Fluxbox 1.0 RC 3

 Toy Posted in Apps, Window ManagerRSSTrackback

Fluxbox 1.0 RC 3 于昨日放出,据熟悉,这是最初一个 RC 版,紧接着将要颁布的是 1.0.0 颠簸版。此版本引入了一些新特征,如:keys 文件现在撑持鼠标按钮、添加了主动更新设置文件的工具等。别的,很多 bug 也失失了修正。

以下是 Fluxbox 1.0 RC 3 的更新纪录:

* Introduced support for mouse buttons in the keys file
- Mouse buttons are bound to new `keys’ Mouse1, Mouse2, etc.
- Also a new modifier `OnDesktop’ to specify actions that should take place
when you click on the desktop — without this, mouse bindings are global
* Added a utility to the project that automatically updates configuration
files when we change the syntax — your current mouse bindings on the
desktop will be added to your keys file automatically
* Introduced new key command: HideMenus
* Introduced a key command to display a menu stored in an arbitrary file:
CustomMenu /path/to/file
* More extended wm hints support:
* _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_CANCEL (new in version 1.4.draft-1),
* Little simplification of data structure for keybindings
Side effects:
- “Mod4 a b” now behaves like “Mod4 a None b” — in fact, “None” is now
completely obsolete
- You can press “Escape” to cancel any Emacs-style keychain in progress
(unless it’s bound to something else)
- If there is a conflict between bindings, the first one in the file wins
- Fixes handling of keychains like “Mod4 a Mod1 b”
- Should fix some issues with “None” modifier
* Updated following translations:
pt_PT, es_ES, es_AR, pt_BR, de_DE, nb_NO
* Support per-window transparency settings.
( sf.net patch #1511042, feature #1108692 )
- new “Transparency” menu in the window menu
- new apps file attribute:
[alpha] {int int} (or just {int})
Where numbers represent focused and unfocused transparency,
respectively. One number only will be used for both.
- Also, show toggle status for shade and stick in window menu.
* Introduced new key command: SetAlpha [[ -] [[ -]]]
- with no arguments, returns the focused window to default settings
- with one argument, changes both focused and unfocused settings the same
- with two arguments, the first changes the focused alpha, and the second
changes the unfocused alpha
E.g. SetAlpha 127 5 will set the focused alpha to 127 and increment the
unfocused alpha by 5 (until it reaches 255)
* Added resource and menu item for maximizing over external tabs
* Renamed session.screen*.iconbar.deiconifyMode to
session.screen*.userFollowModel (Mark)
This resource is used for:
- clicking a window on a different workspace in the iconbar
- _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW messages where the source is a pager
- clicking a client in the workspace menu (and the opposite is used for
right clicks)
Possible values are:
- Follow: go to the workspace of the selected window
- Current: bring the window to the current workspace
- SemiFollow: act like Current for iconified windows, else Follow
- Ignore: leave it alone
* Added support for negative arguments to the `Tab’ key command to count
backwards from the last tab in the group
* Added option to :Minimize key command to lower all windows in the same
layer as the focused window,syntax is :Minimize (layer)
* Several changes for background style option:
- now support `background: mod’ to coincide with fbsetroot -mod –
In addition to `background.color’ and `background.colorTo’, this option
must also set `background.modX’ and `background.modY’ to integers
- added `background: none’ for styles that do not include a background
- fixed bug with style backgrounds not getting set when changing styles
- updated default styles to be valid wrt background options
* Made some changes to the way autogrouping in the apps file works
- Introduced new syntax [group] (workspace) to group new windows only with
windows on the current workspace.
* XEMBED support for systemtray.
* Added typeahead support to menus (patch by Philipp Goedl, modified by Mark
and Matteo Galiazzo)
- Added new style item menu.frame.underlineColor: for displaying
matching items
* session.screen.defaultDeco now allows same strings as apps file

Download Fluxbox 1.0 RC 3

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