



 1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
 2 <%
 3     String path = request.getContextPath();
 4     String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://"
 5             + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort()
 6             + path + "/";
 7 %>
 9 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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12 <base href="<%=basePath%>">
14 <title>My JSP 'depart.jsp' starting page</title>
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30     rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
31 <script type="text/javascript" src='${pageContext.request.contextPath}/js/employee.js'> </script>
32 </head>
34 <body>
35     <table id='dg' style="text-align: center"></table>
36     <div id='tc' style="background-color: #EBEBEB"></div>
37     <table id='pc' style="width:300px" height="200px"></table>
38 </body>
39 </html>


  1 $(function() {
  2     $('#dg').datagrid({
  3         url : 'EC/findAllEmployer.action',
  4         rownumbers : true,
  5         pagination : true,
  6         fitColumns : true,
  7         pageList : [ 5, 10, 15, 20 ],
  8         columns : [ [ {
  9             field : 'ID',
 10             title : '工号',
 11             width : 100,
 12             align : 'center',
 13         }, {
 14             field : 'NAME',
 15             title : '姓名',
 16             width : 100,
 17             align : 'center',
 18         }, {
 19             field : 'DEPT_ID',
 20             title : '部门名称',
 21             width : 100,
 22             align : 'center',
 23         }, {
 24             field : 'JOB_ID',
 25             title : '职位名称',
 26             width : 100,
 27             align : 'center',
 28         }, {
 29             field : 'CARD_ID',
 30             title : '身份证号',
 31             width : 100,
 32             align : 'center',
 33         }, {
 34             field : 'ADDRESS',
 35             title : '籍贯',
 36             width : 100,
 37             align : 'center',
 38         }, {
 39             field : 'PHONE',
 40             title : '联系方式',
 41             width : 100,
 42             align : 'center',
 43         }, ] ],
 44         loadFilter : function(data) {
 45             if (data.success == true) {
 46                 var data_ = {
 47                     "rows" : data.attributes.rows,
 48                     "total" : data.obj.totalSize,
 49                 };
 50                 return data_;
 51             } else {
 52                 $.messager.alert('警告', data.msg, 'info');
 54             }
 55             ;
 56         },
 57     });
 59     var editBoxing = undefined;
 60     $('#dg')
 61             .datagrid(
 62                     {
 63                         toolbar : [
 64                                 {
 65                                     text : '新增',
 66                                     iconCls : 'icon-edit',
 67                                     handler : function() {
 68                                         var jj = "<tr><td>工号:</td><td><input id='nid' class='easyui-textbox' editable='false' style='width:200px;  value=''>";
 69                                         var str = "<div id='ddii' style='margin-top:20px' ><form id='ff' method='post'><table ><tr></tr>"
 70                                                 + "<tr><td>姓名:</td><td><input type='text' id='nname' name='name' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-validatebox' data-options='required:true' value='' >"
 71                                                 + "<tr><td>性别:</td><td>男<input type='radio' name='sex' checked='checked' value='男' >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;女<input type='radio' name='sex' value='女' >"
 72                                                 + "<tr><td>部门名称:</td><td><input type='text' name='deptId' id='ndept'  style='width:200px;'  value='' >"
 73                                                 + "<tr><td>职位名称:</td><td><input type='text' name='jobId' id='njob' style='width:200px;'   value='' >"
 74                                                 + "<tr><td>电话:</td><td><input type='text' id='nphone' name='phone' style='width:200px;'  value='' >"
 75                                                 + "<tr><td>身份证号:</td><td><input type='text' id='ncard' name='cardId' style='width:200px;'   value='' >"
 76                                                 + "<tr><td>学历:</td><td><input type='text' id='neducdtion' name='education' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='' >"
 77                                                 + "<tr><td>邮政:</td><td><input type='text' id='npostCode' name='postCode' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox'  value='' >"
 78                                                 + "<tr><td>生日:</td><td><input type='text' id='nbirthday' name='birthday' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox'  value='' >"
 79                                                 + "<tr><td>邮箱:</td><td><input type='text' id='nemail' name='email' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-validatebox' value='' >"
 80                                                 + "<tr><td>政治面貌:</td><td><input type='text' id='npolite' name='party' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='' >"
 81                                                 + "<tr><td>地址:</td><td><input type='text' id='nadress' name='address' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-validatebox' data-options='required:true' value='' >"
 82                                                 + "<tr><td>民族:</td><td><input id='nzu' name='race' style='width:200px;  value=''>"
 83                                                 + "<tr><td>爱好:</td><td><input type='nhobby' name='hobby' id='nhobby' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='' >"
 84                                                 + "<tr><td>QQ号:</td><td><input type='nqq' name='qqNum' id='title' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='' >"
 85                                                 + "<tr><td>专业:</td><td><input type='nzhuanye' name='speciality' id='title' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='' >"
 86                                                 + "<tr><td>备注:</td><td><textarea width:400px height:100px' name='remark' style='background-color: #A9DC8D' id='remark' ></textarea>"
