win7 64bit下使用PL/SQL Developer连接Oracle

 我们介绍下使用快捷简便方式进行客户端的配置,Oracle官方给出了绿色版的客户端:Instant Client。

下面我们就在win7 64bit上就用32bit的PL/SQL Developer来进行连接oracle11G。



 PL/SQL 32位客户端连接ORACLE还需要配置一下两处,

第一处就是plsql developer 的配置 打开plsql developer ,找到Tools->preference 其中oracle 目录和OCI库配置如下

这两个目录就是oracle绿色版客户端解压的路径 如果安装的是客户端那就是安装的客户端的oci.dll文件库的路径。
第二处就是 配置环境变量 主要是两个参数 NLS_LANG(字符集),TNS_ADMIN(指定使用tnsnames.ora文件)如下:
PLSQL Developer目录下新建如下bat文件,替换其快捷方式,启动PLSQL Developer!bat文件如下
@echo off
set TNS_ADMIN=D:\instantclient-basic-nt-\instantclient_11_2
start plsqldev.exe
本人的系统为window7,64位系统,oracle版本为11g, Oracle的目录为D:\instantclient-basic-nt-,plsqldev8.0.4的版本!

?1. 下载32位Oracle InstantClient,并展开到某目录,例如C:\instantclient-basic-nt-;

?2. 将系统的tnsnames.ora拷贝到该目录下;


           (DESCRIPTION =
                (ADDRESS_LIST =
                     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))//oracle服务器地址和监听所用的端口
       (SERVICE_NAME = dog)//ORACLE服务器上的监听服务名和服务端的监听对应(listener.ora)

?3. 在PLSQL Developer中设置Oracle_Home和OCI Library: 
         Oracle_Home: D:\instantclient-basic-nt-

 OCI Library: C:\instantclient-basic-nt-\oci.dll
  4. 在PLSQL Developer目录下新建如下bat文件,替换其快捷方式,启动PLSQL Developer:
   @echo off
   set path=D:\instantclient-basic-nt- (可有可无)
   set ORACLE_HOME=D:\instantclient-basic-nt-可有可无) 
   set TNS_ADMIN=D:\instantclient-basic-nt-
   start plsqldev.exe



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64版本PLSQL 正式版,只能运行64位系统中,需要你安装 64 位的 Oracle 客户端。 安装请查看说明。 APRIL 17, 2020 - VERSION 14.0 RELEASED Built-in Version Control support for Git and Subversion For these file control operations PL/SQL Developer relies on a 3rd party shell extension that must be installed on your system. In the screenshots above “GIT Extensions” has been used. Worksets A workset is a set of Program Windows, SQL Windows, Test Windows, Command Windows, Report Windows and Diagram Windows that you are working on. Internal difference viewer The new viewer allows you to ignore differences in case and white space as usual, but it can also ignore differences in comments. Program Window enhancements The Program Window now highlights transaction statements, so that you can visually recognize the code that affects a transaction. As soon as you place the cursor on a transaction statement, all related statements within a program unit will be highlighted Debugger enhancements A variable name and value can now be copied to the clipboard through the new “Copy variable” popup menu item. Editor enhancements A function key “Editor: Refresh Code Assistant” has been added, to bring the Code Assistant up to date after creating new database objects. When selecting a word, all matching words will be highlighted. Marked editor text is automatically copied to the search field of the Find function. SQL Window enhancements You can now display multiple result sets simultaneously and can compare them: CLOBs and BLOBs are now fetched on demand to improve query performance. Single record view will now show column comments if available. The EXCEL and CSV export filenames can now include substitution variable values. The EXCEL and CSV export filenames can now include %time%, %hh%, %mi% and %ss% variables. For the “Export Results as SQL file” function you can now customize the initialization and finalization. The WITH_PLSQL hint is now supported. Command Window enhancements New EXPORT TABLES and EXPORT OBJECTS commands have been added. This allows you to automate frequent export jobs. You can easily build the command-line from the interactive export tools. The BEAUTIFY command now supports wildcards. The CONNECT command now shows the database list after typing @. The WITH_PLSQL hint is now supported. Object Browser enhancements The Object Browser will now show all overloaded versions of functions and procedures. You can now filter on multiple comma-separated object names (e.g. “dept%, emp%”). You can now refresh materialized views from the popup menu. File Browser enhancements Git and Subversion support has been added. File icons now indicate the PL/SQL Developer file type. You can now filter files based on the name, size, date, read-only status, and version control status. You can specify the filter in the options dialog You also can enter the filter expression directly at the top of the File Browser All windows shell functions are now available from the popup menu. You can now create a specific PL/SQL Developer file type from the “Create File” popup menu item. You can now add multiple files to a project at once. Project enhancements Git and Subversion support has been added. File icons now indicate the PL/SQL Developer file type. Table Definition Editor enhancements The Index and Partition storage can now be edited, copied, and pasted directly in the grid. Support for Row Archival has been added. Test Manager enhancements You can now add multiple Test Script files at once. You can now drag & drop Test Script files from the File Browser. You can now enable or disable multiple items at once. Connection List enhancements Window icons now indicate the PL/SQL Developer window type. Connection status icon moved to the left for consistency. Session Window enhancements You can now define Session Actions that can be performed from the popup menu of the session list: Session Actions can display feedback by writing dbms_output. Other enhancements Function keys have been added for “Search Bar” functions (Focus, Search, Go to next, Go to previous). Substitution variable checkbox and list values can now refer to other variable values as &variable. An “Unregister License” function has been added. Fixes Fixes for multiple monitors with different display scaling (file selector, print dialogs, MDI window title bars, scrollbar width) Conditional sections could be displayed incorrectly in the Code Contents Define Connections and Select Connection tree was incorrect on a secondary display with different DPI settings Menu items with icons from templates were too small on high dpi monitors Ribbon / Menu customization form options were not preserved Editors with a right margin and wrapping enabled did not wrap at the right margin View Stack Dump function now places the error lines in center of the editor Connection matches did not process proxy user expressions (user1[user2]@database) correctly for the application background DBMS_Jobs could not be edited


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