indexedDB 操作库IDBWRAPPER 教程翻译及API翻译第一部分part1

indexedDB 操作库IDBWRAPPER 教程翻译及API翻译第一部分part1








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Step one: open the store  来吧骚年开始第一步:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>IDBWrapper Tutorial, Step 1</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="IDBStore.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="tutorial.js"></script>


var customers = new IDBStore({
  dbVersion: 1,
  storeName: 'customer',
  keyPath: 'id',
  autoIncrement: true,
  onStoreReady: function(){
    console.log('Store ready!');


· storeName: 选一个有意义的名字即可

· dbVersion: 传一个int类型的值,从1开始,并且只有当构造器有变化时才往上增

· keyPath: 唯一主键索引,比如id字段

· autoIncrement:  主键自增,如果你不想管理主键的话就设为true

onStoreReady:  创建完毕后的回调,所有数据库操作都得在这个函数内


  IDBwrapper will open the database, check if a store with the given name exists and if not, it will create it using the above properties. You’ll then get an IDBStore instance back that you can use to work with the store. Once the store is created, it’s persistent. But, if you need to delete and re-create it (for example, if you happened to pick the wrong value for keyPath), you can delete the store using thedeleteObjectStore method.

  IDBwrapper会打开一个数据库,在store检测传入的storeName是否存在,如果不存在则会使用传入的参数新建一个数据库。 然后你丫就会得到一个IDBStore的实例,并可对其进行相应的操作了, 一旦store创建了,则会持久性的,但如果你需要删除并重建它(举个栗子: 你设错了keyPath想修改一下)的话,你可以使用通过 deleteObjectStore方法删除它

  Inside IndexedDB: IDBWrapper works with one store; when you do a new IDBStore() it represents one store in an IndexedDB. If you want multiple stores inside of the same IndexedDB, you’d have to do a new IDBStore() for each store. This is an artificial limitation of IDBWrapper; if you work with IndexedDB directly, you can lock multiple stores when starting a transaction. This be useful when you want to update one store depending on the information found in another store, and you want to prevent this other store’s contents to change during your update action.

  在内部,IDBWrapper只在一个store内操作, 当你执行一个new IDBStore()操作时,代表着在IndexedDB内创建了一个store。如果你想在在一个IndexedDB内拥有多个store,你必须再new IDBStore一个。这是IDBWrapper人为限制的。如果当执行一个事务时,直接操作IndexedDB,你能锁掉多个store。这对于你想更新一个store且依赖于另一个store中的信息并且更新时不想另一个store中的信息被更改掉时非常有用


关于IndexedDB“ 锁表”的概念我在stackoverflow上搜索到某个人的回答如下:


The IndexedDB specifications determine that "If multiple READ_WRITE transactions are attempting to access the same object store (i.e. if they have overlapping scope), the transaction that was created first must be the transaction which gets access to the object store first. Due to the requirements in the previous paragraph, this also means that it is the only transaction which has access to the object store until the transaction is finished."


That means that when a transaction is in a READ_WRITE mode the objectStore will be locked for other READ_WRITE transactions up until the transaction will finish.





Step 2: storing a customer 第二步存一入个”customer”对象

var dude = {
  firstname: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  age: 52,
  emails: [
var onsuccess = function(id){
  console.log('Yeah, dude inserted! insertId is: ' + id);
var onerror = function(error){
  console.log('Oh noes, sth went wrong!', error);
customers.put(dude, onsuccess, onerror);


Note how we don’t have an id property on the dude object, as we specified autoIncrement as true, so the database will take care of this. In the onsuccesscallback we’ll get the id of the newly inserted record back. Also, see how we attached an array of emails to the record? In a relational database you’d set up a different table for email addresses – no need to do that in IndexedDB.

Inside IndexedDB: Make sure to wait until the store is ready before operating on it! The whole nature of IndexedDB is asynchronous. Whatever you do, you will have to work with callbacks. There is, however, also a draft for a specification of a synchronous API, but that is not implemented in any browser (and I don’t think this is going to happen anytime soon).