 87                                                 + "</td></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr><tr><td ><input type='reset' name='' style='width:70px;height:40px' class='easyui-linkbutton'></td><td style='text-align: right'><input type='button' style='width:70px;height:40px' class='easyui-linkbutton' value='提交' οnclick='tijiao2(1)'/></td></tr></table>"
 88                                                 + "</form></div>";
 89                                         parent.$("#dddd").dialog({
 90                                             title : '新增员工',
 91                                             width : 400,
 92                                             height : 650,
 93                                             closed : false,
 94                                             cache : false,
 95                                             draggable : true,
 96                                             content : str,
 97                                             modal : true,
 98                                             required : true,
 99                                         });
100                                         $('#dg').datagrid('reload');
101                                         parent.$('#nname').validatebox({
102                                             validType : 'loginnName'
103                                         });
104                                         parent.$('#ndept').combobox({
105                                             url : 'DC/CountAndDept.action',
106                                             valueField : 'ID',
107                                             textField : 'NAME',
108                                             panelHeight : 75,
109                                             required : true,
110                                         });
111                                         parent.$('#njob').combobox({
112                                             url : 'JC/countAndJob.action',
113                                             valueField : 'ID',
114                                             textField : 'NAME',
115                                             required : true,
116                                         });
117                                         parent.$('#neducdtion').combobox({
118                                             valueField : 'id',
119                                             textField : 'text',
120                                             required : true,
121                                             panelHeight : 75,
122                                             value : '本科及其以上',
123                                             data : [ {
124                                                 id : '本科及其以上',
125                                                 text : '本科及其以上'
126                                             }, {
127                                                 id : '专科',
128                                                 text : '专科'
129                                             }, {
130                                                 id : '高中及其以下',
131                                                 text : '高中及其以下'
132                                             } ]
133                                         });
134                                         parent.$('#npolite').combobox({
135                                             valueField : 'id',
136                                             textField : 'text',
137                                             panelHeight : 95,
138                                             value : '党员',
139                                             data : [ {
140                                                 id : '党员',
141                                                 text : '党员'
142                                             }, {
143                                                 id : '群众',
144                                                 text : '群众'
145                                             }, {
146                                                 id : '团员',
147                                                 text : '团员'
148                                             }, {
149                                                 id : '民主党派',
150                                                 text : '民主党派'
151                                             } ]
152                                         });
153                                         parent.$('#nphone').validatebox({
154                                             required : true,
155                                             validType : 'mobileAndTel'
156                                         });
157                                         parent.$('#ncard').validatebox({
158                                             required : true,
159                                             validType : 'idcard'
160                                         });
161                                         parent.$('#nemail').validatebox({
162                                             validType : 'email'
163                                         });
165                                     }
166                                 },
167                                 '-',
168                                 {
169                                     text : '删除',
170                                     iconCls : 'icon-remove',
171                                     handler : function() {
172                                         if (editBoxing != undefined) {
173                                             $.messager.alert('警告', "尚有正在编辑的记录");
174                                         } else {
175                                             var array = $('#dg').datagrid(
176                                                     'getSelections');
177                                             if (array.length >= 1) {
178                                                 var str = '';
179                                                 for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
180                                                     str += array[i].ID + " ";
181                                                 }
183                                                 $
184                                                         .post(
