XNA Game Studio 2.0 Released版 发布了,好像是前几天的事,但园子里似乎没有讯息嘛...

[原文链接:http://blogs.msdn.com/xna/archive/2007/12/13/xna-game-studio-2-0-released.aspxThursday, December 13, 2007 3:46 AM]

Michael Klucher
Program Manager – XNA Community Game Platform

On behalf of the XNA team, I am pleased to announce the availability of XNA Game Studio 2.0 beginning early morning Dec 13th, 2007 PST.

To get your own copy of XNA Game Studio 2.0, head over to XNA Creators Club Online at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=101280&clcid=0x409. There, you’ll find information on downloading both the Windows tools needed to develop games as well as information on downloading XNA Game Studio Connect so that you can deploy games to your Xbox 360 console.

Since we first released XNA Game Studio Express a little over a year ago, we’ve made a lot of improvements, including many features you asked for. Two of the most important new features are support for multiplayer networking over Xbox 360 and Games for Windows using LIVE and support for all versions of Visual Studio 2005.

Please make sure you check out any known issues in our readme at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=97935&clcid=0x409. If you have trouble with your installation of XNA Game Studio 2.0, visit the XNA Creators Club Online forums, where people (including many members of our team) will be around to help you.

Once you get running don't forget to check out the Dream-Build-Play 2008 Warmup Challenge with several great prizes.[对了,刚才看了Dream-Build-Play介绍,在2007.12.20-2008-1-20期间提交游戏作品的玩家,只要作品够优秀,将有机会到微软研究院、Rare Ltd 或者 Lionhead Studios实习,对了作品要有Artificial Intelligence元素噢]
We've also got you covered with new samples and starter kit's updated for XNA Game Studio 2.0. Over the next few days and weeks, we'll refresh and enhance our developer education lineup.

Finally, as always we’d like to thank you for helping support XNA Game Studio by trying out our betas, using the product, and giving feedback. You are instrumental in driving our product and making the vision of user-created games a success. When I consider the amazing number of great games this community has produced in the past year, I can’t wait to see the games you create with XNA Game Studio 2.0!

关于XNA Game Studio 2.0的安装:
·XNA Game Studio 1.0版本只支持VS Express Edition,但从2.0的Beta版开始就支持VS2005的所有版本:
1)如果你使用Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions,那么必须安装Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions Service Pack 1(VS80sp1-KB926749-X86-INTL.exe );
2)如果是Visual Studio 2005 Standard 版或者更高版本,则必须安装Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite Service Pack 1(这个其实是英文版的VS2005的SP1,下载回来的文件名称是VS80sp1-KB926601-X86-ENU.exe[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=BB4A75AB-E2D4-4C96-B39D-37BAF6B5B1DC&displaylang=en];如果你安装的是中文版的Visual Studio 2005,那安装中文版的SP1即可,下载回来的文件名称是VS80sp1-KB926604-X86-CHS.exe[这个下载地址微软网站有,我之前已经下过,现在就不再去找了。]).
3)XNA Game Studio 2.0 Beta版在11月份就出来,当时的文件大小是98.6m,下载回来的文件名是XNAGS20_setup.exe;但XNA Game Studio 2.0 Released的安装文件居然也是98.6m,文件名也是XNAGS20_setup.exe。两者还是有什么区别的,安装Released之前请先卸载Beta。
4)从 Readme for XNA Game Studio 2.0这里可以查看changed和updated信息。
·以上内容可以参考 http://creators.xna.com/Education/GettingStarted.aspx 这里介绍了安装和Starter Kit,也有几个Samples。
·另外XNA Game Studio 2.0 的MSDN:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb200104.aspx
开始使用XNA Game Studio 2.0:
1)打开XNA Game Studio2.0,按F1可以随时调出XNA Game Studio 2.0 documentation,查看Getting Start和Go Beyond两部分,开始你的第一个Game
2)创建project的时候,可以选择Spacewar Windows Starter Kit (2.0),开始体验单人游戏。
3)为了创建多人游戏,要充分利用XNA Game Studio 2.0网络方面的特性,下载 Net Rumble Starter Kit,安装后,可以像创建Spacewar Windows Starter Kit项目一样开始。
4) XNA Game Studio 2.0 Getting Started 这里有更多的Samples。
另外,学习过程中有什么问题,可以到XNA Game Studio 2.0 forums发表。






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