(ch * xyaspect); if w > cw then // woops, too big begin w := cw; h := Trunc(cw / xyaspect); end; end; end else begin w := cw; h := ch; end; end; Result:=Rect((cw - w) div 2, (ch - h) div 2,(cw - w) div 2+W,(ch - h) div 2+H); //OffsetRect(Result, (cw - w) div 2, (ch - h) div 2); end; end.


Easiest way to install: Load the program group AviDemo.bpg, install the package AviPack.dpk(bpl), try the demos. Read the source of AviWriter_2.pas (in AviPack) to get help on what the procedures and properties do. **Current version: AviWriter_2 ver Changes: Finally got On-the-fly compression working with still being able to add an audio-stream. Use property OnTheFlyCompression (default is true) Also, now more than one audio file can be added. For each wav-file a delay (ms) can be specified, which says when it'll start playing. Use method AddWaveFile. In the delay got too short. Now it seems to work, due to really adding "silence" from the end of the previous audio file. Note: Some Codecs don't support On-the-fly compression. If OnTheFlyCompression is false, only one wave file can be added. **A list of codec-gotchas: (still unclear about the exact range of occurrance) IV50 Indeo Video 5: Both frame dimensions must be a factor of 4. DIVX DivX codec: Both frame dimensions must be a factor of 4. Gives a floating point error under certain circumstances. More and more likely that this occurs if the frames are too "different". If this happens, then there's an AV in Avifil32.dll, don't know how to prevent this. The codec compresses real movies nicely at frametimes <=60 ms, when changing the settings in its dialog box as follows: Bitrate (1st page): to >=1300 Max Keyframe interval (2nd page): to <=20. MRLE MS-RLE Use that one if you want to make avis which play transparently in a TAnimate. (Thanks Eddie Shipman) But it does not support on-the-fly compression. Whenever a codec fails to work, there's this dreaded error "A call to an operating system function failed" while writing a compressed file, or an unhandled exception. The only way to prevent it, that I see, is, to collect more peculiarities about the codecs and stop execution in case of certain combinations of settings. When queried about their capabilities, some of these guys seem to lie. Renate Schaaf




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