185                                                                 'EC/deleteAEmployer.action',
186                                                                 {
187                                                                     str : str
188                                                                 },
189                                                                 function(data) {
190                                                                     if (data.success == true) {
191                                                                         $('#dg')
192                                                                                 .datagrid(
193                                                                                         'reload');
194                                                                         $.messager
195                                                                                 .show({
196                                                                                     title : '更新消息',
197                                                                                     msg : data.msg,
198                                                                                     timeout : 3000
199                                                                                 });
200                                                                         $('#dg')
201                                                                                 .datagrid(
202                                                                                         'reload');
203                                                                     } else {
204                                                                         $.messager
205                                                                                 .alert(
206                                                                                         '警告',
207                                                                                         data.msg);
208                                                                     }
210                                                                 });
211                                             } else {
212                                                 $.messager.alert('警告',
213                                                         "请至少选择一条记录删除");
214                                             }
215                                         }
217                                     }
218                                 },
219                                 '-',
220                                 {
221                                     text : '修改',
222                                     iconCls : 'icon-edit',
223                                     handler : function() {
224                                         var array = $('#dg').datagrid(
225                                                 'getSelections');
226                                         if (array.length == 1) {
227                                             show(2);
228                                         }
229                                     }
230                                 }, '-', {
231                                     text : '查看详细信息',
232                                     iconCls : 'icon-search',
233                                     handler : function() {
234                                         show(1);
235                                     }
236                                 }, '-', {
237                                     text : '刷新',
238                                     iconCls : 'icon-reload',
239                                     handler : function() {
240                                         $('#dg').datagrid('load');
242                                     }
243                                 }, ],
244                     });
245 });
247 String.prototype.replaceAll = function(findText, repText) {
248     var newRegExp = new RegExp(findText, 'gm');
249     return this.replace(newRegExp, repText);
250 };
252 function show(bb) {
253     var array = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelections');
254     if (array.length == 1) {
255         $
256                 .post(
257                         'EC/findEmployerById.action',
258                         {
259                             id : array[0].ID
260                         },
261                         function(data) {
262                             var jj = "<tr><td>工号:</td><td><input id='nid' name='id' readonly='readonly' class='easyui-textbox' editable='false' style='width:200px;'  value='"
263                                     + data.id + "'>";
264                             var xbb = "<tr><td ><input type='reset' name='' style='width:70px;height:40px' class='easyui-linkbutton'></td><td style='text-align: right'><input type='button' style='width:70px;height:40px' class='easyui-linkbutton' value='提交' οnclick='tijiao2(2)'/></td></tr>";
265                             var str = "<div id='ddii' style='margin-top:20px' ><form id='ff' method='post'><table >"
266                                     + jj
267                                     + "<tr><td>姓名:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='nname' name='name' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-validatebox' data-options='required:true' value='"
268                                     + data.name
269                                     + "' >"
270                                     + "<tr><td>性别:</td><td>男<input type='radio' id='man' readonly='readonly' name='sex'  value='男' >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;女<input type='radio' id='woman' name='sex' value='女' >"
271                                     + "<tr><td>部门名称:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' name='deptId' id='ndept'  style='width:200px;'  value='"
272                                     + data.deptId
273                                     + "' >"
274                                     + "<tr><td>职位名称:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' name='jobId' id='njob' style='width:200px;'   value='"
275                                     + data.jobId
276                                     + "' >"
277                                     + "<tr><td>电话:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='nphone' name='phone' style='width:200px;'  value='"
