Oracle_Sql_Tuning_Nested loop_10053

create table t1 as select * from dba_objects;

update t1 set object_id=1 where object_id >1 and object_id <10000;
update t1 set object_id=10000 where object_id >10000 and object_id <20000;
update t1 set object_id=20000 where object_id >20000 and object_id <30000;
update t1 set object_id=30000 where object_id >30000 and object_id <40000;
update t1 set object_id=40000 where object_id >40000 and object_id <50000;
update t1 set object_id=50000 where object_id >50000 and object_id <60000;
update t1 set object_id=60000 where object_id >60000 and object_id <70000;
update t1 set object_id=70000 where object_id >70000 and object_id <80000;
update t1 set object_id=80000 where object_id >80000 and object_id <90000;

SQL> create index t1_object_id on t1(object_id);

Index created.

SQL> create index t2_object_id on t2(object_id);

Index created.

select sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000;

SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);

Plan hash value: 1955305233

| Id  | Operation       | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time      |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |          |    1 |    8 |    19   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |          |    1 |    8 |           |      |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS       |          |  9910 | 79280 |    19   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| T2_OBJECT_ID |    1 |    5 |    1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| T1_OBJECT_ID |  9910 | 29730 |    18   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   3 - access("T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)
   4 - access("T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)

18 rows selected.

测试leading T1
select /*+ use_nl(T1 T2) leading(T1) */ sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000;

SQL> explain plan for select /*+ use_nl(T1 T2) leading(T1) */ sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000;  2    3    4    5  


SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);

Plan hash value: 1466620934

| Id  | Operation       | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time      |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |          |    1 |    8 |  9798   (1)| 00:01:58 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |          |    1 |    8 |           |      |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS       |          |  9773 | 78184 |  9798   (1)| 00:01:58 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| T1_OBJECT_ID |  9773 | 29319 |    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| T2_OBJECT_ID |    1 |    5 |    1   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   3 - access("T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)
   4 - access("T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)

18 rows selected.

测试leading T2
select /*+ use_nl(T1 T2) leading(T2) */ sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000;

SQL> explain plan for select /*+ use_nl(T1 T2) leading(T2) */ sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000;  2    3    4    5  


SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);

Plan hash value: 1955305233

| Id  | Operation       | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time      |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |          |    1 |    8 |    19   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |          |    1 |    8 |           |      |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS       |          |  9773 | 78184 |    19   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| T2_OBJECT_ID |    1 |    5 |    1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| T1_OBJECT_ID |  9773 | 29319 |    18   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   3 - access("T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)
   4 - access("T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)

18 rows selected.

alter session set events '10053 trace name context forever,level 1';

explain plan select sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000;

alter session set events '10053 trace name context off';



Trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/yhdb/yhdb1/trace/yhdb1_ora_17830.trc
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
System name:    Linux
Node name:    yhdb
Release:    2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64
Version:    #1 SMP Wed Jul 1 18:23:37 EDT 2015
Machine:    x86_64
VM name:    VMWare Version: 6
Instance name: yhdb1
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 33
Unix process pid: 17830, image: oracle@yhdb (TNS V1-V3)

*** 2018-05-06 20:21:39.463
*** SESSION ID:(162.25) 2018-05-06 20:21:39.463
*** CLIENT ID:() 2018-05-06 20:21:39.463
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2018-05-06 20:21:39.463
*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2018-05-06 20:21:39.463
*** ACTION NAME:() 2018-05-06 20:21:39.463
Registered qb: SEL$1 0x86e1de58 (PARSER)
  signature (): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=2 flg=0
    fro(0): flg=4 objn=87599 hint_alias="T1"@"SEL$1"
    fro(1): flg=4 objn=87600 hint_alias="T2"@"SEL$1"

SPM: statement not found in SMB
SPM: statement not a candidate for auto-capture

Automatic degree of parallelism (ADOP)
Automatic degree of parallelism is disabled: Parameter.

PM: Considering predicate move-around in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Predicate Move-Around (PM)

----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=6hp0811hnj1zs) -----
explain plan for select sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000
The following abbreviations are used by optimizer trace.
CBQT-cost-based query transformation
JPPD - join predicate push-down
OJPPD - old-style (non-cost-based) JPPD
FPD - filter push-down
PM - predicate move-around
CVM - complex view merging
SPJ - select-project-join
SJC - set join conversion
SU - subquery unnesting
OBYE - order by elimination
OST - old style star transformation
ST - new (cbqt) star transformation
CNT - count(col) to count(*) transformation
JE - Join Elimination
JF - join factorization
CBY - connect by
SLP - select list pruning
DP - distinct placement
qb - query block
LB - leaf blocks
DK - distinct keys
LB/K - average number of leaf blocks per key
DB/K - average number of data blocks per key
CLUF - clustering factor
NDV - number of distinct values
Resp - response cost
Card - cardinality
Resc - resource cost
NL - nested loops (join)
SM - sort merge (join)
HA - hash (join)
IOTFRSPEED - I/O transfer speed
IOSEEKTIM - I/O seek time
SREADTIM - average single block read time
MREADTIM - average multiblock read time
MBRC - average multiblock read count
MAXTHR - maximum I/O system throughput
SLAVETHR - average slave I/O throughput
dmeth - distribution method
  1: no partitioning required
  2: value partitioned
  4: right is random (round-robin)
  128: left is random (round-robin)
  8: broadcast right and partition left
  16: broadcast left and partition right
  32: partition left using partitioning of right
  64: partition right using partitioning of left
  256: run the join in serial
  0: invalid distribution method
sel - selectivity
ptn - partition
Compilation Environment Dump
Bug Fix Control Environment

