在祝诚网站上看到的,园子里却没有,不知道是不是dudu忘了发了。想到之前不少园友(including me)想知道具体议程的,就发一下吧,1小时后撤下首页
Common Languag Runtime | .NET Framework 3.5 |
Web Development | Server & Solution |
Architecture & Design | Methodology & Process |
The Performance of Everyday Things | Jeffrey Richter |
Building Responsive and Scalable Applications | Jeffrey Richter |
创意、接口与架构设计 | 高焕堂 |
.NET平台可伸缩架构设计 | 王兴明 |
基于SharePoint的企业解决方案 | 涂曙光 |
SQL Server 2008报表服务原理剖析 | 杨健 |
SQL Server 2008 BI企业数据管理应用与开发 | 陈亮 |
SQL Server性能优化关键路径 | 段凌 |
ASP.NET Web开发性能优化 | 陈黎夫 |
ASP.NET MVC开发最佳实践 | 赵劼 |
使用Silverlight 2 构建企业级RIA应用 | 章立民 |
WPF 数据绑定与展现高级应用 | 赖仪灵 |
WCF Extension 企业深度应用 | 李会军 |
使用WinDBG+SOS深入理解托管世界 | 张银奎 |
你必须知道的N个.NET工具 | 王涛 |
Jeffrey Richter的博客文章:
China's very first .NET Conference in Shangh
In February 2009, China is having its very first .NET conference in Shanghai and I am extremely honoured that the conference organisers asked me to participate. I will be givng the keynote talk on .NET performance and a talk on writing responsive and scalable software. In addition, I'll also be on the panel for an open forum discussion. For more information, see the official conference web site: www.softcompass.com. Since the website is in Chinese, I can't understand it myself but at least I recognize my picture<g>.
I just love China and I look forward to metting and interacting with members of the .NET community there.