278                                     + data.phone
279                                     + "' >"
280                                     + "<tr><td>身份证号:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='ncard' name='cardId' style='width:200px;'   value='"
281                                     + data.cardId
282                                     + "' >"
283                                     + "<tr><td>学历:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='neducdtion' name='education' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='"
284                                     + data.education
285                                     + "' >"
286                                     + "<tr><td>邮政:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='npostCode' name='postCode' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox'  value='"
287                                     + data.postCode
288                                     + "' >"
289                                     + "<tr><td>生日:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='nbirthday' name='birthday' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox'  value='"
290                                     + data.birthday
291                                     + "' >"
292                                     + "<tr><td>邮箱:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='nemail' name='email' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-validatebox' value='"
293                                     + data.email
294                                     + "' >"
295                                     + "<tr><td>政治面貌:</td><td><input type='text'  readonly='readonly' id='npolite' name='party' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='"
296                                     + data.party
297                                     + "' >"
298                                     + "<tr><td>地址:</td><td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='nadress' name='address' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-validatebox' data-options='required:true' value='"
299                                     + data.address
300                                     + "' >"
301                                     + "<tr><td>民族:</td><td><input id='nzu' readonly='readonly' name='race' style='width:200px;  value='"
302                                     + data.race
303                                     + "'>"
304                                     + "<tr><td>爱好:</td><td><input type='nhobby' readonly='readonly' name='hobby' id='nhobby' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='"
305                                     + data.hobby
306                                     + "' >"
307                                     + "<tr><td>QQ号:</td><td><input type='nqq' readonly='readonly' name='qqNum' id='title' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='"
308                                     + data.qqNum
309                                     + "' >"
310                                     + "<tr><td>专业:</td><td><input type='nzhuanye' readonly='readonly' name='speciality' id='title' style='width:200px;'  class='easyui-textbox' value='"
311                                     + data.speciality
312                                     + "' >"
313                                     + "<tr><td>备注:</td><td><textarea width:400px height:100px' readonly='readonly' name='remark' style='background-color: #A9DC8D' id='remark' >"
314                                     + data.remark
315                                     + "</textarea>"
316                                     + "</td></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr>"
317                                     + xbb
318                                     + "</table>" + "</form></div>";
319                             if (bb == '2') {
320                                 str = str.replaceAll("readonly='readonly'", "");
321                                 parent.$("#dddd").dialog({
322                                     title : '人员基本信息',
323                                     width : 500,
324                                     height : 630,
325                                     closed : false,
326                                     cache : false,
327                                     draggable : true,
328                                     content : str,
329                                     modal : true,
331                                 });
332                                 parent.$('#nname').validatebox({
333                                     validType : 'loginnName'
334                                 });
335                                 parent.$('#ndept').combobox({
336                                     url : 'DC/CountAndDept.action',
337                                     valueField : 'ID',
338                                     textField : 'NAME',
339                                     panelHeight : 75,
340                                     required : true,
341                                 });
342                                 parent.$('#njob').combobox({
343                                     url : 'JC/countAndJob.action',
344                                     valueField : 'ID',
345                                     textField : 'NAME',
346                                     required : true,
347                                 });
348                                 parent.$('#neducdtion').combobox({
349                                     valueField : 'id',
350                                     textField : 'text',
351                                     required : true,
352                                     panelHeight : 75,
353                                     value : '本科及其以上',
354                                     data : [ {
355                                         id : '本科及其以上',
356                                         text : '本科及其以上'
357                                     }, {
358                                         id : '专科',
359                                         text : '专科'
360                                     }, {
361                                         id : '高中及其以下',
362                                         text : '高中及其以下'
363                                     } ]