Compilation Environment Dump
optimizer_mode_hinted               = false
optimizer_features_hinted           = 0.0.0
parallel_execution_enabled          = true
parallel_query_forced_dop           = 0
parallel_dml_forced_dop             = 0
parallel_ddl_forced_degree          = 0
parallel_ddl_forced_instances       = 0
_query_rewrite_fudge                = 90
optimizer_features_enable           =
_optimizer_search_limit             = 5
cpu_count                           = 2
active_instance_count               = 1
parallel_threads_per_cpu            = 2
hash_area_size                      = 131072
bitmap_merge_area_size              = 1048576
sort_area_size                      = 65536
sort_area_retained_size             = 0
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio        = 0
_optimizer_block_size               = 8192
_sort_multiblock_read_count         = 2
_hash_multiblock_io_count           = 0
_db_file_optimizer_read_count       = 8
_optimizer_max_permutations         = 2000
pga_aggregate_target                = 282624 KB
_pga_max_size                       = 204800 KB
_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct          = 257
_smm_auto_min_io_size               = 56 KB
_smm_auto_max_io_size               = 248 KB
_smm_min_size                       = 282 KB
_smm_max_size_static                = 56524 KB
_smm_px_max_size_static             = 141312 KB
_cpu_to_io                          = 0
_optimizer_undo_cost_change         =
parallel_query_mode                 = enabled
parallel_dml_mode                   = disabled
parallel_ddl_mode                   = enabled
optimizer_mode                      = all_rows
sqlstat_enabled                     = false
_optimizer_percent_parallel         = 101
_always_anti_join                   = choose
_always_semi_join                   = choose
_optimizer_mode_force               = true
_partition_view_enabled             = true
_always_star_transformation         = false
_query_rewrite_or_error             = false
_hash_join_enabled                  = true
cursor_sharing                      = exact
_b_tree_bitmap_plans                = true
star_transformation_enabled         = false
_optimizer_cost_model               = choose
_new_sort_cost_estimate             = true
_complex_view_merging               = true
_unnest_subquery                    = true
_eliminate_common_subexpr           = true
_pred_move_around                   = true
_convert_set_to_join                = false
_push_join_predicate                = true
_push_join_union_view               = true
_fast_full_scan_enabled             = true
_optim_enhance_nnull_detection      = true
_parallel_broadcast_enabled         = true
_px_broadcast_fudge_factor          = 100
_ordered_nested_loop                = true
_no_or_expansion                    = false
optimizer_index_cost_adj            = 100
optimizer_index_caching             = 0
_system_index_caching               = 0
_disable_datalayer_sampling         = false
query_rewrite_enabled               = true
query_rewrite_integrity             = enforced
_query_cost_rewrite                 = true
_query_rewrite_2                    = true
_query_rewrite_1                    = true
_query_rewrite_expression           = true
_query_rewrite_jgmigrate            = true
_query_rewrite_fpc                  = true
_query_rewrite_drj                  = true
_full_pwise_join_enabled            = true
_partial_pwise_join_enabled         = true
_left_nested_loops_random           = true
_improved_row_length_enabled        = true
_index_join_enabled                 = true
_enable_type_dep_selectivity        = true
_improved_outerjoin_card            = true
_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls         = true
_optimizer_degree                   = 0
_use_column_stats_for_function      = true
_subquery_pruning_enabled           = true
_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled        = false
_or_expand_nvl_predicate            = true
_like_with_bind_as_equality         = false
_table_scan_cost_plus_one           = true
_cost_equality_semi_join            = true
_default_non_equality_sel_check     = true
_new_initial_join_orders            = true
_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins      = true
_optim_peek_user_binds              = true
_minimal_stats_aggregation          = true
_force_temptables_for_gsets         = false
workarea_size_policy                = auto
_smm_auto_cost_enabled              = true
_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed          = true
_optim_new_default_join_sel         = true
optimizer_dynamic_sampling          = 2
_pre_rewrite_push_pred              = true
_optimizer_new_join_card_computation = true
_union_rewrite_for_gs               = yes_gset_mvs
_generalized_pruning_enabled        = true
_optim_adjust_for_part_skews        = true
_force_datefold_trunc               = false
statistics_level                    = typical
_optimizer_system_stats_usage       = true
skip_unusable_indexes               = true
_remove_aggr_subquery               = true
_optimizer_push_down_distinct       = 0
_dml_monitoring_enabled             = true
_optimizer_undo_changes             = false
_predicate_elimination_enabled      = true
_nested_loop_fudge                  = 100
_project_view_columns               = true
_local_communication_costing_enabled = true
_local_communication_ratio          = 50
_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup          = true
_slave_mapping_enabled              = true
_optimizer_cost_based_transformation = linear
_optimizer_mjc_enabled              = true
_right_outer_hash_enable            = true
_spr_push_pred_refspr               = true
_optimizer_cache_stats              = false
_optimizer_cbqt_factor              = 50
_optimizer_squ_bottomup             = true
_fic_area_size                      = 131072
_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled        = true
_optimizer_cost_filter_pred         = false
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled   = true
_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check    = true
_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled          = true
_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled       = true
_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list    = true
_distinct_view_unnesting            = false
_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel        = true
_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks = 0
_optimizer_compute_index_stats      = true
_push_join_union_view2              = true
_optimizer_ignore_hints             = false
_optimizer_random_plan              = 0
_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable      = true
_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity   = true
_disable_function_based_index       = false
_optimizer_join_order_control       = 3
_optimizer_cartesian_enabled        = true
_optimizer_starplan_enabled         = true
_extended_pruning_enabled           = true
_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based     = true
_optimizer_null_aware_antijoin      = true
_optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types   = true
_sql_model_unfold_forloops          = run_time
_enable_dml_lock_escalation         = false
_bloom_filter_enabled               = true
_update_bji_ipdml_enabled           = 0
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing  = udo
_dm_max_shared_pool_pct             = 1
_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch    = true
_optimizer_transitivity_retain      = true
_px_pwg_enabled                     = true
optimizer_secure_view_merging       = true
_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled = true
flashback_table_rpi                 = non_fbt
_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction = true
