





  • STDIN (0) - 标准输入(传给程序的数据)
  • STDOUT (1) - 标准输出(程序打印的数据,默认输出至终端)
  • STDERR (2) - 标准错误(针对错误信息,默认也是输出至终端)







  • Line 1 首先看下当前目录有哪些文件
  • Line 3 再运行一次 ls 命令,这次我们使用 > 来告诉终端保留输出到 myoutput文件中。你也许注意到了,在保留之前我们并不需要创建该文件,如果文件不存在的话,终端会自动创建该文件。
  • Line 4 可以看到当前目录下已经多了一个新文件
  • Line 6 看一下文件里面保存了什么内容







Saving to an Existing File

If we redirect to a file which does not exist, it will be created automatically for us. If we save into a file which already exists, however, then it's contents will be cleared, then the new output saved to it.


We can instead get the new data to be appended to the file by using the double greater than operator ( >> ).


Redirecting from a File

If we use the less than operator ( < ) then we can send data the other way. We will read data from the file and feed it into the program via it's STDIN stream.


A lot of programs (as we've seen in previous sections) allow us to supply a file as a command line argument and it will read and process the contents of that file. Given this, you may be asking why we would need to use this operator. The above example illustrates a subtle but useful difference. You'll notice that when we ran wc supplying the file to process as a command line argument, the output from the program included the name of the file that was processed. When we ran it redirecting the contents of the file into wc the file name was not printed. This is because whenever we use redirection or piping, the data is sent anonymously. So in the above example, wc recieved some content to process, but it has no knowledge of where it came from so it may not print this information. As a result, this mechanism is often used in order to get ancillary data (which may not be required) to not be printed.

We may easily combine the two forms of redirection we have seen so far into a single command as seen in the example below.


Redirecting STDERR

Now let's look at the third stream which is Standard Error or STDERR. The three streams actually have numbers associated with them (in brackets in the list at the top of the page). STDERR is stream number 2 and we may use these numbers to identify the streams. If we place a number before the > operator then it will redirect that stream (if we don't use a number, like we have been doing so far, then it defaults to stream 1).


Maybe we wish to save both normal output and error messages into a single file. This can be done by redirecting the STDERR stream to the STDOUT stream and redirecting STDOUT to a file. We redirect to a file first then redirect the error stream. We identify the redirection to a stream by placing an & in front of the stream number (otherwise it would redirect to a file called 1).



So far we've dealt with sending data to and from files. Now we'll take a look at a mechanism for sending data from one program to another. It's called piping and the operator we use is ( | ) (found above the backslash ( \ ) key on most keyboards). What this operator does is feed the output from the program on the left as input to the program on the right. In the example below we will list only the first 3 files in the directory.


We may pipe as many programs together as we like. In the below example we have then piped the output to tail so as to get only the third file.



  Any command line arguments we supply for a program must be next to that program.



  I often find people try and write their pipes all out in one go and make a mistake somewhere along the line. They then think it is in one point but in fact it is another point. They waste a lot of time trying to fix a problem that is not there while not seeing the problem that is there. If you build your pipes up   incrementally then you won't fall into this trap. Run the first program and make sure it provides the output you were expecting. Then add the second program and check again before adding the third and so on. This will save you a lot of frustration.

  You may combine pipes and redirection too.


More Examples

Below are some more examples to give an idea of the sorts of things you can do with piping. There are many things you can achieve with piping and these are just a few of them. With experience and a little creative thinking I'm sure you'll find many more ways to use piping to make your life easier.

All the programs used in the examples are programs we have seen before. I have used some command line arguments that we haven't covered yet however. Look up the relevant man pages to find out what they do. Also you can try the commands yourself, building up incrementally to see exactly what each step is doing.

In this example we are sorting the listing of a directory so that all the directories are listed first.



Stuff We Learnt

Save output to a file.
Append output to a file.
Read input from a file.
Redirect error messages.
Send the output from one program as input to another program.
Important Concepts   Streams
Every program you may run on the command line has 3 streams, STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR.