364                                 });
365                                 parent.$('#npolite').combobox({
366                                     valueField : 'id',
367                                     textField : 'text',
368                                     panelHeight : 95,
369                                     value : '党员',
370                                     data : [ {
371                                         id : '党员',
372                                         text : '党员'
373                                     }, {
374                                         id : '群众',
375                                         text : '群众'
376                                     }, {
377                                         id : '团员',
378                                         text : '团员'
379                                     }, {
380                                         id : '民主党派',
381                                         text : '民主党派'
382                                     } ]
383                                 });
384                                 parent.$('#nphone').validatebox({
385                                     required : true,
386                                     validType : 'mobileAndTel'
387                                 });
388                                 parent.$('#ncard').validatebox({
389                                     required : true,
390                                     validType : 'idcard'
391                                 });
392                                 parent.$('#nemail').validatebox({
393                                     validType : 'email'
394                                 });
395                             }
396                             if (bb == '1') {
397                                 str = str.replace(xbb, " ");
399                                 parent.$("#dddd").dialog({
400                                     title : '人员基本信息',
401                                     width : 500,
402                                     height : 630,
403                                     closed : false,
404                                     cache : false,
405                                     draggable : true,
406                                     content : str,
407                                     modal : true,
409                                 });
410                                 if (parent.$('#man').val() == data.sex) {
411                                     parent.$('#man').attr('checked', 'checked');
412                                 }  else {
413                                     parent.$('#woman').attr('checked','checked');
414                                 }
415                                 parent.$("#man,#woman").attr("disabled", true);
417                             }
418                         });
420     } else {
421         $.messager.alert('警告', '请选择一条记录');
422     }
424 };


  1 package com.employee.controller;
  3 import java.util.HashMap;
  4 import java.util.List;
  5 import java.util.Map;
  7 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  8 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
  9 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
 10 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
 11 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
 12 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
 13 import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
 15 import com.AjaxJson;
 16 import com.DataResult;
 17 import com.DouUtils;
 18 import com.UtilsHelper;
 19 import com.employee.po.EmployeeInf;
 20 import com.employee.seriver.EmployeeSreiver;
 22 @Controller
 23 @RequestMapping("/EC")
 24 public class EmployeeController {
 25     @Autowired
 26     @Qualifier("EmployeeSreiver")
 27     private EmployeeSreiver EmployeeSreiver;
 29     // 添加员工
 30     @RequestMapping(value = "/addEmployer", method = RequestMethod.POST)
 31     @ResponseBody
 32     public AjaxJson addEmployer(Integer deptId, Integer jobId, String name,
 33             String cardId, String address, String postCode, String tel,
 34             String phone, String qqNum, String email, String sex, String party,
 35             String birthday, String race, String education, String speciality,
 36             String hobby, String remark) {
 37         try {
 38             EmployeeInf ne = new EmployeeInf();
 39             ne.setName(name);
 40             ne.setDeptId(deptId);
 41             ne.setJobId(jobId);
 42             ne.setCardId(cardId);
 43             ne.setParty(party);
 44             ne.setPostCode(postCode);
 45             ne.setAddress(address);
 46             ne.setTel(tel);
 47             ne.setPhone(phone);
 48             ne.setQqNum(qqNum);
 49             ne.setEmail(email);
 50             ne.setSex(sex);
 51             ne.setBirthday(birthday);
 52             ne.setRace(race);
 53             ne.setEducation(education);
 54             ne.setSpeciality(speciality);
 55             ne.setRemark(remark);
 56             ne.setCreateDate(UtilsHelper.getDateFormatTime());
 57             int count = EmployeeSreiver.addEmployer(ne);
 58             AjaxJson json = new AjaxJson();
 59             if (count > 0) {
 60                 json.setSuccess(true);
 61                 json.setMsg("新增成功");
 62                 return json;
 63             } else {
 64                 json.setSuccess(false);
 65                 json.setMsg("新增失败");
 66                 return json;
 67             }
 68         } catch (Exception e) {
 69             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 70             e.printStackTrace();
 71             AjaxJson json = new AjaxJson();
 72             json.setSuccess(false);
 73             json.setMsg("系统错误");
 74             return json;
 75         }
 77     }
 79     // 查询所有员工
 80     @RequestMapping(value = "/findAllEmployer", method = RequestMethod.POST)
 81     @ResponseBody
 82     public AjaxJson findAllEmployer(int page, int rows) {
 83         DataResult result = new DataResult();
 84         result.setPageSize(rows);
 85         result.setStartLine((page - 1) * rows);
 86         result.setTotalSize(EmployeeSreiver.findAllCount());
 87         List<Map<String, Object>> list = EmployeeSreiver
 88                 .findAllEmployer(result);
 89         Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
 90         map.put("rows", list);