_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push     = true
_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup       = true
_rowsrc_trace_level                 = 0
_simple_view_merging                = true
_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr    = true
_optimizer_better_inlist_costing    = all
_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost  = false
_optimizer_min_cache_blocks         = 10
_optimizer_or_expansion             = depth
_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled = true
_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled    = true
_selfjoin_mv_duplicates             = true
_dimension_skip_null                = true
_force_rewrite_enable               = false
_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause = true
_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity = true
_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based    = true
_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled       = true
_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled    = true
_px_minus_intersect                 = true
_fix_control_key                    = 0
_force_slave_mapping_intra_part_loads = false
_force_tmp_segment_loads            = false
_query_mmvrewrite_maxpreds          = 10
_query_mmvrewrite_maxintervals      = 5
_query_mmvrewrite_maxinlists        = 5
_query_mmvrewrite_maxdmaps          = 10
_query_mmvrewrite_maxcmaps          = 20
_query_mmvrewrite_maxregperm        = 512
_query_mmvrewrite_maxqryinlistvals  = 500
_disable_parallel_conventional_load = false
_trace_virtual_columns              = false
_replace_virtual_columns            = true
_virtual_column_overload_allowed    = true
_kdt_buffering                      = true
_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration     = true
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality = true
_optimizer_aw_stats_enabled         = true
_bloom_pruning_enabled              = true
result_cache_mode                   = MANUAL
_px_ual_serial_input                = true
_optimizer_skip_scan_guess          = false
_enable_row_shipping                = true
_row_shipping_threshold             = 80
_row_shipping_explain               = false
transaction_isolation_level         = read_commited
_optimizer_distinct_elimination     = true
_optimizer_multi_level_push_pred    = true
_optimizer_group_by_placement       = true
_optimizer_rownum_bind_default      = 10
_enable_query_rewrite_on_remote_objs = true
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel = simple
_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing  = true
_direct_path_insert_features        = 0
_optimizer_improve_selectivity      = true
optimizer_use_pending_statistics    = false
_optimizer_enable_density_improvements = true
_optimizer_aw_join_push_enabled     = true
_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw    = true
_enable_pmo_ctas                    = 0
_optimizer_native_full_outer_join   = force
_bloom_predicate_enabled            = true
_optimizer_enable_extended_stats    = true
_is_lock_table_for_ddl_wait_lock    = 0
_pivot_implementation_method        = choose
optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines = false
optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines    = true
_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost      = 0
_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio     = 0
_with_subquery                      = OPTIMIZER
_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias      = 10
_optimizer_use_subheap              = true
parallel_degree_policy              = manual
parallel_degree                     = 0
parallel_min_time_threshold         = 10
_parallel_time_unit                 = 10
_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap     = true
_optimizer_free_transformation_heap = true
_optimizer_reuse_cost_annotations   = true
_result_cache_auto_size_threshold   = 100
_result_cache_auto_time_threshold   = 1000
_optimizer_nested_rollup_for_gset   = 100
_nlj_batching_enabled               = 1
parallel_query_default_dop          = 0
is_recur_flags                      = 0
optimizer_use_invisible_indexes     = false
flashback_data_archive_internal_cursor = 0
_optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control = 192
_parallel_syspls_obey_force         = true
cell_offload_processing             = true
_rdbms_internal_fplib_enabled       = false
db_file_multiblock_read_count       = 83
_bloom_folding_enabled              = true
_mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt      = true
cell_offload_compaction             = ADAPTIVE
cell_offload_plan_display           = AUTO
_bloom_predicate_pushdown_to_storage = true
_bloom_vector_elements              = 0
_bloom_pushing_max                  = 512
parallel_degree_limit               = 65535
parallel_force_local                = false
parallel_max_degree                 = 4
total_cpu_count                     = 2
_optimizer_coalesce_subqueries      = true
_optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity   = true
_optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis = true
_optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq  = true
_optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq     = true
_optimizer_distinct_agg_transform   = true
_aggregation_optimization_settings  = 0
_optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups     = true
_optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join = true
_connect_by_use_union_all           = true
dst_upgrade_insert_conv             = true
advanced_queuing_internal_cursor    = 0
_optimizer_unnest_all_subqueries    = true
parallel_autodop                    = 0
parallel_ddldml                     = 0
_parallel_cluster_cache_policy      = adaptive
_parallel_scalability               = 50
iot_internal_cursor                 = 0
_optimizer_instance_count           = 0
_optimizer_connect_by_cb_whr_only   = false
_suppress_scn_chk_for_cqn           = nosuppress_1466
_optimizer_join_factorization       = true
_optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation = true
_optimizer_table_expansion          = true
_and_pruning_enabled                = true
_deferred_constant_folding_mode     = DEFAULT
_optimizer_distinct_placement       = true
partition_pruning_internal_cursor   = 0
parallel_hinted                     = none
_sql_compatibility                  = 0
_optimizer_use_feedback             = true
_optimizer_try_st_before_jppd       = true
_dml_frequency_tracking             = false
_optimizer_interleave_jppd          = true
kkb_drop_empty_segments             = 0
_px_partition_scan_enabled          = true
_px_partition_scan_threshold        = 64
_optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup = true
_bloom_minmax_enabled               = true
only_move_row                       = 0
_optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl = true
deferred_segment_creation           = true
_optimizer_filter_pushdown          = true
_allow_level_without_connect_by     = false
_max_rwgs_groupings                 = 8192
_optimizer_outer_join_to_inner      = true
_optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer = true
_px_numa_support_enabled            = true
total_processor_group_count         = 1
_bloom_sm_enabled                   = false
_bloom_serial_filter                = on
_parallel_degree_level              = 100
_optimizer_ads_max_table_count      = 0
_optimizer_ads_time_limit           = 0
_optimizer_ads_use_result_cache     = true
parallel_dblink                     = 0
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid         = false
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid_control = 3
Bug Fix Control Environment
    fix  3834770 = 1       
    fix 16554552 = enabled