 C程序演示 pipe()用法


Write Linux C program to create two processes P1 and P2. P1 takes a string and passes it to P2. P2 concatenates the received string with another string without using string function and sends it back to P1 for printing.


Other string is: forgeeks.org

Input  : www.geeks
Output : www.geeksforgeeks.org
Input :  www.practice.geeks
Output : practice.geeksforgeeks.org


  • To create child process we use fork(). fork() returns :
    • <0 fail to create child (new) process
    • =0 for child process
    • >0 i.e process ID of the child process to the parent process. When >0 parent process will execute.
  • pipe() is used for passing information from one process to another. pipe() is unidirectional therefore, for two-way communication between processes, two pipes can be set up, one for each direction.
     int fd[2];
     fd[0]; //-> for using read end
     fd[1]; //-> for using write end

Inside Parent Process : We firstly close the reading end of first pipe (fd1[0]) then write the string though writing end of the pipe (fd1[1]). Now parent will wait until child process is finished. After the child process, parent will close the writing end of second pipe(fd2[1]) and read the string through reading end of pipe (fd2[0]).

Inside Child Process : Child reads the first string sent by parent process by closing the writing end of pipe (fd1[1]) and after reading concatenate both string and passes the string to parent process via fd2 pipe and will exit.

// C program to demonstrate use of fork() and pipe() 

int main() 
    // We use two pipes 
    // First pipe to send input string from parent 
    // Second pipe to send concatenated string from child 

    int fd1[2]; // Used to store two ends of first pipe 
    int fd2[2]; // Used to store two ends of second pipe 

    char fixed_str[] = "forgeeks.org"; 
    char input_str[100]; 
    pid_t p; 

    if (pipe(fd1)==-1) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Pipe Failed" ); 
        return 1; 
    if (pipe(fd2)==-1) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Pipe Failed" ); 
        return 1; 

    scanf("%s", input_str); 
    p = fork(); 

    if (p < 0) 
        fprintf(stderr, "fork Failed" ); 
        return 1; 

    // Parent process 
    else if (p > 0) 
        char concat_str[100]; 

        close(fd1[0]); // Close reading end of first pipe 

        // Write input string and close writing end of first 
        // pipe. 
        write(fd1[1], input_str, strlen(input_str)+1); 

        // Wait for child to send a string 

        close(fd2[1]); // Close writing end of second pipe 

        // Read string from child, print it and close 
        // reading end. 
        read(fd2[0], concat_str, 100); 
        printf("Concatenated string %s\n", concat_str); 

    // child process 
        close(fd1[1]); // Close writing end of first pipe 

        // Read a string using first pipe 
        char concat_str[100]; 
        read(fd1[0], concat_str, 100); 

        // Concatenate a fixed string with it 
        int k = strlen(concat_str); 
        int i; 
        for (i=0; i<strlen(fixed_str); i++) 
            concat_str[k++] = fixed_str[i]; 

        concat_str[k] = '\0'; // string ends with '\0' 

        // Close both reading ends 

        // Write concatenated string and close writing end 
        write(fd2[1], concat_str, strlen(concat_str)+1); 



Input : www.geeks
Output : Concatenated string


Why do I need to close fds when reading and writing to the pipe?


Your pipe is a unidirectional stream - with a file descriptor for each end. It is not necessary to close() either end of the pipe to allow data to pass along it.


if your pipe spans processes (i.e. is created before a fork() and then the parent and child use it to communicate) you can have one write and and one read end. Then it is good practice to close the unwanted ends of the pipe. This will

  • make sure that when the writing end closes the pipe it is seen by the read end. As an example, say the child is the write side, and it dies. If the parent write side has not been closed, then the parent will not get "eof" (zero length read()) from the pipe - because the pipe has a open write-end.
  • make it clear which process is doing the writing and which process is doing the reading on the pipe.

if your pipe spans threads (within the same process), then do not close the unwanted ends of the pipe. This is because the file descriptor is held by the process, and closing it for one thread will close it for all threads, and therefore the pipe will become unusable.





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