 91         AjaxJson json = new AjaxJson();
 92         json.setSuccess(true);
 93         json.setAttributes(map);
 94         json.setObj(result);
 95         return json;
 96     }
 98     // 根据员工姓名,省份证,电话,性别,职位,部门进行模糊查询
 99     @RequestMapping(value = "/findAEmploter", method = RequestMethod.POST)
100     public ModelAndView findAEmploter(ModelAndView mv, EmployeeInf EmployeeInf) {
101         try {
102             EmployeeInf EmployeeInf1 = EmployeeSreiver
103                     .findAEmploter(EmployeeInf);
104             mv.addObject("EmployeeInf", EmployeeInf1);
105             mv.setViewName("success1");
106             return mv;
107         } catch (Exception e) {
108             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
109             e.printStackTrace();
110             mv.setViewName("lost");
111             return mv;
112         }
113     }
115     // 删除员工
116     @RequestMapping(value = "/deleteAEmployer", method = RequestMethod.POST)
117     @ResponseBody
118     public AjaxJson deleteAEmployer(String str) {
119         try {
120             List<Integer> list = DouUtils.splitStr(str);
121             int count = EmployeeSreiver.deleteEmployer(list);
122             AjaxJson json = new AjaxJson();
123             if (count > 0) {
124                 json.setSuccess(true);
125                 json.setMsg("删除成功");
126                 return json;
127             } else {
128                 json.setSuccess(false);
129                 json.setMsg("删除失败");
130                 return json;
131             }
132         } catch (Exception e) {
133             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
134             e.printStackTrace();
135             AjaxJson json = new AjaxJson();
136             json.setSuccess(false);
137             json.setMsg("系统错误");
138             return json;
139         }
140     }
142     // 修改员工
143     @RequestMapping(value = "/updateAEmployer", method = RequestMethod.POST)
144     @ResponseBody
145     public AjaxJson updateAEmployer(Integer id,Integer deptId, Integer jobId, String name,
146             String cardId, String address, String postCode, String tel,
147             String phone, String qqNum, String email, String sex, String party,
148             String birthday, String race, String education, String speciality,
149             String hobby, String remark) {
150             try {
151                 EmployeeInf ne = new EmployeeInf();
152                 ne.setId(id);
153                 ne.setName(name);
154                 ne.setDeptId(deptId);
155                 ne.setJobId(jobId);
156                 ne.setCardId(cardId);
157                 ne.setParty(party);
158                 ne.setPostCode(postCode);
159                 ne.setAddress(address);
160                 ne.setTel(tel);
161                 ne.setPhone(phone);
162                 ne.setQqNum(qqNum);
163                 ne.setEmail(email);
164                 ne.setSex(sex);
165                 ne.setBirthday(birthday);
166                 ne.setRace(race);
167                 ne.setEducation(education);
168                 ne.setSpeciality(speciality);
169                 ne.setRemark(remark);
170                 AjaxJson json = new AjaxJson();
171                 int count=EmployeeSreiver.updateAEmployer(ne);
172                 if(count==1){
173                     json.setSuccess(true);
174                     json.setMsg("修改成功");
175                     return json;
176                 }else{
177                     json.setSuccess(false);
178                     json.setMsg("修改失败");
179                     return json;
180                 }
181             } catch (Exception e) {
182                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
183                 e.printStackTrace();
184                 AjaxJson json=new AjaxJson();
185                 json.setSuccess(false);
186                 json.setMsg("插入失败");
187                 return json;
188             }
190     }
192     // 根据工号查询用户
193     @RequestMapping(value = "/findEmployerById", method = RequestMethod.POST)
194     @ResponseBody
195     public EmployeeInf findEmployerById(int id) {
196         return EmployeeSreiver.findAemployee(id);
197     }
199 }


 1 package com.employee.seriver.impl;
 3 import java.util.List;
 4 import java.util.Map;
 6 import javax.annotation.Resource;
 8 import com.DataResult;
 9 import com.employee.mapper.EmployeeInfMapper;
11 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
13 import com.employee.po.EmployeeInf;
14 import com.employee.seriver.EmployeeSreiver;
15 @Service("EmployeeSreiver")
16 public class EmployeeSreiverImpl implements EmployeeSreiver {
17     @Resource
18     private EmployeeInfMapper EmployeeInfMapper;
19     //添加员工
20     @Override
21     public int addEmployer(EmployeeInf EmployeeInf) {
22         return EmployeeInfMapper.addEmployer(EmployeeInf);
24     }
27     //根据员工姓名,省份证,电话,性别,职位,部门进行模糊查询
28     @Override
29     public EmployeeInf findAEmploter(EmployeeInf EmployeeInf) {
30         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
31         return EmployeeInfMapper.findAEmploter(EmployeeInf);
32     }
33     //删除员工
34     @Override
35     public int deleteEmployer(List<Integer> list) {
36         return EmployeeInfMapper.deleteEmployer(list);
38     }
39     //修改员工
40     @Override
41     public int updateAEmployer(EmployeeInf EmployeeInf) {
42         return EmployeeInfMapper.updateAEmployer(EmployeeInf);
44     }
45     //查询所有员工
46     @Override
47     public List<Map<String, Object>> findAllEmployer(DataResult result) {
48         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
49         return EmployeeInfMapper.findAllEmployer(result);
50     }
52     //查询总员工数
53     @Override
54     public int findAllCount() {
55         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
56         return EmployeeInfMapper.findAllCount();
57     }
60     @Override
61     public EmployeeInf findAemployee(int id) {
62         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
63         return EmployeeInfMapper.findAemployee(id);
64     }
66 }

mapper 代码

package com.employee.mapper;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.DataResult;
import com.employee.po.EmployeeInf;

public interface EmployeeInfMapper {
    public int addEmployer(EmployeeInf EmployeeInf);
    public  List<Map<String, Object>>findAllEmployer(DataResult result);