Column Usage Monitoring is ON: tracking level = 1

Considering Query Transformations on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Query transformations (QT)
JF: Checking validity of join factorization for query block SEL$1 (#0)
JF: Bypassed: not a UNION or UNION-ALL query block.
ST: not valid since star transformation parameter is FALSE
TE: Checking validity of table expansion for query block SEL$1 (#0)
TE: Bypassed: No partitioned table in query block.
CBQT bypassed for query block SEL$1 (#0): no complex view, sub-queries or UNION (ALL) queries.
CBQT: Validity checks failed for 6hp0811hnj1zs.
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE:     CSE not performed on query block SEL$1 (#0).
OBYE:   Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$1 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE:     OBYE bypassed: no order by to eliminate.
JE:   Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)    
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
CVM: Considering view merge in query block SEL$1 (#0)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$1 (#0)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$1 (#0)
CNT:   Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT:     COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
JE:   Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)    
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
Considering Query Transformations on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Query transformations (QT)
JF: Checking validity of join factorization for query block SEL$1 (#0)
JF: Bypassed: not a UNION or UNION-ALL query block.
ST: not valid since star transformation parameter is FALSE
TE: Checking validity of table expansion for query block SEL$1 (#0)
TE: Bypassed: No partitioned table in query block.
CBQT bypassed for query block SEL$1 (#0): no complex view, sub-queries or UNION (ALL) queries.
CBQT: Validity checks failed for 6hp0811hnj1zs.
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE:     CSE not performed on query block SEL$1 (#0).
SU: Considering subquery unnesting in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Subquery Unnest (SU)
SJC: Considering set-join conversion in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Set-Join Conversion (SJC)
SJC: not performed
JE:   Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)    
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T1 objn:87600 col#:4 dfro:T2 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
JE:   cfro: T2 objn:87599 col#:4 dfro:T1 dcol#:4
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
PM: Considering predicate move-around in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Predicate Move-Around (PM)
PM:     PM bypassed: Outer query contains no views.
PM:     PM bypassed: Outer query contains no views.
query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$1 (#0)
"T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000 AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$1 (#0)
finally: "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000 AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000

apadrv-start sqlid=7517642510073104376
    call(in-use=2808, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=66208, alloc=68488), execution(in-use=96688, alloc=97560)

Peeked values of the binds in SQL statement

Final query after transformations:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$1 (#0)
    call(in-use=2960, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=67512, alloc=68488), execution(in-use=96688, alloc=97560)

kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fcea1f56468)
select sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=2 flg=0
  fro(0): flg=0 objn=87599 hint_alias="T1"@"SEL$1"
  fro(1): flg=0 objn=87600 hint_alias="T2"@"SEL$1"

  Using NOWORKLOAD Stats
  CPUSPEEDNW: 1322 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
  IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
  IOSEEKTIM:  10 milliseconds (default is 10)
  MBRC:       NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)

Table Stats::
  Table: T2  Alias: T2
    #Rows: 86309  #Blks:  1261  AvgRowLen:  98.00  ChainCnt:  0.00
  Column (#4): OBJECT_ID(
    AvgLen: 5 NDV: 86309 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000012 Min: 2 Max: 87600
Index Stats::
  Index: T2_OBJECT_ID  Col#: 4
    LVLS: 1  #LB: 191  #DK: 86309  LB/K: 1.00  DB/K: 1.00  CLUF: 1313.00
Table Stats::
  Table: T1  Alias: T1
    #Rows: 86310  #Blks:  1261  AvgRowLen:  96.00  ChainCnt:  0.00
  Column (#4): OBJECT_ID(
    AvgLen: 3 NDV: 9 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.041173 Min: 1 Max: 80000
    Histogram: Freq  #Bkts: 9  UncompBkts: 5489  EndPtVals: 9
Index Stats::
  Index: T1_OBJECT_ID  Col#: 4
    LVLS: 1  #LB: 169  #DK: 9  LB/K: 18.00  DB/K: 137.00  CLUF: 1233.00
Access path analysis for T1
  Single Table Cardinality Estimation for T1[T1] 
  Table: T1  Alias: T1
    Card: Original: 86310.000000  Rounded: 10221  Computed: 10220.71  Non Adjusted: 10220.71
  Access Path: TableScan
    Cost:  344.98  Resp: 344.98  Degree: 0
      Cost_io: 343.00  Cost_cpu: 31420736
      Resp_io: 343.00  Resp_cpu: 31420736
  Access Path: index (index (FFS))
    Index: T1_OBJECT_ID
    resc_io: 48.00  resc_cpu: 15876223
    ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000 
  Access Path: index (FFS)
    Cost:  49.00  Resp: 49.00  Degree: 1
      Cost_io: 48.00  Cost_cpu: 15876223
      Resp_io: 48.00  Resp_cpu: 15876223
  Access Path: index (AllEqRange)
    Index: T1_OBJECT_ID
    resc_io: 21.00  resc_cpu: 2194600
    ix_sel: 0.118419  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.118419 
    Cost: 21.14  Resp: 21.14  Degree: 1
  Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange
  Index: T1_OBJECT_ID
         Cost: 21.14  Degree: 1  Resp: 21.14  Card: 10220.71  Bytes: 0