  注意:我们没有在dude这个对象中设置 id属性,因为数据库之前被设置了autoIncrement=true即数据库自动管理。在成功回调中我们会拿到新插入的记录的id。还有emails这个属性的值是一个数组,如果是在传统的关系型数据库中,你得再建一张不同的表来存这些数据,但在IndexedDB中不再需要了亲。


Step 3: reading the customer back from the store 从数据库中读取刚存入的数据

var id = 1; // Or whatever you got returned.
var onsuccess = function(data){
  console.log('here is our dude:', data);
var onerror = function(error){
  console.log('Oh noes, sth went wrong!', error);
customers.get(id, onsuccess, onerror);

  We just pass the id we got after inserting to the get method, and there we have our record from the store. It’s exactly the same thing we stored earlier, with one exception: the object now has the id property which has been attached to it by the database.

  Inside IndexedDB: What we pass as first parameter to the get method is thekeyPath value. That means when we pass 1 to it, the database will look for an object that has 1 as value in it’s keyPath property, which we set to ‘id’ when we created the store.

  在get方法中我们传入了之前在put数据成功后的回调函数内取得的id, 就取得了我们之前的记录。这和存进去的数据的像极了, 除了多了一个自动生成的id之外

  在IndexedDB内部: 我们传给get方法的第一个参数就被当作keyPath的值, 即当我们传1进去,数据库就会检索到某个涵有keyPath (id)属性值为1对象。这个对象就是我们之前创建时设置过此id的对象



Step 4: updating data   更新数据

var updatedDude = {
  id: 1, // or whatever id our dude has
  firstname: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  age: 53, // dude is now a year older
  emails: [
var onsuccess = function(id){
  console.log('Yeah, dude updated! id still is: ' + id);
var onerror = function(error){
  console.log('Oh noes, sth went wrong!', error);
customers.put(updatedDude, onsuccess, onerror);

  To update a record, you also use the put method: If there already is an object in the store with the same keyPath value (the id), it will simply overwrite it. Note that it will really, really overwrite the existing object, which means you cannot simply put a modified property of it, but have to put the whole object, including all properties.

  Inside IndexedDB: keyPath values are also Type-sensitive. That means, if the id of our dude is 1 and of type Number, you have to pass numeric 1 to the get method to retrieve the dude, and for updates the value of the id property needs to be numeric 1. If you use “1″ as String, IndexedDB will think of it as a different value.


  在IndexedDB内部:keyPath的值是数据类型敏感的, 这意味着,dude对象的id1且类型是Number, 你就必须也传一个Number类型的1进去得到dude对象, 更新操作也一样需要正确的传递对应的数据类型, 如果你传了一个字符类型“1”的进去,IndexedDB会认为这是另一个keyPath

Step 5: getting all items   读取数据库中所有数据

var onsuccess = function(data){
  console.log('Here is what we have in store ('+data.length+' items in total):');
var onerror = function(error){
  console.log('Oh noes, sth went wrong!', error);
customers.getAll(onsuccess, onerror);

  Nothing really to say about it. Just one note: IDBStore has default error handlers for every async method that prints potential errors to the console. So if you’re just playing around you don’t need to pass your own handler to the methods.

  此处没啥可讲的,唯一要注意的就是IDBStore 的所有异步方法都有默认的错误处理函数,错误处理函数会在控制台打印出潜在的错误信息。所以你只是玩玩的话,也可以不用传onerror这个错误回调


Step 6: deleting an item  删除数据记录

var id = 1;
var onsuccess = function(result){
  if(result !== false){
    console.log('deletion successful!');
var onerror = function(error){
  console.log('Oh noes, sth went wrong!', error);
customers.remove(id, onsuccess, onerror);

  Different browsers and versions return different values to the success callback; that’s why there is an extra check in the success callback.


Step 7: clearing the store  清除数据表

var onsuccess = function(){
  console.log('now the store is clean again!');
var onerror = function(error){
  console.log('Oh noes, sth went wrong!', error);
customers.clear(onsuccess, onerror);

  If you need to clear the store from all stored entries, you can use the clear method. Note that this won’t reset Chrome’s autoIncrement counter.





Now you know everything to do basic IndexedDB data operations with IDBWrapper. Make sure to check out the examples and the documentation!


现在我们了解了用IDBWrapper.对IndexedDB 数据的基本操作。用上面的例子试试吧。




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