    public EmployeeInf findAEmploter(EmployeeInf EmployeeInf);
    public int deleteEmployer(List<Integer> list);
    public int updateAEmployer(EmployeeInf EmployeeInf);
    public int findAllCount();
    public EmployeeInf findAemployee(int id);


  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
  3 <mapper namespace="com.employee.mapper.EmployeeInfMapper">
  4   <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.employee.po.EmployeeInf" >
  5     <id column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
  6     <result column="DEPT_ID" property="deptId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
  7     <result column="JOB_ID" property="jobId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
  8     <result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
  9     <result column="CARD_ID" property="cardId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 10     <result column="ADDRESS" property="address" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 11     <result column="POST_CODE" property="postCode" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 12     <result column="TEL" property="tel" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 13     <result column="PHONE" property="phone" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 14     <result column="QQ_NUM" property="qqNum" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 15     <result column="EMAIL" property="email" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 16     <result column="SEX" property="sex" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 17     <result column="PARTY" property="party" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 18     <result column="BIRTHDAY" property="birthday" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 19     <result column="RACE" property="race" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 20     <result column="EDUCATION" property="education" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 21     <result column="SPECIALITY" property="speciality" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 22     <result column="HOBBY" property="hobby" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 23     <result column="REMARK" property="remark" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
 24     <result column="CREATE_DATE" property="createDate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
 25   </resultMap>
 26     <insert id="addEmployer" parameterType="com.employee.po.EmployeeInf">
 27         insert into employee_inf
 28         <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
 29             <if test="id != null">
 30                 ID,
 31             </if>
 32             <if test="deptId != null">
 33                 DEPT_ID,
 34             </if>
 35             <if test="jobId != null">
 36                 JOB_ID,
 37             </if>
 38             <if test="name != null">
 39                 NAME,
 40             </if>
 41             <if test="cardId != null">
 42                 CARD_ID,
 43             </if>
 44             <if test="address != null">
 45                 ADDRESS,
 46             </if>
 47             <if test="postCode != null">
 48                 POST_CODE,
 49             </if>
 50             <if test="tel != null">
 51                 TEL,
 52             </if>
 53             <if test="phone != null">
 54                 PHONE,
 55             </if>
 56             <if test="qqNum != null">
 57                 QQ_NUM,
 58             </if>
 59             <if test="email != null">
 60                 EMAIL,
 61             </if>
 62             <if test="sex != null">
 63                 SEX,
 64             </if>
 65             <if test="party != null">
 66                 PARTY,
 67             </if>
 68             <if test="birthday != null">
 69                 BIRTHDAY,
 70             </if>
 71             <if test="race != null">
 72                 RACE,
 73             </if>
 74             <if test="education != null">
 75                 EDUCATION,
 76             </if>
 77             <if test="speciality != null">
 78                 SPECIALITY,
 79             </if>
 80             <if test="hobby != null">
 81                 HOBBY,
 82             </if>
 83             <if test="remark != null">
 84                 REMARK,
 85             </if>
 86             <if test="createDate != null">
 87                 CREATE_DATE,
 88             </if>
 89         </trim>
 90         <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
 91             <if test="id != null">
 92                 #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER},
 93             </if>
 94             <if test="deptId != null">
 95                 #{deptId,jdbcType=INTEGER},
 96             </if>
 97             <if test="jobId != null">
 98                 #{jobId,jdbcType=INTEGER},
 99             </if>
100             <if test="name != null">
101                 #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
102             </if>
103             <if test="cardId != null">
104                 #{cardId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
105             </if>
106             <if test="address != null">
107                 #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
108             </if>
109             <if test="postCode != null">
110                 #{postCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
111             </if>
112             <if test="tel != null">
113                 #{tel,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
114             </if>
115             <if test="phone != null">
116                 #{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
117             </if>
118             <if test="qqNum != null">
119                 #{qqNum,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
120             </if>
121             <if test="email != null">
122                 #{email,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
123             </if>
124             <if test="sex != null">
125                 #{sex,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
126             </if>
127             <if test="party != null">
128                 #{party,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
129             </if>
130             <if test="birthday != null">