Access path analysis for T2
  Single Table Cardinality Estimation for T2[T2] 
  Table: T2  Alias: T2
    Card: Original: 86309.000000  Rounded: 1  Computed: 1.00  Non Adjusted: 1.00
  Access Path: TableScan
    Cost:  344.98  Resp: 344.98  Degree: 0
      Cost_io: 343.00  Cost_cpu: 31420476
      Resp_io: 343.00  Resp_cpu: 31420476
  Access Path: index (index (FFS))
    Index: T2_OBJECT_ID
    resc_io: 53.00  resc_cpu: 16032725
    ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000 
  Access Path: index (FFS)
    Cost:  54.01  Resp: 54.01  Degree: 1
      Cost_io: 53.00  Cost_cpu: 16032725
      Resp_io: 53.00  Resp_cpu: 16032725
  Access Path: index (AllEqRange)
    Index: T2_OBJECT_ID
    resc_io: 1.00  resc_cpu: 8171
    ix_sel: 0.000012  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.000012 
    Cost: 1.00  Resp: 1.00  Degree: 1
  Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange
  Index: T2_OBJECT_ID
         Cost: 1.00  Degree: 1  Resp: 1.00  Card: 1.00  Bytes: 0


Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Join order[1]:  T2[T2]#0  T1[T1]#1

Now joining: T1[T1]#1
NL Join
  Outer table: Card: 1.00  Cost: 1.00  Resp: 1.00  Degree: 1  Bytes: 5
Access path analysis for T1
  Inner table: T1  Alias: T1
  Access Path: TableScan
    NL Join:  Cost: 345.98  Resp: 345.98  Degree: 1
      Cost_io: 344.00  Cost_cpu: 31428907
      Resp_io: 344.00  Resp_cpu: 31428907
  Access Path: index (index (FFS))
    Index: T1_OBJECT_ID
    resc_io: 48.00  resc_cpu: 15876223
    ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000 
  Inner table: T1  Alias: T1
  Access Path: index (FFS)
    NL Join:  Cost: 50.00  Resp: 50.00  Degree: 1
      Cost_io: 49.00  Cost_cpu: 15884395
      Resp_io: 49.00  Resp_cpu: 15884395
kkofmx: index filter:"T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID"

  Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)
    Index: T1_OBJECT_ID
    resc_io: 18.00  resc_cpu: 2173236
    ix_sel: 0.118419  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.118419 
 ***** Logdef predicate Adjustment ****** 
 Final IO cst 0.00 , CPU cst 0.00
 ***** End Logdef Adjustment ****** 
    NL Join : Cost: 19.14  Resp: 19.14  Degree: 1
      Cost_io: 19.00  Cost_cpu: 2181407
      Resp_io: 19.00  Resp_cpu: 2181407

  Best NL cost: 19.14
          resc: 19.14  resc_io: 19.00  resc_cpu: 2181407
          resp: 19.14  resp_io: 19.00  resc_cpu: 2181407
Join Card:  10220.714156 = outer (1.000000) * inner (10220.714156) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 10221 Computed: 10220.71
  Outer table:  T2  Alias: T2
    resc: 1.00  card 1.00  bytes: 5  deg: 1  resp: 1.00
  Inner table:  T1  Alias: T1
    resc: 21.14  card: 10220.71  bytes: 3  deg: 1  resp: 21.14
    using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1
    SORT ressource         Sort statistics
      Sort width:         329 Area size:      288768 Max Area size:    57880576
      Degree:               1
      Blocks to Sort: 18 Row size:     14 Total Rows:          10221
      Initial runs:   1 Merge passes:  0 IO Cost / pass:          0
      Total IO sort cost: 0      Total CPU sort cost: 21997032
      Total Temp space used: 0
  SM join: Resc: 23.53  Resp: 23.53  [multiMatchCost=0.00]
SM Join
  SM cost: 23.53 
     resc: 23.53 resc_io: 22.00 resc_cpu: 24199803
     resp: 23.53 resp_io: 22.00 resp_cpu: 24199803
  Outer table:  T2  Alias: T2
    resc: 1.00  card 1.00  bytes: 5  deg: 1  resp: 1.00
  Inner table:  T1  Alias: T1
    resc: 21.14  card: 10220.71  bytes: 3  deg: 1  resp: 21.14
    using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1
    Cost per ptn: 0.10  #ptns: 1
    hash_area: 124 (max=14131) buildfrag: 1  probefrag: 19  ppasses: 1
  Hash join: Resc: 22.24  Resp: 22.24  [multiMatchCost=0.00]
HA Join
  HA cost: 22.24  
     resc: 22.24 resc_io: 22.00 resc_cpu: 3825022
     resp: 22.24 resp_io: 22.00 resp_cpu: 3825022
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
       Cost: 19.14  Degree: 1  Resp: 19.14  Card: 10220.71 Bytes: 8
Best so far:  Table#: 0  cost: 1.0005  card: 1.0000  bytes: 5
              Table#: 1  cost: 19.1375  card: 10220.7142  bytes: 81768
Join order[2]:  T1[T1]#1  T2[T2]#0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:2, maxperm:2000

