

1、启动程序后,输入用户名密码后,如果是第一次登录,让用户输入工资,然后打印商品列表 2、允许用户根据商品编号购买商品 3、用户选择商品后,检测余额是否够,够就直接扣款,不够就提醒 4、可随时退出,退出时,打印已购买商品和余额 5、在用户使用过程中, 关键输出,如余额,商品已加入购物车等消息,需高亮显示 6、用户下一次登录后,输入用户名密码,直接回到上次的状态,即上次消费的余额什么的还是那些,再次登录可继续购买 7、允许查询之前的消费记录 遗留问题:如何实现判断文件追加的次数,以便记录shopping的次数 ''' import os import time def shopping(salary): shopping_list = [("iphone", '5800'), ("car", '20000'), ("books", '50'), ("apple", '10'), ("bike", '500'), ("TV", '3000')] shopping_flag = False p_list = [] while not shopping_flag: print("welcome to our supermarket!") print("-------------------shopping list info----------------------") print("Good_Index".ljust(15), "\t", "Good_Name".ljust(15), "\t", "Good_Price".ljust(10)) for index, i in enumerate(shopping_list): shopping_index = index shopping_name = i[0] shopping_price = i[1] print(str(shopping_index).ljust(15), '\t', shopping_name.ljust(15), '\t', str(shopping_price).ljust(10)) choice = input( "Welcome to our supermarket, input the Number of Good_Index in front of what you want to buy, or you can input 'c'to check what you buy or 'q' to exit ...\n") if choice.lower() == 'q': shopping_flag = True if choice.lower() == 'c': print("you got below thins...") for l in p_list: print(str(l[0]).ljust(15), "\t", str(l[1]).ljust(10)) print("your balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m RMB" % salary) elif choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if 0 <= choice < len(shopping_list): price = int(shopping_list[choice][1]) if salary >= price: salary = salary - price p_list.append(shopping_list[choice]) print( "Added \033[32;1m[%s]\033[0m into your shopping list successful" % shopping_list[choice][0]) choice2 = input( "\nYou still have \033[31;1m{_salary}\033[0m RMB. Pls press 'Yes'or 'Y' to buy more, press 'C 'or 'c' to check what you buy,press 'Q' or 'q' to exit\n".format( _salary=salary)) if choice2.lower() == 'yes' or choice2.lower() == "y": continue if choice2.lower() == 'c': print("you got below thins...") for l in p_list: print(str(l[0]).ljust(15), "\t", str(l[1]).ljust(10)) print("your balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m RMB" % salary) choice4 = input( "if you still want buy something ,pls press 'Yes'or 'Y',or you can press 'q' or 'Q' to exit..") if choice4.lower() == 'yes' or choice2.lower() == "y": continue if choice4.lower() == 'q': shopping_flag = True if choice2.lower() == 'q': shopping_flag = True else: choice3 = input( "your banlance is \033[031;1m%s\033[0m ,you have no enough money to afford %s," "press any key to back and choose a cheaper one or input 'Q or q'to exit...\n" % ( salary, shopping_list[choice][0])) if choice3.lower() == 'q': shopping_flag = True else: print("You input wrong Good_Index, please check and input again!") else: print("you got below thins...") with open(username + "_goods_list.txt", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as g_file: s = ("\nyour balance is %s RMB\n" % salary) shopping_time = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time.localtime()))+'\n' g_file.write(shopping_time) for i in p_list: t = str(i[0]).ljust(15) + "\t" + str(i[1]).ljust(10) + "\n" print(t) g_file.write(t) print("your balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m RMB" % salary) g_file.write(s) list1 = [] list2 = [] count = int(3) f = open("login.txt") for line in f: hostname = str(line.split('\t')[0]) list1.append(hostname) password = str(line.split("\t")[1]).strip() list2.append(password) while True: username = input("username:") if username in list1: while True: passwd = input("passwd:") if passwd not in list2: count = count - 1 print("wrong password,you have {_count} chance to login".format(_count=count)) if count == 0: print("you have no chance ,the {_username} is been locked,fuck off".format(_username=username)) lockfile = open("lock.txt", 'a+') lockfile.write("\n"+ username) lockfile.close() break else: if passwd in list2 and list1.index(username) == list2.index(passwd): print("welcome {_user_username} login the system".format(_user_username=username)) if os.path.exists(username + "_goods_list.txt"): with open(username + "_goods_list.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as new_g_file: print("Last Shoppinglist>>...") l3=[] for line in new_g_file: print (line.strip()) l3.append(line) s = l3[-1] l4= s.split(" ") choice5 = input("Do you still want to buy some thing ?") if choice5.lower() == 'y' or 'yes': salary = int(l4[-2]) shopping(salary) else: break else: salary = int(input("input you salary>>:")) shopping(salary) break break else: message = input("wrong username,do you want to register it?") if message.lower() == "y" or "yes": username = input("username:") passwd = input("passwd:") f1 = open("login.txt","a+") f1.write("\n"+username+ "\t") f1.write(passwd) f1.flush() f1.close() print ("the {_username} is register successful,pls login again!".format(_username=username)) break else: print("you have exit the system!") break f.close()







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