131                 #{birthday,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
132             </if>
133             <if test="race != null">
134                 #{race,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
135             </if>
136             <if test="education != null">
137                 #{education,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
138             </if>
139             <if test="speciality != null">
140                 #{speciality,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
141             </if>
142             <if test="hobby != null">
143                 #{hobby,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
144             </if>
145             <if test="remark != null">
146                 #{remark,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
147             </if>
148             <if test="createDate != null">
149                 #{createDate,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
150             </if>
151         </trim>
152     </insert>
156     <select id="findAEmploter" parameterType="com.employee.po.EmployeeInf"
157         resultType="com.employee.po.EmployeeInf">
158         select * from employee_inf
159         <where>
160             <if test="id != null">
161                 and ID = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}
162             </if>
163             <if test="deptId != null">
164                 and DEPT_ID = #{deptId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
165             </if>
166             <if test="jobId != null">
167                 and JOB_ID = #{jobId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
168             </if>
169             <if test="name != null">
170                 and NAME = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
171             </if>
172             <if test="cardId != null">
173                 and CARD_ID = #{cardId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
174             </if>
175             <if test="address != null">
176                 and ADDRESS = #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
177             </if>
178             <if test="tel != null">
179                 and TEL = #{tel,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
180             </if>
181             <if test="phone != null">
182                 and PHONE = #{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
183             </if>
184             <if test="sex != null">
185                 and SEX = #{sex,jdbcType=INTEGER}
186             </if>
187         </where>
188     </select>
190     <delete id="deleteEmployer" parameterType="java.util.List" >
191         delete from employee_inf
192         <where>
193         <foreach collection="list" item="id" separator="," open="and ID in (" close=")">
194         #{id}
195         </foreach>
196         </where>
197     </delete>
199     <update id="updateAEmployer" parameterType="com.employee.po.EmployeeInf">
200         update employee_inf
201         <set>
202             <if test="deptId != null">
203                 DEPT_ID = #{deptId,jdbcType=INTEGER},
204             </if>
205             <if test="jobId != null">
206                 JOB_ID = #{jobId,jdbcType=INTEGER},
207             </if>
208             <if test="name != null">
209                 NAME = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
210             </if>
211             <if test="cardId != null">
212                 CARD_ID = #{cardId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
213             </if>
214             <if test="address != null">
215                 ADDRESS = #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
216             </if>
217             <if test="postCode != null">
218                 POST_CODE = #{postCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
219             </if>
220             <if test="tel != null">
221                 TEL = #{tel,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
222             </if>
223             <if test="phone != null">
224                 PHONE = #{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
225             </if>
226             <if test="qqNum != null">
227                 QQ_NUM = #{qqNum,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
228             </if>
229             <if test="email != null">
230                 EMAIL = #{email,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
231             </if>
232             <if test="sex != null">
233                 SEX = #{sex,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
234             </if>
235             <if test="party != null">
236                 PARTY = #{party,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
237             </if>
238             <if test="birthday != null">
239                 BIRTHDAY = #{birthday,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
240             </if>
241             <if test="race != null">
242                 RACE = #{race,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
243             </if>
244             <if test="education != null">
245                 EDUCATION = #{education,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
246             </if>
247             <if test="speciality != null">
248                 SPECIALITY = #{speciality,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
249             </if>
250             <if test="hobby != null">
251                 HOBBY = #{hobby,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
252             </if>
253             <if test="remark != null">
254                 REMARK = #{remark,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
255             </if>
256         </set>
257         where ID = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}
258     </update>
260     <select id="findAllEmployer" resultType="java.util.Map" parameterType="com.DataResult">
261         SELECT * FROM
262         employee_inf limit #{startLine},#{pageSize}
263     </select>
264     <select id="findAllCount" resultType="Integer">
265         select count(*) from employee_inf
266     </select>
267     <select id="findAemployee" parameterType="IntegeR" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
268     select * from employee_inf where ID=#{id}
269     </select>
270 </mapper>



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