Number of join permutations tried: 2
Consider using bloom filter between T2[T2] and T1[T1] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000)  rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for 
join between T2[T2](serial) and T1[T1](serial); jm = 12; right side access path = IndexRange
---- NLJ default -> BROADCAST-LEFT

(newjo-save)    [0 1 ]
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$1 (#0)
id=0 frofkks[i] (index start key) predicate="T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000
id=0 frofkke[i] (index stop key) predicate="T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000
id=0 frofkks[i] (index start key) predicate="T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000
id=0 frofkke[i] (index stop key) predicate="T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000
id=0 froiand (index only filter) predicate="T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID"
Final cost for query block SEL$1 (#0) - All Rows Plan:
  Best join order: 1
  Cost: 19.1375  Degree: 1  Card: 10221.0000  Bytes: 81768
  Resc: 19.1375  Resc_io: 19.0000  Resc_cpu: 2181407
  Resp: 19.1375  Resp_io: 19.0000  Resc_cpu: 2181407
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fcea1f56468, in-use=41600, alloc=49272)
    call(in-use=12576, alloc=82128), compile(in-use=73392, alloc=76520), execution(in-use=104800, alloc=105672)

kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$1 (#0)
    call(in-use=12576, alloc=82128), compile(in-use=74376, alloc=76520), execution(in-use=104800, alloc=105672)

