
a7f4a3f590493a1e451dd952a488fd7c.gif 大工13秋《专业英语(计算机英语)》在线测试2.doc




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大工13秋《专业英语(计算机英语)》在线测试2试卷总分:100 删试时间:一 试卷得分:100一、单迭题(共20道试题,共80分。)得分:801. (). the protocol for transferring HTML files on the Web.. A. HTML JOB. ISPC. ClientD. Server莉分:4分得分:42. In a () network all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected to a central 1Q A. bus. B. starC. treeD. ring莉分:4分得分:43. Two types of sofhvare are () and application software.• A. system softwareB. system callC. system crash(D. system hardware满分:4分得分:44. () also called a program, is the series of computer language coded instructions that tells the compu• A. SoftwareB. HardwareC. CompilerO D. Interpreter满分:4分得分:45. (): short for modulator demodulator, device that converts digital signals into a representation of anO A. ServerB. Network. C. ModemD. Gateway莉分:4分得分:46. Linux is an operating system similar to ( ) that is becoming more and more popular.A. Windows 98o B. Windows 2000O C. Windows XP. D. Unix满分:4分得分:47. ( ) is a device that functions as both a router and a bridge.A. RepeaterO B. SwitchC C. Gateway• D. Brouter满分:4分得分:48. ( ), software used in corporate networks (intranets and extranets) to prevent unauthorized p• A. FirewallQ B. ModemC. HypertextO D. TCP莉分:4分得分:49. () programs are used to recover deleted or damaged(corrupted) files.• A. Data recoveryB. System callC. System crashD. System software莉分:4分得分:410. A ( ) is a highly intelligent device that supports connectivity between both like and unlike• A. routerB. repeaterC. switchQ D. bridge满分:4分得分:411. A ( ) is software that looks at an entire high-level program before translating it into machine language.• A. compilerB. interpreterC. instructionD. process满分:4分得分:412. The () is automatically loaded into RAM soon after you turn on? or "boot the computer.A. application sofhvare• B. operating softwareO c. shellD. compiler莉分:4分得分:413. A ( ) channel allows simultaneous message exchange in both directions.lt really consists of two simplex cl O A. half^duplex(• B. full-duplexC. simplexD. none of the above满分:4分得分:414. In () mode: the communication is unidirectional like a one-way street. Only one of the two stations on a 1 Q A. half-duplexO B. full-duplex• C. simplexD. none of the above莉分:4分得分:415. () is the number of times a wave repeats during a specific time inten al:that is how many times it completeA. Amplitude• B. FrequencyC. Analog signalsD. Digital signals耦分:4分得分:416. The CPU executes programs coded in a lower level language called the ().A. utility programB. language translator• C. machine languageD. backup满分:4分得分:417. () is indicated by the height of a wave within a given period of time.• A. AmplitudeB. FrequencyC. Analog signalsD. Digital signals莉分:4分得分:4IS. (), difference between the lowest and highest frequencies transmitted in a particular channel or system.A. Amplitude• B. BandwidthO C. BridgeD. Network满分:4分得分:419. Ina() network all microcomputers and other communication devices are connected to a continuous loop.A. busB・ starO C. tree• D. ring莉分:4分得分:420. () is an acronym for local area netxvork.lt is a group of computers and other devices dispersed ox er a relati• A. LAN 'B. WANO C. MAND. None of the above茜分:4分得分:4二、判断题(共10道试题,共20分。)得分:201. Device drivers are specialized programs designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the reA. 错误 」 」• B.正确满分:2分得分:22. LAN. communications network that covers a wide geozraphical area, such as a state or a countr>\()• A.错误B. 正确莉分:2分得分:23. Upload, to send files from a user's microcomputer to another computer. Compare with download/ )c A.错误• B.正确满分:2分得分:24. User interface controls how you enter data or instructions and how information is displayed on the computer screen.()A. 错误• B.正确满分:2分得分:25. Application software consists of pro erams that perform specific tasks for users.()C A.错误 〜• B. IE 18满分:2分得分:26. Bridee. interface that enables WANs to communicate/)• A.错误B. 正确满分:2分得分:27. Operating system is a set of prozrams that perform specific tasks for users.()c A.fe误 〜• B.正确满分:2分得分:28. Gateway, interface that enables dissimilar networks to communicate with one another.()A「诺误• B.正确满分:2分得分:29. Lanffuase translators com ert the prosrammins instructions into a laneuase that computers understand and process.()A.错误 」 」• B.正确满分:2分得分:210. C——is an object-oriented programming laneuagej)CA错误 ~ 〜(• B.正确满分:2分得分:2 关 键 词: 13 测试 在线 专业英语(计算机英语)

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