Starting SQL statement dump

user_id=85 user_name=DAYU module=SQL*Plus action=
sql_id=6hp0811hnj1zs plan_hash_value=1955305233 problem_type=3
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=6hp0811hnj1zs) -----
explain plan for select sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000
sql=explain plan for select sum(t1.object_id),sum(t2.object_id)
from t1,t2
where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
and t1.object_id=10000
and t2.object_id=10000
----- Explain Plan Dump -----
----- Plan Table -----
Plan Table
| Id  | Operation           | Name        | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  | Time      |
| 0   | SELECT STATEMENT    |             |       |       |    19 |           |
| 1   |  SORT AGGREGATE     |             |     1 |     8 |       |           |
| 2   |   NESTED LOOPS      |             |   10K |   80K |    19 |  00:00:01 |
| 3   |    INDEX RANGE SCAN | T2_OBJECT_ID|     1 |     5 |     1 |  00:00:01 |
| 4   |    INDEX RANGE SCAN | T1_OBJECT_ID|   10K |   30K |    18 |  00:00:01 |
Predicate Information:
3 - access("T2"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)
4 - access("T1"."OBJECT_ID"=10000)
4 - filter("T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID")
Content of other_xml column
  db_version     :
  parse_schema   : DAYU
  plan_hash      : 1955305233
  plan_hash_2    : 203326528
  Outline Data:
      INDEX(@"SEL$1" "T2"@"SEL$1" ("T2"."OBJECT_ID"))
      INDEX(@"SEL$1" "T1"@"SEL$1" ("T1"."OBJECT_ID"))
      LEADING(@"SEL$1" "T2"@"SEL$1" "T1"@"SEL$1")
      USE_NL(@"SEL$1" "T1"@"SEL$1")
Optimizer state dump:
Compilation Environment Dump
optimizer_mode_hinted               = false
optimizer_features_hinted           = 0.0.0
parallel_execution_enabled          = true
parallel_query_forced_dop           = 0
parallel_dml_forced_dop             = 0
parallel_ddl_forced_degree          = 0
parallel_ddl_forced_instances       = 0
_query_rewrite_fudge                = 90
optimizer_features_enable           =
_optimizer_search_limit             = 5
cpu_count                           = 2
active_instance_count               = 1
parallel_threads_per_cpu            = 2
hash_area_size                      = 131072
bitmap_merge_area_size              = 1048576
sort_area_size                      = 65536
sort_area_retained_size             = 0
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio        = 0
_optimizer_block_size               = 8192
_sort_multiblock_read_count         = 2
_hash_multiblock_io_count           = 0
_db_file_optimizer_read_count       = 8
_optimizer_max_permutations         = 2000
pga_aggregate_target                = 282624 KB
_pga_max_size                       = 204800 KB
_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct          = 257
_smm_auto_min_io_size               = 56 KB
_smm_auto_max_io_size               = 248 KB
_smm_min_size                       = 282 KB
_smm_max_size_static                = 56524 KB
_smm_px_max_size_static             = 141312 KB
_cpu_to_io                          = 0
_optimizer_undo_cost_change         =
parallel_query_mode                 = enabled
parallel_dml_mode                   = disabled
parallel_ddl_mode                   = enabled
optimizer_mode                      = all_rows
sqlstat_enabled                     = false
_optimizer_percent_parallel         = 101
_always_anti_join                   = choose
_always_semi_join                   = choose
_optimizer_mode_force               = true
_partition_view_enabled             = true
_always_star_transformation         = false
_query_rewrite_or_error             = false
_hash_join_enabled                  = true
cursor_sharing                      = exact
_b_tree_bitmap_plans                = true
star_transformation_enabled         = false
_optimizer_cost_model               = choose
_new_sort_cost_estimate             = true
_complex_view_merging               = true
_unnest_subquery                    = true
_eliminate_common_subexpr           = true
_pred_move_around                   = true
_convert_set_to_join                = false
_push_join_predicate                = true
_push_join_union_view               = true
_fast_full_scan_enabled             = true
_optim_enhance_nnull_detection      = true
_parallel_broadcast_enabled         = true
_px_broadcast_fudge_factor          = 100
_ordered_nested_loop                = true
_no_or_expansion                    = false
optimizer_index_cost_adj            = 100
optimizer_index_caching             = 0
_system_index_caching               = 0
_disable_datalayer_sampling         = false
query_rewrite_enabled               = true
query_rewrite_integrity             = enforced
_query_cost_rewrite                 = true
_query_rewrite_2                    = true
_query_rewrite_1                    = true
_query_rewrite_expression           = true
_query_rewrite_jgmigrate            = true
_query_rewrite_fpc                  = true
_query_rewrite_drj                  = true
_full_pwise_join_enabled            = true
_partial_pwise_join_enabled         = true
_left_nested_loops_random           = true
_improved_row_length_enabled        = true
_index_join_enabled                 = true
_enable_type_dep_selectivity        = true
_improved_outerjoin_card            = true
_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls         = true
_optimizer_degree                   = 0
_use_column_stats_for_function      = true
_subquery_pruning_enabled           = true
_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled        = false
_or_expand_nvl_predicate            = true
_like_with_bind_as_equality         = false
_table_scan_cost_plus_one           = true
_cost_equality_semi_join            = true
_default_non_equality_sel_check     = true
_new_initial_join_orders            = true
_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins      = true
_optim_peek_user_binds              = true
_minimal_stats_aggregation          = true
_force_temptables_for_gsets         = false
workarea_size_policy                = auto
_smm_auto_cost_enabled              = true
_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed          = true
_optim_new_default_join_sel         = true
optimizer_dynamic_sampling          = 2
_pre_rewrite_push_pred              = true
_optimizer_new_join_card_computation = true
_union_rewrite_for_gs               = yes_gset_mvs
_generalized_pruning_enabled        = true
_optim_adjust_for_part_skews        = true
_force_datefold_trunc               = false
statistics_level                    = typical
_optimizer_system_stats_usage       = true
skip_unusable_indexes               = true
_remove_aggr_subquery               = true
_optimizer_push_down_distinct       = 0
_dml_monitoring_enabled             = true
_optimizer_undo_changes             = false
_predicate_elimination_enabled      = true
_nested_loop_fudge                  = 100
_project_view_columns               = true
_local_communication_costing_enabled = true
_local_communication_ratio          = 50
_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup          = true
_slave_mapping_enabled              = true
_optimizer_cost_based_transformation = linear
_optimizer_mjc_enabled              = true
_right_outer_hash_enable            = true
_spr_push_pred_refspr               = true
_optimizer_cache_stats              = false
_optimizer_cbqt_factor              = 50
_optimizer_squ_bottomup             = true
_fic_area_size                      = 131072
_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled        = true
_optimizer_cost_filter_pred         = false
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled   = true
_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check    = true
_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled          = true
_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled       = true
_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list    = true
_distinct_view_unnesting            = false
_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel        = true
_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks = 0
_optimizer_compute_index_stats      = true
_push_join_union_view2              = true
_optimizer_ignore_hints             = false
_optimizer_random_plan              = 0
_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable      = true
_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity   = true
_disable_function_based_index       = false
_optimizer_join_order_control       = 3
_optimizer_cartesian_enabled        = true
_optimizer_starplan_enabled         = true
_extended_pruning_enabled           = true
_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based     = true
_optimizer_null_aware_antijoin      = true
_optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types   = true
_sql_model_unfold_forloops          = run_time
_enable_dml_lock_escalation         = false
_bloom_filter_enabled               = true
_update_bji_ipdml_enabled           = 0
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing  = udo
_dm_max_shared_pool_pct             = 1
_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch    = true
_optimizer_transitivity_retain      = true
_px_pwg_enabled                     = true
optimizer_secure_view_merging       = true
_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled = true
flashback_table_rpi                 = non_fbt
_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction = true
_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push     = true
_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup       = true
_rowsrc_trace_level                 = 0
_simple_view_merging                = true
_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr    = true
_optimizer_better_inlist_costing    = all
_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost  = false
_optimizer_min_cache_blocks         = 10
_optimizer_or_expansion             = depth
_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled = true
_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled    = true
_selfjoin_mv_duplicates             = true
_dimension_skip_null                = true
_force_rewrite_enable               = false
_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause = true
_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity = true
_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based    = true
_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled       = true
_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled    = true
_px_minus_intersect                 = true
_fix_control_key                    = 0
_force_slave_mapping_intra_part_loads = false
_force_tmp_segment_loads            = false
_query_mmvrewrite_maxpreds          = 10
_query_mmvrewrite_maxintervals      = 5
_query_mmvrewrite_maxinlists        = 5
_query_mmvrewrite_maxdmaps          = 10
_query_mmvrewrite_maxcmaps          = 20
_query_mmvrewrite_maxregperm        = 512
_query_mmvrewrite_maxqryinlistvals  = 500
_disable_parallel_conventional_load = false
_trace_virtual_columns              = false
_replace_virtual_columns            = true
_virtual_column_overload_allowed    = true
_kdt_buffering                      = true
_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration     = true
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality = true
_optimizer_aw_stats_enabled         = true
_bloom_pruning_enabled              = true
result_cache_mode                   = MANUAL
_px_ual_serial_input                = true
_optimizer_skip_scan_guess          = false
_enable_row_shipping                = true
_row_shipping_threshold             = 80
_row_shipping_explain               = false
transaction_isolation_level         = read_commited
_optimizer_distinct_elimination     = true
_optimizer_multi_level_push_pred    = true
_optimizer_group_by_placement       = true
_optimizer_rownum_bind_default      = 10
_enable_query_rewrite_on_remote_objs = true
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel = simple
_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing  = true
_direct_path_insert_features        = 0
_optimizer_improve_selectivity      = true
optimizer_use_pending_statistics    = false
_optimizer_enable_density_improvements = true
_optimizer_aw_join_push_enabled     = true
_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw    = true
_enable_pmo_ctas                    = 0
_optimizer_native_full_outer_join   = force
_bloom_predicate_enabled            = true
_optimizer_enable_extended_stats    = true
_is_lock_table_for_ddl_wait_lock    = 0
_pivot_implementation_method        = choose
optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines = false
optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines    = true
_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost      = 0
_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio     = 0
_with_subquery                      = OPTIMIZER
_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias      = 10
_optimizer_use_subheap              = true
parallel_degree_policy              = manual
parallel_degree                     = 0
parallel_min_time_threshold         = 10
_parallel_time_unit                 = 10
_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap     = true
_optimizer_free_transformation_heap = true
_optimizer_reuse_cost_annotations   = true
_result_cache_auto_size_threshold   = 100
_result_cache_auto_time_threshold   = 1000
_optimizer_nested_rollup_for_gset   = 100
_nlj_batching_enabled               = 1
parallel_query_default_dop          = 0
is_recur_flags                      = 0
optimizer_use_invisible_indexes     = false
flashback_data_archive_internal_cursor = 0
_optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control = 192
_parallel_syspls_obey_force         = true
cell_offload_processing             = true
_rdbms_internal_fplib_enabled       = false
db_file_multiblock_read_count       = 83
_bloom_folding_enabled              = true
_mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt      = true
cell_offload_compaction             = ADAPTIVE
cell_offload_plan_display           = AUTO
_bloom_predicate_pushdown_to_storage = true
_bloom_vector_elements              = 0
_bloom_pushing_max                  = 512
parallel_degree_limit               = 65535
parallel_force_local                = false
parallel_max_degree                 = 4
total_cpu_count                     = 2
_optimizer_coalesce_subqueries      = true
_optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity   = true
_optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis = true
_optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq  = true
_optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq     = true
_optimizer_distinct_agg_transform   = true
_aggregation_optimization_settings  = 0
_optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups     = true
_optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join = true
_connect_by_use_union_all           = true
dst_upgrade_insert_conv             = true
advanced_queuing_internal_cursor    = 0
_optimizer_unnest_all_subqueries    = true
parallel_autodop                    = 0
parallel_ddldml                     = 0
_parallel_cluster_cache_policy      = adaptive
_parallel_scalability               = 50
iot_internal_cursor                 = 0
_optimizer_instance_count           = 0
_optimizer_connect_by_cb_whr_only   = false
_suppress_scn_chk_for_cqn           = nosuppress_1466
_optimizer_join_factorization       = true
_optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation = true
_optimizer_table_expansion          = true
_and_pruning_enabled                = true
_deferred_constant_folding_mode     = DEFAULT
_optimizer_distinct_placement       = true
partition_pruning_internal_cursor   = 0
parallel_hinted                     = none
_sql_compatibility                  = 0
_optimizer_use_feedback             = true
_optimizer_try_st_before_jppd       = true
_dml_frequency_tracking             = false
_optimizer_interleave_jppd          = true
kkb_drop_empty_segments             = 0
_px_partition_scan_enabled          = true
_px_partition_scan_threshold        = 64
_optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup = true
_bloom_minmax_enabled               = true
only_move_row                       = 0
_optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl = true
deferred_segment_creation           = true
_optimizer_filter_pushdown          = true
_allow_level_without_connect_by     = false
_max_rwgs_groupings                 = 8192
_optimizer_outer_join_to_inner      = true
_optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer = true
_px_numa_support_enabled            = true
total_processor_group_count         = 1
_bloom_sm_enabled                   = false
_bloom_serial_filter                = on
_parallel_degree_level              = 100
_optimizer_ads_max_table_count      = 0
_optimizer_ads_time_limit           = 0
_optimizer_ads_use_result_cache     = true
parallel_dblink                     = 0
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid         = false
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid_control = 3
Bug Fix Control Environment
    fix  3834770 = 1       
    fix 16554552 = enabled

Query Block Registry:
SEL$1 0x86e1de58 (PARSER) [FINAL]

    call(in-use=21496, alloc=82128), compile(in-use=110808, alloc=210392), execution(in-use=245848, alloc=248976)

End of Optimizer State Dump
Dumping Hints
====================== END SQL Statement Dump ======================







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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